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Mechanical Properties

of Fluids
DEFINITION OF FLUID density of gasoline 680 kg/m
The term fluid refers to a substance that can flow and does not density of water 1000kg/m'0.68
have a shape of its own. For example liquid and gases.
Fluid includes property> (A) Density (B) Viscosity (C) mass of 75 cm'gasoline
Bulk modulus ofelasticity (D) pressure (E) specific gravity or Sp.gravity= mass of 75 cm water

The density p of a substance is defined as the mass per unit 51g 0.68
volume ofa sample of the substance. 15e
Ifa small mass element Am occupies a volume AV, the density FLUID STATICS
is given by Fluid statics is the branch of mechanics, which deals with the
forces on fluids (liquids and gases) at rest. As far back as 250
p V B.C. Archimedes, the famous Greek philosopher stated in his
works that liquids exert an upward buoyant force on solids
In general, the density ofan object depends on position, so immersed in them causing an apparent reduction in their weights
that It was about the end of 17th century that Pascal, a French
p=fix, y. z) scientist explained the fundamental principles ofthe subject in a
If the object is homogeneous, its physical parameters do clear manner. The consequences of Pascal 's work are far-reaching
not change with position throughout its volume. Thus, for a for it forms the basis ofseveralpractical appliances like the fluid
homogeneous object of mass M and volume V, the density is pumps, hydraulic presses and brakes, pneumatic drills, etc.
defined as
Aperfectfluid resistsforces normal to its surface and offers no
resistance to forces acting tangential to its surface. A heavy log
The SI unit of density is kg m and dimension is ofwood can be drawnalong the surface of water with very little
[ML effort because the force applied on the log of wood is horizontal
Relative Density/ and paralleltothe water surface. Thus a fluid is capableofexerting
Specific Gravity normal stresses on a surface with which it is in contact.
Thespecific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to Force exerted perpendicular to a surface is called thrust and
thrust per unit is called
that of water at 4°C, which is 1000 kg/m'. Specific gravity is a
dimensionless quantity numerically equal to the density quoted Variation of pressure with Height
ing/em. For example, the specific gravity of mercury is 13.6, and Inall fluids at rest the pressure is a function of vertical dimensiou.
thespecific gravity of water at 100°Cis 0.998. Todetermine this consider the forces acting on a vertical colum
offluid ofcross sectional-area dA as shown in figure. The positi
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN direction of vertical measurement h is taken downward. 1hn
Example 1: Find the
density and specific gravity of gasoline if pressure on the upper side is P, and that on the lower face 1sr
51goccupies 75 cm*?
dP. The weight of the element is pgdhdA. The normal forces
Sol. Density=
0.051kg the vertical surfaces of the column do not affect the balance
680 kg/m
volume 75x10 m forces in the vertical direction. Equilibrium of the fluid element
the vertical direction requires.
ie, F- JPaA
force must be such
The of application of resultant
resultant force about any axis
is equal to
pdA that the moment ofthe
force about the axis.
the moment of the distributed


(P+dp)A tank of
filled upto the top in a rectangular
Example 2: A liquid is of c r o s s section is
section. The sides
dA 0 square c r o s s
pdA + pgdAdh (p dp)
+ =

tank is H=3m. If density of liquid

a = Im and height of the
tank and on one of
dP= pgdh find force on the bottom ofthe
p-100 kgm'
its wall. Also calculate
the position ofpoint ofapplication ofthe
dP-Pgdh force on the wall.
bottom of tank
at the
P=P+Pgh Sol. Force on the bottom oftank: pressure
that the pressure in a fluid due to liquid is uniform of magnitude
This differential relation shows tank
the bottom of the

decreases with increased elevation. Area of

increases with depth or x area
liquids and gases and agrees the bottom pressure

Above equation holds for force on

with our common observations of air and water pressure. PgHa? =3000 N
treated as incompressible and we may Force on the wall and its points of application:
Liquids are generally
their densityp constant for every part of the
as it stands, and
With p as constant equation may integrated

the result is
P=P,+ pgh... (10)
the surface of the liquid
The pressure P, is the pressure at
where h =0.

Characteristics of Fluid Pressure

in all directions.
) Pressure at a point acts equally
lateral pressure, whichincreases with
(1) Liquids at rest exerts
depth. calculated using
Pressure acts normally on any area in
whatever orientation
Force on the wall of the tank can't be
the area may be held. area as is not uniform over the surface. The
pressure X
(iv) Free surface ofa liquid at rest remains horizontal.
problem can be solved by finding force dF on a thin strip
Pressure at every point in the same horizontal line is the thickness dh at a depthh belowthe free surface and then taking
same inside a liquid at rest. its integral.
at rest stands at the same height in communicating Pressure of liquid at depth h,
(Vi) Liquid
vessels. P=pgh
Area of thin strip = adh

Force due to fluid on a plane submerged surface P adh= ph adh

. Force ofthe strip, dF

ofa tank or wall of

A surface submerged in liquid such as bottom
to pressure acting
gate valve in a dam, subjected
a tank or
its area. In problems '.Total force on the wall = Pgahdh
normal to its surface and distributed

we must determine
where the resultant forces are appreciable,
the resultant force due to distribution pressure on of thesurface
force acts. H
at which resultant F= pga 4500 N
and theposition
For system, which is open to earth's atmosphere, the
atmospheric pressure surfaces. In such cases,
P, acts over all
fluid pressure P= pgh which is
then we need to consider only
increment above atmospheric pressure.
In general pressure at different point on the
Surface varies so to calculate resultant force, wedividethesurface
into number of elementary areas and we calculateforce on it
first dh
by treating pressure as constant then we integrate it to getnet
The point of application of force on the wall can be Consequently, the force on the larger piston is large Thus
calculated by equating the moment of resultant force about any a small force F, acting on a small area A, results in a larger force Pressure due
line say dc to the moment of distributed force about the larger A
same F, acting on a area -2.5 x 10Pa
line dc. Pressure due t
Moment of dF about line cd =dFh F In this case, th
Pgh. adh. h We have
Total pressure
The gauge pre
Net moment of distributed forces= Pea |hfdh Therefore,
Gauge pressu

= pga H
Let the point of application of net force is HEIGHT
at a depth x from
For gases, the co
the line cd
Then torque of resultant force about line TRAIN YOUR BRAIN model is often not
assumption can b.
Example 3: Find the absolute pressure and gauge pressure at
pressure, 1.e.,
cd Fx P g a x points A, B and C as shown in the figure. (1 atm = 10° Pa)
From the above discussion, Let p, be the
pressure is atmos
Pgax=Pga lmA Kerosene Pokp
| 2m
P1=800kg/m After elimina
-x-2-2m 1.5m
B. p2 =1000kg/m 2m
Po P
Hence, resultant force P
on the vertical wall of the tank will 0.5m
act at a
depth 2m from the free surface of water or at a
height of Ps-13.6x10 kg/m Substituting
Im from the bottom of tank. dp Pgdy
Sol. p 10' Pa
Absolute Pressure and Gauge Pressure: Absolute
pressure is the total pressure at a point while gauge Points Gauge Pressure or dp=
pressure is relative to the local atmospheric pressure. A PA P1ghA = (800)(10)1 = 8kPPa
Gauge pressure may be positive or negative depending P'AF PA +Patm
108 kPa On rearrang
upon the fact whether the pressure is more or less than Pe
p29(1.5) (800)(10)2) (10 (10)(1.5)
= +

theatmospheric pressure. Pc p192)+ p29(2)+ p3g(0.5) 131 kPa
Pgauge Pabsolute Patm
= (800)(10)(2) +(10 (10)(2)+(13.6 x10
=104 kPa (10)(0.5)
PcPc Patm
204 kPa dp
Example 4: A weighted piston confines a fluid of
According to equation closed container, as shown in the figure. The density pin a where p ist
PP.t Pgh of piston and weight is W=20O N, and the combined weight surface.
pressure at any depth h in a fluid
may be increased by of the piston is A= 8 cm-. Find the total cross-sectional area After integr
increasingthe pressure p, at the surface. Pascal given this laW fluidis mercury andh=25 cm (P=13600 pressure at point B ifthe
sO we now call Pascal's Law. an kg/m').
ordinary pressure gauge read
What would
A pressure applied to a confined fluid at rest is transmitted
equally undiminished every part of the fluid and the walls of

the container. Note that ins

This principle is used in a hydraulicjack or lift, as shown in increasing height
this case pressure
the figure.
Thepressure due to a small force F, Pressure Measu
area A. transmitted to the larger piston o1applied to a piston of
manometer is
at the two pistons is the same because area A, The pressure Sol. Notice what shape of a U"

they are
at the
level. Pascal's and
applied to the fluid by the principle
same of
tells us about the tube is
the pressure
piston and atmosphere.
is applied at all points within the fluid. This added level drops onsubj=
Pp- A A2oF,- total pressure at B is
composed of three parts: the Therefore, the
difference in 1
Pressure of atmosphere
1.0x 10* Pa
= According
pressure increaseto
56 pressure decreases
force on the larger
piston is
results in a large Th, - P,gh

force F, acting
on a small. a A, fluid pressure remains constant. Therefore,
a small ona larger areaA,. larger o Pressure due to piston and weight
P. wherep, the atmospheric pressure,
and p, is the density of
F,acting 8x10 m the fluid inside the vessel
-2.5 x 10 Pa
Pressure due to height h of fluid =hpg = 0.33 x 10 Pa

In this case, the pressure of the fluid itselfis relatively small.

We have
Total pressure at B 3.8 x 10'Pa 380 kPa
The gauge pressure does not include atmospheric pressure.
=280 kPa
Gauge pressure at B


For gases, the constant density assumed in the compressible TRAIN YOUR BRAIN=
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN model is often not adequate, However, an alternative simplifying
of water
column 40 cm high
Example 5: As shown in the figure,
be made that the density is proportional to the fluid. What is the density of the
Example 3: Find the absolute pressure and gauge pressure assumption can
supports a 31 cm ofan unknown
pointsA, B and C as shown in the figure. (1 atm = 10'Pa) pressure, 1.e., unknown fluid?
Let p, be the density of air at the earth's surface where the
pressure is atmospheric p,, then
ImA Kerosene Pkp
2m 40cm
PI 800kg/m After eliminating k, we get 31 cm

1.5mB. p-1000kg/m 2m Pop
0.5m Substituting the value of p in equation,
Sol. The pressure at point A due to the two fluids must be equal
(or the one with the higher pressure would push the lower
P-13.6x10 kg/m dppgdy due to water=
pressure fluid away). Therefore,Pressure
Sol.p=10' Pa
pressure due to known fluid h,pg=hP:8
or dp- p gdy
fromwhich p,=P 000 kg/m)-1290 kg/m
Points Gauge Pressure Absolute
PA P1ghA= (800)(10)1 = 8kPa P'A PA Pa On rearranging, we get Example 6: In a given U-tube (open at one-end) find out relation
=108 KPa between P and P,.
=pigl2) pag(1.5) (800)(10)(2)+(10 )%(10)(1.5)
131 kPa
Given d,-2x 13.6 gm/cm' d,= 13.6 gm/cm
=31 KPa
Po p19(2) t pag(2)+ pag(0.5) P'c-pc Pat
= 204 KPa
(800)(10)2)+ (10(10)2)+ (13.6x 10 (10)(0.5) P Po 0
104 kPa
where p is the pressure at a height y= h above the earth's y-25 cm P
Example 4: Aweighted piston confines a fluid of density pi surface. x-26cm
closed container, as shown in the The combined weig
figure. are
After integrating, we get
orpistonand weight is W-200 N, and the cross-sectionaifth d
of the piston is A 8 cm. Find the total at point B Pgh

lu mercuryand h = 25 cm (p. - 13600 kg/m). Wnat

Sol. Pressure in a liquid at same level is same i.e. at A- A,
an P Po P, +d,yg +xd,g = P
ordinary pressure gauge read at B?
Note that instead of a linear decrease in pressure with
increasing height as in the case of an incompressible fluid, in
----- h this case pressure decreases exponentially.
Pressure Measuring Devices
A manometer is a tube open at both the ends and bent into the A

shape of a "U" and partially filled with mercury. When one end
of the tube is subjected to an unknown pressure p, the mercury
Sol. Notice what Pascal's principle tells us about the press leveldrops on that side of the tube and rises on the other so that In P+13.6 x2 x25 xg+13.6 x 26 xg=P
the difference in mercury level is h as shown in the figure.
applied tothe fluid the ton and atmosphere.
This a

According to Pascal's Law, when we move down in a fluid

P+ 13.6x g[50 +26]=P
pressure is applied at all points id.
pressure increases with depth and when we move up the 2P-P
1olal pressure at B is composed within the
of three
nui pressure decreases with depth. When we move horizontally in a P-13.6x gx 76]
Pressureof atmosphere =1.0x 10 Pa parts


Example 7: For the arrangement shown in the figure, determine Sol. (a) Pressure at the base due to water is
h if the pressure difference between the vessels A and B is p-P.g[5+1]=(10%(10)%5+ 1)=6x 10'N/m? We c
3 kN/m?. Force-pA, = (6 x 10)(100 x 10)- 600 N liquid for
b) Weight of water = P, B [5A, +A,] h below tl
(S0.8) =
10 [5 x 10x 104+ 100x 10"]=150N
Water Barometer
Water Let us suppose water is used in the barometer instead of merar Also
hpg= 1.013x 10 or h=
1.013x10' liquidin
Water The height of the water column in the tube will be 10.3 m Shape of f
Such a long tube cannot be managed easily, thus water barometer When a
Sol. Let P and pa be the pressure in the vessels A and B, is not feasible. observe it=
respectively. Liquid in Accelerated Vessel To find an
Using Pascal's law A Liquid in accelerated vessel can be considered as in the rigid horizontal
Pa P.h +h,+0.2]g =PA Pgh, -P,gh bodymotion i.e, motion without deformation as though it wereah, and h,
LPa PAP.-P)gh + P,gh x 0.2 solid body. As in case
ofstatic liquid to determine the pressure
figure. D
here, P PA=3x 10'N/m?, variation we apply Newton's
of liquid in accelerated vessel also.
the is
same the
applicable in case liquid
P-10 kg/m ofcolumn
P 800 kg/m
Variation of pressure and force of buoyancy in a liquid kept in
Thus, h =0.5 m = 50 cm
vertically accelerated vessel
The Mercury Barometer: It is a straight glass tube (closed at Consider a liquid of density p kept in a vessel moving with
one end) completely filled with
acceleration a, in upward direction.
mercury and inserted into a dish
which is also filled with mercury
Let Aand Bare two points separated vertically by adistance
shown. in the
figure. dh. The forces acting an a vertical liquid column of cross
Atmospheric pressure supports the column of mercury in the sectional area dA are the figure. For the vertical motion
shown in

tube to a height h. The

pressure between the closed end of the of this liquid column
tube and the column of mercury is zero, p=0. (P+dP) dA -PdA -(dh)dApg =(dh)dApa,
dP= p (g+a,) dh
Therefore, pressure at points A and B are equal and thus
P.-0+ Pgh
At the sea level,
p. can support a column of mercury about
76 cm in height.
Hence p=(13.6x 10)9.81)0.76)=1.01 10' Nm2 (or Pa)
x dh Pd

Ifpressure at the free surface of liquid is P, them pressure
P at a depth h from the free surface is
given by
dp p(g+a,) dh
Example 8: In the figure shown, find
(a) the total force on the bottom of the tank due to the water
P=P,+ p(gt a,) h
pressure. PdA Example 9:
(b) the total weight of water. containing
dhdApg alongthel-
(a) Dete
A-10cm (b) Calc
(P+db) dA accel
(c) Ifini
A-100cm On the basis of similar calculation, pressure at any deptn horiz
fromfree surface in case of liquid in dowmward accelerated ve
m can be written as botto
P-P,+p(g-a) h MECHANICA
(6 10%(100
x TU'X1O06t

ater =

P [5A, + A,]
g 600 N We can generalize the above results and conclude that in
quid for a vertically accelerated vessel the pressure at any depth o,
x 104+ 100x Rear
10"]=150 N below the free surface,
P-P,t Peh 3 m 2 m
Where g 8ta, in case of upward acceleration and
er is used in the
barometer inste ad of me ge8-, in case
of downward acceleration 5 m
or h =
1.013x105 Also we can say the force of buoyancy F, on a body in
quid in verticallyaccelerated vessel is given byF,=VPE remains constant
Pg Sol. (a) Volume of water inside the tank
the water column in Where V is volume of liquid displaced by the body.
the tube wil
nnot be managed easily, thus wat Shape of free surface of liquid in horizontally accelerated vessel 3+Yoy5x4-5x2x4
When a vessel filled with liquid accelerates horizontally. We or y,=Im
ted Vessel observe its free surface inclined at some angle with horizontal.
rated vessel can be considered To find angle 0 made by free surface with horizontal consider a tan , - - 0 . 4
asin the horizontal liquid column including two points, A and B at depths
Dtion without deformation as thooh andh from the inclined free surface of liquid as shown in
ase or static liquid to determine the nmire Dis length of liquid column. Horizontal forces acting on
since, tan ,=thereforea,=0.4g=4 m/s
s the same
Newton law,
ated vessel also.
is appicabe theliquid column are shown in diagram, for horizontal motion

ofcolumn we can write,

are and force of buoy ancy in aliquid k
3 m
ted vessel 2m
of density p kept in
pward direction.
vessel moving
ao 5 m
etwo points separated vertically by adi
When acceleration increased by 20%
ting an a vertical liquid columnofo (b)
e shown in the figure. For the verticaln a=1.2 a,=0.48 g
n, D d

.'. tan 0= =0.48


(dh)dApg (dh)dApa, =

h P.dA-P, dA = p(dA) Da)

Now, y=3-5 tan 0-3-5 (0.48) =0.6 m

PdA 2x5x4

percentage of water spilt over

h,-h do
3 m
liquid is P,then
free surface of
the surface tan 0= tan
h h from the free 5 m

TRAIN YOUR BRAIN (c) a'=0.9g

+a,)dh high
mx m x3

Example 9: An open rectangular tank 5


m is accelerated horizontally
+a,)h Containing water upto height
a of 2 g
along the longer side. volume ofair remains constant
PdA that can be given
maximum acceleration
(a) Determine the
without spilling the water
over, if this
dhdApg the percentage of
water spilt
(D) Calculate Sincey=X tan 0'
acceleration is increased by 20% accelerated
closed at the top and is
ao ()Ifinitially, the tank is x tan = 5
pressure at the
9 m/s?, find the gauge
horizontally by 10 m/s). or x=3.33 m; y=3.0 m (so front wal contact with air)
tank. (Take g=
(P+dP) dA
ata bottom ofthe front wall ofthe
Case of liquid MATERAL
P-P, +p(g-a,) h
Gauge pressure at the bottom of the This is the equation ofthe free surface ofthe liquid, which
is a parabola. IMPORTANT

force arises because the pr-

AIR ro The buoyant
Atx r, y
uniform; it
increases with depth.
2g An object floats on water if it ca
3 m
Po water whose
weight 1s greater than t

5 m
ye) density of the
material is

ifthe material
1s a
less than that
uniform solid.
on water
Front wall p,= zero floats
po'r If the density of the material is gr
Example 10: A liquid of density p is in a bucket that spins with or Pr)=P,+ can be made to
2 such as iron, the object
angular velocity o as shown in figure. Show that the pressure at iron hulled
a radial distance r from the axis is uniform solid. An ship is am
po'r If a body is partially or wholly immersed in a fluid, it experiences T R A I N YOUR
P=P,+ an upward force due to the fluid surrounding it. Example 11: An iceberg with a density
The phenomenon of force exerted by fluid on the body is ocean of density 1025 kg ms. What
called buoyancy and the force is called buoyant force. visible?
A body experiences buoyant force whether it floats or sinks
under its own weight or due to other forces applied on it. above water

Archimedes Principle
Abody immersed in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force
equivalent to the weight ofthe fluid displaced by it.
where P, is the atmospheric pressure.
Sol. Consider a fluid particle P of mass m at coordinates
Theproofofthis principle is very simple. Imagine a body of iV

arbitrary shape completely immersed a liquid of density p as


(x, y). From a non-inertial rotating frame of reterence two 1orces

shown in the figure. A body is being acted upon by Under water
are acting on it, the forces
)pseudo force (mxo) fromall directions. Let us considera vertical element ofheighth
and cross-sectionalarea dA as shown in
i) weight (mg) the figure. Sol. Let V be the volume of the icebers
in the directions shown in figure. The force acting on the upper surface of the element is F
then the volume under water will be-
(downward)and that on the lower surface is F, (upward). Since
conditions, the weight (P, V.g) ofthe-
F>F, therefore, the net upward force acting on the element is
buoyant force p. (V-V)g. Thus,
dF-F, -F PVgP,V,- V)g
It can be easily seen from the figure that
or PV(P-P)V
F, (peh,)dA and F, = (pgh,)dA

pg(h,)dA and F,= (peh,)dA
Also, h, - h, =h and h(dA) = dV

The net upward force is Since P=1025 kg m and p=

Net force on it should be perpendicular to the free surface F-
PgdV =pVg o
(in equilibrium). Hence.
Hence, for the entire body, the buoyant force is the
weight Hence 10 % ofthe total.volume
of the volume of the fluid displaced.
L a n6 - m x O
dyXO Example 12: When a 2.5 kg crowm 1s
The buoyant force acts through the centroid
mg dx of the
displaced fluid. pparent weight of 22 N. What is the
01. Let W = actual weight of the crov
ay- XOdx W apparent weight of the cre

y = o P density of crown
2g dA Pdensity of water
h he buoyant force is given by
or p.Vg =W-W
Since W=pVg, therefore, V


face of the liquid, which
free surface
This is the
equation ofthe
is a parabola.
Eliminating V from the above two equations, we get
The buoyant force arises because the pressure in the fluid is not
rro with depth.
uniform; it increases PoW
Atx=T,2g An object floats on water if it can displace a volume of PW-W
water whose weight is greater than that of the object. If the
Here W 25 N; W=22 N; P,= 10' kgm
ye density ofthe material is less than that ofthe liquid, it will float
0=P,tPgy X=r
evenifthe material is a uniform solid, such as a block of wood
floats on water surface
P o25)8.3
10 kg m
Ifthe density of the material is greater than that of water,
2 such as iron, the object can be made to float provided it is not a STABILITY OF A FLOATING BODY
uniform solid. An iron hulled ship is an example to this case. The stability of a floating body depends on the effective point
vis partially or wholly immersed in a fluid, it experiences
ofapplication of the buoyant force. The weight of the body acts
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN at its centre of gravity. The buoyant force acts at the centre of
rd force due to the fluid surrounding it. Example 11: An iceberg with a density of 920 kgm floats on an gravity of the displaced liquid. This is called the centre of
phenomenon of force exerted by fluid on the body is ocean of density 1025 kg m. What fraction of the iceberg is buoyancy. Under equilibrium condition the centre of gravity G
oyancy and the force is called buoyant force. visible? and the centre of buoyancy B lies along the vertical axis of the
dy experiences buoyant force whether it floats or sinks,
body as shown in the figure (a).
own weight or due to other forces applied on it. above water

edes Principle Fn
amersed in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force P.(V M
t to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.
oroof of this principle is
very simple. Imagine abody of
shape completely immersed in a liquid of density p as - V
figure. A body being acted upon by the forces
is Under water
a) (b)

rections. Let us consider a vertical element

of height h When the body tilts to one side, the of
sectional area dA as shown in
the figure. So1. Let V be the volume ofthe iceberg above the water surface, shifts relative to the centre
of gravity shown in the figure(b).
acting on the upper surface
and that on
the element is F then the volume under water will be V - V. Under floating The two forces act along different vertical lines. As a result the
d) the lower surface is
F, (upward). Since
relore, the net
upward force acting on the element is conditions, the weight (p, V.g) of the iceberg is balanced by the buoyant force exerts a torque about the centre of gravity. The

F,-F Duoyant force p(V-V)g. Thus, line of action of the buoyant force crosses the axis of the body
nbe easily seen from the PV.gP(V.- V)g at the point M, called the metacentre.
figure that or PV (P-P)V
Kpgh dA and F,= (pgh,)dA IfG is below M, the torque will tend to restore the body to
pg(h jdA and its equilibrium position.
F,= (pgh,)dA
h-h=h and h(dA) =dVV IfG is above M, the torque will tend to rotate the body
net upward force is Since p=1025 kg m' and p=920 kg m', therefore,
from its equilibrium position and the body will be unstable.
pgdV = pVg
1025-920 =0.10
e, for the entire body, the 1025 Example 13: An ice cube of side lem is floating at the interface
volume of the fluid buoyant force is the we Hence 10 % ofthe total-volume is visible. of kerosene and water in a beaker of base area 10 cm?. The level
buoyant force acts
displaced. in water, it has an
of kerosene is just covering the top surface of the ice cube.
aced fluid. through the centroid o the 4When a 2.5 kg crown is immersed (a) Find the depth ofsubmergence in the kerosene and that in
ent weight of 22 N. What is the density of the crown ?
the water.
Let W=actual weight of the crown (b) Find the change in the total level of the liquid when the
Wapparent weight of the croOWn whole ice melts into water.
density of crowm 1C
h dA Pdensity of water ICE
The S-0.9 (S=0.8)
buoyant force is given by
OF Water
P.VgW -W
CouRst STUDY Since W pVg, therefore,

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