SQA Lab 4

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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Fall, Year: 2023), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Lab Report NO # 04
Course Title: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Lab
Course Code: CSE 434 Section: 202 D2

Lab Experiment Name: Create a new bug for DevTools using


Student Details

Name ID
1. Mahede Hasan 202902012

Lab Date : 11-10-2023

Submission Date : 18-10-2023
Course Teacher’s Name : Md. Rajibul Palas

Lab Report Status

Marks: ………………………………… Signature:.....................
Comments:.............................................. Date:..............................
Create a new bug for DevTools using Bugzilla

Understanding Bug Tracking: To familiarize oneself with the bug tracking process in software
development and how it is used to report and manage software issues.
Bugzilla Usage: To gain practical experience in using Bugzilla, an open-source bug tracking tool
commonly used in software development projects.
Reporting a New Bug: To learn how to create a new bug report in Bugzilla for Mozilla
Thunderbird, a popular email client, and understand the essential information required in a bug
Describing the Bug: To accurately describe and document the observed issue or bug, including
its impact, behavior, and any relevant information.
Categorizing and Prioritizing Bugs: To understand the importance of categorizing and
prioritizing bugs based on their severity and impact on the software.
Assigning and Tracking: To learn how to assign a bug to a developer or team responsible for its
resolution and how to track its progress throughout the development cycle.
Communication and Collaboration: To emphasize the importance of clear and effective
communication in bug tracking, including how to add comments and engage in discussions with
other team members or contributors.
Access Control and Security: To understand the access control and security features of Bugzilla,
ensuring that sensitive bug reports are handled securely.

In this section, you will find a step-by-step guide detailing the process of conducting the lab
exercise, ensuring clarity and conciseness for readers to easily replicate the procedure.
1. Accessing Bugzilla:
 To access the Bugzilla bug tracking system, open your web browser.
 Enter the following URL or web address: [Bugzilla URL].
2. Logging In:
 To log in to the Bugzilla system, follow these steps:
 Click on the "Login" or "Sign In" option.
 Provide your login credentials, including your username and password.
 If required, perform any two-factor authentication or other security measures.
3. Navigating to Thunderbird Product:
 To navigate to the Thunderbird product within Bugzilla, proceed as follows:
 After logging in, locate and select the "Products" or "Browse" tab.
 Find and click on "Thunderbird" or the specific product you are interested in.
4. Creating a New Bug:
 When creating a new bug report, meticulously follow these steps:
 Click on the "New" or "File a Bug" button, usually found on the product page.
 Choose the appropriate component or module for the bug based on the issue's
 Fill in the bug report form with essential details, including:
 Bug summary, providing a concise title that captures the issue.
 A detailed description of the problem, including steps to reproduce if applicable.
 Specify the operating system, browser, or relevant environment details.
 Categorize the bug's severity, such as critical, major, or minor.
 Specify the version or build in which the bug was encountered.
5. Assigning and Prioritizing:
 To assign the bug to a developer or team and set its priority, do the following:
 Choose the relevant developer or team to be responsible for the bug.
 Set the priority based on its impact on the project, e.g., P1 (highest) to P5 (lowest).
6. Additional Information:
 If you have supplementary files, screenshots, or other relevant data that can assist
in resolving the bug, consider the following:
 Utilize the "Attach a file" option to upload files.
 Include relevant screenshots or links to external resources.
 Add any additional information that might be valuable to the resolution process.
7. Submitting the Bug Report:
 To finalize and submit the bug report, adhere to the subsequent steps:
 Review all the information you've provided for accuracy and completeness.
 If everything is in order, click the "Submit" or "Save Changes" button to submit
the bug report.
By following these steps, you should be able to effectively navigate Bugzilla, report issues, and
ensure that they are assigned and prioritized correctly for resolution.


Create a new bug:

In this lab exercise, we explored the fundamental processes of creating new bug reports and
cloning existing bugs within the Bugzilla platform. These actions serve as cornerstones in the
software development life cycle, playing a critical role in the efficient tracking and resolution of
software issues. Our experience with Bugzilla highlighted its effectiveness in managing software
defects, offering the capability to document new problems and replicate existing ones with ease.

The act of creating a new bug report underscored the paramount importance of furnishing clear,
comprehensive bug reports. A well-detailed report acts as a beacon for developers, ensuring they
possess all the requisite information for swift and accurate issue resolution.

Additionally, the process of cloning a bug emerged as a valuable feature, simplifying the
replication and retesting of issues across diverse environments. This verification step
significantly enhances the precision of bug reports, as it validates the consistency of the bug's

Moreover, our exercise shed light on Bugzilla's remarkable flexibility, making it adaptable to a
range of workflows and development methodologies. It illustrated how this tool can be tailored
to align with specific project requirements, ultimately fostering efficient collaboration and
augmenting the overall software development process.

In conclusion, this lab experience underscored Bugzilla's effectiveness in managing software

issues, reinforced the fundamental role of comprehensive bug reporting, and showcased the tool's
versatility in accommodating diverse workflows—a trifecta of critical components for upholding
software quality and delivering an exceptional user experience..

This lab exercise provided a hands-on exploration of the bug-tracking process using Bugzilla, a
versatile open-source tool commonly used in software development. We learned the significance
of structured bug tracking, the power and adaptability of Bugzilla, and the importance of
comprehensive bug reports. By creating a new bug, we practiced documenting software issues,
prioritizing them, and utilizing Bugzilla's features for effective bug management. Additionally,
cloning an existing bug highlighted the utility of reusing bug report templates for similar issues.

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