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There is a reason why you are here, at this moment.

You may still not

know why, but the answer lies deep within you.

The time we live in is a time of great stress, anxiety, dread and lack of
focus. A handful of information, media, news and problems has led to
the creation of huge confusion in our lives and the appearance of
loneliness, withdrawal from people and avoidance of facing problems.
All this led to the need to create a "way out" of these problems - by
using medications, working out, meditation exercises, changing the
way of life and etc.

However, the problem arises when a vicious circle appears -


If you are reading this eBook, you probably have a desire to get
pornography out of your life. If you have no desire at this point or want
to know more, then keep reading.

Warning: This eBook is not a magic pill. This eBook will open your eyes
around some things and will give you much needed advice and guidance on
how to deal with this. It's all up to you. This eBook will help you only if you
want to help yourself.

The moment when you truly break in yourself that you want to change
some things is the moment when every bad activity and vices in your
life start to lose battle, but not the war. To win this war, you need to
BELIEVE in victory and the possibility of changing things in your life.

Nothing else will help you. You can read hundreds and hundreds of
books, websites, forums, comments, experiences...
If you don't believe in victory and if you can't imagine yourself without
pornography, there is no help.

Let's start this journey, hoping to win this war.

1.1. Everything you need to know about NoFap

NoFap is no longer just one small community on the Internet - NoFap has
become a global „worldview” which brings together thousands and
thousands, if not millions of people across the planet. NoFap has become a
part of identity, way of thinking, lifestyle and behavior.

It is difficult to determine NoFap in essence, because each person has

different views on it and everyone creates his own perception of that
worldview. If we could clearly define NoFap, then we can say that he

"The world community in the form of group support with the aim of eliminating
pornography and masturbation from everyday life"

That's it, no more unnecessary philosophy. NoFap is a weapon and tool

you can use to change your life.

But NoFap will not change your life. In order for that to happen, you
need to look at it as a weapon and a tool, not as an EXIT.

Remember that – NoFap is a weapon, not a way out.

1.2. How can NoFap help me?

It's simple - stop watching porn and masturbating.

It's easier said than done. If that were the case, I wouldn't be writing
this eBook now.

A couple of weeks ago, in one of the Facebook groups related to

NoFap, I saw one question that intrigued me a lot. The question was:

What will happen when 90 days pass?

That question made me wonder - really, what happens when 90 days


I remember when I first did NoFap seriously in May 2019. I set myself a
goal of 30 days and I literally could barely stand the streak because I
just wanted 30 days to pass. My days were the same. I kept writing a
journal just to keep my mind out of it and eventually I fell. Little by little,
I realized that things are not changing at all.

Almost a year and a half passed and then I realized. It doesn't matter if you
are at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 1000 days or ten years.

One thing is important - CHANGE.

The will to CHANGE and PROGRESS.



That is what is most needed. Everything else is makeup. Then you

realize that NoFap is actually a lifestyle.
According to many, 90 days is a necessary time for brain healing.
Essentially, that it may be true, but do we become new people with new
lives after those 90 days thanks to NoFap, or thanks to our new habits,
hobbies and activities?

Now we return to the beginning.

NoFap can help you change your life, but you are the one who has to do the

That's why this eBook exists, to guide you to that. I have to repeat that
this is not a magic pill:

Everything you need is exclusively in you, and this eBook will help you on
that journey.

So, let's recreate the question from the beginning:

What will happen when 90 days pass, if I adopt new habits during that time,
I start working on new things and creating new hobbies and deciding to
change my life slowly and gradually?

Really, what's going to happen?

You know the answer.

You came here for a reason. You must be wondering – “why would I do
this", "what are the benefits", "how will it be"….

I have great news for you.

If you have made the decision to start NoFap, regardless of the goal
and the time you have set for this, then you have made one of the best
decisions in your life!

NoFap has a huge number of benefits, and you will feel better even on
the first day.

Before we move on to the benefits, I need to tell you three important things:

1. This eBook deals with the problem of pornography addiction and

extensive masturbation. If your goal is to eliminate pornography, then pay
attention to the next two chapters because they will give you all the
necessary information about that addiction and ways to fight it.

If you feel you can’t fight this on your own and need help, that’s quite
fine. I suggest that in that case you seek help of an expert who will refer
you to further information and assistance.

If your goal is to eliminate extensive masturbation, pay attention to Chapter

4. However, I advise you to go through the chapter on pornography addiction
(especially the topic of dopamine), because masturbation often has a great
connection with the act of watching pornography.
2. These benefits are not UNIVERSAL!

What does it mean?

This means that you will most likely experience 90% of the things that
other users have experienced, but note the following fact:

Each of us has a special story. None of us are the same and our brains have
accepted differently masturbation and pornography. Every time frame is
different, and everyone will react differently.

If a user has experienced a sudden increase in self-confidence after 10

days, that does not mean that you will experience that in the same
period of time. I am absolutely convinced that you will have all the benefits,
but don't go on NoFap if you want results right away.

3. It’s aint black or white

NoFap is a global network and has a huge number of users. A lot of

people in one community means a lot of stories and experiences. Many
people have reported various “miracles”, huge changes and a large
number of benefits.

Personally, I think that a huge number of these benefits are a placebo effect.
That doesn’t mean those benefits aren’t real, but only that our brain
sometimes knows how to pay too much attention to some things.

Read other people's experiences and advices but focus on yourself,

otherwise there is a great chance that you will have huge

That’s why I recommend you read the topic “NoFap myth breakers” carefully
in the last chapter, to better understand some things.
Now we move on to the benefits!

What are the main benefits when it comes to NoFap?

1. More time available

When you eliminate regular masturbation and pornography from life,

you will have more time available. This may sound crazy to you at this
point, but the moment you start NoFap you will see that you have much more
time available.

You can use that time for various things - workout, work, career,
building private business and etc. Whatever you want.

2. Increasing self-confidence

If you have problems with self-confidence and anxiety, NoFap is a good

weapon in the fight against these problems. After just a few days, you
will have drastically more self-confidence. You won't have problems
communicating with other people, going to events and meetings and etc.

3. Elimination of anxiety

Related to the previous one. Anxiety, especially social anxiety, will start
to decrease drastically. You will have the energy and willpower to face
the things and problems that have been holding you back in your life
and you will have much more energy.

4. More energy and motivation

Energy and motivation will increase drastically. Your body and brain will
need constant work as well productivity, so you will have the energy and
motivation to dedicate yourself to the things that are really important to you.
5. Greater focus

Personally, I did not believe in this, but it is true. You will have
drastically more focus. Your thinking and actions will increase significantly
and other things won’t distract your attention anymore (like social media,
television and etc.)

6. Greater attention from the opposite sex

It's true. Many studies show that extensive masturbation affects the
level of pheromones in our body, and when we break this habit our
attractiveness becomes stronger. You will be much more visible and
attractive to the opposite sex than before.

7. Greater sense of control

You will have a greater sense of control over your life and the things
you do. You will regain a sense of more efficient use of time and more
productive work. You will be much calmer, because you will have
control over things.

8. A sense of greater masculinity

Many studies say that NoFap drastically increases testosterone.

Testosterone is extremely important because it affects our appearance,
depth of voice, muscles and our aura.

9. Reduced stress and tensions

You will be in a situation to control stress and tension much better.

This is an extremely good benefit, because affects your daily life.
10. Increasing optimism

You will have drastically more optimism, happiness and a better

outlook on life. This benefit will give you the necessary energy to work
on yourself and your life mission.

These benefits are the 10 most important benefits within NoFap.

Whatever the goal and time period you choose, I am absolutely
convinced that you will have all these benefits within the first 10 days.

All other benefits that appear on the internet (glowing skin, better
results in the gym, hair growth and etc.) you may also experience, but
remember one important thing - for someone it was true, for someone
is not.

There are also users who have not reported any of this. There are also those
who had only one benefit. It seems strange, but sometimes the body needs
more time.

Don’t focus on that. Focus on yourself.

2.1. What should I know?

When it comes to NoFap, beginners think that it will solve all their
problems in life.

That is not true and you have to get rid of that illusion.

NoFap has a large spectrum of benefits (we have listed 10 main ones)
but they will not last forever.
There is a great chance that they will disappear after a few days of their first
appearance. However, that does not mean that you will go back to the very

It just means that your brain and your body are returning to their natural

What does it mean?

Each of us has a different experience with masturbation and

pornography, but one thing is for sure -

what would our brain and body look like without them?

This is what our body is doing now - trying to create an "alternative" reality.

That means it is trying to get back to its natural state, even though it doesn't
know what it looks like. Because it needs time to get used to the new way of

We will talk about this in more detail later in the eBook, but I have two
things to tell you right at the beginning:

1. This is not a linear process.

You will think that every day will get better and better. That is partly
true, but it does not mean that you will be happier and that you will have
more self-confidence. There will be moments when you will feel bad
and sad as well. There will be time when you wish to go back to old

Don't do that. Just don't.

If the old way and system did not work, then don't do it.
2. The flatline will be difficult.

Flatline is a period in which there is a drastic decrease in libido and

general mood. Flatline is a dead period, and you will most likely feel
like a ghost in this period.

How long will it take?

There are absolutely no rules. It can last 2 days and it can last 2 months.

The most important thing is that it will not last forever.

Flatline is actually a good sign, because your brain is experiencing a real

change during that period.

We will talk more about this, so I sincerely recommend that you

continue reading the eBook.

2.2 Rebooting

Rebooting is a period in which there is abstinence from pornography,

masturbation and even sexual intercourse.

It is a process in which your brain returns to factory settings.

You are probably wondering - how long does this process take?

This is an extremely difficult question. When I talk to beginners at

NoFap most of them ask me how much time it would take and how long
should they avoid pornography and masturbation.

The thing is, many people think that after a while they can come back
again to pornography and extensive masturbation. A lot of them set
unrealistic goals and tasks, and when they do not fulfill them then they
are disappointed and they return to the vicious circle.

When you set yourself a goal of 90 days and if you do not meet that goal,
then you set yourself as a loser and you fall into the victim mindset.
When you relapse, you feel like you have fallen and you have to start

We’ll talk more about this in the eBook, but I want you to ask yourself
three important questions and to consider the answers:

1. Do I want to get porn out of my life forever?

2. Do I want to make my life better and how can I do that?

3. Do I want to masturbate?

As for the first question, just don't watch porn. There are thousands and
thousands of studies about negative effects of porn. Pornography has a
similar addiction as heroin, so think about it.

When it comes to the second question, we will talk about it in detail

below in the eBook. I advise you to read everything to get a bigger

As for the issue of masturbation, the point is this:

In your life you can do whatever you want as long as you do not endanger
yourself and other people.

I often draw a parallel between alcohol and masturbation - alcohol is

sometimes good for mood and relaxation, but if you need alcohol
whenever you are not in the mood or happy, then you have a big

The problem here is extensive masturbation and addiction to it. If you want
to continue with masturbation, consume it rarely and then when you really
need that dopamine, but make a life in which you will have other sources of
dopamine and in which masturbation will be the last item on your life.
When it comes to masturbation, it should be pointed out that
masturbation represents the self-satisfaction of sexual intercourse. It
consists of your own stimulation of erogenous zones, which is
accompanied by arousal and orgasm.

Masturbation is an integral part of puberty. Teenagers in puberty want

to discover their body more and thus engage in the act of masturbation.

When it comes to the advantage of masturbation, whether it is healthy

and useful at all, it is a million-dollar question and I have no answer to
that. Each of you should define what masturbation represents to him and
whether is it good at all.

However, what is (at least for most) an indispensable part of

masturbation is the consumption of pornography. And here we come
to the creation of a major problem that can affect the daily activities
and overall quality of life of one person.

3.1. What is porn addiction and how does it manifest?

Pornography addiction is the consumption of pornography in abnormal

quantities, first unconsciously and then consciously. There are three major
signs of pornography addiction:

1. Increasing consumption of pornography over time - starting from once

a week to several times a day - extremely high dependence, natural stimulus
no longer works in this situation.

2. Increasing the intensity of pornography genres - in this case stimulants

are looking for even more extreme genres in order to satisfy themselves.
3. Impossibility to stop the consumption of pornography despite the
negative consequences - in this case there is a delay in daily activities and
obligations and a deterioration in the quality of life. Pornography becomes a
"way out" when it comes to dealing with problems, stress, anxiety and etc.

If we follow the development of the porn industry from its initial days
until today, we can see that the development of modern technology has
made an exceptional contribution to the porn industry. In the
beginning, pornography was material in magazines, erotic books, then
discs and cable channels, and today is available with almost one click.
In addition to all that, a large number of different genres of pornography
and sexualization of almost all spheres of life has been developed.

Generations growing up today are in a much worse situation. There

are a huge number of artificial sexual stimulants - starting with the life
selector, where users can almost choose situations and poses in which
participants have sex. All this leads to a catastrophic disruption of
dopamine and destroys the natural stimulant, and an increasingly
general deterioration in quality of life.

When it comes to the manifestation of pornography addiction, many

users believe that it is harmless and has no negative effect on life.

That is not true, and it is one of the greatest illusions ever.

Here are just a few of the negative effects of pornography addiction:



There is a huge spectrum of negative effects. This above is a separate

list of the most common side effects. The intensity of the negative
effects depends on many factors, but we can say that pornography only
worsens them and thus leads to the creation of a vicious circle.

In addition to the above negative effects, I think there is one, much, much
worse than them:


This applies not only to dating life, but to life in general. I heard from
several people that they have no need for love life because they have
pornography that is available in just a few clicks away. In addition,
pornography on an unconscious level reduces our tolerance for
patience and work by destroying our receptors. Pornography has led to
the creation of a large number of nervous, impatient and frustrated people
who have no time in life and who want everything right away.

Even though pornography may not be the starting point in this case, we can
agree that it only makes things worse.
3.2. Dopamine - what is it and how does it affect your everyday

Dopamine is a chemical produced by our body. In the central and

peripheral nervous system it acts as a neurotransmitter, which
regulates the movement of electrical signals between nerve cells. Two
important chemical substances are synthesized from dopamine: adrenaline
and noradrenaline.

Why are they so important?

Both chemicals affect various chemical and neurological processes in

our brain and throughout the body, including:

• Motivation
• Pleasure
• Cognition
• Memory
• Learning and etc.

Simply put - dopamine makes us feel good. It affects our happiness,

satisfaction and motivation to do some things in our lives.

However, there is a downside, uncontrolled. It is a situation in which

there is a dysfunction of these chemical elements. Our brain cannot
make a difference because it "feels good" and sends signals to your
body, so that it can also "feels good".

Dysfunction of these chemicals affects many daily life activities and

overall quality of life, and one of its side effects are:

• Drug use
• Pathological gambling
• Alcohol dependence

And the most important thing for us - pornography addiction.

3.3. Why is so hard quitting?

We come to the most important question:

Why is it hard to give up pornography? Why is it so hard when we can just

simply stop watching porn and give up masturbating?

Why is it so hard when it seems so easy?

Because it just seems easy. And it's not easy at all. In general.

You see, our brain is a huge complex. Scientists have still not fully
established all the functions of the brain and its abilities. It is amazing
what the human brain is able to do and how easily it can deceive us.

To simplify things and explain to you in the simplest way, I will give you
an example:

Imagine the brain as a huge factory with a large number of departments in

which nerve cells are employed. These nerve cells have the task of
creating and redirecting electrical signals and creating various
stimulants in our body. Our brain works 24 hours, 7 days per week, 365
days per year.

One of the most important equipment of our large factory is the so-
called "prize road". The task of that equipment is to motivate us to do
things in our lives that make us alive, happy and fulfilled - from food,
working out, sex, travel and the etc. When we do these activities, that
equipment releases dopamine into our brain, because dopamine
makes us happy and satisfied.

However, one of the biggest problems with this equipment is that it

does not come with instruction manual, so it's not capable of
recognizing whether the things we do are good or bad.
What is the connection with pornography?

Sexual activity is one of the most important activities in our lives. When
a person watches pornography, the equipment sees a potential chance of
mating, and fills our factory with a large amount of dopamine. Since
pornography is available in just a few clicks, that equipment becomes tuned
to a large amount of dopamine that comes from pornography and therefore
if there is no pornography there is not enough dopamine secretion, which
leads the whole factory to dopamine deficiency and thus lack of happiness
and satisfaction.

What does that equipment do? It is looking for more dopamine, more
pornography in order for the factory to function normally, in order for
us to be fulfilled and happy. This leads to a serious imbalance of
dopamine in our brain.

Our factory then constantly asks for a huge intake of dopamine. Small
things are no longer enough, such as hanging out with a friend, playing
sports, working out and etc. Body demands more and more, and it knows
that pornography has the necessary dose for the factory to function normally.

Our brain does not recognize what is good and what is a bad thing.

That is why it is difficult to get pornography out of our lives, due to the
generation of a huge amount of dopamine.

The bad news is that it is not easy to force the factory to return to the initial

The good news is that it is possible.

Most simply, NoFap means eliminating masturbation and pornography
from everyday life (if you do not understand why it is difficult, you need
to re-read the previous chapter).

There are several variants of NoFap. Each of them was created for
different circumstances, history of addiction to pornography, the
impact of that addiction on everyday life as well as its impact on
relationships with family, friends, and partner.

I will present to you the three main variants of NoFap and my

experience with them:

1. Easy mode - in this variant, the person stops consuming

pornography but does not stop consuming masturbation + the
orgasm that results from it.

When it comes to this variant, I must point out that it is the easiest and most
painless, but it requires extremely strong discipline and motivation. The
biggest problem with this variant is that there is a so-called "flyover" -
although a few masturbation sessions can be pure (without
pornography) very easily you can return to the vicious circle and start
consuming pornography again.

"Flyover effect" is a situation in which the brain sees that there is a

certain dose of dopamine that is ingested through the act of
masturbation but that it is drastically smaller than before (when there
was an act of watching pornography). "Flyover effect" wants from our
brain more and more dopamine, so without big discipline you can very
easily return to watching pornography.
Many users of this variant said that they started imagining scenes
during masturbation from a favorite video, and as our factory (brain) is
looking for greater stimulants (dopamine), users soon returned to
watching pornography - the so-called JOMT (Just One More Time). I
had the same experience, so I decided not to use this variant.

JOMT (Just One More Time) is a situation in which our brain assures
us that it is perfectly okay to do it one more time and that nothing
terrible will happen. It's a big trap and very easily can lead to JFMT (Just
Few More Times).

I do not recommend using this option. Although there are initial signs
of brain healing and some signs of dopamine levels returning to
normal, the "flyover" knows your weak points extremely well and in
short time you will reach the JOMT momentum, and the vicious circle
starts again.

2. Standard Mode - in this variant, the person stops consuming

pornography and masturbation, while allowing himself sexual

This variant is the alpha and omega of NoFap. It has so far been shown to
be the most successful and most effective but has its drawbacks.

The mere presence of sexual intercourse is not bad (I don't know how
it could be bad?), but in a brain healing phase and the process of
eliminating pornography we can get into a situation that we have sexual
fantasies during sexual intercourse that can put our brain in a situation
to look for an additional dose of dopamine. This variant was much more
successful for me compared to the previous one, but many users
complained that they had different fantasies during sexual intercourse
because of unfulfilled expectations.
Such circumstances can again lead to regular consumption of pornography
and its use as "exit" from unfulfilled expectations. If you want to use this
variant, it is extremely important to be with mindful during sexual intercourse
and do not divert thoughts to various fantasies from pornography.

3. Hard mode - no pornography, masturbation and sex

I think this mode is the best because it gives your brain the necessary
time and space to healing. In this variant, various anxiety situations are
created in your brain (due to a chronic lack of dopamine dose given to you
by pornography) but also your brain gets used to that deficiency and accepts
the doses you give him through others, normal activities.

I have to say again - it's easier said than done, but we'll talk about that in the
next topic.

4.1 Strategy for NoFap (lifestyle changing)

Do you want to hear about the best possible strategy for deleting
pornography and masturbation from your life?

Do you want to hear about the best possible thing that will give you a great
sex life, dynamic social life, filled with various hobbies and activities?

Do you want to hear about a MAGICAL THING that will change YOUR LIFE
for the better?

It does not exist.

You wonder why?

Why can't someone just give me a solution and a method and I just
apply it?

Because... that's impossible.

You see, every life on this planet is special. Every life has a different basis,
different initial circumstances, different stories, course, way of life and

Every life is different. Everyone's experience with pornography and

masturbation is different. We may all have entered the clutches of
pornography in the same way, but we have not all experienced the
same and consumed in the same way.

That's bad news. There is no magic pill.

The good news is that there is a way out - that way out exists in you.

Have you ever wondered, honestly - why I consume pornography and

why I masturbate regularly? Why am I doing all this? What is the real

The answers to these questions lie directly in you, only in you.

You see, the point here is not to stop consuming pornography and
masturbation. The point here is not to eliminate anxiety, lack of self-
confidence and self-esteem, as well as all other negative effects.


NoFap is not a way out, it is a weapon which will help you in creating a new
lifestyle, with interesting activities, hobbies, dating life, friends and a fulfilling
life, free from anxiety and chronic lack of self-esteem and confidence.

The point here is to use the energy you have deep inside for new things - to
CHANGE YOURSELF. To create the life you really, really want.


You can be on NoFap for 30, 60, 90, 120 days, even a lifetime, but if you
don’t work on yourself, if you don’t create new habits, activities and a
new ecosystem in your life - NoFap has no real point.

That's the whole philosophy.

The point here is not in the variant you will use, but in the true desire to
change yourself and to become the person you really want to be, and NoFap
will help you along the way.
Let me give you an interesting story.

A few years ago, I had a friend who had a huge gambling addiction. He
spent a lot of money on a daily basis and that slowly started to destroy
his life. After he fell in huge problems, he decided to stop that habit

At first, he no longer went to the casino a couple of times a day but only
twice. He was successful several days, but he soon returned to the
beginning. Every Monday, a new cycle began – one step forward and
two steps back.

And on and on, for weeks and months.

Then he realized it has no point.

He quit his job and started working in a new industry. He started

working out every day and started riding bike every day. He joined a
local drawing club and set out to pursue that hobby. Soon he started a
diving course and training for a lifeguard. He started reading books
every day and he established a good discipline and routine in his life.

The whole process lasted several months, and during that time he went to
the casino a couple of times a month, but do you know what's the point?

Casino and gambling were no longer a pleasure for him. He got bored of it.
He wanted something stronger and better than that.

He started parachuting from a plane and found even more interesting

hobbies, with even bigger adrenaline.

In the meantime, he opened his own company. He started a new life.

When I asked him why, what was the reason for all that, he told me:

"I don't know how to explain it to you. I realized that everything I do has no
point. I went to the casino and I've seen lost people trying to make money by
gambling. I didn't feel good and I left. That's not life."

I hope you get the point.

The point here is not whether you will fall, how long you will be on NoFap,
whether you will have a goal...

The point is to create something new. When you give your brain something
new, more interesting and stronger, pornography will become a thing of the

4.2 New lifestyle

If you understand that true change requires true desire deep within us,
then you understand that creating a new lifestyle requires something
new in your life.

There is no great philosophy here. I will give you a few important

guidelines that can all fit into one category:


You need to take time for yourself and reconsider your life – Why I consume
pornography and what is the basis of that? Lack of quality of life, friends,
partners, work, hobby?

After that, take some time to write down what new activities you want
to adopt - this refers to three main things:

1. Habits

2. Activities

3. Hobbies
1. Habits are a pattern that our brain has memorized and that you apply on
a daily basis, both consciously and unconsciously.

Imagine your brain again as a huge factory. In the department for daily
activities, where nerve cells are employed, instructions arrive daily.
These instructions are an act of actions that you once did or adopted
as a pattern throughout your life.

Nerve cells look at these instructions and put them in one big folder -
that folder is called HABITS.

How does the brain know which are good and which are bad habits?

He doesn't know that. It all depends on SATISFACTION.

There is a so-called "alarmist" in that huge factory. That "alarmist"

goes to the department for daily activities and he is telling nerve cells
which are bad and which are good habits. However, nerve cells are not
interested in that, they are only interested in dopamine intake because
that's how the factory works.

The "alarmist" tries to explain to the nerve cells all that stuff and they
understand that, but they are not interested. Look at the "alarmist" as
a rational figure in your brain - he says what is good, what is bad, but
your brain simply wants to feel good, not to listen to its philosophy.

The fact is that each of us has bad habits. It's just like that. We are not
machines or robots.

We are humans.

Our goal should be to reduce bad habits to a minimum. That's why I will
give you two important tips:
1. Rule 21

The 21-day rule refers to the fact that the brain needs 21 days to adopt
a certain habit. After that period, your brain will have a pattern created
and will ask you to do that habit every day.

Example: imagine that you want to adopt the habit of washing your
teeth every night before bedtime. If you start from Monday with the
application of that habit, your department for everyday activities will
receive some signal. Your employees, nerve cells, will see that you are
doing something, but they cannot understand what it is and think it is
an isolated act.

However, as you continue to repeat that habit, the signal will get stronger
and stronger. In one moment, your nerve cells will wonder “what is this and
what’s going on” and won’t know what to do with the signal. The signal will
be there, but they don't want to put it in a folder because they don't know
what is it exactly.

After three weeks, the nerve cells will get used to that signal and at
some point, it will be put in folder. After that, there is no going back. That
signal is in the habits folder, and now it’s a HABIT. If you don't brush your
teeth before bedtime, red light will glow in your brain and nerve cells will see
that one habit has not been done, and they will make you do it.

2. The rule of "Twins"

I called it the "twins" rule because it refers to an activity where one bad
habit automatically becomes associated with one good, to create some
pattern of action.

Let’s have an example again:

Imagine that you want to adopt the habit of doing 10 push-ups every
day. That habit can easily be adopted with will and a little work, but for
some people it’s easy and for some it’s hard. What's the best we can
do here?
Connect that GOOD HABIT you want to adopt with one BAD HABIT. Imagine
that you are a smoker and you smoke about 20 cigarettes a day. You know
it's a bad habit, the “alarmist” says that to your nerve cells.

But they are not interested in that, because SMOKING gives you dopamine
and pleasure. Now, imagine doing one or two push-ups after each
cigarette you smoke. Your nerve cells will see some activity and signal,
but will not pay attention to it because they will think it is a coincidence.

However, if you continue with this habit, the signal will be more and
more present, and in one moment nerve cells will take that signal and
put it in a folder with habits and within the habit of "smoking" they will
add "physical activity - push-ups".

After each dose of dopamine provided by one cigarette, the nerve cells
will ask you to do that physical activity as well - otherwise the yellow
light will start to light up and nerve cells will know that something is
wrong because the habit is not fulfilled.

The example may be silly, but I hope you got the point. The goal is that
for every bad "twin”, or habit, you create a good "twin".

2. Activities

Activities are things we do during the day, week, month and year. It can
be something related to school, university, business, relaxing and many
other activities. Together with habit, they make our day fulfilled and

How can you create a fulfilling day, with interesting activities?

There are two important things here:

1. Creating activities you want to have in your life - a simple act. You
need to think about how you want your day to look and what activities you
want to implement. I recommend to use the following formula:

Productive activities (fulfillment) + interesting activities (happiness,

satisfaction) =fulfilled day

Productive activities refer to activities that belong to LONG TERM

VISION - they are activities that directly and indirectly improve your life
in the long run, such as working out, learning new skills, career
advancement, working on your own business, personal education and

These are activities that do not bring immediate results, but improve
your life in the long run and create a sense of fulfillment. These are
activities whose results you see over time, and which affect your
motivation and work in life.

Interesting activities refer to activities that belong to SHORT TERM

VISION - they are activities that make you happy and satisfied at a given
moment, such as hanging out with friends, playing video games,
dancing, talking on the phone with other people, watching movies and

In order for your day to be fulfilled, you need to combine these two
types of activities. Why is that important?


There are two types of motivation – SHORT TERM MOTIVATION and

Short term motivation refers to motivation at a given time and for a short,
specific period. It represents the energy used to fulfill a task or activity,
and to keep up during the day.

Short term motivation refers to an item during one day, even a week,
and which gives you the strength and energy to successfully finish
daily tasks.

Long term motivation refers to motivation for an indefinite period. That

period can be a few weeks, months, even a year. It represents extremely
strong energy, which is used to make your dream or wish come true,
and to be rewarded with a sense of fulfillment satisfaction (example:
setting aside two hours a day to improve business skills in order to at
some point in your life start your own business). It’s a part of LONG

LONG TERM VISION is a very important thing, because it gives you a

bigger picture of your life, purpose and mission which you aspire to. It
gives you the energy and strength you need to constantly improve
yourself and work on making your life better.

Eliminating pornography addiction is LONG TERM VISION and it requires

both types of motivation.
2. Creating a routine

When it comes to creating a routine, here I mean creating two types of


Daily tasks - these tasks refer to the daily activities that you practice
during the day. Your goal in this case must be to create daily tasks and
accomplish them.

The advice I can give you in this case is to create a specific task for
each day, with strict time period and to turn off the things that can
bother you during the task (phone, laptop, social media and etc.). The
time period is not important here, as long as you are efficient and you
work productively to accomplish that task.

Weekly tasks - these tasks are so-called "strategic tasks" - these are the
tasks you have to accomplish during the week, and these can be
shredded tasks that you complete during the day of the week.

Example: If you set a goal for week 1 to read a 35-page book in 7 days,
set a daily task to read 5 pages of that book and create a time period to
read those 5 pages.

Completing such tasks will give you a sense of purpose and

satisfaction. Plus, you will be satisfied day and day you will improve
yourself in all aspects of life. I suggest you download the application
"Todoist” where you can create daily, weekly and even monthly tasks
and time period for the same.

Don't forget one important thing - YOU ARE NOT A MACHINE. Don’t be
harsh on yourself.
3. Hobbies

Hobbies are activities that make us happy, satisfied and fulfilled and
that give our live a specific tone.

I intentionally separated hobbies from the remaining two items,

because I think hobbies are extremely important.

When it comes to hobbies, there really are no rules. You can do

absolutely whatever you want, as long as you follow a single rule:


A hobby should be an activity where you improve yourself, learn some

new things, expand your own knowledge and skills and feel happy. In
addition, hobbies are a good “way out” strategy when it comes to
everyday stress.

What hobbies should you have?

Like I said, it doesn't matter at all. It is important that you are happy while
doing this. The advice I can give you in this case is to create a list of 100
hobbies and things you want to try in your life. These hobbies and things can
be different, starting with learning a new language, surfing, flying, swimming,
football, planting plants.

It doesn't matter at all, put what whatever you want.

Focus on 100 things, question yourself, see what you want. You don’t
have to create that list right away.

When you put it together, focus on realizing those hobbies and things.
When you have that list with you, you will have great motivation to
create time and space to pursue these hobbies.
4.3 Goals - should I create one?

In the NoFap community, there is a compromise about the famous 90

days, which is needed for healing brain returning dopamine levels to

I can agree with that, but there are a few things that need to be clarified.

When it comes to the time frame, it is not a question of "how much" but
"how". If we set a goal of 7 days, what is our goal within those 7 days?
The same goes for 30, 60, 90 or how many days already.

What is our goal during that period? What do we want to do? Do we want to
test our ability? Do we want to see how far we can go? Do we want to see is
this even possible to do?

These are all questions you need to ask yourself. What is your true goal

Here we come to probably the most important thing in this whole process -

When I first started NoFap, for me relapse was the end, disaster and
horror. I lost everything, now I have to start over. I am nothing, I am not
worth anything, I have no discipline.

I'm a loser.

The whole process took several months, and the victim mindset just
dragged me even deeper into the victim mindset.

After a certain period of time, I realized one important thing:

The fight against this is WAR. A WAR.

Do we lose battles in war? Yes. Are there defeats in war? Yes. Are there
bad periods in the war and bad decisions? Yes.

Does that all mean we lost the war? No.

Relapse represents a lost battle, but not a war. The war is being fought
to the end, and the winner can only be one. Can we be winners? Yes.

When you play a video game, do you return to the very beginning of
the game or to the place after the death of the player or some

The moment you find out about NoFap and the negative consequences
of pornography, your brain received information about it. The
information is registered and there is no going back. The brain knows
that pornography is not good, but the dose of dopamine that
pornography provides is necessary for the brain. However, the brain
knows deep down that this is not good. And that is already progress.

This process is not linear. That is the most important thing you need to

You can set a goal for yourself, but ask yourself three honest

What will I do during these 90 days?

Will I watch porn again after 90 days?

Will I masturbate again when 90 days have passed?

The point here is no longer in streaks, but in lifestyle changing. To become

a better version of yourself and to become the person you want to be.
When you create a new routine, new activities and hobbies, strong
discipline and the ability to pursue new life, then pornography and
masturbation will be a thing of the past.

Don't forget that. Streak is not important, important is that you work on
yourself. It doesn't matter if it's 30, 60, 90, 180 or all your life - what will
you do during that period to be bet
Fighting this addiction is war. That's it. It is not a process, a period of time, a
transition phase.

It's a war. A war waged by each of us alone.

Why do I call the fight against pornography addiction a war?

Because it's a war between you and just you. It is a war with your bad
habits, bad memories, experiences, feelings ... a war against everything
that makes you feel bad deep in your heart.

Why else do I call it war?

War is a conflict in which there are defeats and victories. It is not a process
where we win every day and in which every day, we kill the enemy slowly. In
war we sometimes lose, sometimes we break down, sometimes we are
tempted to just surrender.

What is the key to victory?


One lost battle does not mean that the war is lost.

Remember this sentence well: ONE LOST BATTLE DOES NOT MEAN

This is very important, because this is related to the topic we will be working
in this chapter: Relapses.
5.1. Changes - the ultimate weapon

Changes. We hear about them every day. I believe that wherever you are on
the planet you are surrounded by that word.

"We have to change ... change is necessary ... we need change ..."

Changes, changes, changes, changes, changes.

We hear about it every day. And every day we ask ourselves - what exactly
do we need to change?

A few years ago, I was at a seminar dedicated to personal education

and development. One of the important topics was personal changes,
in all spheres of life.

All the speakers spoke with great adrenaline about changes, how we
should change, how changes are necessary for great things in our
lives, how changes allow us a new life….

That's all true, let me tell you right away. Changes are important and
they are good.

However, one speaker, who was somewhat unpopular with other

seminar attendees, caught my attention with his presentation. And that
presentation made me think and reconsider.

Why did he attract my attention?

Because he said one key thing, which people cannot understand or do not
want to understand, and that is that every change, which we truly want,
comes in TIME.
Changes do not happen when we want to, but when we are ready for it.
Changes occur at the moment when we realize that the previous life
was no longer good for us, that the previous system was no longer
sustainable. Then we start to change.

When our mindset finally realizes - it's over, we need something new and
something better, something that will suit me.

Any change is welcome. You can say to yourself, "I decided to quit smoking
because it's not good for me." It’s a good start, meaning there are elements
of willpower.

But do you really want to quit smoking? No. Because cigarettes give
you dopamine and you feel good when you smoke.

Your mindset doesn’t want you to leave cigarettes to you. He knows

cigarettes aren’t good, BUT IT’S NOT TIME YET.

When will that time come, to finally leave bad habits behind?

IT'S COMING. Not right away, but it's coming.

The whole philosophy of change can be put in one sentence - CHANGE IS


It is not a process that lasts one day, two days, 90 days, 5 years - it is
a process that takes time and we cannot influence it.

That is simply impossible. The more we force our mindset to dismiss

bad things, the more time it will take. Why? Because you remind him
that bad things are


This is exactly one of the reasons why I am against creating a NoFap streak.
The 90 days streak was chosen as a compromise because during that time
the largest number of users managed to cope with addiction, but can you
cope with it in that period? Do you perhaps need less time or more? Maybe
you only need one day? Hardly, but maybe someone out there need’s only
24 hours?

The thing is, we don't know that. We don’t know anything.

When you give your brain a certain amount of time, he knows he has to work
at full speed. He must clearly organize his time and control everything. He
thus brings himself into a phase of stress and anxiety.

The whole factory (your brain) tells its employees (nerve cells) this:

"Okay guys, that's it. We have 90 days to get everything back to normal,
the way it used to be."

One of the employees asks:

"How was it once? We don't remember anymore."

The factory says:

"I don't remember very well, but we have to get our brains back to

"Okay, but how?"

"I don't know, but we have 90 days."

Don't get me wrong, set yourself a time limit. It is necessary to provide you
with psychological support and to know what stage you are in.

But never forget this: 90 days is nothing if you don't work on yourself.

Ask yourself a key question:

Am I ready for this, will I stop consuming pornography, or will I go back and
watch it again after 90 days?

When your mindset accepts it, and you accept it yourself, you have
already won half the war.

5.2. I relapsed - what now?

Relapse is a situation in which masturbation occurs with or without watching


There are several causes for relapses. Here are a few important ones
to get a bigger picture:

1. Stress is one of the key causes. Stress requires exit strategies, and
one of these can be masturbation with or without pornography.

2. Anxiety - also a key cause. Anxiety seeks a way out and seeks
relaxation. Your brain is used to masturbation and it sees a way
out through it.

3. Boredom – the biggest cause. Boredom is telling your brain that

you don’t have fun and nothing to do, so you need dopamine.
6. Sad moments, anger and frustration - extremely strong emotions.
In those moments, your brain needs a way out and it is used to
one pattern - masturbation.

What's the matter here?

You see, our brain uses one pattern when it comes to dealing with
enemies. He accepted the template you gave him, and which is best for
him at the time. If you masturbate for years and watch pornography, he
gets a dose of dopamine through that act, which allows him to fight
those enemies.

Imagine you have a huge machine with large motors in your brain. At the
moment of stress, anxiety or anger, that machine stops working and thus
puts the whole brain in a state of alarm. In order for the machine to restart,
the brain requires the activation of a template to fight the enemy.

The brain knows a good pattern and it does not want to experiment. At
the moment of masturbation, the machine starts working at an
abnormal speed and then the whole brain functions are back in normal
again and the enemies disappear. However, when the act of
masturbation is over, the machine overheats and stops working. Every
time that happens, factory gets a big shake which then affects your
nerve cells.

The problem is that the machine cannot withstand that pattern. Neither
can the brain. Workers in your brain (nerve cells) know this is bad, but
they say:

"What can we do, it seems that only this template works ... we hope that
something new will appear ..."
That is why pornography is a systemic problem. Our whole factory (brain) is
used to one system of work and energy intake (dopamine), but that system
is unbearable. That's why a reset is needed.

The best reset would be to turn everything off and start working again.
However, that is impossible.

That is why it is necessary to gradually get used to it - a change in


Relapse is not a situation where you lose everything. In which you lose the
war. This is not a situation where everything goes back to old ways.

It's just one lost battle.

I will give you another example, so that you understand what I am saying:

Imagine NoFap as new workers coming to your factory, your brain. These
workers are coming into a new environment, a new system. They inspect
and see that the current way of working does not work. They came here to
STAY, not to GO AWAY.

They want the system to learn to function normally, to be HEALTHY.

The factory understands all that, but workers are used to one system and
one way that enables the best possible work. However, these new workers
are learning old workers how to function healthily. They talk about new doses
of dopamine, in the department for daily activities (habits) they tell other
employees to redirect good signals (potential good habits) to a folder (system
of good habits), they want to change the CURRENT LIFESTYLE.

At some point, stressful and bad situations will make the brain to use the old
pattern of struggle - masturbation.

New workers know that.

After masturbation, they gather the workers and say:

"You see, you don't need to feel bad about this. Things like this are
normal. You didn't do this because you wanted to, but because this is
the only way you know it's good to fight enemies. And that's okay.
"Things like this are going to happen, but let's all try to change
everything we can, let each of us do our best, and we'll create a pattern
that will change this bad system and that will make you feel good."

That's it.

You don't need to feel bad about RELAPSE. Those things are NORMAL.
You've known about one pattern all your life, and it's not your fault.
RELAPSES will happen, but let's try to CHANGE OUR LIFESTYLE, to
create NEW HABITS AND NEW ACTIVITIES, to create a system that will
allow us to FEEL GOOD.

The worst thing that can happen to you is to get into the mindset of the

Don't do that.

Just don't.

How to survive relapses?

Forgive yourself and get on with the job. There is no crying and sadness in
war. We continue to fight, to the end.
5.3. Dealing with urges

There are thousand ways to deal with them. I would need a whole new
eBook to write all those ways.

The good thing is that all these ways work. Whatever you do will not be
bad. There is no bad thing when it comes to these methods.

I will write the most effective ways. However, I want to tell you something
important before that.

Let’s go through the example again, because I believe this is the best
possible way to understand:

Imagine a person named Mark. Mark is a great guy, but he has one problem
- he has an extreme anxiety that is reflected in his daily life. The moment he
gets an attack, the only way to calm down is to start screaming abnormally,
wherever he is - at the university, on the street, in the club, in the gym ...

That anxiety starts to bother him terribly and he decided to deal with it. He
has vaccines at home that contain medicine for the moments of the attack.
Every time he feels an attack, he vaccinates himself and he then calms
down. And so that he does that for months and months, and sometimes he
falls and starts screaming again.

After a while, he goes to the pharmacy to buy those vaccines again, because
they help him the best. While the doctor is packing his vaccines, he asks him:

Mark, what does your life look like and how do vaccines help you?

Mark answers: Doctor, I'm not doing anything special. I’m sitting at home,
doing something a little bit and that’s it. Every day is the same for me. I'm
waiting for some time to pass and for that anxiety to stop.
The doctor smiles and tells him:

Dear Mark, your vaccines are ready. But let's do it like this - start doing some
new things. Create new hobbies and new activities. Meet new people. Start
doing something that inspires you and gives you passion. The moment you
can't fight the attack, use the vaccine.

Mark was at first confused: "Why would I do that, when vaccines can
completely help me until the anxiety is completely gone?"

However, Mark decided to obey the doctor. He started playing sports. He

started going out more and meeting new people. He went for a run and
meditated. He met a girl and got in relationship with her.

After a while, Mark changed completely.

After a few months, Mark returned to the pharmacy. The doctor asked him if
he needs new vaccines and if he followed his advice. Mark replied:

Doctor, I changed everything. I did everything that was necessary and that I
considered good and useful. I did not come to buy vaccines, I came back to
thank you for giving me good advice and for teaching me how to live.

The doctor smiled and saw Mark happy and smiling. Marko left the pharmacy
and continued to live his life.

Extreme anxiety is gone forever.

You see, you can apply all possible ways to deal with URGES, but the best
possible way, and the most effective, is to CHANGE YOURSELF AND

The current vaccine will help you, but in the long run it has no effect.

The beginning of real changes, deep inside us, is the moment when our
organism and mindset get used to the new rules. Then the real changes

Don't forget what I wrote - CHANGES ARE A PROCESS THAT TAKES

Of course, it will be difficult at the beginning, so I will give you a few
ways to fight urges. However, don't forget what you REALLY need to
do to solve this problem forever!

Most effective ways:

1. Meditation - one of the best ways. The good thing about it is that no
matter what you do, you won't do it wrong. Meditation requires space
and time in which you will not be disturbed. For meditation, practice
breathing and relaxation exercises.

Breathing should work like this: inhale through the nose and exhale
through the mouth.

For meditation, you can practice whatever exercises you want, and I
recommend two:

1. Lake

Imagine a large lake around you and yourself floating on it. At one
point, you start to sink through the lake, while there is a balloon around
you that does not let water in. You slowly descend to the bottom, and
as you look around you see the animal and plant world. You feel peace
and water around you. Get down slowly and don't rush. Concentrate on
breathing. The moment you sink to the bottom, your mind will be
empty, but also conscious.
2. Beach

Imagine yourself on a big sandy beach, where there is nothing but you.
In front of you is a huge ocean. Imagine all the feelings: the sound of
the waves, the feeling of sand under your feet and the warmth of the
sun. Concentrate on breathing and the environment that you have

Meditation does not have an adequate time frame. You can work as
much as you want to work. Focus on breathing and on your mind. Let
thoughts pass around you and just concentrate on current moment.

2. "30 seconds" technique - this refers to the breathing technique. The point
of this technique is to stop breathing for 30 seconds. Why is this good?

This technique puts your body in a state of struggle. The body lacks air
and it must concentrate on the struggle for air, not on urges. This is a
quick technique that puts you in a state of struggle and distracts your

You can repeat this technique several times, as long as you have urges.

WARNING: If you feel unwell or uncomfortable at one point, stop

immediately. You don't have to do this for 30 seconds, choose the time that
suits you best.

3. Cold showers - one of the most effective techniques that works. Here is
the point of showering with cold water, which brings your body to a
specific state.
How to get used to this technique:

Start one day with warm water, then slowly switch to cold. Switch every
day little by little, until you get to the point where the water is
completely cold. After a certain period, your body will get used to it and
then you can immediately enter the shower and start taking a cold

I recommend that you combine the tactics of 60-60 seconds – 60

seconds of hot water and 60 seconds of cold water. In addition to
successfully fighting urges, your body will become more resistant and

4. Workouts - Workouts are great because you focus your energy on

training instead of masturbation, also you are strengthening your body
and appearance.

There are no specific rules here, everyone should work the way they
want and the way they think is best for them. Certainly, workout should
be one of the priorities in your life.

5. “Exit” - in this technique you should leave the room and take a walk. Walk
as much as necessary, because by doing this you clear your mind of
negative thoughts and relax.

6. Prayer - in this technique the focus should be on prayer. Regardless of

religion, apply the prayers that help you the best.
7. "Extinguishing" technique - in this technique the emphasis is to turn off all
electrical devices around you - TV, laptop, mobile phone. Start doing
something right now, like reading books, cleaning your room and etc.
You can apply this technique together with other techniques.

8. Change of environment - in this situation you need to immediately change

the environment in which you are. Go see a friend, girlfriend or family
member, go for coffee in a cafe, whatever you do you won't do anything
wrong. Changing the environment is a very effective technique,
because you divert your thoughts on another activity. Do whatever it
takes, just as long as you're not in the same environment.

9. Technique 4-7-8 - this technique refers to breathing. The point with this
technique is to inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your
breath for 7 seconds and then exhale through your mouth for 8
seconds. You can also use this technique during meditation and it is
very successful. You can do it as much as you want.

10. Dance - this technique is effective because it puts your body in a state of
activity. Play whatever music you want and dance with it. Relax and be
As cruel and difficult as it sounds, you have to understand one important

This is not a linear process.

What it means?

This means that the process does not go like this - every day will be

“Every next day will be better, more productive and easier. Every next
day my problems will disappear and things will get better and better.
Every next day I will have more and more self-confidence, self-esteem
and every day I will be happier and happier”

We would love it to go that way, but unfortunately it doesn’t go.

That is a delusion that you must reject. If you don't do it or don't want to do
it, you won't achieve anything.

When I first seriously started NoFap in May 2019, the first 5 days were
hell for me. I remember writing a journal almost every hour to make it
easier for me and I watched motivational videos almost every half an
After 2 days, I got "superpowers" (this is one of the topics we will also
talk about, because many people misunderstand what it really is)

From 7 day to 14 day, I felt like the king of the universe. I had
tremendous confidence. Every girl looked at me on the street and I had
no problem with anxiety and fears. I could do anything, without
problem. I lived like a king for those 7 days and I wanted it to last as
long as possible. Then a flatline hit me at day 14.

Flatline is a special topic and we will work on it now, but before I move
on to flatline, I want to tell you one important thing:

It will get worse before it gets better, but the most important thing that
it will.

Remember this sentence well.

You will have terrible moments and terrible feelings. The whole spectrum of
bad feelings will hit you, almost every day. You will not know where you are.
It will be bad, very bad.

But it will pass. It will pass faster than you think. It is part of the recovery

Think of these bad feelings as miserable attempts of pornography to

regain control of your brain. They will strike harder and harder, because
they know they are losing their place and they are losing the war.

Don’t give them a reason to think they can stay where they are. They
know very well they are losing the war, and they are trying their best to

Don't give them a reason to think that they will win.

6.1. Flatline

Flatline is a period in which there is an extremely low level of libido,

sometimes even zero. Flatline is often accompanied by increased depressed
mood, lethargy, extremely low energy levels and increased anxiety.

This represents an extremely specific situation and period, and anyone who
was on NoFap a little longer knows what this is.

So what exactly is this?

Let's go again for example, to understand the situation:

Re-imagine your brain as a factory and the employees (nerve cells) in

it. NoFap represents new workers who come to your factory in order to
establish a new way of working (new habits, activities and hobbies), as
well as a new pattern of fighting stress, anxiety and anger (the old
pattern was pornography and masturbation).

After some time, nerve cells, which are trying to learn a new way of
working and adopt a new pattern, fall into certain elements of
depression and stress. Everything new they do is great and it’s a great
thing, but the problem is that THEY ARE NOT USED TO IT.

They are used to whenever they have a problem, a dilemma, a desire to

feel good, to feel great for a few minutes, to use the pattern of
masturbation and pornography.

This is all new to them and it takes time for them to get used to the new
system and the new way of working.
That's why I've devoted almost the entire chapter to the need to create
a new lifestyle - you have to give something to your nerve cells,
otherwise they will soon return to the old way because that's the only
way they think is best.

That's about it when it comes flatline. It may be written in a childish

way, but I want you to understand simply.

How to deal with a flatline?

Keep doing the work.

Keep building your new lifestyle - new hobbies, activities, habits. Keep
doing what you did before. Don’t give up because of the flatline. It's
part of the process, and it takes time. Do whatever you need to do, just
don't go back to the beginning.

If you relapse - don't forget.

You don't need to feel bad about RELAPSE. Those things are NORMAL.
You've known about one pattern all your life, and it's not your fault.
RELAPSES will happen, but let's try to CHANGE OUR LIFESTYLE, to create
NEW HABITS AND NEW ACTIVITIES, to create a system that will allow us

One lost battle does not mean that the war is lost.

We can only lose a war when we surrender ourselves.

6.2. Similarity between fighting addiction and pandemic

I remember when quarantine and lockdown started all over the world in
March last year. In just a few days, almost a quarter of the world was
stuck in their houses and rooms.

As a lunatic, I googled the following things every day:

When will the pandemic end?

Will the pandemic be short-lived?

When will we return to normal?

Will we have a normal summer?

And so on and on, every day. Every fucking day I googled and googled
and googled.

After a while, I realized one important thing and that is related to

addiction to pornography.

This will pass. It probably won't pass when we want it to, but it will pass.

And this will last. Maybe shorter or longer, but it will last.

But it will pass. Whatever people think, it will simply pass.

What can we do during that time?

We have two options:

We can sit at home and wait for this to pass and do absolutely nothing
in our lives. We can blame others and say that the whole world is to
blame for our failures and failures.
Another option is to start slowly changing ourselves. Let's slowly start
adopting new habits, a new work pattern, a new routine, new activities
and new hobbies. It will be difficult, but ...

What do you think is better?

Epidemiologists around the world started saying that COVID-19 will stay with
us forever. Does that mean that the pandemic, social distance and masks
will last forever?


What does this have to do with pornography?

One fact is the key - porn addiction will not pass after 90 days. It will
probably never pass. Our brain has a written register and it will always
remember that habit.

But it can be reduced to 1%. When it is reduced to 1%, it no longer has the
effect in our lives. How to reduce it to 1%?

By changing your lifestyle. Every new goal you set for yourself, every new
healthy habit, every new activity and every new hobby slowly reduces that
addiction. Maybe slow, but sure.


6.3. Advices for NoFap

Within the NoFap global community, there are already thousands and
thousands of tips, suggestions, experiences, stories and etc. You
probably know what to do and in what way.

One of the biggest problems in the whole community is the existence of a

large amount of information - users and potentially interested people no
longer know what is good, how they should work, in what way and how much.
It's all extremely complicated, but I'll tell you one key thing to remember:

If something was good for someone, it does not mean that it will be good for

You have to create your own process and your own path. Don’t listen
too much and follow too much other people. Create your own path but
be honest with yourself.

Here are some important tips for NoFap:

1. Take NoFap seriously, but don't overdo it.

What do I mean by that? Of course, you need to take this whole thing
seriously. However, if you overdo it and bring this to a life-or-death
situation, it will be extremely difficult for your brain to fight urges and
existing habits.
Every time the urge catches you and you put yourself in the life or death
position at that moment, the existing mechanism gains even more power and
each urge can be a relapse.

That is why many of you find it difficult when relapsing, because you
have convinced yourself that this is a process on which your whole life

Take your life seriously and the need to change your lifestyle. What do you
want to do new? What do you want to improve and change? What habits and
routines do you want to acquire?

What new lifestyle do you want?

Focus on that, not NoFap. NoFap is a weapon given to you, but you
have to create the way out yourself, with the help of that weapon.

2. Don’t be a perfectionist.

Don't wait until Monday, the first of the month, at 12am to start NoFap.
When you do that, you put a lot of pressure on your brain and body and
make it behave perfectly. Such activities make your brain behave
nervously and thus put it in a state of anxiety. All this can lead to the
momentum that everything starts to fall apart and thus you fail.

Remember - this is a process. It takes time. I can't make things happen


Create discipline, but don't be so cruel to yourself. Find the right

3. Don’t read too many forums and other people’s experiences.

This may sound idiotic, but don't do it. Just don't.

When you focus too much on one thing then you attach great importance to
it. Forums and Facebook groups are full of information like “I relapsed”, “I
started again” “Now I’m going to the end”.

Focus on yourself and your life. Remember that someone else's

experience does not automatically have to be good for you. Each of us
has a special story and a special experience. Someone's advice can
help, but you create your own path.

The fight against this addiction is being waged in you. Forums and
groups can help you, but they can't do the work for you.

4. Find a partner who shares the same vision as you.

It would be good to find a partner in this process who wants to change,

just like you. When you have a partner, you can evaluate things
together and follow the process. In addition, you get psychological
support because you are not alone.

You can also talk to a close friend about this. When you have someone
close to you in this process, your personal integrity and strength are
strengthened because you know you have someone who is there with
6.4. "Exit strategy" for relapses.

Let’s be honest and realistic. You will definitely have relapses.

Remember, this is normal. I will repeat:

You don't need to feel bad about RELAPSE. Those things are NORMAL.
You've known about one pattern all your life, and it's not your fault.
RELAPSES will happen, but let's try to CHANGE OUR LIFESTYLE, to create
NEW HABITS AND NEW ACTIVITIES, to create a system that will allow us

Do not forget. You are a man. You are not a machine.

To make it easier for you, it would be good to create an "exit strategy"

after that act. "Exit strategy" is a strategy after relapse, in order to avoid
the chaser effect and return to the vicious circle.

A few elements I would suggest for the "exit strategy":

1. Showering

Take a shower immediately after masturbation. The feeling of purity will

psychologically motivate you to relax. Combine the 60-60 seconds
2. Keep doing the work.

Don’t focus on the question WHY I DID IT, but continue with the work
you did. Continue with your daily routine and completing tasks. There
will be time to think, now get on with the job.

3. Change the environment.

This is extremely important. It would be good to see a close friend after

masturbation. You can talk about that with him. If he is your partner in
this process, even better!

4. 2-4 days are crucial.

2 to 4 days are crucial after relapse, because then the potential of the
chaser effect is strongest. In these days, JOMT is the strongest.

JOMT (Just One More Time) is the momentum in which your brain looks for
an excuse to masturbate. He assures you that it will only happen one more
time and that is it. The thing is, JOMT very easily becomes JFMT (Just Few
More Times). Then why is there no JMFT right away?

Because then you won't do it again. JOMT assures you "come on, just one
more time" and thus puts you in a trap.

After that period of time, things get easier and you move on. The chaser
effect can be very strong and don't underestimate it. Also, don’t forget:


5. There is a difference between relapse and reset

We have already stated what relapse is and what the reasons are for it.
There is a difference between reset and relapse, and now we will

Reset is a situation in which we decide to return to the first day and

start a new journey.

A reset can happen because of many things – failing the goal, time
frame, re-masturbating and watching pornography and etc.

The reset is just fine. Sometimes we want to start over.

When it comes to relapse, there is one important thing to understand.

Relapses will happen, but it is very important that you do not return to
the old pattern of behavior and bad activities. Therefore, it is important
to create a new lifestyle, otherwise relapses will be actively repeated.

That is why I have dedicated the whole chapter to building a new

lifestyle. Read again to understand the point if you haven't figured it
out by now.

When it comes to my point of view, I personally think that if you have

started a process you should not reset. Like I said, CHANGE IS A

Don't focus so much on the process itself and everything that goes
with it, but focus on your life and lifestyle changing.
6.5. NoFap myth breakers

There are several myths that we need to break when it comes to NoFap.
There is a reason why I am writing this topic in particular.

NoFap is a large and global community that brings together a huge

number of people around. All of these users have different lives,
experiences and stories. Anyone who has tried NoFap at least once has
talked about the good and bad things they have experienced in the

The point is that experiences are not UNIVERSAL experiences.

Therefore, it is necessary to clarify some things and break certain

myths, because these myths influence some people to start applying
NoFap, and when they do not experience what some users have
experienced, then they are disappointed and they return to the vicious

1. "Superpowers" - many users, including me, reported a different range

of possibilities - the disappearance of anxiety, great self-confidence
and self-esteem, almost eliminated social phobia, looks and smiles by
girls and etc.

This is all true, but there is one important thing. These are not

It is actually you, deep inside you. It is simply normal human behavior,

without pornography and constant masturbation. These are things that are

Use NoFap as a weapon to fight the problems you have, don't do NoFap
because of "superpowers". If you have problems with anxiety,
depressive behavior and social phobia, work on eliminating them, with
the help of NoFap.
2. Penis and testicles growth - many users have reported this, and this is
true, in a way.

Extensive masturbation and pornography can affect penis size, but I

don't think NoFap can affect its growth. I find that NoFap only returns
your penis and testicles to the size they truly would be, without
pornography and masturbation. Everything else can be a placebo

3. Testosterone levels - There are a number of studies on this, but one is


Extensive masturbation and pornography can affect testosterone

levels. Many users believe that NoFap affects the increase in
testosterone, which leads to the desired effects (deeper voice, bigger
strength, more energy, etc.). This may be true in a way, but I suggest
that you do a review of testosterone levels and assess whether there is
a deficit and work continuously to increase it, with artificial or natural

4. Height and hair regrowth - NoFap does not affect this.

Height and hair are a genetic thing. and are a consequence of the genes
you have in you. NoFap cannot affect this. Everything else is a placebo

5. Wet dreams - Wet dreams is an experience reported by almost all

those who have been serious about NoFap at least once. To clarify one
thing, forever:
Wet dreams is not a relapse.

Wet dreams are a normal thing and a sign that your brain is returning
to normal and that dopamine levels are stabilizing.


Relapse is only when you masturbate, with or without pornography.

We have come to the end of our journey.

But this is not the end. This is just the beginning.

The beginning of your journey and your new life.

All the information I have given you represents my experience and the
ways in which I am struggling with this addiction. My goal is to beat
this, just like you.

I hope you understand what the real point of NoFap is and how it can
improve you.

I hope you have understood what you need to understand, do and


Finally, I want to recall a few important things you need to remember:

1. Here is the point in LIFESTYLE CHANGE

NoFap is not a magic pill. NoFap is the ultimate weapon in your



In order to get rid of pornography and masturbation, you need to

change your lifestyle. Create new habits, activities and hobbies. A new
way of life. Why?

Because the previous way did not work.

Changing lifestyle is the key - without it there is no victory.

2. It's a war, every battle is tough.

The fight against pornography and masturbation is not a process of

several days, weeks and months.

It is not a process that they tell you: "You need this much and this much

That's not how things work. Fighting this is an ongoing war. In order
for you to win that war, you have to change yourself and your current
way of life.

Every battle is hard. Sometimes you will lose, sometimes you will gain.
There are no rules.

Remember: the moment you decide to change yourself, then you are halfway
to victory.

As much as we want to, changes don’t happen overnight.

You can't get up and say to yourself, "I'm a different person today." It's a
good way of thinking and you need to do it, but real change takes time.

It takes time to experiment, explore something new, create a new way

of life. It takes TIME.

Don't rush things and create pressure on yourself. Work on yourself

every day and become the best version of yourself.

You will know best when this addiction will be just a thing of the past.

4. You don't need to feel bad about RELAPSE. Those things are NORMAL.
You've known about one pattern all your life, and it's not your fault.
RELAPSES will happen, but let's try to CHANGE OUR LIFESTYLE, to create
NEW HABITS AND NEW ACTIVITIES, to create a system that will allow us

Don't do things like this to yourself. Don't feel bad.

Every time you put pressure on yourself that you have fallen, that you
are a loser and that you are not good enough, you put yourself in an
even worse position and an even worse situation.

Keep going. Get up and keep going stronger.

And every time, on and on and on.

There are also defeats in war. But losing battles does not mean losing

Believe in yourself and in victory.

5.It will get worse before it gets better, but the most important thing that it

There will be moments when you will feel catastrophic. When will you
wonder why you are doing all this, and what is the point of all this?

There will be moments when you will fall, there will be moments when
you will be sad, depressed, disappointed. There will be times when you
will want to give up.

What is perhaps saddest is that it will probably be even worse.

But it will be good. It will be better than you think. You will feel great.
You will be happy and satisfied when you start to change things. Then
everything will get better. Be patient and work. Don't give up. The war
is on. No time to cry and grieve.

The night is darkest before dawn. Never forget that.

A famous writer from Serbia once said:

"You always need to look forward in your life. Because if we wanted to

look behind us, nature would give us eyes on the back of our head.
Honor will not depend on where we come from but where we go."

And you, where are you going?

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