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Exercise 8. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
1. She ________________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. finished B. has finished C. had finished D. finishing
2. Bob will come soon. When Bob ________________, we will see him.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. comes
3. I will get home at 5:30. After I get home, I ________________dinner.
A. will have B. will be having C. had D. have
4. As soon as the taxi ________________, we will be able to leave for the airport.
A. arrives B. arrive C. will arrive D. arrived
5. I will go to bed after I ________________ my work.
A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. Finishes
6. I ________________ here when you arrive tomorrow.
A. am B. had been C. could be D. will be
7. I am going to wait right here until Jessica ________________.
A. comes B. will have come C. is coming D. came
8. As soon as the war ________________ over, there will be great joy throughout the land.
A. are B. will be C. is D. would be
9. Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship ________________ the harbor.
A. left B. will leave C. will have left D. leave
10. I am going to start making dinner before my wife ________________ home from work today.
A. get B. gets C. will get D. got
Exercise 9: Identify the underlined part that needs correction.
1. When it raining. I usually go to school by bus.
A. When B. raining C. usually go D. by bus
2. I learned a lot of Japanese while I am in Tokyo.
A. I B. a lot of C. Japanese D. am
3. I have not been well since I return home.
A. have not been B. well C. return D. home
4. I’ll stay here until will you get back.
A. I’ll B. here C. until D. will you
5. When Sam was in New York, he stays with his cousins.
A. in New York B. he C. stays D. his cousins
6. Last night. I had gone to bed after I had finished my homework.
A. Last night B. had gone C. after D. my homework
7. I will call you before I will come over.
A, will call B. you C. before D. will come
8. Ever since I was a child, I had been afraid of dogs.
A. Ever since B. was C. had been D. afraid of
9. By the time I left my apartment this morning, someone looked for me.
A. left B. this morning C. someone D. looked for
10. Whenever Mark will be angry, his nose gets red.
A. Whenever B. will be C. gets D. red
Exercise 10: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
1. I will call you before I ________________ over.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came
2. After she graduates, she ________________ a job.
A. got B. will get C. had got D. get
3. When I ________________ him tomorrow, I will ask him.
A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see
4. As soon as it ________________ raining, we will leave.
A. stops B. stop C. had stopped D. stopped
5. By the time he comes, we will have ________________ already.
A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
6. Whenever I ________________ her, I say hello.
A. see B. will see C. will have seen D. saw
7. The next time I go to New York, I am going ________________ a ballet.
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. to see
8. I will never speak to him again so long as I ________________.
A. lives B. will live C. am living D. live
9. By the time Bill ________________to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for
A. had gone B. will go C. goes D. went
10. As soon as I finish my report, I will call you and we ________________ out for dinner.
A. went B. will go C. will have gone D. go
11. By the time I return to my country, I ________________ away from home for more than three years.
A. would be B. will have been C. will be D. am
12. After he ________________ breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work.
A. will have had B. has C. will be having D. have
13. As soon as he finishes dinner, he ________________ the children for a walk to a nearby playground.
A. will take B. takes C. will be taking D. took
14. When Bill gets home, his children ________________ in the yard.
A. played B. will play C. will be playing D. play
15. He will work at his desk until he ________________ to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
A. went B. go C. will go D. goes
Exercise 11. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage.
Rivers are (1) ________________ of the world’s most important natural resources. Many cities are on
large rivers, and (2) ________________ every country has at least one river that (3) ________________ an
important part in the lives of its people.
Besides transportation, rivers (4) ________________ food, water for crops, water to drink, and
opportunities for recreation for people who live along their (5) ________________. And in order to get
water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let the water become a lake (6)
________________ the dam. Then people can use their water not only to (7) ________________ fields but
also to make electricity for homes and industries.
(8) ________________, the water often becomes polluted when cities on river banks grow (9)
________________ size and the number of industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to (10)
________________ rivers clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of natural resources.
1. A. one B. ones C. among D. those
2. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. about
3. A. takes B. makes C. occupies D. plays
4. A. supply B. provide C. distribute D. bring
5. A. banks B. shores C. sides D. beaches
6. A. behind B. on C. below D. under
7. A. take B. irrigate C. drain D. give
8. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Thus D. However
9. A. of B. about C. in D. for
10. A. keep B. get C. hold D. maintain
Exercise 12. Read the passage about Air Pollution and find the answers to the questions below.
We are nowadays becoming more aware of pollution matters that affect dramatically our lives, especially
there is growing concern about air pollution. There are some reasons that lead to this kind of pollution.
Firstly, the development of industrial zones, factories and building construction areas is producing a large
amount of dust and poisonous air. Especially in developing countries, people don’t pay much attention to
the air treatment process which makes the air pollution even worse. Secondly, because of the increasing
urbanization, it can be easily seen that there is always a lot of traffic in rush hour and dust on the road these
days. The smoke from vehicles and manufacturing exhaust increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the
air which makes US feel really hard to breathe. The consequences are very bad. Smog and dust can do
serious harm to our health, especially our lungs. We have thousands of asthma and adult respiratory
distress cases each year which raise concern about the air quality. Moreover, acid rain is becoming more
and more popular which damages crops and fields. Many people believe that air pollution is also causing
global warming and it is difficult to improve the air without the efforts of all countries around the world.
1. According to the passage, where do a large amount of dust and poisonous air come from?
2. Do developing countries take the air treatment process into careful consideration?
3. Why is it difficult for us to breathe when travelling on the roads or streets?
4. Which particular part of our body is seriously affected by smog and dust?
5. What is the harmful effect of acid rain?
6. According to the passage, if all countries in the world ignore the air pollution condition, will it be easy
to make the air fresher?
Exercise 13. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time
Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household
chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be
done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.
First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce
the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place
plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.
Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short
shower instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully
loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.
Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this
waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The
average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and
If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.
1. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except _____________.
A. house chemicals B. water from household
C. wastes D. water in rivers
2. Recycling can help us _____________.
A. never cut down trees B. use products again and again
C. place garbage bins easily D. produce more paper product
3. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things except _____________.
A. take short showers instead of baths
B. repair leaky faucets
C. fully use the washing machine
D. turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth
4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because _____________.
A. plants need to develop
B. a person can do it in his home
C. waste can be recycled and reused
D. an average man produces compost for plant
5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to _____________.
A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort
Exercise 14. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. While _____________ work, I saw an old friend of mine.
A. I walking home from B. walking home from
C. walked home from D. walking homework
2. Before _____________, I brushed my teeth.
A. left my house B. I leaving my house
C. leaving my house D. my house leaving
3. I feel asleep _____________ TV.
A. while I watch B. while watching
C. while watched D. during I was watching
4. While _____________ about adverb clauses, a mild earthquake shook the classroom.
A. the teacher lecturing B. the teacher was lecturing
C. lecturing D. lectured
5. _____________, a dog chased us down the street
A. While running B. While we were running
C. We were running while D. While running we were
6. Since _____________ to New York, Linda has made many friends.
A. coming B. come C. she coming D. she comes to
7. Peter went back to school _____________ the phone.
A. after john calling him on B. John had called him on
C. after John had called him on D. after John had called him
8. _____________ yesterday, we saw many deer.
A. While we hiking through the woods B. Hiking through the woods
C. During hiking through the woods D. Hiking through the woods we
9. _____________ the necessary qualifications, she was not hired for a job.
A. Lacked B. When lacking C. Lacking D. Because lacking
10. Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, _____________ her a heat
A. the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave
B. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
C. which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
D. the fatigue from the intense heat had almost given
11. _____________ the age of 21, he was able to gamble in Las Vegas.
A. When reached B. Reached C. As reaching D. Upon reaching
12. _____________, Martha was watching her favorite TV program.
A. While Penchant talking to his friend
B. While Penchant was talked to his friend
C. While Penchant was talking to his friend
D. Penchant was talking to his friend while
13. Before _____________ visit my brother and his family, I will need to finish all of my business dealings
with my clients.
A. leaving for North Dakota B. leaving for North Dakota to
C. left for North Dakota to D. I leaving for North Dakota to
14. _____________, the student won a $10 million lottery.
A. While worked on the computer B. While working on the computer
C. While she working on the computer D. D. Working on the computer while she
15. _____________ Asian economic crisis, it has been very hard for Mai and her family to pay their bills.
A. The B. Because the C. Since the D. Since
Exercise 15. Reorder the words to have correct sentences.
1. since/ years old. / she/ was/ She/ has learned/ English/ 12/
2. I/ working, / will/ When/I/ finish/ have dinner./
3. she/ the housework, / school/ will/ go/ to/ As soon as/ she/ finishes/
4. he/ Someone / a shower. / rang/ him/ when/ was taking/
5. she/ got/ pregnant, / working/ stopped/ After/ Mary/ hard. /
6. the beach/ will/ go/ to/ finish/ when/ their children/ The Browns/ studying. /
7. Just/ she/ came/ she/ went/ to/ the/ hospital. / as/ back/ to/ Australia, /
8. I / since/ have played/ old. / football/I/ was/ 7/ years/
9. when/ dinner/ she/ came. / We/ were having/
10. she/ as soon as/ the/ heard/ She/ cried/ news. /
11. clearly/ everything/ started/ before/ we/ She/ had explained/ our/ work. /
12. airport/ at/ the/ she/ by/ the/ time/I / will/ have waited/ arrives. /

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. coral B. ecosystem C. dugong D. oxygen
2. A. resident B. release C. extinction D. endangered
3. A. product B. substance C. number D. include
4. A. rivers B. carbon C. littering D. turn
5. A. release B. resident C. diverse D. ecosystem
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Awareness of environmental damage from ______________ bags is growing.
A. simple-use B. single-uses C. single-use D. single-used
7. They announced an analys is of the carbon ______________ of leading companies.
A. spaces B. contents C. emissions D. footprints
8. The CCTV cameras are intended to reduce ______________ in the area.
A. untidiness B. emptiness C. littering D. dropping
9. She studies mountain gorillas in their natural ______________.
A. habitual B. habitat C. living D. place
10. This region is the ______________ of many species of wild flowers.
A. home B. house C. household D. homework
11. The restaurant has a ______________ menu that includes dishes from all over the world.
A. different B. various C. diverse D. diversity
12. ______________ in the area includes deer, bears, and eagles.
A. Wildfire B. Wild life C. Wildly D. Wildlife
13. Their main goal is to promote environmental ______________.
A. loss B. problem C. issue D. protection
14. Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland has reduced the ______________ life.
A. marine B. sea C. water D. lake
15. They were fined for illegally ______________ waste into the river.
A. treating B. dumping C. dealing with D. creating
IV. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
26. I’ll stay here while / before I until Jack gets back and we’ll go together.
27. When / Before / Until you read his stories, you know that he’s a good writer.
28. You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you when / before I while you are older.
29. The children will want to go swimming before / as soon as / until they see the river.
30. The plane won’t take off after / until / while the clouds go off.
31. He will give you a job when / before / until you have enough qualifications.
32. I will finish my homework before / until / as soon as my father arrives home late this evening.
33. I will do the next task as soon as / before / by the time I have finished the first one.
34. Mother to her son: I won’t let you watch TV before / when / until you finish your homework.
35. He usually surfs the Internet on his smartphone before / after / while he is waiting for the bus.
V. Combine each pair of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets.
36. We will feel much older. We reach our 14th birthday. (when)
37. He left for work. He had a cup of tea. (before)
38. He likes to watch TV. He gets home from work. (after)
39. My cat hides under the sofa. It rains. (while)
40. We finish our training. We will get a job. (after)
41. The working conditions are good. Workers work better. (when)
42. The village will have no electricity. A new generator has been installed. (until)
43. I saw an accident. I was waiting for my bus. (while)
44. The lake is calm. You can catch a lot of fish. (when)
45. You learn to relax more. You won’t get good results. (until)
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Tropical forests have 46 ___________ us with very many sorts of plants for food, 47 ___________ and
industry. They could probably supply man more. They also reduce 48 ___________ and droughts, keep
water clean, and slow down the Greenhouse Effect, 49 ___________ the tropical forests are
___________ destroyed to make 51 ___________ for things like farms, ranches, mines and hydroelectric
___________. About 20 million hectares are lost each year - an area more than twice the size of Austria.
The World Wildlife Fund is working to 53 ___________ and save the forests that are 54 ___________
danger; to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the Greenhouse Effect; and to 55 ___________
governments to think about the forests and their importance when giving international aid.
46. A. given B. brought C. supplied D. donated
47. A. medicine B. hospitals C. doctors D. surgeons
48. A. deserts B. floods C. heat D. hazards
49. A. so B. for C. because D. but
50. A. have B. been C. being D. be
51. A. room B. rooms C. place D. places
52. A. sources B. energy C. dams D. cables
53. A. keep B. protect C. maintain D. hold
54. A. at B. within C. on D. in
55. A. make B. let C. encourage D. influence
VII. Read the passage, and do the tasks that follow.
There are many causes that lead to water pollution. One main cause of this issue is waste water coming
from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water bodies, especially into rivers or seas
without any treatment because this is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. Industrial waste
consists of some kind of chemical substance such as sulphur, which is harmful to marine life. Lead is
known as the main reason for cancer disease. Cancer has become a popular disease in several communes
which are called “cancer villages”. Another cause is the awareness of citizens, people always use water for
many purposes and then they dump waste water or garbage directly into rivers, canals, and ponds and so
on. In 2004, because of bird flu outbreak in Viet Nam, people threw poultry to water body that made
water highly polluted.
Task 1. Read the passages again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
56. Waste water from many factories which is dumped into water bodies directly causes water
pollution. ............
57. Dumping waste directly into water is the most convenient way of disposing waste water. _____
58. Sulphur is believed the main reason for cancer.
59. Cancer villages occurred in 2004.
60. Due to lack of awareness, people poisoned water with dead poultry when there was bird flu outbreak in
VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time
Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household
chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be
done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.

First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce
the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place
plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.
Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short
showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when
fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.
Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this
waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The
average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and
If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.
66. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except ____________.
A. house chemicals B. water from households
C. wastes D. water in rivers
67. Recycling can help us ____________.
A. never cut down trees B. use products again and again
C. place garbage bins easily D. produce more paper products following things except.
68. In order to save water, we can do all of the ____________.
A. take short showers instead of baths B. repair leaky faucets
C. fully use the washing machine D. turn the faucet off' while brushing your teeth
69. Recycling helps to reduce waste because ____________.
A. plants need to develop B. a person can do it in his home
C. waste can be recycled and reused D. an average man produces compost for plants
70. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort

Exercise 1. Look and put the word under the correct photo. Then pronounce it correctly.
stand spaceship statue (train) station
spider star Spain spaghetti

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________

5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8. ________________

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
access farmers’ complaint vegetarian
price customer discount open-air market
opportunity bargains convenience advertisement
1. There’s a big ____________ here on Saturdays.
2. I got a shock when I looked at the ____________ tag.
3. You need a password to get ____________ to the computer system.
4. She scanned the ____________ pages of the newspapers.
5. Anna often ____________ in the shops for hours.
6. The most common ____________ about this restaurant is about poor service.
7. There is a ____________ store outside the library.
8. I’m a regular ____________ of this shop.
9. There’s a ____________ market every Thursday from noon to 4 p.m.
10. There are plenty of ____________ items on the menu.
11. They’re offering a 10% ____________ on all sofas this month.
12. The exhibition gives local artists an ____________ to display their work.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answers.
1. Where can you buy meat?
a. baker’s b. local shop c. butcher’s
2. Where can you buy flowers?
a. florist’s b. chemist’s c. photographer’s
3. Where can you buy magazines and newspapers?
a. ironmonger’s b. newsagent’s c. drugstore
4. Where can you buy food and vegetables?
a. greengrocer’s b. candy store c. bookshop
5. Where can you buy movie tickets?
a. bank b. library c. cinema
6. Where can you buy lipstick?
a. furniture store b. cosmetics store c. jewelry store
7. Where can you buy teddy bears?
a. fashion shop b. gift shop c. shoe store
8. Where can you buy stamps?
a. university b. college c. post office
9. Where can you buy bread?
a. school b. zoo c. bakery
10. Where can you buy beefsteak?
a. park b. restaurant c. garden
11. Where can you buy peonies?
a. florist’s b. waiter’s c. singer’s
12. Where can you buy Detective Conan manga volumes?
a. bookstore b. movie studio c. grocery
Exercise 7. Choose the correct answers.
1. Andrea lives next door so we ____________ see her.
a. never b. often c. rare
2. Nancy and I (30%) ____________ go out for coffee together.
a. never b. frequently c. occasionally
3. We meet ____________ at the Annual General Meeting.
a. never b. every day c. yearly
4. My doctor ____________.
a. yearly checks my health b. checks yearly my health c. checks my health yearly
5. It (0%) ____________ rains here in the summer.
a. never b. sometimes c. rare
6. ____________ we take the dog off his leash at the beach.
a. Sometimes b. Never c. Rarely
7. My sister ____________ two days of school in a row.
a. often has missed b. has missed often c. has often missed
8. My boyfriend and I take vacations together quite ____________.
a. never b. hardly c. frequently
9. Andy (10%) ____________ gets to visit his cousins.
a. very often b. very rare c. rarely
10. I don’t earn much because I ____________.
a. never went to college b. went never to college c. went to college never
Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences with the present simple tense to talk about future
1. I ____________ (start) my new job next Monday.
2. They ____________ (travel) to Paris next month.
3. She ____________ (visit) her grandparents every summer.
4. The train ____________ (arrive) at 3:00 p.m.
5. We ____________ (have) a family reunion next weekend.
6. He ____________ (study) for his exam tomorrow.
7. The Sun ____________ (rise) in the East every morning.
8. They ____________ (go) to the beach on Saturday.
9. I ____________ (meet) Jane for lunch on Thursday.
10. The conference ____________ (begin) at 9:00 a.m.
Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present simple for future events.
1. She ____________ (leave) for her vacation on Friday.
2. The bus ____________ (arrive) at 3:15 p.m.
3. We ____________ (celebrate) Thanksgiving next month.
4. They ____________ (visit) their grandparents this weekend.
5. The store ____________ (close) at 9 p.m. tonight.
6. She ____________ (travel) to Paris next week.
7. They ____________ (arrive) at the party around 7 p.m.
8. I usually ____________ (visit) my grandparents on Sundays.
9. The concert ____________ (start) at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
10. The bus ____________ (leave) at 6 a.m. on Monday.
Exercise 12. Read the text and tick True (T) or False (F).
A new shopping mall is opening in Nam’s neighborhood today. It is very different from the present
shopping area. All the shops are under one roof. There will be air-conditioners, movie theaters, restaurants

and children's play areas. That will be very convenient, especially during the hot and humid summer
months. Customers will shop in comfort and won’t notice the weather.
Some people in the neighborhood, however, are not happy about the changes. The owners of the small
stores on Tran Phu Street think the mall will take their business. Some of the goods in the new stores will
be the same as the ones in the small shops, but the stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of
products, some at cheaper prices. The residents and store owners have been concerned about the new mall
for a few months. They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation.
1. The mall was opened yesterday. _________
2. The mall will be inconvenient during the hot and humid summer months. _________
3. Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased about the new mall. _________
4. It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in the present shopping area. _________
5. Some of the stores on Tran Phu Street may have to close. _________
Exercise 13. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What is special about the new shopping mall?
2. What facilities are available in the shopping mall?
3. What do the small store owners think about the new shopping mall?
4. What kinds of goods will the stores in the mall offer?
Exercise 14. Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fills each gap.
A corner shop or a convenience shop is a British tradition. It is a small (1) ___________ shop. We can find
a comer shop at the end of a local street in many neighbourhoods in towns and cities across the UK. The
comer shop sells all kinds of household goods and simple food and drinks like snacks, groceries, coffee,
soft drinks. It (2) ___________ sells newspapers, magazines, and cigarettes.
Convenience stores are originally from America. They are like the British comer shops. The only (3)
___________ is that convenience stores are often open 24 hours. Probably the most well-known
convenience store is 7-Eleven. You can find a convenience store at any residential (4) ___________, a
filling station, a railway station, or alongside a busy road.
Today, there are convenience stores all over the world. Each country has its own (5) ___________ of
convenience stores as well as the global brand 7-Eleven. Both comer shops and convenience stores (6)
___________ things at higher prices than the supermarket, but they are much more convenient.
1. A. retail B. mass C. wholesale D. convenient
2. A. generally B. finally C. also D. too
3. A. good B. difference C. benefit D. thing
4. A. land B. houses C. community D. area
5. A. brand B. design C. demand D. description
6. A. are B. ask C. sell D. offer
Exercise 15 a. Make complete sentences with suggested words.
1. Susie/ be/ always/ kind/ others.
2. They/ not/ often/ sell/ bread.
3. Usually/ she/ leave/ early/ but/ she/ stay/ at work/ today.
4. This/ type/ exercise/ always/ give/ me/ headache.
5. Marina/ seldom/ go/ out.
6. Vegetarians/ never/ eat/ meat.
7. He/ be/ rarely/ see/ home/ holidays.
Exercise 15 b. Write in complete sentences using present simple tense.
1. she/ not/ sleep late/ weekend days
2. we/ not/ believe/ ghosts
3. you/ understand/ question?
4. they/ not/ work late/ Fridays.
5. David/ want/ coffee?
6. she/ have three/ daughter.
7. when/ she/ go to/ English class?
8. why/ he/ have to/ clean up?
Exercise 16. Write about your shopping habits based on the prompts from the questions below.
Do you like (going) shopping? (Why? /Why not?)
How much time do you usually spend shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
Where do you usually go shopping? With whom?
Which products do you spend the most money on? Why?

UNIT 8 ( TEST 1)
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
open-air assistant fixed speciality dollar
convenience bargain home-made shopaholic items
1. Would you like to try these ______________ sandwiches? My mom made them this morning.
2. The ______________ store is a shop where everything costs one dollar.
3. All the items in supermarkets have ______________ prices on their price tags.
4. Have you ever been to a(n) ______________ market in Lao Cai?
5. My aunts usually make a shopping list in order not to forget any ______________ needed.
6. Can I ______________ to get a lower price when shopping in a mall?
7. Whenever I go travelling, I go to some ______________ shops to buy some local food as gifts for my
relatives and friends.
8. Ngoc is a ______________. She spends most of her time and money shopping.
9. Seven Eleven is the most popular ______________ store in Thailand.
10. My sister works as a shop ______________ in a souvenir shop in Hoi An Ancient Town.
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency from the box.
always x2 often x2 sometimes
usually rarely x2 never x2
1. His friend is never sad. He’s ____________ happy.
2. I have been late for school only once this year. I’m ____________ late.
3. How ____________ do you go shopping at the supermarket?
4. My uncle hates fish. He ____________ eats any kind of fish.
5. I ____________ go to have a drink in a coffee shop, but not too often.
6. James is ____________ sick, so he almost never sees a doctor.
7. I always remember to do my homework. I ____________ forget to do it.
8. My father doesn’t like eating out. He ____________ has meals at home.
9. We go to the cinema five times a week. We ____________ go there to see a movie.
10. How ____________ does Jane bargain when shopping?
Exercise 2. Put the adverb of frequency in brackets into its correct position.
1. My mother buys food in the supermarket. (always)
2. My grandma buys things online because she doesn’t know how to use e-commerce platforms. (rarely)
3. Does Jane go to buy some local food in the market? (usually)
4. Anna surfs the internet in the evening. (sometimes)
5. We pay by credit card. (never)
6. I don’t return things that I buy online. (often)
7. My parents go to an open-air market in the mountainous area. (sometimes)
8. The shop assistant at his shop gives us special attention. (always)
9. My friend visits a farmers’ market to find a lot of home-grown fruit and vegetables. (often)
10. The shop owner treats her customers with a lot of respect. (usually)
Exercise 3. Write T if the sentence refers to a timetable, schedule or plan, and U if it is an unplanned
future action.
1. ____ I’m busy now, so I will help my mom prepare dinner tomorrow evening.
2. ____ The train leaves in ten minutes.
3. ____ They won’t go shopping next Sunday.
4. ____ Our school bus arrives at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning.
5. ____ Will we go to the supermarket on Monday this week?
6. ____ The boutique shop opens at 8 a.m.
7. ____ The winter sales start next Friday.
8. ____ My students will probably have a picnic this weekend.
9. ____ The flight takes off in 15 minutes.
10. ____ I promise I will make a birthday cake for my brother in the next two days.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using Present simple.
1. My shop always (open) ____________ at 9 a.m. every day.
2. ____________ (the fair / start) on 20th March?
3. Our plane (not land) ____________ at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
4. When shopping online, we (visit) ____________ an e-commerce website.
5. What time (the bus / come) ____________ tomorrow?
6. Some shoppers (visit) ____________ shopping centres to get exercise.
7. My mother always (watch) ____________ the Master Chef programme.
8. The summer sales (end) ____________ next Sunday.
9. Don’t be late! The train (leave) ____________ the station at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
10. Most of the products sold at Bac Ha Fair (be) ____________ home-grown and home-made.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using Present simple or Simple future tense.
1. The yoga course (begin) ____________ on 7th July.
2. I think she (visit) ____________ her grandparents tomorrow.
3. The train (depart) ____________ from platform 5 at 11.30.
4. When ____________ the art exhibition (end) ____________?
5. My daughter (be) ____________ fifteen next week.
6. ____________ (the plane / take) off at 10 p.m. as usual?
7. ____________ (you / open)the door for me, please?
8. I don't think the new shopping mall (open) ____________ tomorrow.
9. There's no need to hurry. The concert (begin ) ____________ at 7 o'clock.
10. The train (not leave) ____________ at 10.15. It (arrive) ____________ at 10.15.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of a suitable verb from the box.
attract try shop browse buy
pay save offer expire make
1. Teenagers prefer ____________ at the shopping mall.
2. The bar of chocolate you bought at the convenience shop ____________ six days ago.
3. I’m calling to ____________ a complaint about the Ipad I ordered from the shop last weekend.
4. Shopping centres usually ____________ a lot of customers, especially during sales.
5. Does the supermarket nearby ____________ a wide range of products to choose from?
6. People sometimes go ____________ while wandering through the shopping malls.
7. People prefer going to the shop to going to the market because they allow customers ____________ on
clothes and shoes.
8. Online shopping helps us ____________ time.
9. There’s nothing worth ____________ in a dollar store, I think.
10. You must ____________ for the shipping fee if you return a product.
Exercise 7. Underline the correct answers.
1. The convenience store in my neighbourhood opens / will open 24/7.
2. Mom, I make / will make a shopping list for you to give to the shop assistant of the bakery.
3. We don’t go / won’t go on a holiday this summer vacation.
4. The bus schedule says that there is / will be a bus to Hoan Kiem Lake at 9:00.
5. The show will begin / begins at 8 o’clock.
6. What time is / will be your flight?
7. Our final exams will start / start next week.
8. I think he will pass / passes the exam.
9. Next Friday at 9 o’clock there is / will be an English speaking contest.
10. Perhaps, it will rain / rains tomorrow.
Exercise 8. Complete sentences with a suitable preposition.
1. This salad is made ____________ home-grown vegetables.
2. Shopaholic is a person who is addicted ____________ shopping.
3. We sometimes go round and look at things ____________ display.
4. Some luxurious brands are rarely ____________ sale, are they?
5. Can I use these vouchers ____________ the next shopping?
6. A supermarket is a large indoor shopping place ____________ fixed prices for all the items offered.
7. I paid too much ____________ the bag I bought yesterday.
8. There are a lot of customers ____________ shopping centres ____________ holidays.
9. People choose a department store as a place to hang ____________ with others.
10. An open-air market often offers a wide range ____________ goods.
Exercise 9. Choose the correct answers.
1. I prefer to do my ____________ at shopping malls.
A. shopper B. shops C. shopping D. shop
2. In our group, most people spend most of their money ____________ clothes.
A. of B. at C. in D. on
3. She should call the shipping company to complain ____________ the problem.
A. to B. about C. on D. with
4. What do you like about shopping at a ____________ store?
A. inconvenient B. convenience C. convenient D. conveniently
5. Some people go to shopping centres to ____________ the heat or cold outside.
A. keep B. stop C. get D. avoid
6. We can ____________ bargain at a supermarket.
A. always B. never C. sometimes D. rarely
7. My grandmother ____________ goes to the market to buy food. She goes there every day.
A. always B. never C. often D. sometimes
8. Do you like ____________ products?
A. home-growing B. home-grew C. home-grown D. home-grow
9. ____________ your son be 14 years old next week?
A. Will B. Are C. Does D. Can
10. How ____________ do you buy things online?
A. much B. always C. often D. far
11. The weather ____________ shopping at an open-air market.
A. effect B. effect C. affects D. affect
12. Let’s go to ____________ shops to buy something as presents for our relatives after the trip.
A. specialize B. speciality C. special D. Specially
13. We can find many products ____________ lower prices in a discount shop.
A. at B. by C. With D. on
14. That shop in the comer never ____________ on Sunday.
A. opening B. will open C. open D. opens
15. I don’t like this store. The staff are rude and the ____________ service is really bad, too.
A. costume B. customer C. customers D. custom
16. He wants to ____________ about the package he has just got.
A. complained B. complaining C. complain D. Complains
17. You should shop online for electrical goods because they ____________.
A. often are cheaper B. are cheaper often C. often cheaper D. are often cheaper
18. Never buy things you don’t need just because they are on ____________.
A. sale B. sell C. selling D. Sold
19. Can you wave over a sales ____________? I have a question about this jacket.
A. assistant B. assistance C. assist D. assisting
20. ____________ online is more convenient than other kinds of shopping.
A. Shops B. Shopper C. Shopping D. Shop
Exercise 10. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. My grandfather goes jogging usually in the morning. ________
2. The restaurant is opening at 7 p.m. tonight. ________
3. My classmate always is late for school. ________
4. The music festival will end next Monday. ________
5. A discount shop offer lower prices on all products. ________
6. My friend spends too much money to shop online. ________
7. There’s a three-storeys shopping mall in this town. ________
8. My mother doesn’t never shops at the market. ________
9. This cake is home-make. ________
10. I don't know how bargain. ________
Exercise 1. Read and fill in the blanks with the words given.
addicted websites bargaining shopaholics cheaper
Nowadays, Vietnamese (1) _____________ are in favour of purchasing products from e-commerce floors
due to their significant benefits. To begin with, users can easily find a wide range of products, including
electronic devices, clothes, food and drink, etc. on these shopping platforms; therefore, they are really
paradises for those who are (2) _____________ to shopping. They can spend a whale of time looking for
products, comparing their prices among multiple online stores and reading customers' reviews to make a
final decision on what they will buy. Furthermore, (3) _____________ prices are a big advantage of
buying online products. On special occasions these online markets supply compulsive shoppers heaps of
promo codes, helping them enjoy the feeling of obtaining items at reduced prices. Another outstanding
feature of e-commerce (4) _____________ attracting new buyers every day is its convenience. With a few
mouse clicks at home, customers can own everything available on e-commerce websites. They neither
hastily browse through the products nor waste their time (5) _____________ like in the outside stores. This
new way of shopping clearly satisfies frequent shoppers' demand.
Exercise 2. Read the passage, then tick True (T) or False (F).

The whole shopping area in Vincom Mega Mall Royal City Thanh Xuan is huge, so you have countless
choices. Upon entering the Vincom Mega Mall Royal City Thanh Xuan, you will have the opportunity to
purchase furniture, electronics and home appliances on the first floor.
If you are a fashion-lover or trendsetter, just go upstairs to have a look at those cosmetics, shoes and
jewelry from the internationally-famous brands such as H&M, Adidas, Converse, Lacoste, Zara and so on.
Vinmart, the small supermarket belonging to Vingroup. is also located right there, offering you everything
you may need, easily acquired by card or cash.
All that shopping can grow an appetite, therefore, filling up your stomach in the restaurant section
afterwards would be a great idea. The food court is home to tons of eating options from unique Vietnamese
street food to typical cuisine of China, Japan, Korea, and European countries.
Statements T F
1. Vincom Mega Mall Royal City Thanh Xuan is not large.
2. Electronics and home appliances on the second floor.
3. Some intemationally-famous brands are H&M, Adidas, Converse, Lacoste,
4. Customers can pay by card or cash.
5. The food court only serves unique Vietnamese street food.
Exercise 3. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions below.
Shopping is a necessary part of life which very few people can avoid. Some people go shopping more
regularly than other people to browse products in shops even when they do not have much money. This is
known as window shopping and allows people to plan ahead and save for the things they want to buy in the
future or wait for the items to drop in price. Some people spend a lot of time looking for bargains while
others do not think of the price and are happy to spend a lot. Some people believe that the more expensive
the item, the better the quality, but this is not always true. It is sensible to buy items which are affordable,
but some people use a credit card or borrow money from the bank so that they can buy the items they
really want rather than wait for it.
Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift to buy for other people for a special occasion. It
is common to buy a gift voucher so that a friend or loved one can go shopping themselves at their own
convenience. Shopping online is often popular with people who have a busy lifestyle. People are able to
order their necessary and luxury items from the comfort of their own home, or even on the move. Delivery
is usually free and items are often cheaper than in shops on the high street. The only real problem is that
the item description and quality may be more different than what they hoped for. This could mean the
customer may become disappointed with the item they receive and will need to return it at their own cost.
People who go to shops to do their shopping often use self- service payment machines. This usually saves
time as the shopper does not need to join a long queue. However, it can be frustrating when the machine
has a problem and the sales assistant is not always available to help.
1. Does shopping play an important role in life?
2. What is the advantage of window shopping?
3. Is it common to buy a gift voucher?
4. Who is shopping online often popular with?
5. What do people who go to shops to do their shopping often use?
Exercise 1. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. enjoy / and / two / or / well-lit / clean / hours / walking / in / one / for / areas. / People

2. of / entertainment / These / year-round / for / free / customers / ages. / all / centres / offer / often
3. products. / offer / of / Both / offline / a / online / and / range / supermarkets / wide
4. shopping / you / prefer / in / or / in / an / a / supermarket? / Do / open-air / market
5. have / at / a / The / leaves / so / 4:30, / still / lot / of / train / time. / we
6. the / shopping / date / open? / does / centre / What
7. the / the / ask / price / a / than / Sellers / for / of / usually / value / goods. / higher
8. Can / bargain / prices / the / fixed? / are / when /I
9. online / night / He / the / whole / spent / for / browsing / cameras.
10. are / the / at / supermarket. / displayed / often / on / shelves / Goods
Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
1. Josh hates eating carrots and peas. (never)
2. I spent the whole morning browsing online for a new laptop. (took)
3. It’s my eighteenth birthday next week. (will)
4. Jane wants to make a complaint about the smart watch. (complain)
5. There’s no need to bargain at a shopping mall. (don’t)
6. The shoes I bought are bigger than the ones you advertised online. (smaller)
7. Most people go to shopping centres to buy necessary items. (so that)
8. Shop owners usually allow customers to try on clothes and shoes. (allowed)
9. My mother goes to the grocery store five times a week. (usually)
10. Let’s get something to drink in that food court. (Why)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. access B. centre C. market D. well-lit
2. A. sale B. tag C. speciality D. attract
3. A. produce B. product C. lucky D. much
4. A. fixed B. fix C. example D. excellent
5. A. store B. costume C. florist D. speciality
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. We sell cups of coffee from our stall at the farmers’ _____________.
A. market B. town C. trader D. economy
7. They aim to respond to all customer _____________ within 24 hours.
A. illness B. dissatisfaction C. complains D. complaints
8. We bought some snacks at the _____________ store at midnight. It serves us all the time.
A. retail B. department C. convenience D. online
9. As a _____________, Jane loved looking for new clothes with her two daughters.
A. shopaholic B. shopkeeper C. shop assistant D. retailer
10. It has a _____________ of more than $2,000.
A. price control B. price tag C. price war D. priceless
11. We often go to an _____________ swimming pool to enjoy sunlight.
A. open day B. open-ended C. open air D. open-air
12. She picked up some real bargains _____________.
A. for sale B. on sale C. in sale D. on a sale or return
13. The market is full of farm _____________.
A. produce B. product C. production D. productivity
14. Students are from a wide _____________ of backgrounds.
A. limit B. distance C. range D. group
15. They offer a ten percent _____________ on travel for students.
A. discount B. cut C. decrease D. drop
III. Choose the correct answers.
16. Mum never costs / spends / rents any money on herself.
17. He managed to spend / cost / save enough to buy a small house.
18. We can’t promote / afford / spend to go on holiday this year.
19. Do you know how much the ring is worth / afforded / cost?
20. There will be a meeting to promote / advertise I save trade between Viet Nam and the UK.
21. Some farmers cost / rent / afford their land from the council.
22. Second-hand clothes don’t save / rent / cost much.
23. They no longer advertise / spend / afford alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events.
24. He didn’t spend / afford / offer to pay me for the ticket.
25. Exchange / Deliver / Try on the shoes to see if they return / fit / keep.
IV. Complete the gaps in the text with the words given. There are three extra words that you do not
need to use.
supermarkets custom products produce
vendors habit range businessmen
Despite the changes in society, most of Vietnamese mothers and grandmothers still go to the traditional
markets for daily fresh 26 _____________. They are always fond of freshness, and have the
_____________of going shopping every day to prepare meals for the whole family. Some young ladies
love shopping at 28 _____________, but they often complain about the freshness of seafood there.
People often stop their motorbikes at a street-side market as it is much quicker than parking their
motorbike in the supermarket basement. They can sit on their motorbike and get food from the street 29
_____________. Sellers in these markets often have really quick calculation without using any calculator
in hand.
Big markets are like the trading hub of the region or wholesale markets, so everything can be found there
with a wide 30 _____________ of goods. Wandering around a market, a tourist can experience the lives of
local people.
V. Read Phong’s daily routine. Make questions with “How often” about Phong, and write the
questions with the correct adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes, or never. Practise the
exchanges in pairs.
Phong gets up early every morning, and he isn’t late for class. He eats breakfast before going to school,
and he also eats breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. He tidies his room on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
and Sunday. In the evening he does his homework every weekday, so he doesn’t miss his homework
during the week. At the weekend he plays football with his classmates or plays badminton with his
younger sister. On Sunday morning he watches TV or he plays computer games. He reads his lessons
every Sunday afternoon. He doesn’t go to bed late every day.
31. (get up early)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
32. (be late for class)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
33. (eat breakfast in the morning)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
34. (tidy his room)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
35. (do homework on weekday)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
36. (miss homework during the week)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
37. (play football/ play badminton/ at the weekend)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
38. (watch TV/ play computer games/ Sunday morning)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
39. (read lessons/ Sunday afternoon)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
40. (go to bed late)
A: How often ______________________________________________________________________?
B: ________________________________________________________________________________
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: present simple or present
continuous for future events.
41. I’ve seen the notice. The game ______________ (start) at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
42. We ______________ (have) boiled chicken and rice for dinner tonight.
43. I ______________ (walk) to school tomorrow morning. I need the exercise.
44. The bus ______________ (leave) at 8.15 tomorrow morning.
45. The exam ______________ (begin) at 9.00 tomorrow morning and ______________ (end) at 11.00.
46. Tomorrow the museum ______________ (open) at 10.00 am and ______________ (close) at 5.00 pm.
Let’s go around 2.30 pm, okay?
47. Have you heard the news? Laura and David ______________ (get) married in August.
48. I ______________ (watch) the new Marvel film at Nam’s house tomorrow.
49. My uncle’s plane ______________ (arrive) at 10.10 tomorrow morning. My father can’t pick him up,
so he ______________ (take) the airport bus into the city center.
50. “There ______________ (be) a flight to Ha Noi at 5.30 am, sir,” the receptionist said.
VIII. Read the article and do the tasks that follow.
Shopping Online

Lots of people enjoy the benefits of online shopping. You don’t have to sit in traffic jams or wait at bus
stops or at train stations. Because online stores are open 24 hours, seven days a week, you can sit at your
computer and shop at your leisure. And you don’t have to collect your product because they deliver it right
to your door.
But shopping online isn’t all great - you need to be very careful when deciding what to buy and where to
buy it. Here are some tips for shopping safely online.
Use a secure connection
The easiest way of making sure the connection is secure is to look for the lock sign in the address bar.
Another is to look at the start of the website address. If this starts with “https”, there is a secure connection
because the letter “s” means “secure”. If you see ‘http’ with no “s”, don’t enter the website or give your
personal or bank details. It could be a false website that is trying to steal your money or personal
Use a secure payment method
Only shop on sites that offer secure payment methods, like credit cards and other payment systems. This
gives you protection in a situation where you and the shop disagree - the shop can’t say you did anything
illegal, like using another person’s credit card to pay. Banks usually contact you if they think something is
Create a strong password
A strong password is very important. It’s usually a good idea to change your passwords every few months,
just in case someone finds out what they are. Also, try to use a different password for different online
shopping sites: once someone guesses one password, they can get access to everything you do online.
Check other customers' comments
Always check the seller’s history when using online sites. You can get an idea by looking at other buyers’
comments. If you are not sure about a product, you can always send the seller a question and the good
sellers will reply fairly quickly.
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.
61. What is the purpose of the article?
A. to stop people shopping online
B. to help people save money when shopping online
C. to make people think twice before shopping online
D. to help people stay safe when shopping online
62. According to the author, what are the benefits of shopping online?
A. It’s much cheaper. B. There is less travelling involved.
C. Payment time is much quicker. D. There are more choices.
63. What does the author say you can do to make sure the connection is safe?
A. go to a website where you can check the address.
B. contact the website by sending them a message.
C. look for a special icon on the screen.
D. look for the word ‘secure’ in the website address.
64. According to the author, why is it important to create a strong password?
A. so only you and the shop know your password.
B. so no one can guess your password and see everything you do.
C. so you can shop happily online with no worries.
D. so only you and the bank know your password.
65. Why does the author suggest you check other customers’ comments?
A. so we can see if the seller is honest.
B. because they explain everything about the product.
C. because the seller might not tell the truth about the product.
D. so we can talk to them about the product or seller.
X. Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets, using the cues given
below. Use the words showing the sequence: firstly, secondly, moreover, to begin with, in addition.
76. get all goods / one roof / save a lot of time
77. get different options / the same product / choose the best product
78. offer discounts, cash backs or contests / give us a rewarding experience
79. when / we / in a hurry / not convenient / do shopping / a supermarket
80. often buy unnecessary goods / overspend / see so many items / display / supermarkets
76. Firstly, _________________________________________________________________________
77. Secondly, _______________________________________________________________________
78. Morever, _______________________________________________________________________
However, they also have some disadvantages.
79. To begin with, when ______________________________________________________________
80. In addition, _____________________________________________________________________

Exercise 1. Mark the stress of the words in the box then put them in the blanks and say the sentences
laborious emotional marvelous natural
enormous chemical social glamorous
1. The skyscraper’s ______________ height dominated the city skyline, making it impossible to miss from
any angle.
2. The waterfall was surrounded by lush greenery and wildlife, creating a peaceful and ______________
oasis in the heart of the forest.
3. The red carpet event was a ______________ affair, with celebrities and dignitaries arriving in elegant
attire and sparkling jewelry.
4. The local community center hosted a variety of ______________ events, bringing together people from
all walks of life for shared activities and conversations.
5. The scientist conducted a series of complex ______________ experiments in the laboratory, aiming to
discover new compounds with unique properties.
6. The heartfelt speech delivered by the bride’s father brought tears to everyone’s eyes, evoking strong
______________ reactions from the entire audience.
7. The sunset over the ocean was a ______________ display of vibrant colors, leaving everyone in awe of
nature’s beauty.
8. The construction of the intricate model ship proved to be a ______________ task, requiring hours of
meticulous work.
Exercise 2. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. emotional B. nature c. injure D. climate
2. A. laborious B. tropical C. debris D. document
3. A. chemical B. destroy C. erupt D. exploit
4. A. documentary B. preparation C. scientific D. rational
5. A. eruption B. visual C. destroy D. volcano
6. A. remember B. chemical C. expression D. convenient
7. A. personal B. computer C. formation D. connection
8. A. national B. cultural C. popular D. enormous
9. A. successful B. humorous C. arrangement D. attractive
10. A. construction B. typical C. glorious D. purposeful
Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and put the words/ phrases in the spaces provided.
flood forest fire volcanic eruption drought
tsunami hurricane tornado earthquake

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 4. Match the words in column A to their definitions in column B.
1. volcanic eruption A. a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a
2. earthquake B. a long period without rain
3. thunderstorm C. an extremely large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake
4. landslide D. a large amount of water spread from a river, sea etc. that covers an area
that is normally dry
5. sandstorm E. a disaster that a volcano explodes and throws out fire, lava, smoke etc.
6. tornado F. a fire in the forest caused by high temperature
7. flood G. a sudden violent movement of the ground
8. drought H. a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds
9. tsunami I. a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain
10. wildfire J. a strong wind that blows in a circle
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. She is good ______________ meteorology.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
2. Last night, volcano Maui ______________ and the large areas of land were affected.
A. erupts B. erupted C. erupting D. erupt
3. When a volcanic eruption occurs, the hot ______________ pours downhill.
A. ash B. smoke C. dirt D. lava
4. Since there are two villages located at the foot of the volcano, the local population was __________.
A. evacuated B. killed C. died D. injured
5. The earthquake ______________ have been sent humanitarian aid by many countries.
A. victims B. elders C. rescuers D. soldiers
6. When there is a plane crash, a lot of ______________ is left.
A. dust B. debris C. waste D. piece
7. A powerful ______________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high wave and killed at
least 113 people.
A. earthquake B. tornado C. tsunami D. landslide
8. A ______________ often occurs in the mountainous areas because many trees have been cut down.
A. forest fire B. flood C. tornado D. landslide
9. ______________ often happen in rainy season especially in the center of Vietnam.
A. Droughts B. Storms C. Floods D. Sandstorms
10. Deforestation leads to ______________ which can be defined as the changes in the average
A. flood B. climate change C. sandstorm D. erosion
Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
1. Today ______________ can predict when a tidal wave will hit land. (SCIENCE)
2. That tsunami was the most ______________ of the year 2004. (DISASTER)
3. We had left the city ______________ before tidal waves came. (SAFETY)
4. Thousands of people have been made ______________ by the flooding. (HOME)
5. Thunder makes me ______________. (TERRIFY)
6. The ______________ of the volcanoes is always disastrous. (ERUPT)
Exercise 7. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. They ______________ on the lake when it started to rain so they went home.
A. fished B. fishing C. were fishing D. are fishing
2. Her dad found some money while he ______________ her suitcase.
A. packing B. package C. are packing D. was packing
3. Your brother ______________ in Myanma when he met his girlfriend.
A. study B. was studying C. were study D. was study
4. His grandma tried cake for the first time while she ______________ in China.
A. staying B. is staying C. is stayed D. was staying
5. Her mom ______________ in the park when she saw a tree.
A. was going B. was going C. were going D. were going
6. _______it _______ when I woke up this morning?
A. Is...raining B. Was.. .raining C. Is...rain D. Were.. .raining
7. What ______________ when his mother came?
A. were you doing B. was you doing C. are you doing D. are you doing
8. What did you watch on TV while you ______________ dinner last night?
A. were having B. was having C. were having D. was having
9. The policeman ______________ his letter in the post office at that time.
A. is sending B. was sending C. sending D. was sending
10. It ______________ and cloudy when I left Ireland.
A. was rain B. was raining C. is raining D. raining
Exercise 8. Give the correct form of the verbs in the past continuous tense.
1. At this time last year, they ______________ (build) this stadium.
2. I ______________ (drive) my motorbike very fast when James called me.
3. I ______________ (chat) with Hannah while Mr. Henry ______________ (teach) the lesson yesterday.
4. My brother ______________ (watch) TV when I got home.
5. At this time last night, I ______________ (prepare) for my husband’s birthday party.
6. What ______________ (you/ do) at 7 p.m. last Monday?
7. Where you ______________ (go) when I saw you last weekend?
8. They ______________ (not go) to church when I met them yesterday.
9. My mother ______________ (not do) the housework when our grandparents came home.
10. Ms. Stacey ______________ (read) books while her children ______________ (play) football
yesterday afternoon.
Exercise 9: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple or past continuous.
1. When I _________ to school, I _________ John. (walk/see)
2. When I _________ in the kitchen, Mary _________. (help/come)
3. While she _________ the soup, the children _________. (cook/play)
4. While they _________ cards, the baby _________. (play/sleep)
5. When I _________ in the garden, my uncle _________. (work/call)
6. Carol _________ TV while Bob and Peter _________ football. (watch/play)
7. When she _________ her hair, the baby _________ to cry. (wash/begin)
8. A strong wind _________ when the plane _________. (blow/land)
9. When she _________ tennis, it _________ to rain. (play/began)
10. When I _________ TV, the lights _________ out. (watch/go)
11. While he _________ the piano, she _________ to him. (play/listen)
12. While she _________ up her room, he _________ his car. (tidy/wash)
13. The boys _________ in the garden while she _________ the flowers. (help/water)
14. He _________ Mary when he _________ through the park. (meet/walk)
15. We _________ computer games while she _________ a book. (play/read)
Exercise 10: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple or past continuous.
1. They _________ (have) tea when the doorbell _________ (ring).
2. Father _________ (smoke) his pipe while mother _________ (read) a magazine.
3. While he _________ (mow) the lawn, it _________ (start) to rain.
4. He _________ (have) breakfast when the toaster _________ (blow) up.
5. When I _________ (come) into the office, my boss _________ (wait) for me.
6. When we _________ (see) Brian, he _________ (drive) a taxi.
7. He _________ (wait) in the car while she _________ (do) the shopping.
8. When he _________ (arrive), we _________ (have) dinner.
9. While they _________ (play) chess, we _________ (go) shopping.
10. They _________ (have) a party while he _________ (sleep).
11. He _________ (take) a photo when I _________ (feed) the ducks.
12. They _________ (play) football when the lights in the stadium _________ (go) out.
13. While George and John _________ (clean) their room, Linda _________ (do) the ironing.
14. Sam _________ (do) the ironing when Jack _________ (phone) her.
15. We _________ (wait) at Victoria station when the train _________ (arrive).
Exercise 11. Read the text and choose the correct option.
Erosion in America
Erosion of America’s farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the prairies
and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, (1) _____________ 282 million
acres of farmland (2) _____________ by erosion. After 40 years of (3) _____________ efforts, soil
erosion has accelerated due to new demands (4) _____________ on the land by heavy crop production. In
the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as
the nation’s most critical (5) _____________ resource problem.
1. A. more than B. more C. less D. than
2. A. damaged B. was damaged C. were damaged D. damages
3. A. conserve B. conservation C. conserving D. conservations
4. A. were placed B. was placed C. which placed D. placed
5. A. nature B. natural C. nation D. national
Exercise 12. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
Two of the most dangerous storms which affect America are hurricanes and tornadoes. They are very
much feared by anyone who may live in the path of their destruction.
Every year homes are destroyed by their fury and often lives are lost. Most people who live near the coast
are forced to evacuate their homes and to move to safer areas until the storm passes. Floods are caused
along the coasts by both the heavy rain and a storm tide that is considerably above normal water level. The
high winds, coastal flooding and heavy rains associated with a hurricane cause enormous damage.
Hurricanes usually develop between July and October. Once they hit the land, they carry tremendous
power with driving rain and wind.
Tornadoes are violent low-pressured storms. These storms occur most often during the summer months
and are noticeable by their strong wind and lack of rain. The sky turns black as dust is sucked up into the
air. Tornadoes are capable of lifting quite heavy objects from the ground. They can pick up trees and cars
into the air and even uplift heavier objects such as homes and railway cars.
Both hurricanes and tornadoes cause millions of dollars worth of damage to life and property every year.
Today they can be predicted more easily than in the past, but they cannot be stopped or ignored.
1. What are two of the most dangerous storms which affect America?
A. Thunderstorms and hurricanes. B. Typhoons and thunderstorms.
C. Hurricanes and tornadoes. D. Hurricanes and typhoons.
2. At which part of the year do hurricanes usually develop?
A. July and August only. B. Between July and October.
C. From the seventh to the ninth month. D. All the year round.
3. What is the major similarity of both a hurricane and a tornado?
A. They cover only a small area. B. They have either wind or speed.
C. They are not accompanied by rain. D. They can cause great damage.
4. Which of the following is true of tornadoes and hurricanes?
A. They cannot be predicted with accuracy.
B. They are easier to control today than in the past.
C. Tornadoes are more dangerous than hurricanes.
D. They can be predicted today with greater accuracy.
5. Which of the following was not mentioned in the article?
A. The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes.
B. The tremendous power of these storms.
C. The number of people killed each year by these storms.
D. The time of year when they are most likely to strike.
Exercise 13. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage.
More than a billion people all over the world are (1) _____________ the threat of desert expansion, but
few of them are aware that they themselves cause it and are also its (2) _____________. People cut (3)
_____________ trees for fuel and farmland. Their herds eat (4) _____________ the grass covering valley
floors and hillsides. The climate and soil quality, therefore, are affected and forests are turned into (5)
In some places, many people had to leave their homes when their wells became dry and sand buried their
house and crops. Therefore, governments in nearby areas have helped local people (6) _____________
trees and banned burning firewood for fuel. Many other techniques have been (7) _____________. For
example, in Iran, a thin covering of oil was poured on sandy areas to retain (8) _____________ for

planting trees, but this method may harm the environment. Other countries built long canals or pipelines
(9) _____________ water to desert areas.
Unless people find more (10) _____________ methods, their homes and land will be lost. The fight against
the desert is continuing.
1. A. under B. in C. on D. of
2. A. enemies B. victims C. friends D. effects
3. A. off B. back C. in D. down
4. A. away B. up C. into D. out
5. A. blanks B. spaces C. deserts D. bareness
6. A. planting B. to plant C. plant D. planted
7. A. using B. use C. uses D. used
8. A. water B. soil C. earth D. fertilizer
9. A. take B. to carry C. fetch D. bring
10. A. effective B. great C. major D. useful
Exercise 14. Write in full sentences using the past continuous tense.
1. They/ play/ tennis/10.30 yesterday morning.
2. Ann/ do/ homework/ 5 o’clock this afternoon.
3. My father/ wash/ car/ from five to six.
4. This time last year/ we/ live/ France.
5. The students/ offer/ flowers/ the visitors.
6. I/ cook/ dinner/ half an hour ago.
7. She/ work/ the studio/ that time.
8. What/ you/ do/ from 3 to 6 yesterday afternoon?
Exercise 15. Write in full sentences using the past continuous tense or the past simple tense.
1. I/ shop/ when/ Linda/ call/ me/.
2. My brother/ do/ homework/ 9 o’clock/.
3. He/ eat/ lunch/ when/ we/ arrive/.
4. she/ live/ Hue/ that time/?
5. She/ play/ guitar/ 6 p.m.
6. she/ type/ a letter/ when/ her boss/ go/ into/ meeting room/?
7. While/ she/ watch/ TV, / she/ hear/ the doorbell/.
8. she/ study/ English/ 8 p.m./ yesterday/?
9. She/ see/ accident/ while/ she/ watch/ television/.
10. What/ your little/ brother/ do/ this time/ yesterday/?
11. The doorbell/ ring/ while/ she/ eat/ lunch/.
12. your friends/ drink/ juice/ when/ you/ arrive/?
13. What/Asley/ do/ while/ her sister/ go/ Ha Noi/?
14. 9 o’clock/ last Sunday, /I/ do/ homework/.
Exercise 16. Storms and floods are the most common natural disasters in Viet Nam and they caused
severe damage. Write a paragraph about the problem of storms and floods in our country, then
present the solution.
Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers.
1. A table with four chairs is ________________ of the dining room.
A. in B. the middle C. in the middle D. about
2. You ________________ brush your teeth twice a day.
A. should B. can C. will D. have
3. Tim is a good student. He did very well in the first semester. His mother is ________________ him.
A. sorry for B. sad C. proud of D. displeased
4. The new hotel ________________ next year.
A. is opened B. will be opened C. is opening D. opens
5. Would you mind ________________ on the light?
A. turn B. to turn C. turned D. turning
6. Where is the fridge? - It’s ________________ the comer of the kitchen.
A. in B. at C. to D. above
7. Did the children enjoy ________________ when they were on holiday?
A. themselves B. themselves C. himself D. itself
8. Carmen didn’t use to eat fish, but now she ________________.
A. used to B. do C. does D. doesn’t
9. I have never been to Australia. I ________________ to Australia yet.
A. went B. have been C. will go D. haven’t been
10. I’m ________________. Let’s do something. How about going to a movie?
A. boring B. bore C. bored D. being bored
11. I’m hungry. ________________ is for dinner this evening?
A. Why B. When C. How D. What
12. The old lady sat in a comer talking to ________________.
A. himself B. itself C. herself D. Themselves
13. I ________________ swimming very much.
A. wait B. try C. enjoy D. finish
14. The teacher said, “Come at 8 o’clock”.
The teacher told the students ________________ at 8 o’clock.
A. not to come B. to come C. coming D. Came
15. Mary is watching a film. She really likes it. Mary is really ________________.
A. to interest B. interest C. interested D. interesting
16. ________________ to do homework today?
A. Have you B. Do you have C. Must you D. You must
17. She knows that he worked really ________________ this semester.
A. good B. hardly C. better D. hard
18. Stop, boys! It’s ________________ near the streets.
A. dangerous for playing B. dangerously to play
C. dangerous to playing D. dangerous to play
19. It’s possible to supplement one’s ________________ by taking a part-time job.
A. income B. earning C. gaining D. attainment
20. Do you mind if I switch on the radio? - ________________.
A. No, thanks B. Yes, go ahead C. No, not at all D. Yes, you can
Exercise 9. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. The flood victim are collecting their personal property.
2. Avoid danger places, such as windows or bookcases, during an earthquake.
3. There is numerous tropical storms in this area every year.
4. During the storm, we should stays inside the house.
5. Oh, the house is shaking! I think we're having a earthquake.
6. More twenty people on these islands are still missing.
7. While she was work on the field, the tornado came.
8. It wasn't snowing when I left home that afternoon.
9. Volcano destroy hundreds of homes on some small islands.
10. Whom happened?
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
prediction anger deforestation processes decades
Natural disasters result from natural (1) _____________ of the earth. However, in the last five decades,
human activities have contributed to increasing the number of natural disasters. More landslides have
occurred as a result of (2) _____________. Because there are fewer trees in the forest, the soil becomes
loosened and more easily flushed down. Industrialization and urbanization contribute to global warming,
leading to more intense disasters of all kinds, including hurricanes and tsunamis. It is more difficult to have
exact (3) _____________ of climate patterns such as El Nino and La Nina.
According to the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, the total natural disasters reported each year
have been steadily increasing in recent (4) _____________. In 1980, there were only about 100 hydro-
meteorological disasters reported per year but that number has risen to over 300 a year since 2000. If
humans do not take action, natural disasters will become more tragic and we won’t be able to cope with the
(5) _____________ of Mother Nature.
Exercise 2. Read the passage and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Natural disasters are some things that can happen in nature that can be very dangerous. They can include
things like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. These events can cause a lot of damage to
houses and buildings and even hurt people and
animals. It's important to know what to do if a natural disaster happens, like listening to warnings or
finding a safe place to go. Remember, it's always better to be prepared than caught off guard!
Statements T F
1. Natural disasters can include things like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and
2. Natural disasters cannot cause any damage to houses and buildings.
3. Natural disasters can hurt people and animals.
4. It’s not important to know what to do if a natural disaster happens.
5. Being prepared for a natural disaster is not necessary.
Exercise 3. Read the passage and answer the questions.
There are a number of things you can do to stay safe during an earthquake. If you are indoors, you must
stay away from windows, glass, or anything that could fall, such as lighting. Then, take cover by getting
under a stable table or something hard and wait until the quake stops. Don’t attempt to run outside during
the quake because you may get badly injured. If you are outdoors during an earthquake, stay there, and
move away from buildings and street lights because they may fall upon you at any time. And if you are in a
moving vehicle during an earthquake, stop as quickly as possible and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping
near trees, buildings, and utility wires. Lastly, if you are trapped under debris, try to cover your mouth with
a handkerchief or clothing. Don’t keep shouting. Don’t light a match or move around; you may kick up
dust. You should tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.
1. What are some things you can do to stay safe during an earthquake?
2. Why shouldn't you attempt to run outside during an earthquake?
3. What should you do if you are outdoors during an earthquake?

4. What should you do if you are in a moving vehicle during an earthquake?
5. What should you do if you are trapped under debris during an earthquake?
Exercise 2. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. about / She / wastes. / practical / treating / gave us / poisonous / tips
2. moved / to / place / his house. / after / he / a safer / ran / quickly / out of / Tom
3. awful. /’s / That / heard / earthquake. / I've / about / the
4. our living room / to shake. / everything / Suddenly, / in / began / and / hid /I / under / quickly / the
table. / My sister
5. What / matter / the /’s / with / you?
6. grandparents /I / hope / your / safe. / are
7. last month. / We / money / donated / the earthquake / to help / victims
8. for / we / a natural disaster, / should / an emergency / make / kit. / To prepare
9. hometown / a flood. / has / Our / been / affected / by
10. you / Were / having / at / dinner / 6 p.m. / yesterday? - Yes, / was. /I

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. damage B. shake C. tornado D. safe
2. A. tsunami B. disaster C. landslide D. large
3. A. erupt B. predict C. destroy D. tremble
4. A. volcanic B. emergency C. rescue D. victim
5. A. tsunami B. disaster C. storm D. missing
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
6. A. rescue B. supply C. erupt D. damage
7. A. landslide B. earthquake C. typhoon D. warning
8. A. hurricane B. tornado C. volcano D. eruption
9. A. disaster B. injury C. tsunami D. provision
10. A. tropical B. natural C. terrible D. destructive
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
11. A ____________ is sudden flooding that occurs when water rises quickly within several hours of a
heavy rain.
A. quick flood B. rapid flood C. flash flood D. hot flood
12. Monsoon rains across Thailand ____________ millions of people in 16 of its provinces.
A. has affected B. have affected C. have effect D. have influenced
13. Typhoon Haiyan made the damage, and ____________ of life became great in the Philippines.
A. lose B. loses C. losing D. loss
14. Thanks to the extensive ____________ measures taken, the loss of life in Typhoon Xangsane in Da
Nang and other provinces seemed to be relatively low.
A. prevent B. preventive C. prevention D. preventing
15. A number of other provinces will declare drought ____________ in the coming weeks.
A. accident B. emergency C. event D. situation
16. In some areas, human ____________ can be a contributing factor in causing landslides.
A. acts B. actions C. acting D. activities
17. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of frequent ____________ and volcanic ____________, encircling
the basin of the Pacific Ocean.
A. floods - eruptions B. earthquake – flood
C. flood - eruption D. earthquakes - eruptions
18. Magma is the liquid rock inside a volcano, but lava is magma that ____________ a volcano.
A. flows B. flows into C. flows out D. flows out of
19. A soft, loose soil may ____________ more intensely than hard rock at the same distance from the same
A. erupt B. rage C. shake D. collapse
20. During the next 24 hours, the storm will be moving north, around 10 km per hour and is expected to
____________ the southeastern part of China’s Guangdong Province.
A. strike B. scatter C. bury D. struck
IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets.
21. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea earthquake,
landslide, or volcanic ____________. (erupt)
22. During a volcano, you should follow the ____________ order issued by authorities. (evacuate)
23. Thunderstorms can be ____________, while tornadoes, and lightning can be life threatening. (destroy)
24. ____________ of the deadly Nepal earthquake have told the horror of the moment when it struck,
leaving more than 3,000 dead. (survive)
25. The tents will be used for medical camps and temporary ____________ after the earthquake in Nepal.
V. Fill in each blank with the correct word / phrase below.

property emergency tsunami ash assistance

warnings damage climate changes deforestation officials
26. Due to the high loss of both human lives and property, the Government of Viet Nam issued an appeal
for international ___________________.
27. Serious floods caused loss of human lives, as well as significant material ___________________.
28. On March 23, 2011, Japan suffered a huge ___________________ caused by an earthquake.
29. Local people asked weather ___________________to issue an hourly update for the disaster.
30. Natural disasters can also result in the tremendous destruction of ___________________, and financial
31. ___________________ is destroying large areas of tropical rainforest.
32. The National Hurricane Center issues ___________________, forecasts, and analyses of hazardous
tropical weather.
33. When volcanoes erupt, clouds of ___________________ cover plants making them inedible.
34. On June 9, authorities in Ninh Thuan Province declared a drought ___________________ for the first
time after five months of lacking rains.
35. ___________________ such as El Nino can also have a dramatic effect on the risk of wildfires.
VII. Complete the sentences with verbs in brackets in the past continuous.
Last Saturday, we were very busy. In the morning, ...
41. I (do) ______________ my homework.
42. my parents (shop) ______________.
43. my sister (chat) ______________ to her friends online.
44. my grandparents (drive) ______________ to our house.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, ...
45. I (make) ______________ tea for everyone.
46. my sister and my mum (cook) ______________ dinner.
47. my grandmother (sleep) ______________ in front of the TV.
At five o’clock in the afternoon, ...

48. we (have) ______________ a snack.
At six o’clock in the evening, ...
49. my parents and my grandmother (drink) ______________ tea.
50. my grandfather (try) ______________ to send an e-mail on my computer.
VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
51. Last night I (read) ______________ when suddenly I (hear) ______________ a shout.
52. The postman (come) ______________ while I (have) ______________ lunch.
53. When we (go) ______________ out, it (rain) ______________.
54. ______________ (you / watch) TV when I (phone) ______________ you?
55. We (meet) ______________ Ann at the party yesterday, she (wear) ______________ a lovely white
56. The boys (break) ______________ the window while they (play) ______________ football.
57. I was home late, but my friends (wait) ______________ when I (arrive) ______________.
58. He said that he (not drive) ______________ fast when the accident (happen) ______________.
59. Tom (fall) ______________ off the ladder while he (paint) ______________ the ceiling.
60. What (you / do) ______________ at this time yesterday?
IX. Read the text and choose the best words to fill in the blanks.
Professor Thea Williams is 61 ______________ for teaching students about climate change. She has a lot of
______________ about current environmental issues. She uses this knowledge to 63 ______________ her
students about the effects of climate change. One major environmental issue that Professor Williams is
teaching her students about is the rising number of wildfires. Wildfires are serious threats to our 64
______________ environment. They destroy homes and 65 ______________ the amount of farmland and
forests, which causes problems for plants and animals.
61. A. responsible B. inform C. reduce
62. A. natural B. recycle C. knowledge
63. A. preserve B. protect C. inform
64. A. recycle B. natural C. responsible
65. A. reduce B. knowledge C. protect
X. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
The large movement of the earth under the water causes a very large and powerful tsunami. That tsunami
was called the Asian Tsunami in most of the world. It was called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England,
Australia, South Africa and Canada because it happened on the holiday which they call Boxing Day. The
tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
Waves as high as 30 meters killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot of buildings and other
property. Over 225,000 people died or they were not found after the tsunami. The waves traveled as far
away as South Africa (8,000 kilometers) where as many as 8 people died because of high water caused by
the waves. Because of how much damage was caused and the number of people the earthquake affected,
over $7 billion was donated to help the survivors and rebuild the areas damaged.
66. Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England?
A. Because it happened when people were boxing.
B. Because it happened when people were collecting boxes.
C. Because it happened on Boxing Day.
D. Because it destroyed a lot of boxes.
67. How high were the waves?
A. thirteen meters B. eighteen meters C. thirty meters D. two hundred meters
68. What were some people in South Africa killed by?
A. earthquake B. high water C. high wind D. volcano
69. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
B. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to Indonesia.
C. Many people died because of the high waves.
D. A lot of money was raised to help people.
70. What does the word “survivors” in the last sentence mean?
A. Houses that aren’t destroyed. B. Offices are being rebuilt.
C. People who were dead. D. People who are left alive.
REVIEW 3 (UNITS 7-8-9)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. coral B. authority C. storm D. volcanic
2. A. tornado B. shake C. sale D. habitat
3. A. tremble B. endangered C. extinct D. emergency
4. A. destroy B. disaster C. ecosystem D. display
5. A. species B. access C. centre D. price
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. ____________ you come to the festival, you can enjoy the singing of the most skilled artists and singers.
A. Because B. Since C. When D. During
7. ____________ they were boiling chung cakes, they told the stories about Tet.
A. Until B. While C. Although D. But
8. He hadn’t met his present wife ____________ he was nearly 40 years old.
A. when B. after C. as soon as D. until
9. We ____________ the first-footer on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year.
A. welcome B. will welcome C. welcomed D. can welcome
10. We ____________ the English Mid-term test next Wednesday according to the announcement.
A. take B. will take C. took D. can take
11. He ____________ drinks wine, but at the Christmas party he drinks a small glass of wine.
A. often B. sometimes C. rarely D. never
12. She has a desktop computer and a laptop. She ____________ uses the desktop, and she ____________
uses the laptop.
A. always - always B. always - sometimes
C. often - often D. sometimes - sometimes
13. What ____________ at 9 o’clock last night?
A. you were doing B. were you doing C. did you do D. you did
14. “You fell down on the ground. What ____________ then?” - “The nurse at our school ____________
me first aid.”
A. happened - gave B. was happening - was giving
C. happened - was giving D. was happening - gave
15. We ____________ a party when our neighbours ____________ fireworks in their garden.
A. had - set off B. were having - were setting off
C. were having - set off D. had - were setting off
III. Complete each blank in the following passage with the correct word below. There are some extra
words that you do not need.

floods argument disappear destroy

action activity difference discussion
Most people are worried about the future of our planet. There is clear evidence that the Earth has been
getting warmer. Most people believe that human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, has caused the Earth
to warm up. Human activity has not only caused change but also caused permanent damage to the planet.
The 16 ____________ about climate change and how it will eventually destroy our planet seems to be a
popular topic nowadays. Every year, as the Earth continues to warm, the effects of climate change are seen
everywhere. As ice caps slowly 17 ____________ and sea levels rise, we also experience more storms, 18
____________, and wildfires. We think our planet will be around forever. However, the truth is that the
Earth cannot survive unless we start taking 19 ____________. We must start working together to make a
real 20 ____________. We must stop polluting the planet now.
IV. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Earthquakes are among the deadliest natural disasters, causing the largest numbers of casualties, the
highest death tolls, and the greatest destruction. In 1556 in China, the deadliest earthquake in history killed
830,000 people. But many other earthquakes have caused the deaths of more than 100,000 people, and it is
not unusual, even in modem times, for an earthquake death toll to reach 20,000 to 30,000 people with
hundreds of thousands left homeless and with countless injured. The floodwaters of the 2004 tsunami in
Sumatra, which killed over 200,000 people, were caused by a catastrophic earthquake.
Task 1. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
21. Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural disasters. _____
22. In modem times, the number of deaths caused by an earthquake is limited. _____
23. China is the country with the deadliest earthquake in history. _____
24. Earthquakes cause lots of death toll, homelessness and injuries. _____
25. arthquakes do not cause tsunamis at all. _____
Task 2. Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
26. deadly (adj) _____ A. a person killed in a war or disaster
27. casualty (n) _____ B. very many
28. (death) toll (n) _____ C. causing great damage
29. countless (adj) _____ D. causing death
30. catastrophic (adj) _____ E. the number of people who were kill by something
V. Read the text and mark the sentences true (T), false (F), or not mentioned (NM).
Leeds Kirkgate Market
Leeds Kirkgate Market is on Vicar Avenue in the centre of Leeds, England. It is a very large covered
market. It has 800 stalls selling everything from food to household objects. Over 100,000 people visit the
market every week.
When the market opened in 1822, it was an open-air market. In 1850, they started to cover it. In 1875, they
finished the construction and the market had an indoor and an outdoor shopping area.
Another interesting fact about this market is that it is the original location of a very popular department
store, Marks and Spencer. Michael Marks opened a penny bazaar in the outdoor market in 1884 and it is
still open today.
So, when you visit Leeds, make sure you make the Leeds Kirkgate Market one of your stops. You are
going to find some great bargains and have a great shopping day.
31. Leeds Kirkgate Market is in the centre of Leeds. _____
32. The market has only food stalls. _____
33. Leeds Kirkgate Market was the first covered market in Europe. _____
34. More than 100,000 people go to the market weekly. _____
35. The covered market opened in 1822. _____
36. In 1875, the market had two shopping areas. _____
37. The market has only an indoor area now. _____
38. The first Marks and Spencer shop opened at the market. _____
39. There isn’t a Marks and Spencer shop at the market today. _____
40. You can buy toys at the market. _____
VII. Write sentences about advantages and disadvantages of traditional shopping, using the words
given. Insert the expressions showing the sequence: firstly, secondly, moreover, to start with, and in
There are several advantages of traditional shopping.
46. we / know / where / goods / come from / check them
47. we / get them immediately / after / we / pay / without the Internet access / we / also return faulty items
48. we / ask sellers / questions / get shopping experience
49. However, there are some disadvantages of traditional shopping.
50. it / take / a lot of time / go shopping like this

Exercise 1. Circle the word whose underlined part differs from the others in pronunciation in each
of the following questions.
1. A. paddy B. sand C. travel D. tribal
2. A. buffalo B. photo C. limestone D. botanical
3. A. jungle B. luggage C. sunbathe D. sugar
4. A. around B. various C. sound D. mountains
5. A. heritage B. giant C. garden D. village
6. A. twice B. flight C. piece D. mind
7. A. about B. around C. sound D. young
8. A. cover B. oven C. coffee D. company
9. A. plates B. cakes C. mates D. places
10. A. laughed B. learned C. changed D. arrived
Exercise 2. Circle the word that differs from the others in the position of primary stress in each of
the following questions.
1. A. definition B. electricity C. contaminate D. radiation
2. A. dramatic B. overhead C. century D. groundwater
3. A. thermal B. beneath C. rubbish D. earplug
4. A. affect B. billboard C. visual D. substance
5. A. aquatic B. behaviour C. pollution D. permanent
6. A. relief B. debris C. typhoon D. severe
7. A. erupt B. victim C. forest D. message
8. A. volcano B. tropical C. government D. property
9. A. geography B. evacuate C. emergency D. temporary
10. A. scatter B. earthquake C. collapse D. mudslide
Exercise 3. Choose the word that doesn't belong to the group in each sentence.
A. accommodation B. bury C. destruction D. evacuation
A. flood B. storm C. earthquake D. land
A. locate B. risk C. kit D. shelter
A. tag B. technology C. trap D. victim
A. volcano B. disastrous C. mudslide D. earthquake
A. disaster B. storm C. tornado D. thunderstorm
A. drought B. flood C. mudslide D. climate
A. thunderstorm B. pollutant C. typhoon D. tsunami
A. emergency B. collapse C. erupt D. destroy
A. groundwater B. flow C. fresh water D. mineral water
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answers.
1. The field trip to Con Dao National Park aims to ___________ the awareness of local students about
environmental protection.
A. contain B. rise C. cover D. raise
2. In this shop, there is a wide ___________ of decorative products that customers can buy before
A. range B. sale C. convenience D. access
3. She is ___________ aimlessly around the shops to enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life.
A. complaining B. offering C. reducing D. wandering
4. When she was playing on the beach, she saw the ocean drain away suddenly causing her to think of an
imminent ___________.
A. tornado B. tsunami C. earthquake D. volcanic eruption
5. It would be very hard to ___________ a natural disaster without the help of advanced technology.
A. foretell B. predict C. imagine D. concentrate
6. After the tornado occurred, many people ___________ all their valuable property.
A. lost B. loses C. lose D. losing
7. She often ___________ home-grown vegetables online when they are excessive.
A. sell B. sell C. selling D. sold
8. - ___________ you ___________ in Paris when I called you last week? - Yes, I was.
A. Are / travelling B. Did / travel C. Were / travel D. Were / travelling
9. According to his schedule, he ___________ an important speech on Saturday.
A. will have B. is having C. has D. have
10. Don't worry. I ___________ a leave of absence for you tomorrow.
A. will take B. take C. takes D. taking
11. Before the big sale started, Nancy ___________ a shopping list carefully.
A. makes B. was making C. made D. make
12. While I ___________ in the sea, I saw a beautiful turtle.
A. am snorkeling B. was snorkeling C. snorkeled D. were snorkeling
13. Jim’s club ___________ many meaningful activities to celebrate Earth Day last year.
A. will hold B. holding C. hold D. held
14. There ___________ any plastic bottles on the beach after we cleaned it up.
A. were B. not be C. weren’t D. aren’t
15. My mother is very good at ___________, so she can purchase goods at cheaper prices.
A. bargaining B. reducing C. talking D. selling
16. Emma was a ___________. She’s extremely keen on shopping and spends a lot of time on this
expensive hobby.
A. shoppers B. shopaholic C. shoper D. shop
17, The speciality shop is famous for its scented candles, ___________ many foreign tourists often drop by
there to get some.
A. because of B. so that C. because D. so
18. After trying ___________ the blue dress, the customer decided to buy it.
A. on B. out C. in D. with
19. Kate doesn’t often buy food and drinks in the supermarket. She prefers to buy them at
the ___________ market.
A. open-aired B. airy C. open-air D. opened-air
20. ___________ my father is chopping wood in the back garden, I am slicing beef in the chicken.
A. Before B. While C. When D. As soon as
21. As soon as Peter gathers enough information about the protection of endangered species,
he ___________ doing his wildlife project.
A. started B. start C. starts D. will start
22. I turned off the electrical appliances, and then I ___________ home.
A. leaving B. left C. leave D. will leave
23. What did you do after you ___________ around the boutiques?
A. browsed B. browse C. will browse D. browsing
24. I returned home ___________ watched my favourite TV show.
A. so B. but C. and D. or
25. My father ___________ throws away rubbish in public. He’s very responsible.
A. often B. sometimes C. always D. never
26. There were bumpy roads ___________ I came back to my hometown.
A. when B. while C. as soon as D. so
27. I caught the bus to my office instead ___________ using my car this morning.
A. by B. in C. of D. on
28. There was a ___________, so we couldn’t go to Ha Giang.
A. drought B. landslide C. tsunami D. volcano
29. The pilot suddenly saw a volcanic eruption while he ___________ across Stromboli, Italy.
A. was flying B. is flying C. flew D. flies
30. We ___________ home when it began to rain torrentially.
A. was driving B. drove C. were driving D. was drive
31. What ___________ you ___________ at 7 p.m. yesterday?
A. was – doing B. were - doing C. did - do D. do – do
32. I ___________ out with some of my friends at this time last Monday.
A. was ate B. eating C. was eat D. was eating
33. A magnitude-8 earthquake ___________ his town abruptly, and then many houses and public facilities
A. shook B. shake C. shaking D. shakes
34. It’s necessary to prepare an emergency kit before a tropical storm ___________.
A. was breaking B. broke C. breaks D. break
35. The flood victims are collecting their personal ___________.
A. thing B. property C. proper D. belonging
36. Natural disasters result ___________ natural processes of the Earth.
A. from B. in C. with D. by
37. We were driving to the mountains for our vacation ___________ we got stuck in traffic.
A. after B. before C. as soon as D. when
38. I was having dinner at 7 p.m. yesterday when the storm suddenly ___________.
A. comes B. came C. come D. was coming
39. The concert ___________ at 9 o’clock tonight.
A. is starting B. starts C. will start D. start
40. People should always ___________ awareness of protecting the environment.
A. contain B. rise C. cover D. raise
41. Hien was going window-shopping when the shopping centre ___________ shaking violently.
A. became B. become C. was become D. was becoming
42. When there is a ___________ eruption, hot gases and liquid rock pour out from a mountain.
A. volcanics B. vocal C. volcanic D. volcano
43. Using public transport is one of the effective ways to ___________ our carbon footprint.
A. release B. reduce C. increase D. get
44. When Helen goes to the supermarket, she usually avoids buying ___________ products such as plastic
A. use-single B. singled-use C. single-used D. single-use
45. Their local rainforest is diverse with thousands of ___________ animals and plants.
A. endanger B. rared C. rare D. rarely
46. The chief engineer was ___________ all the workers of the plant at this time yesterday.
A. instructs B. instructing C. instinct D. instructed
47. Residents in skyscrapers were frightened when they ___________ a slight shaking for about a few
seconds last night.
A. feel B. feeled C. was feeling D. felt
48. To prepare for a ___________ disaster, we should make an emergency kit.
A. natures B. nature C. natural D. naturally
49. We almost can’t ___________ when earthquakes will happen.
A. predict B. prediction C. predictable D. predicts
50. The conservationists are worried about the increase in endangered species ___________.
A. losing B. loss C. lost D. lose
Exercise 5. Read the text and find 5 mistakes then correct them.
Online shopping in general have its advantages and disadvantages. Online stores, like the auctions, are
available around the clock. People can shop from home or work whereas a visit to the mall requires
consumers travel via some form of transportation and forces them visit the stores during the stores'
business hours. Physic stores aren't necessarily losing business. It's simply far more convenient to click on
an item in the store's website.
However, when shopping in person, the consumer can actually examine the item before they will purchase.
Shopping online forces the consumer to be dependent on pictures and text descriptions. Online shopper
have the advantage of comparing competing stores without driving to the actual stores, but visitors to a
physical store don't face the same security and privacy concerns.
Example: have —> has
1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________
Exercise 6. Read and provide the correct form of the words in brackets.
Modern Forms of Online Payment
Nowadays, consumers have the opportunity to make a (1. significance) ___________ amount of purchases
via the Internet. The e-shopping world doesn’t lend itself to cash because (2. consume) ___________ don't
visit a store and might never meet the retailer in person. Therefore, more (3.
electricity) ___________ forms of payment have been developed for the ever-growing world of online
shoppers. One choice is a wire transfer which literally transfers money from one entity's bank account into
another's. If someone were to sell something on eBay and another where to buy it, the buyer can transfer
funds from a bank account. The seller can watch the money appear in his or her own account and neither
party leaves home. Another popular way to pay for things online is via PayPal. PayPal is an e-commerce
business that was founded in Palo Alto, California, in 1998. This booming business allows payments and
transfers to be completed through the Internet. It's growing in (4. popular) ___________ because buyers
and sellers are not (5. depend) ___________ on checks, money orders, or cash. Electronic money refers to
a script that is only electronic in format. Scrip is any currency substitute. Electronic Funds transfers (EFT)
and direct deposits are versions of electronic money. With the advent of electronic forms of payment,
paper money is becoming an antiquated form of payment.
Exercise 7. Read and choose the correct answers.

El Nino is a weather phenomenon of the Pacific Ocean which is (1) ___________ by an abnormal
(2) ___________ of water on the surface of the ocean. It has the (3) ___________ to influence global
weather patterns as it brings drought to some continents and (4) ___________ rain to others. It was first
(5) ___________ by fishermen coming from Spanish ports in the Pacific in the 17 lh century. It got its name
(Spanish for “boy child”) because it usually takes (6) ___________ near Christmas time. It can cause
catastrophic (7) ___________. The 1982 El Nino (8) ___________ in 1,500 deaths, but it can be a lot
worse than that. Sea animals, (9) ___________ fish and birds, also die in large numbers. It is
(10) ___________ that sailors in the Pacific can smell the dead sea-life during El Nino.
1. A. caused B. happened C. origin D. done
2. A. increase B. warming C. heater D. extra
3. A. proficiency B. practice C. power D. performance
4. A. heavy B. shower C. plenty D. wet
5. A. saw B. time C. caught D. noticed
6. A. away B. place C. part D. care
7. A. problem B. difficulty C. hurt Đ. damage
8. A. caused B. led C. resulted D. gave
9. A. including B. holding C. containing D. involving
10. A. mistaken B. felt C. told D. said
Exercise 8. Read the text then till in the blanks with the correct form of verbs.
A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that (1. extend) ___________ from a thunderstorm to the
ground and is often - although not always - visible as a funnel cloud. Lightning and hail (2.
be) ___________ common in thunderstorms that produce tornadoes. Tornadoes (3.
cause) ___________ extensive damage to structures and disrupt transportation, power, water, gas,
communications, and other services in their direct path and in neighbouring areas. Related thunderstorms
can cause heavy rains, flash flooding, and hail.
About 1,200 tornadoes hit the United States every year and every state is at risk. Most tornadoes in the
United States (4. occur) ___________ east of the Rocky Mountains with concentrations in the central and
southern plains, the Gulf Coast and Florida.
Tornadoes can (5. strike) ___________ in any season, but occur most often in the spring and summer
months. They can occur at all hours of the day and night, but are most likely to occur between 3 p.m. and 9
Exercise 9. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
Two of the most dangerous storms which affect America are hurricanes and tornadoes. They are very
much feared by anyone who may live in the path of their destruction.
Every year homes are destroyed by their fury and often lives arc lost. Most people who live near the coast
arc forced to evacuate their homes and to move to safer areas until the storm passes. Floods are caused
along the coasts by both the heavy rain and a storm tide that is considerably above normal water level. The
high winds, coastal flooding and heavy rains associated with a hurricane cause enormous damage.
Hurricanes usually develop between July and October. Once they hit land they carry tremendous power
with driving rain and wind.
Tornadoes are violent low-pressure storms. These storms occur most often during the summer months and
are noticeable by their strong wind and lack of rain. The sky turns black as dust is sucked up into the air.
Tornadoes are capable of lifting quite heavy objects from the ground. They can pick up trees and cars right
into the air and even uplift heavier objects such as homes and railway cars. Both hurricanes and tornadoes
cause millions of dollars worth of damage to life and property every year. Today they can be predicted
more easily than in the past, but they cannot be stopped or ignored.
1. What are two of the most dangerous storms which affect America?
A. Hurricanes and tornadoes. B. Typhoons and thunderstorms.
C. Thunderstorms and hurricanes. D. Hurricanes and typhoons.
2. At which part of the year do hurricanes usually develop?
A. July and August only. B. All year round.
C. From the seventh to the ninth month. D. Between July and October.
3. What is the major similarity of both a hurricane and a tornado?
A. They cover only a small area. B. They can cause great damage.
C. They are not accompanied by rain. D. They have either wind or speed.
4. Which of the following is true of tornadoes and hurricanes?
A. They cannot be predicted with accuracy.
B. They are easier to control today than in the past.
C. They can be predicted today with greater accuracy.
D. They cannot be predicted today with greater accuracy.
5. Which of the following was not mentioned in the article?
A. The number of people killed each year by these storms.
B. The tremendous power killed each year by these storms.
C. The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes.
D. The time of year when they are most likely to strike.
Exercise 10. Read the passage and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Some Animals Can Predict Future Earthquakes
A recent investigation by scientists at the U.S Geological Survey shows that strange animal behavior might
help predict future earthquakes. Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-kilometer radius of the
epicenter of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about wildly; dogs yelped and ran around
Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days before the
In 1976, after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict a devastating quake. Although
hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of other people
and thus keep the death toll at a lower level.
Statements T F
1. Strange animal behavior might help predict future earthquakes.
2. Occurrences happen in a ten-metre radius of the epicenter of a fairly recent
3. Animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days
after the mishap.
4. In 1976, after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict a
devastating quake.
5. The government was unable to evacuate millions of other people and thus
keep the death toll at a lower level.
Exercise 11. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
successful effect communicative poisons
harmful with increasing major
Water Pollution in India
Contamination of water from any external source that makes it (1) ___________ to life is known as water
pollution. (2) ___________ the fast industrial development and modem civilization, the problem of water
pollution is (3) ___________ day by day. The (4) ___________ sources of water pollution are domestic
wastes, agricultural wastes, sewage disposal, industrial wastes, radioactive wastes and oil leakages.
All the India rivers, including the holy river Ganga, have become highly polluted today. However, the
Ganga Action Plan to control its water from pollution has not been proved (5) ___________. The
(6) ___________ of water pollution is widespread. It causes many severe water-borne diseases.

According to WHO, 21 percent of all (7) ___________ diseases in India are waterborne diseases. Oil is the
main pollutant of sea water. Huge tankers often dump oil into the sea. This act of dumping
(8) ___________ kills sea plants and animals.
Exercise 12. Use the words and phrases to complete the sentences.
1. The large movement/ the earth under the water/ causes/ very large and powerful tsunami.
2. That tsunami/ was called the Asian Tsunami in/ most of the world.
3. It/ was called the Boxing Day Tsunami/ England, Australia, South Africa/ Canada because/ it happened/
the holiday/ they call Boxing Day.
4. The tsunami caused/ lot of damage to countries/ such/7 the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia/ Sri Lanka.
5. Waves/ high as 30 metres killed many people/ damaged or destroyed/ lot of buildings/ other property.
6. Over 225,000 people died/ they were/ not found after/ tsunami.
7. The waves travelled/ as far away/ South Africa (8,000 kilometres )/ as many as people/ die because/ high
water caused by the waves.
8. Because of how much damage/ was caused/ the number/ people the earthquake affected, over $7 billion/
was donated/ help the survivors/ rebuild the areas damaged.
Exercise 13. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
Ex: There are twenty classes in our school.
🡪 Our school has twenty classes.
1. I will pick you up right after you get off the bus.
🡪 I will pick you up _____________________________ you get off the bus. (soon)
2. By supporting green products, you will reduce harm to the environment.
🡪 When you _____________________________ green products, you will reduce harm to the
environment. (support)
3. The rich girl _____________________________ doesn’t often check price tags when buying brand-
name clothes.
🡪 The rich girl price tags when buying brand-name clothes. (rarely)
4. During their dinner time, a flash flood swept through their house.
🡪 _____________________________ having dinner, a flash flood swept through their house, (while)
5. There was heavy snow between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. yesterday.
🡪 It _____________________________ at 10 p.m. yesterday. (snowing)
6. I will pick you up. I leave the shopping mall. (as soon as)
🡪 _______________________________________________________________________________
7. It rains. My mother usually shops at the supermarket. (when)
🡪 _______________________________________________________________________________
8. Emily was browsing online for items. Her sister was playing the piano. (While)
🡪 _______________________________________________________________________________
9. The eruption of a volcano also causes a tsunami. (results)
🡪 _______________________________________________________________________________
10. Where did the flood happen? (occur)
🡪 _______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 14. Write about your shopping habits. (100-150 words)
You can base on some suggestions below:
- Do you shop online or offline?
- How often do you do the shopping?
- What do you often shop for?
- Is your shopping habit good or bad?

UNIT 10.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete these sentences below.

1. We took part in a lot of interesting ______________ to make acquaintance with each other in the chat
A. communities B. activities C. conferences D. contests
2. The sign language provides the deaf more ______________ to communicate with those who are deaf or
hard of hearing.
A. options B. opportunities C. situations D. activities
3. In a presentation, presenters should use their body language such as hand gestures, eye contact to
communicate with the audience ______________.
A. effective B. effectively C. more effective D. more effectively
4. Nowadays, our country creates more ______________ products to persuade customers from other
countries to buy.
A. competitive B. expensive C. luxurious D. beautiful
5. Try to think ______________ about troubles that you may get into in your life.
A. negative B. positive C. negatively D. positively
6. The portable wireless devices or eReaders will be paper thin, flexible and have wireless __________ in
the future.
A. usages B. connections C. Wi-Fi D. techniques
7. Recent advancements in 3D imaging and scanning technologies are making your “virtual presence” a
real ______________.
A. possibility B. creativity C. quality D. identity
8. The future will bring a slew of new products that will change the way we ______________ with each
other and with machines.
A. communicated B. communicating C. communication D. communicate
9. Which one is not correct to fill in the blank?
Hand gestures are a type of ______________ which makes people listen to you.
A. verbal communication B. body language
C. sign language D. non-verbal communication
10. With mobile ______________, devices with solar power can be put in relatively remote locations, or
can be free to roam.
A. phones B. connectivity C. vehicles D. equipment
Exercise 4. Match the words with the definitions
1. chat room A. An online discussion group in which you can leave message or post
2. multimedia B. A phone that uses a telephone line for transmission
3. landline phone C. A device with a touch screen with function similar to computer, a
digital camera, and a GPS device, in addition to a phone
4. smart phone D. People join this Internet area to communicate online. The
conversations are sent immediately and are visible to everyone there
5. message board E. Multiple forms of communication on a computer including sounds,
videos, video-conferencing, graphics, and texts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Exercise 5. Fill in the blank with the words from the box to complete the sentences.
facial expressions emails face-to-face meeting letters
body language texting video chat signs
1. Teenagers often use abbreviations when ______________ to save time.
2. People who cannot hear or speak often communicate with each other by using ______________.
3. In a ______________, people communicate directly to each other.
4. Using ______________ during your talk is an effective way to attract more people’s attention.
5. In the past, people who live far away used to write ______________ to keep in touch with their relatives
or their family.
6. ______________ helps people connect to each other in such a quick and cheap way.
7. Smiling and blinking your eyes are examples of ______________.
8. Since the appearance of the Internet, people have been able to send ______________ to contact people
from any country in the world.
Exercise 6. Choose the correct options to complete these sentences below.
1. The children are playing ______________.
A. out B. outside C. at D. in
2. May comes ______________ April.
A. before B. after C. from D. against
3. There is a clock ______________ the wall in my class.
A. near B. across C. on D. at
4. Where is Susan? - She is sitting ______________ Jim.
A. on B. under C. between D. next to
5. We’re studying ______________ Sai Gon University.
A. at B. in C. of D. from
6. There are 40 students ______________ the class.
A. inside B. in C. at D. over
7. My pen is ______________ the books and the computer.
A. among B. down C. up D. between
8. I saw a mouse ______________ the chair.
A. among B. between C. in D. behind
9. My house is ______________ to the hospital.
A. close B. near C. opposite D. Across
10. We come ______________ Viet Nam.
A. in B. above C. from D. below
Exercise 7. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. The train leaves _____ tomorrow morning _____ 8 a.m.
2. I love going skiing _____ January.
3. We met at the restaurant _____ 8 p.m.
4. The class is _____ 9 a.m _____ Monday mornings.
5. I like to drink coffee _____ the morning and tea _____ the afternoon.
6. We went out for dinner _____ last Wednesday.
7. She left London _____ the 4th of March.
8. I had a party _____ my birthday.
9. Lucy went to New York _____ New Year's Eve.
10. We’re meeting _____ lunchtime _____ next Tuesday.
Exercise 8. Choose one suitable word from brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Is this cup _____ (your / yours)?
2. The coffee is _____ (my / mine).
3. That coat is _____ (my/mine).
4. He lives in _____ (her / hers) house.
5. You might want _____ (your / yours) phone.
6. The new car is _____ (their / theirs).
7. She cooked _____ (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on _____ (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him _____ (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met _____ (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this _____ (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat _____ (her / hers)?
13. The gray scarf is _____ (my / mine).
14. That red bike is _____ (our / ours).
15. We should take _____ (our / ours) coats.
16. That is _____ (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped _____ (my / mine) bag.
18. Are these phones _____ (their / theirs)?
19. These cakes are _____ (our / ours)!
20. Are those children _____ (your / yours)?
Exercise 9. Circle the correct answers.
1. Tina is _____ sister.
A. my B. mine C. I D. me
2. _____ went to the cinema yesterday.
A. Her B. Hers C. She D. Herself
3. This car is _____.
A. his B. him C. he D. himself
4. These are the children’s shoes. They’re _____.
A. their B. they C. theirs D. them
5. Look at _____!
A. my B. I C. me D. mine
6. _____ brother is tall.
A. His B. Him C. Himself D. He
7. I waited for _____ yesterday but you didn’t come.
A. your B. you C. yourself D. yours
8. These are _____ pencils.
A. ours B. we C. us D. our
9. This letter is for _____.
A. she B. hers C. her D. herself
10. _____ didn’t do the homework.
A. Yourself B. You C. Your D. Yours
11. This is John’s book. It is _____ book.
A. he B. his C. him D. himself
12. Whose bag is this? - It’s _____.
A. I B. mine D. me
13. Whose jeans are these? - They’re _____.
A. his B. himself C. he D. him
14. Our car is bigger than _____.
A. they B. theirs C. them D. their
15. Whose dictionary is this? - It’s _____.
A. her B. she C. hers D. herself
16. Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I’m saving _____ until later.
A. hers B. her C. my D. mine
17. We gave them _____ telephone number, and they gave us _____.
A. ours, their B. our, their C. ours, theirs D. our, theirs
18. _____ computer is a Mac, but _____ is a PC.
A. Your, mine B. Yours, mine C. Your, my D. Yours, my
19. You can’t have any chocolate! It’s _____!
A. your B. its C. her D. mine
20. Was _____ grammar book expensive?
A. your B. yours C. your’s D. you
21. _____ pencil is broken. Can I borrow _____?
A. Mine, yours B. Your, mine C. My, yours D. Yours, mine
22. Jody has lost _____ book.
A. mine B. her C. hers D. theirs
23. This bird has broken _____ wing.
A. it’s B. its’ C. hers D. its
24. My telephone is out of order, but _____ is working.
A. your B. our C. his D. their
25. These grammar books are different. _____ has 278 pages, but _____ has only 275 pages.
A. Yours, mine B. Your, my C. Yours, my D. Your, min
Exercise 12. Read the text and answer these following questions.
Telephones help people speak to one another when they are apart. For more than a hundred years,
nearly every telephone was a landline. A landline telephone is one that needs to be connected by a wire to a
network of other telephones. Because of the wires, people could not take those telephones with them when
they left their homes or offices.
What if you had to make a call while you were away from home? You had to find a pay phone. Pay phones
are landlines found in public places. Many pay phones are on the street. You can make a call from inside a
glass or metal space called a phone booth. Once you are inside the booth, you put coins into a slot in the
phone to make a call.
Telephones have seen a lot of progress. Today, many people carry cell phones. Cell phones do not need to
be connected with wires. They can be used almost anywhere and can fit in an adult’s hand.
Many cell phones sold today are smartphones. A smartphone is a cell phone that has lots of computer-style
features. For example, people use smartphones to check e-mail and go on the Internet. And all that can be
done using something small enough to carry in a pocket!
1. Does a landline need to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones?
2. Why weren’t people able to take the landline with them to work?
3. What are payphones?
4. What does “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
5. What is the difference between a smartphone and a cell phone?
Exercise 13. Reorder the words to have correct sentences.
1. used/ conferencing/ be/ special occasions/ for/ or/ video/ short conversations/ will/.
2. very/ among/ has/ social media/ people/ popular/ become/ young/.
3. by/ way/ is/ a/ communicate/ instantly/ thought/ telepathy/ to/.
4. than/ text messages/ are/ ever/ sending/ before/ more/ teens/.
5. by/ in/ communicating/ will/ telepathy/ people/ years/ be/ 30/?
6. to/ someone/ is/ know/ often/ give/ a/ that/ something/ good/ we/ let/ “thumbs-up”/.
7. allows/ chatting/ theft/ watch/ via/ webcam/ body language/ with/ you/ to/ friends/.
8. changed/ way/ each other/ we/ has/ with/ communicate/ technology/ the/ dramatically/.
9. cell/ face-to-face/ texting/ their/ prefer/ on/ to talking/ today/ teenagers/ phones/.
10. help/ of/ barrier/ with/ communicate/ the/ language/ spite/ can/ foreigners/ in/ gestures/.
Exercise 14. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one.
1. They will provide 5G in certain areas of the city, won’t they?
- Will 5G
2. Beck had difficulty understanding her daughter’s text messages.
- Beck found it
3. Video conferencing technology allows people in remote places to hold face-to- face meetings.
- Video conferencing technology lets
4. The first time that I created an email account is still unforgettable.
- I still remember
5. Making a video call without the network is impossible.
- It’s
6. Face-to-face communication is better than texting.
- Texting isn’t
7. Could you please confirm the date and time of the meeting?
- Would you
8. The teacher made me stay in after school and do extra work.
9. ‘Why don’t we give Jean a video call?’ Albert said.
- Albert suggested
10. My mother does her shopping at about this time every week.
- This time next week my mother
Exercise 15. Currently, two popular forms of communication are face-to-face communication and
online communication. State the positives and negatives of these two types of communication.
Face-to-face communication Online communication
Exercise 16. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced global communication to take place online. From
the positives and negatives of this form of communication, write a paragraph about the future form
of online communication. (About 150 words)

UNIT 10 – TEST 1
Exercise 1. Choose the correct subject pronouns.
1. My sister and I /me help our mom clean the house every day.
2. She/Her is driving to work now.
3. Can Jane and I/me go with our friends to the cinema, daddy?
4. Her/She and Johnny played badminton all afternoon.
5. My mother and me/I will go for a picnic tomorrow.
6. Clare and him /he were late for school.
7. Can we/us help you with your homework?
8. Her/She and I/me spend an hour in the library on Tuesdays.
9. It/They wagged its tail.
10. Him /He and me/I are excited to cycle after school.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct object pronouns.
1. Bob, our parents want to talk to __________ about your study.
A. their B. you C. your D. it
2. My cat is playful, so I usually play with __________.
A. me B. you C. him D. it
3. Linh and Nga are my friends. I often go jogging with __________.
A. us B. you C. her D. them
4. Where is Tom? Why didn’t you invite __________ to the party?
A. me B. you C. him D. her
5. My parents gave __________ a new bike. I love it so much.
A. me B. you C. them D. it
6. This book is interesting. We really like __________.
A. me B. you C. us D. It
7. Bill is tall, but his sister is taller than __________.
A. me B. us C. him D. them
8. She is helpful, so everyone likes __________.
A. her B. you C. them D. him
9. Can __________ open the door for me, please?
A. me B. you C. him D. us
10. We are going shopping. Will you go with __________?
A. me B. you C. us D. Them
Exercise 3. Choose the correct possessive adjectives.
1. I forgot to bring __________ compass.
A. my B. I C. me D. myself
2. He does __________ homework at 8 p.m. everyday.
A. me B. him C. he D. His
3. My children are playing in __________ room.
A. them B. they C. their D. She
4. That bluebird is in __________ net.
A. his B. my C. it D. Its
5. She loves working on __________ computer.
A. hers B. her C. its D. she
6. We ride __________ bikes to school every morning.
A. our B. we C. us D. He
7. Joyce always has lunch with __________ friends.
A. she B. her C. its D. Hers
8. The tiger is in __________ cage in the zoo.
A. I B. they C. its D. It
9. We should brush __________ teeth twice a day.
A. he B. us C. we D. our
10. Binh and Hung are twins. __________ house is very big.
A. Their B. They C. You D. Them
Exercise 4. Choose the correct possessive pronouns.
1. They bought that house last month. It is __________.
A. hers B. theirs C. ours D. yours
2. Here is your soup. It’s __________.
A. hers B. its C. mine D. Yours
3. This motorbike belongs to Mr. Anderson. It is __________.
A. his B. theirs C. ours D. Yours
4. You have a new book. It is __________.
A. hers B. mine C. yours D. ours
5. This notebook is __________. It has her name on it.
A. yours B. theirs C. ours D. Hers
6. My grandfather bought a parrot last Tuesday. It's __________.
A. hers B. his C. Ours D. yours
7. Is this __________ coat, Dave?
A. hers B. theirs C. his D. Yours
8. Mai has a new pair of shoes. They are __________.
A. hers B. mine C. ours D. Yours
9. They own this car. It’s __________.
A. hers B. theirs C. ours D. Mine
10. That's __________. He bought this plane at the department store.
A. hers B. his C. mine D. yours
Exercise 5. Choose the correct answers.
1. That’s my brother. __________ is playing golf.
A. She B. He C. It D. I
2. What time does __________ English class start?
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
3. It’s not her calculator. __________ is over there!
A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Herself
4. Alex and Fiona are my new neighbors. __________ house is opposite.
A. Their/mine B. They/mine C. Theirs / mine D. Their/my
5. Those __________ dresses are gorgeous.
A. girls B. girls’ C. girl D. girls’s
6. My brother wrote this letter __________.
A. his B. him C. he D. himself
7. My nieces are cute. Everyone loves __________.
A. theirs B. them C. they D. their
8. Look at that picture! __________ is beautiful.
A. It B. Its C. It’s D. They
9. There is __________ in the classroom. I can hear the noise.
A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody
10. You can call my friends and me. __________ are willing to help you.
A. Us B. Our C. They D. We
Exercise 6. Underline the correct prepositions in the following sentences.
1. There are some pictures (on/in/at) the wall.
2. The students are (at/on/under) school now.
3. We go to school (in /by/on) the bus.
4. Is there any juice (under/on/in) the glass?
5. There is a coffee table (at/in/on) the middle of the living room.
6. I live (on /in/at) 30 Cau Giay Street.
7. The bakery is (in/to/on) the right.
8. They live (above/on/in) the fifth floor.
9. My mother is cooking (on/at/in) the kitchen.
10. Bob is sitting (in/on/at) the table.
Exercise 7. Write the following words or phrases in the correct column.
2015 Monday Tet holiday Christmas Day noon
Friday afternoon midday the morning half past six September
March 8th the 1990s Tet seven o’clock autumn
Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers.
1. She obtained (an / a) bachelor’s degree in Japanese.
2. The Taiwanese company (give / gave) each awardee a smartphone.
3. The Japanese teacher sent a video to the absentees (in / on) Monday.
4. Robots will replace human shop assistants in ten (years / year).
5. If you have a high-speed Internet connection, making a group call is a piece (with / of) cake.
6. We should not use (our / us) smartphones for more than a few hours every day.
7. This webcam (are / is) easy to handle.
8. Last year, two of our classmates (win / won) scholarships to the us.
9. You look (like / likes) Nick and Peter.
10. Minh (sends / send) voice messages to his friends.
Exercise 9. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. Players alway sit on each other in a chess game.
2. In an UK, supermarkets always close early on Sundays.
3. We’re having a video conference with Tech Savvy next to Thursday, Mark.
4. I can't reads the text on the computer screen.
5. We need a high-speed Internet connection to making video calls.
6. By 2050, the way people communicate with each other will is different
from now.
7. Jack is one off her cousins.
8. We need to text the devices.
9. Please send the homework to your teacher via email in Thursday.
10. Bad people can make use of telepathy to harm other.
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
in at x 5 on by x 2 near
Every day, I get up (1) ______ 6 o’clock. I take a shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I have
breakfast (2) ______ 6.45.1 live (3) ______ my school, so 1 don’t go to school (4) ______ car or (5)
______ bus, I go there (6) ______ foot. My school starts (7) ______ 8 a.m. and finishes (8) ______ 11.30.
1 have lunch and then take a nap.
(9) ______ the afternoon, I do my homework and play some games with my brother. I have dinner (10)
______ 7.30 p.m. After that, I clean my house and have a shower. I go to bed before midnight.
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
publish spreads joined hands inventions newspaper
The Internet is said to be one of the most amazing (1) ______________ that humans have made. Since its
appearance, the Internet has been so popular that nearly everyone uses it or knows about it. However, the
Internet can be a scary place, especially because of cyber-bullying. Open any (2) ______________ these
days and you will see a story about this cyber-bullying. It’s a really nasty and growing problem. Cyber-
bullies are real cowards. They hide behind their computers and scare people, send them hate mail or
threaten them. Even worse is when they (3) ______________ pictures of their victims online. I have a
friend who had a bad time at the hands of a cyber-bully. The cyber-bully (4) ______________ lots of
gossips and lies on the Internet. My friend’s reputation was badly damaged. You may wonder how cyber-
bullying starts at school. Many schoolchildren physically bully others in class and then continue doing it
online. Their victim isn’t safe anywhere. It is high time we (5) ______________ to stop cyber-bullying.
Exercise 3. Read the passage, then circle the correct answers.

Giving positive nonverbal messages can improve your relationship with your child and develop emotional
connections in your family. Most children love being hugged and kissed, for example. This warm and
caring body language sends the nonverbal message that you want to be close to your child.
Some children with special needs - for example, children with autism and sensory sensitivities -might find
body contact difficult.
On the other hand, negative nonverbal communication - for example, a grumpy tone of voice or a frown -
when you’re doing something fun together might send the message that you don’t really want to be there.
So matching your verbal and nonverbal communication makes your words more effective. For
example, a teacher might explain a maths problem using her hands to show size and shape.
But when verbal and nonverbal messages don’t match, your child might believe the nonverbal - after all,
what you see is what you get. Your child learns a lot about nonverbal communication by watching you. For
example, if you approach new people in a relaxed way, your child is more likely to do the same.
1. A hug or a kiss sends the message that ______________.
A. I want to be loved B. I want to be near C. I want to be emotional
2. Children with autism and sensory sensitivities find it hard to ______________.
A. love B. communicate C. contact physically
3. A frown sends the message that ______________.
A. I don’t want you B. I want to be near C. I don’t really want to join
4. ______________ makes words more effective.
A. Using positive actions and body language
B. Combining verbal and nonverbal communication
C. Explaining a problem using body language
5. The best way for children to learn nonverbal messages is through ______________.
A. observation B. communication C. imitation
Exercise 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Mr. Tuan has a daughter, Linh. (Linh’s)
2. I spent 5 days writing the report. (It)
3. The cup is on the book. (under)
4. There are two chairs in front of the fridge. (behind)
5. Who looks after your younger sister? (care)
6. Linda likes playing volleyball. (Linda’s)
7. Despite his old age, he runs around the park every morning. (Even though)
8. Whose hats are those? (Who)
9. My school isn’t near my house. (far)
10. He went to the countryside last week, didn’t he? (Did)
Exercise 2. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. walk / on the street. / Don’t / on the pavement. / Walk
2. Mi / mine. / a / of / friend
3. piece / cake. / Our / a / of / English / was
4. I can’t / the / the / screen / read / on. / computer / text
5. interviewees /Taiwanese. / said / The / that / were / they
6. is / Joe / that / agrees / learning / Chinese / difficult. / with me /
7. at 10:15. / We / Dr. Saito / meeting / are
8. by / We’ll / 6 p.m. / be / there
9. yesterday. / It / three / rained / hours
10. of yours? / Can /I / a pencil / borrow

TEST 2 (UNIT 10)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. carrier B. tablet C. telepathy D. webcam
2. A. emoji B. smartphone C. social D. holography
3. A. conference B. network C. text D. telepathy
4. A. pigeon B. message C. holography D. advantage
5. A. transmit B. translation C. message D. possessive
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
6. A. charity B. reality C. quality D. density
7. A. curiosity B. personality C. community D. university
8. A. additive B. positive C. primitive D. possessive
9. A. nationality B. mobility C. equality D. majority
10. A. transitive B. effective C. positive D. sensitive
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
11. A study shows that teenagers use text messaging to communicate with their friends more than
A. to send email B. to write letters C. emailing D. texting
12. The _____________ communication services, along with chat rooms, continue to be an important part
of children’s online interactions.
A. online B. offline C. direct D. phone
13. Email _____________ are often necessary to join social networking sites, online games, and virtual
A. address B. information C. senders D. accounts
14. Email, and chat rooms let children _____________ with friends and family members.
A. talk B. say C. speak D. communicate
15. We have _____________ data transmission in our system.
A. high point B. high-speed C. high-powered D. high-top
16. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help overcome _____________.
A. foreign languages B. culture shocks C. language barriers D. sound barriers
17. A non-native speaker most likely can recognize the ____________ - the non-verbal communication.
A. second language B. official language C. sign language D. body language
18. Internet _____________ via broadband offers many advantages.
A. relation B. connection C. connectivity D. link
19. Seven of 10 people prefer face-to-face _____________ when having a date.
A. code B. sign C. language D. contact
20. We should not _____________ passwords with anyone.
A. share B. send C. bring D. lend
IV. Complete the text with the words below. There are three extra words that you do not need.
download homepage website cyber-bullying download
online posted surf view online
I’ve stopped going on social networks now because I was suffering from 21 _____________. Somebody
was posting aggressive comments on my homepage. I’ve never 22 _____________ a nasty comment on
anybody’s 23 _____________, and I don’t have any enemies so I think it was a stranger. I don’t like the
idea that a stranger can 24 _____________ my photos or my personal information. Now, I prefer to keep in
touch with my friends by phone. If I want my friends to see photos or videos, I don’t need to post them 25
_____________. I can send them on my phone by using the mobile application - Viber.
V. Complete the sentences with the prepositions below.
until during after before on
between at through from in
26. I waited _____________ nine o’clock and then went home.
27. If you come _____________ seven, we’ll catch the bus that leaves at 7.05.
28. Will you come and see me _____________ a week or two?
29. _____________ the children left, the house was very quiet.
30. _____________ the holidays, we played football and did a lot of swimming.
31. I can’t remember when we left the cinema: I think it was _____________ ten and half past ten.
32. My grandmother was ill _____________ January to March.
33. We worked all _____________ the holidays to finish painting the walls.
34. I saw them _____________ the station.
35. There was a picture _____________ the wall.
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns.
36. Tom lost _____________ pen. Will you please lend him _____________?
37. I was on time for _____________ class, but Helen was late for _____________.
38. I found _____________ notebook, but John couldn’t find _____________.
39. I left _____________ pen at home. May I borrow _____________ for a moment?
40. He drives to work in _____________ car, and she drives to work in _____________.
41. I have a holiday in Ha Long Bay, and Susan has _____________ in Hue.
42. We were late for _____________ class, and Mai and Lan were also late for _____________.
43. They have _____________ ideas on such matters, and we also have _____________.
44. I borrow money from all _____________ friends, but Jane refused to borrow any money from
45. We have a television set in _____________ bedroom, and the boys have another set in
VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
E-mail, and chat rooms let children communicate 46 _____________ friends and family members. They
can also allow children to connect with people that they have never 47 _____________ in person. Knowing
a little about each of these communication services can help parents 48 _____________ children safer while
Through e-mail, 49 _____________ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have
text, audio, and picture files attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple 50 _____________ most
services offer them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so
parents should 51 _____________ children to be wary of e-mails from 52 _____________ people.
Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about 53 _____________ - current events,
books, and 54 _____________ common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is
important that parents keep a close eye on the content of any 55 _____________.
46. A. to B. with C. for D. through
47. A. met B. gone C. asked D. called
48. A. save B. protect C. surround D. keep
49. A. receivers B. messengers C. users D. partners
50. A. due to B. because C. because of D. so
51. A. understand B. recognise C. warn D. suggest
52. A. known B. well-known C. unknown D. unpopular
53. A. every B. something C. nothing D. anything
54. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others
55. A. conversations B. meetings C. letters D. users
VIII. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or NM (not mentioned).
Nowadays, several new words have already become part of the new vocabulary, and some words have
disappeared. In writing, gender-neutral words have been encouraged, such as firefighter, police officer or
chairperson to replace the words like fireman, policeman and chairman.

In space exploration, humans try to land on Mars and set up accommodation there, and it takes seven
months to visit the Red Planet. If we could establish colonies on Mars, contact between the people living
on the Earth and the people living on Mars could be interrupted for some decades, so differences between
languages would begin. It’s likely the differences between British English and American English.
Emojis might be the most important representation of modem communication. On Facebook Messenger,
for instance, it’s possible to set a favourite emoji so that you never have to reply with anything else.
However, the use of emojis in communication is limited by several factors, like the absence of grammatical
rules and inability to express any feeling.
Emojis aren’t the first-time humans have tried to shorten language. The first was telegrams using the
minimum number of content words and removing the functional ones.
56. Vocabulary tends not to mention sexes. _____
57. The people living on Mars have their own language. _____
58. Humans might tiy to establish accommodation on Mars in the future. _____
59. Some differences in language may appear because of the issue of long distances between the Earth and
colonies on other planets in the future. _____
60. There are some differences between British English and American English nowadays. _____
61. Emojis are the most popular type in modem communication. _____
62. Facebook Messenger offers you a wide range of emojis to reply to any message. _____
63. The absence of grammatical rules makes emojis the best in communication. _____
64. Emojis are the first type of shortened languages. _____
65. Emojis use the minimum number of content words and remove the functional ones. _____
X. Write sentences about advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing, using the cues given
Advantages of a video conference
71. nowadays / schools / organise / teaching training, academic conferences and online lessons / deliver
them / audio and video streaming
72. teachers / interact / participants / the other side
73. they / save time / keep resources / future use
74. with / video conference / students / enjoy learning / their homes / any place
75. video conferences / allow I participants I record I save lessons I and I this / be convenient I absent
76. it / also allow / schools / hold Parents-Teacher meetings / anytime / anywhere
Disadvantages of a video conference
77. it / lack / personal interaction I because I participants / not use body language / facial expressions
78. a live lesson / be affected / technical problems / hardware, software or network failure
79. video conferencing system / often / have / a certain limit / the number / participants
80. we / need / invest / the quality / devices / Internet connections


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

1. Direct: “I am hungry.” said Tom.
Reported: Tom said that he ____________________________ hungry.
2. Direct: “We will see you tomorrow.” said Mary.
Reported: Mary said that they ____________________________ us tomorrow.
3. Direct: “I can't come to the meeting.” said John.
Reported: John said that he ____________________________ to the meeting.
4. Direct: “It's raining outside.” said Sarah.
Reported: Sarah said that it ____________________________ outside.
5. Direct: “I love chocolate cake.” said Julie.
Reported: Julie said that she ____________________________ chocolate cake.
6. Direct: “We need to leave now.” said Mark.
Reported: Mark said that they ____________________________ then.
7. Direct: “I have a headache.” said Jane.
Reported: Jane said that she ____________________________ a headache.
8. Direct: “I saw a movie last night.” said David.
Reported: David said that he ____________________________ a movie the previous night.
9. Direct: “I’m getting married next month,” said Lisa.
Reported: Lisa said that she ____________________________ married the following month.
10. Direct: “I don’t like seafood.” said Peter.
Reported: Peter said that he ____________________________ seafood.
Exercise 5. Circle the correct answers.
1. Direct: “I’m going to the store.” said Rachel.
A. Reported: Rachel said that she was going to the store.
B. Reported: Rachel said that she is going to the store.
C. Reported: Rachel says that she was going to the store.
2. Direct: “I’m sorry for being late.” said Mike.
A. Reported: Mike said for being late.
B. Reported: Mike apologised for being late.
C. Reported: Mike sorried for being late.
3. Direct: “I’m feeling better today.” said Kate.
A. Reported: Kate said that she was feeling better today.
B. Reported: Kate said that she is feeling better that day.
C. Reported: Kate said that she was feeling better that day.
4. Direct: “I passed my driving test.” said Tim.
A. Reported: Tim said that he passed his driving test.
B. Reported: Tim said that he had passed my driving test.
C. Reported: Tim said that he had passed his driving test.
5. Direct: “I’m going to visit my parents.” said Susan.
A. Reported: Susan said that she was going to visit her parents.
B. Reported: Susan said that she is going to visit her parents.
C. Reported: Susan said that she was going to visit my parents.
6. Direct: “I can’t believe he did that.” said Emily.
A. Reported: Emily can’t believe that he had done that.
B. Reported: Emily couldn’t believe that he had done that.
C. Reported: Emily couldn’t believe that he did that.
7. Direct: “I’m a vegetarian.” said Joe.
A. Reported: Joe said that he was a vegetarian.
B. Reported: Joe said that he is a vegetarian.
C. Reported: Said Joe that he was a vegetarian.
8. Direct: “I haven’t seen that movie before.” said Alex.
A. Reported: Alex said that he hasn’t seen that movie before.
B. Reported: Alex said that he hadn’t seen this movie before.
C. Reported: Alex said that he hadn’t seen that movie before.
9. Direct: “I want to go skiing this winter.” said Tom.
A. Reported: Tom said that he wants to go skiing that winter.
B. Reported: Tom said that he wanted to go skiing that winter.
C. Reported: Tom said that he wanted to go skiing this winter.
10. Direct: “I don’t know what to do.” said Laura.
A. Reported: Laura said that she didn’t know what to do.
B. Reported: Laura said that I didn’t know what to do.
C. Reported: Laura said that she doesn’t know what to do.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Direct: “I’m so happy to see you.” said Grace.
🡪 Reported: Grace said that _________________________________________________
2. Direct: “I’m going to take a nap.” said Mike.
🡪 Reported: Mike said that _________________________________________________
3. Direct: “I have to work tomorrow.” said John.
🡪 Reported: John said that _________________________________________________
4. Direct: “I need to study for my exam.” said Sarah.
🡪 Reported: Sarah said that _________________________________________________
5. Direct: “I’m going to start a new job next week.” said Jason.
🡪 Reported: Jason said _________________________________________________
6. Direct: “I can’t wait for the weekend.” said Kelly.
🡪 Reported: Kelly said that _________________________________________________
7. Direct: “I think he’s lying.” said Mary.
🡪 Reported: Mary said that _________________________________________________
8. Direct: “I’m not feeling very well.” said Tim.
🡪 Reported: Tim said that _________________________________________________
9. Direct: “I don’t like this food.” said Peter.
🡪 Reported: Peter said that _________________________________________________
10. Direct: “I’ll call you later.” said Angela.
🡪 Reported: Angela said that _________________________________________________
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Rachel.
🡪 Reported: Rachel said that she was going to the beach the following day.
2. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Lisa.
🡪 Reported: Lisa said that she had a dentist appointment the next week.
3. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Mike.
🡪 Reported: Mike said that he was going to buy a new car.
4. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Kate.
🡪 Reported: Kate said that she had forgotten her keys at home.
5. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Tim.
🡪 Reported: Tim said that he was going to watch a movie that night.
6. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Jane.
🡪 Reported: Jane exclaimed that she had won the lottery.
7. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Tom.
🡪 Reported: Tom said that he was going to propose to her.
8. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said John.
🡪 Reported: John said that he had gotten an A on his test.
9. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Sarah.
🡪 Reported: Sarah said that she didn't want to go to the party.
10. Direct: “_________________________________________________” said Mike.
🡪 Reported: Mike said that he would be home late that night.
Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers.
1. We won’t (has / have) a robot teacher next year.
2. She (likes / like) learning online.
3. I (doesn’t / don't) have a computer.4. They (is / are) not familiar with that new computer.
5. I really enjoy (learning / learns) online.
6. My teacher (use / uses) Zoom to teach.
7. We will live much longer (in / at) the future.
8. Our school is (going / goes) to have a new laboratory here.
9. My teacher will (parks / park) her car here.
10. Mai (are / is) reading about Thomas Edison today.
Exercise 9. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. I also feel more stress when learning online.
2. Our teachers uses Google Meet for video conferencing.
3. We don’t has to get up early.
4. I prefer with study face-to-face.
5. I want to seeing my classmate.
6. I doesn’t like online learning.
7. The robot ask questions that are too difficult for students to answer.
8. Some student don’t have computers or smartphones.
9. My dad promised to get mine a new iPad to read books from the school
10. Robots can’t understand students’ emotion.
Exercise 1. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Computers are helpful (1) ____________ many ways. First, they are fast. They can work with information
even (2) ____________ quickly than a person. Second, computers can work with a lot of information at the
same time. Third, they can (3) ____________ information for a long time. They do not forget things that
the common people do. (4) ____________, computers are almost always correct. They are not perfect, but
they usually do not (5) ____________ mistakes.
Recently, it is important (6) ____________ about computers. There are a number of things to learn. Some
companies have (7) ____________ at work. In addition, most universities (8) ____________ day and night
courses in Computer Science. Another way to learn is from a book, or from a friend. After a few hours of
practice, you can (9) ____________ with computers. You may not be an expert, but you can have (10)
1. A. at B. on C. in D. over
2. A. more B. rather C. much D. less
3. A. hold B. keep C. holdstay D. carry
4. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
5. A. do B. make C. have D. take
6. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knew
7. A. discussions B. meetings C. schools D. classes
8. A. send B. spend C. bring D. offer
9. A. work B. make C. use D. take
10. A. for fun B. funny C. enjoy D. fun
Exercise 2. Read the passage, then circle the correct answers.
Most of us think that great ideas were the result of genius thinking. However, many of the greatest
discoveries and inventions in history began with very simple beginnings.
In the 18th century, James Watt was boiling water at home. As the water began to boil, he suddenly noticed
that the steam was pushing the lid of the kettle. From this, he created the steam engine.
In ancient Greece time, Archimedes stepped into a bathtub and felt that water was being pushed out when
he stepped in. This is how he came up with the idea of how to find the purity of gold.
In the 17th century, Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell and hit him on the head. This
is when he realised the pulling force of the Earth - the gravity.
There are many other examples of how great ideas began with simple beginnings. What one needs to
become an inventor is careful observation and a lot of hard work.
1. James Watt lived in ____________.
A. the 17th century B. the 18th century C. the ancient Greece time
2. Archimedes came up with the idea of how to find purity gold when ____________.
A. he was boiling water
B. he was hit by an apple
C. he was stepping into the bathtub
3. Many great ideas began with ____________.
A. genius thinking
B. simple beginnings
C. long time working in laboratories
4. Which of the following is NOT true of inventors?
A. They have simple thoughts.
B. They have very careful observations.
C. They work extremely hard.
5. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. James Watt, Archimedes and Isaac Newton.
B. Steam Engines, Gold and Gravity
C. Great Ideas with Simple Beginnings
Exercise 3. Read the passage about computers and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Do you own a PDA - Personal Digital Assistant? Have you got a personal computer? Have you ever used a
laptop? The answer can be “Yes”. But do you know that the first computer was made about 70 years ago?
It was large enough to take up a living room. It was named ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Thanks to the development of technology, computers are becoming smaller and smaller. The first personal
computer was actually introduced in the 1970s by MITS, Apple Computer and IBM. They didn’t look
exactly like now but they were surely revolutionary at the time.
Scientists are finding ways to make computers as smaller and slimmer as possible. Some of today's
computers are small enough to carry out in pockets. But technology doesn’t stop there. They will continue
to bring out smaller computers. Who knows? Maybe one day we will not need big desktops or laptops. We
may need a computer chip that is as small as a fingernail.
Statements T F
1. The first computer was made 70 years ago.
2. The ENIAC was small enough to carry around.
3. MITS, Apple Computer and IBM were the first to introduce personal
4. Today computers are not as small and slim as the previous ones.
5. Fingernail size computer chips will soon be a new revolution.
Exercise 1. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech.
1. Tom said, “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”
2. She said, “I once spent a summer in this village.”
3. The nurse said. “The patient in this room didn’t obey your orders, doctor.”
4. They said to me, “You taught US English last year.”
5. Mr. Brown said, “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.”
6. He said to her, “I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”
7. My father said to them, “My secretary is going to finish this job.”
8. They said, “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”
9. My mother said, “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”

10. He said, “Your car has been stolen, John.”
11. They said, “The river is rising early this year.”
12. He said, “I’ll expect her to come soon.”
13. Our teacher said, “World War II broke out in 1939.”
14. The students said, “We’ll be sitting for our next exam next Monday.”
15. He said, “I’m going to finish this work.”
Exercise 2. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. said / be / to / would / My / uncle / give us / feedback / the / robots / too. / able
2. a / cooker / invent / said / they / that / year. / would / My / mum / smart / that
3. her car / Mi / park / her / said / would / there. / teacher
4. get / My / tired. / eyes
5. can't / well. / concentrate /I
6. helps / Online / independent. / learning / become / us / more
7. discuss / share / We / to / use / ideas. / Zoom / and
8. breakout / We / in / interact / rooms.
9. school / We'll / lots / books / have / clouds / we / to carry / won't have / to school. / so / of
10. I / bad / online / epidemics. / classes / convenient / are / during / or / think / weather

Exercise 4. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Generally speaking, most technology has had a ________________ effect on our lives.
A. benefit B. benefice C. beneficial D. beneficent
2. It remains to be seen what the ________________ impact of this technology will be.
A. long B. long-term C. boring D. relax
3. Few ________________ have had a greater influence on mankind than the computer.
A. invent B. inventors C. inventions D. inventing
4. It is undeniable that ________________ have revolutionized our lives.
A. computers B. computer C. computerizing D. computed
5. The 21st century has already seen considerable ________________ in computer technology.
A. progress B. progressing C. progresses D. process
6. It is not easy to predict how this ________________ is going to develop.
A. technique B. technology C. technologies D. technologizing
7. One major ________________ in the use of computers is transport regulation.
A. advance B. advances C. advanced D. advantage
8. The cloud is one of the latest ________________ in computer technology.
A. innovate B. innovation C. innovations D. innovating
Exercise 5. Match the names of occupations with their definitions.
1. chemist a. a person who has invented something.
b. a person who travels to unknow places in orders to find out what is
2. archaeologist
3. software developer c. a person who works to protect the environment, plants, animals and
natural resources.
d. a person who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of
4. physicist
people who lived in the past.
5. explorer e. a person who builds and creates Computer programs.
6. biologist f. a scientist who works with Chemicals or studies their reactions.
7. inventor g. a scientist who studies Physics.
8. conservationist h. a scientist who studies living things.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 5.
1. Christopher Columbus was an Italian ________________ who discovered the Americas.
2. Marie Curie was a Polish ________________ who discovered the elements polonium and radium.
3. The ________________ reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.
4. As a ________________, you’ll work to protect and enhance the local environment.
5. Mr. Kaku is a quantum ________________, a founder of string field theory.
6. Matt works as a ________________ for a computer manufacturer.
7. Eugenie Clark was an American marine ________________ who worked with sharks.
8. Tim Berners-Lee is best known as the ________________ of the World Wide Web.
Exercise 7. Complete the table and mark the main stress on each word. Number 1 has been done for
you as an example.
Verb Noun
invent 1. invention
develop 2. ________________
3. ________________ advance
improve 4. ________________
5. ________________ analysis
6. ________________ arrangement
Exercise 8. Choose the best answers.
1. Charlie said, “I’m thinking of going to live in Canada”.
A. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada.
B. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada.
C. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada.
D. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada.
2. Charlie said, “My father is in hospital”.
A. Charlie said that my father is in hospital.
B. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.
C. Charlie said that his father is in hospital.
D. Charlie said that my father was in hospital.
3. Charlie said, “Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow”.
A. Charlie said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow.
B. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day.
C. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow.
D. Charlie said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day.
4. Charlie said, “I haven’t seen Bill for a while”.
A. Charlie said that he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.
B. Charlie said that I haven’t seen Bill for a while.
C. Charlie said that he hasn’t seen Bill for a while.
D. Charlie said that I hadn’t seen Bill for a while.
5. Charlie said, “I’ve been playing tennis recently”.
A. Charlie said that I’ve been playing tennis recently.
B. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently.
C. Charlie said that he had bee playing tennis recently.
D. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently.
6. Charlie said. “Margaret has had a baby”.
A. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby.
B. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby.
C. Charlie said Margaret had a baby.
D. Charlie said Margaret has a baby.
7. Charlie said, “I don’t know what Fred is doing”.
A. Charlie said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing.
B. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing.
C. Charlie said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing.
D. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.
8. Charlie said, “I hardly ever go out these days”.
A. Charlie said that he hardly ever went out these days.
B. Charlie said that I hardly ever go out these days.
C. Charlie said that I hardly ever went out these days.
D. Charlie said that he hardly ever goes out these days.
9. Charlie said, “I work 14 hours a day”.
A. Charlie said that he works 14 hours a day.
B. Charlie said that he worked 14 hours a day.
C. Charlie said that I work 14 hours a day.
D. Charlie said that I worked 14 hours a day.
10. Charlie said, “I’ll tell Jim I saw you”.
A. Charlie said he’ll tell Jim he saw me.
B. Charlie said I would tell Jim I had seen you.
C. Charlie said he would tell Jim he had seen me.
D. Charlie said I would tell Jim he had seen me.
11. Charlie said, “You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London”.
A. Charlie said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London.
B. Charlie said I could come and stay with him if I were ever in London.
C. Charlie said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London.
D. Charlie said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London.
12. Charlie said, “Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured”.
A. Charlie said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
B. Charlie said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
C. Charlie said Tom had had an accident the previous week but he hadn’t been injured.
D. Charlie said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn’t been injured.
13. Charlie said, “I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine”.
A. Charlie said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
B. Charlie said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
C. Charlie said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
D. Charlie said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
14. Tom said, “New York is bigger than London”.
A. Tom said that New York was bigger than London.
B. Tom says that New York is bigger than London.
C. Tom says that New York was bigger than London.
D. Tom said that New York is bigger than London.
15. “Stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to me.
A. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days.
B. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days.
C. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days.
D. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
Exercise 9. Choose the correct answers.
1. Mary: “I love chocolate.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ chocolate.”
a. loved b. loves c. loving
2. Mary: “I went skiing.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ skiing.”
a. went b. had gone c. have gone
3. Mary: “I will eat steak for dinner.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ eat steak for dinner.”
a. willing b. will c. would
4. Mary: “I have been to Sydney.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ to Sydney.”
a. had been b. has been c. was being
5. Mary: “I have had three cars.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ three cars.”
a. has b. has had c. had had
6. Mary: “I’m going to go to Long Beach.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ going to go to Long
a. is b. was c. went
7. Mary: “I don’t like spinach.” Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ like spinach.”
a. doesn’t b. don’t c. didn’t
8. Mary: “I have never been to London.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ never been to London.”
a. had b. has c. have
9. Mary: “I was swimming.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ swimming.”
a. has been b. had been c. have been
10. Mary: “I had a cat.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ a cat.”
a. have b. has c. had
Exercise 10: Turn into the reported speech.
1. “I will never see you again,” the boy said to the girl.
2. He said to her, “You are my best friend.”
3. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
4. “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.
5. Mary said, “My father died a year ago”.
6. John said, “I have finished studying my lesson”.
7. Mary said, “I cannot go to the movies with you, John”.
8. “I shall expect to see you next Wednesday.” Mary said to her friend.
9. He said, “I don’t know what happened.”
10. She said, “I went to the doctor yesterday.”
11. He said, “I have a toothache.”
12. She said, “I’ll write him a prescription.”
13. They said, “We’re going to the drugstore.”
14. He said, “The doctor gave me some pills.”
15. She said, “I go to the supermarket every day.”
Exercise 11. Read the text and answer the questions.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie is the first and only woman in the world to be honored twice with the Nobel Prize in two
different fields. She is regarded as the most outstanding female scientist in the world. It was Marie Curie
who found a way to fight cancer and X-ray technology...
During scientific research, Marie Curie and her husband discovered two important elements in the periodic
table: Polonium and Radium. This work paved the way for the advent of X-rays, which led to many
advances in medicine.
Today, advances have been made in X-ray technology allowing disease to be suspected, and radiation
therapy is also used in the treatment of cancer.

Curie’s research has helped develop radiation as a tool to treat cancer cells - the cornerstone of radiation
therapy in modem medicine today, although radiation therapy has improved. At that time, she inserted
small glass tubes with Radon (a radioactive gas) into areas of the tumor causing them to shrink.
1. What are the two important elements in the periodic table discovered by Curie and her husband?
2. How are the advances made in X-ray technology used today?
3. How has Curie’s research helped develop radiation?
4. Where on the human body did Curie insert small glass tubes containing Radon?
5. What is Marie Curie famous for?
Exercise 12. Read and decide T (true) or F (false) for each statement.
Today our bookshop would like to introduce you a new book written by J.H. James. The book’s title is
“Future world”. It is all about how new technologies will change our world in 2050. According to the
book, the anti-aging drugs will help human live healthy lives over 120 years old. Another advanced
technology in health care is 3D printing of human organs and body parts. This will be a good news to
diabetes patients because new muscles, bones and even organs will be rebuilt and replace the damaged
ones. About the technologies in environment protection, solar power will be the main energy source of the
world in 2050. Solar panel will be more popular and help us reduce a large amount of carbon dioxide
emission. In addition, a new method of sewage treatment will solve problems of water pollution. Industrial
sewage will be treated to become clean water and minerals. There is also some new advanced technology
in transportation. Cruise control will reduce the accidents. This device will be very helpful especially for
drunk drivers. In the future, a transponder will also be installed in a bicycle and will reduce the crash. Read
the book now and we can see that many advanced technologies will bring us a safer and more convenient
Statement T or F
1. “Future world” is the title of the book which is introduced at the bookshop.
2. 3D printing of human organs will help diabetes patients to build new organs and
body parts.
3. It is written in the book that in 2050, we will primarily use the energy generated
from the Sun.
4. According to the book, in the future, sewage will be treated by the same method
as present.
5. The author mentions cruise control as a device which help to cut down the
6. New advanced technology in transportation isn’t written in the book.
Exercise 13. Read the text and fill in the blank.
The bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world. What is most surprising is that it
was not (1) ______________ earlier, although the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci had drawn pictures for
bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced (2)
______________ long after he died.
A person riding a bicycle use (3) ______________ energy to make the bicycle move, and there is no
pollution at all when you are riding. Even so in developed (4) ______________, most people don't travel to
work by bicycle. It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel (5) ______________ if they
ride to work. It's because (6) ______________ cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes (7)
______________ to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work (8)
______________ their cars, and in this way, the situation is made more serious. (9) ______________ the
best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths only for bicycle and to make (10)
______________ so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back
to use their bicycles.
1. A. had B. used C. invented D. ridden
2. A. before B. when C. since D. until
3. A. much B. quite a lot of C. very little D. many
4. A. world B. countries C. land D. earth
5. A. lucky B. glad C. sorry D. tired
6. A. the number of B. a number of C. this kind of D. all kinds of
7. A. safe B. more dangerous C. much D. popular
8. A. by B. in C. use D. drive
9. A. Hardly B. Maybe C. Perhaps D. Nearly
10. A. it B. them C. us D. that
Exercise 14. Turn these sentences into reported speech.
1. Paul said “I must go home now.”
2. “There’s been an accident and the road is blocked”, said the policeman.
3. “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.
4. Mary said, “My father died a year ago.”
5. “Must you go now?”, said Mr. Brown.
6. “Whose bicycle did you borrow yesterday?”, his mother asked him.
7. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday”, said the teacher.
8. “Be modest if you are a good pupil”, said my father.
9. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, she said to us.
10. Tom said, “New York is bigger than London.”
Exercise 15. Turn the sentences below into direct speech.
1. My mother told me that she was sad then.
2. One of my friends said that she liked learning English with her teacher.
3. The doctor told me that I could leave the hospital that day.
4. The film director said that she was willing to work then.
5. The teacher told his students that he would be busy the following month.
6. Tom invited me to his birthday party.
7. She said the doctor had written her a prescription.
8. He said that he had a toothache.
9. She said she went to the museum every day.
10. They said they were going to the supermarket.
Exercise 17. Write a paragraph about the negative effects of science and technology in life.



I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. convenient B. attendant C. develop D. biometric
2. A. platform B. scanner C. application D. truancy
3. A. discover B. digital C. biometric D. recognition
4. A. convenience B. epidemic C. complaint D. scanner
5. A. application B. suggestion C. invention D. recognition
II. Find one word that does not belong to each group.
6. A. cloning B. genetics C. cyberspace D. life span
7. A. rocket B. spaceship C. astronaut D. ship
8. A. driverless B. computer C. online D. websites
9. A. technician B. scientist C. technologist D. musician
10. A. advantage B. drawback C. benefit D. achievement
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
11. Scientists are __________ experiments to test the effectiveness of the new medicine.
A. doing B. making C. bringing D. taking
12. Face __________ is everywhere from social media tagging to airport security cameras.
A. agreement B. information C. realization D. recognition
13. __________ rooms allow you to divide your online meeting into as many as 50 separate sessions.
A. Break-up B. Breakaway C. Breakout D. Break-in
14. I usually have __________ lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
A. contact B. touch C. communication D. zoom
15. All hand luggage has to be __________ at the airport security.
A. read B. scanned C. watched D. seen
16. The study will be __________ over a six-month period.
A. carried B. carried away C. carried out D. carried on
17. An MRI __________ makes images of the brain, spinal cord and other organs.
A. webcam B. reader C. camera D. scanner
18. The problem can be solved by using __________ teachers because they can teach anywhere and won’t
get stressed or tired.
A. device B. tool C. machine D. robot
19. In 1989, Honda __________ the robot Asimo to work as a bartender.
A. discovered B. developed C. found out D. did
20. We can only find the best solution by __________.
A. experiment B. check C. examination D. test
IV. Complete the text with the words below. There are three extra words that you do not need.
information prints voice fingerprint
pattern keys thumb convenience
What is Biometric Authentication?
You need to open the door of your house, but you do not use a key. Instead, you just place your
______________ on a small machine on the wall and click - the door opens. The machine scans your 22
______________, then it matches your print with the one it has stored before. Once the
______________ match, the door unlocks. Above is a perfect example of biometric authentication.
Biometric authentication identifies who you are rather than what you have. The technology uses
fingerprints, facial features or retina 24 ______________. People can also be verified based on their
behavioral characteristics, like their 25 ______________, the way they walk, their gestures or even their
typing speed.
V. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
26. Due to the ______________ in the science and technology, impossible things have become possible.
27. Robots increase worker ______________ by preventing accidents since humans are not performing
______________ jobs. (safe - risk)
28. One disadvantage of robots is its high cost for the ______________. (produce)
29. There is no ______________ reason why Japan will not be able to make progress in robotics.
30. The key to YouTube’s success is the ______________ for anyone from anywhere in the world to
broadcast themselves for free. (able)
VI. Read the dialogue. Then complete the reported statements and requests.
Tom: 31 I’m worried about my job. 32 I’ve made a big mistake.
Bob: 33 I don’t think you need to worry. 34 Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
Tom: 35 They won’t want me to work there.
Bob: 36 Don’t say things like that. 37 It can’t be that bad.
Tom: 38 You don’t understand! I did something wrong and I’ve kept quiet about it.
Bob: 39 You’ll tell them the truth on Monday. 40 Our boss has to give you another chance.
Tom said 31 _________________________________________________________________________.
He told Bob 32 _______________________________________________________________________.
Bob 33 _____________________________________________________________________________.
He said that 34 _______________________________________________________________________.
Tom said that 35 _____________________________________________________________________.
Bob told him 36 ______________________________________________________________________.
He said 37 ___________________________________________________________________________.
Tom said that Bob 38 __________________________________________________________________.
Bob told Tom 39 ______________________________________________________________________.
He said 40 ___________________________________________________________________________.
VII. Change the following sentences into reported speech, using the words given in brackets.
41. ‘We are learning more about our universe.’ (Our teacher said)
42. ‘Scientists have made various applications in long distance communication.’ (Dr. Nelson said)
43. ‘Science is a good and useful servant, but it is a bad destructive master.’ (Our Chemistry teacher told
44. ‘Space tourism will broaden our knowledge of space.’ (Our headmaster said)
45. ‘During the time in Paris in 1946, Uncle Ho attracted several Vietnamese scientists to return to the
country.’ (Our History teacher told us)
VIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Computers are helpful 46 ______________ many ways. First, they are fast. They can work with
information even 47 ______________ quickly than a person. Second, computers can work with a lot of
information at the same time. Third, they can 48 ______________ information for a long time. They do not
forget things that the common people do. 49 ______________, computers are almost always correct. They
are not perfect, but they usually do not 50 ______________ mistakes.

Recently, it is important 51 ______________ about computers. There are a number of things to learn. Some
companies have 52 ______________ at work. In addition, most universities 53 ______________ day and
night courses in Computer Science. Another way to learn is from a book, or from a friend. After a few
hours of practice, you can 54 ______________ with computers. You may not be an expert, but you can
have 55 ______________.
46. A. in B. on D. over
47. A. much B. rather C. more D. less
48. A. hold B. carry C. stay D. keep
49. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
50. A. do B. make C. have D. take
51. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knew
52. A. classes B. meetings C. schools D. discussions
53. A. send B. offer C. bring D. spend
54. A. use B. make C. work D. take
55. A. fun B. funny C. enjoy D. for fun
IX. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned
Global Positioning Systems
If you’ve ever said. “I wish I knew where I was going” or “If only there were some ways to find this
address,” then it may be time to consider buying yourself a Global Positioning Systems, or GPS.
Let’s look at some of the uses of GPS devices. Maybe you travel a lot by car and cannot look at a paper
map to find your way around. There is a GPS for cars that speaks to you and tells you exactly how to get to
your destination. Maybe you’re a golfer who has lost his golf ball and you need to find it on the field.
There’s a GPS for this. You’re a runner and want to track your speed, distance, and the courses you run.
Well, there’s a GPS for this, too.
What kinds of GPS devices are there? Well, GPS devices come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and are
available in a variety of prices. Some are small and can fit into a pocket, and others are waterproof. And
for people who don’t like to carry anything extra with them, GPS systems are also available on smart
56. GPS is used to find out where you are going. ________
57. GPS cannot replace a paper map. ________
58. GPS can tell you how to get to a place while you are driving. ________
59. A GPS device depends on weather conditions. ________
60. A GPS device can look for a small moving item. ________
61. A GPS device can track your speed, distance but not the directions you run. ________
62. A GPS device can tell you how fit you are while you are running. ________
63. GPS devices can be in all kinds of shapes and sizes. ________
64. You cannot use a GPS device in water. ________
65. There are also GPS devices for smart phones. ________
X. Read the text, and choose the correct answers.
Jane: “I want to design AR video games. I really enjoy these games. They use real-world environments.
The games add fun digital elements to the environment with a smartphone or tablet. For example, you
could be looking at your room through your smart camera. But maybe the game will place a monster in the
room with you! Some AR video games encourage players to walk around their neighborhood. Players can
get some good exercise by playing these kinds of games. These kinds of games might even help people to
be healthier.”
66. What type of games does Jane like?
a. mobile games b. AR games c. environmental games
67. How do people play these games?
a. with phones and tablets b. with a computer c. on a special field
68. What will the game maybe place in the room with you?
a. a real-world environment b. a monster c. a player
69. What do some AR games encourage players to do?
a. sit in their rooms b. play with their friends c. walk in their neighborhood
70. What do some players probably get when playing AR games?
a. a monster b. some exercise c. a new phone
XII. Write about the reasons why you agree or disagree that robots will soon replace teachers at
schools, using the cues provided.
Robots can help teachers in their work.
76. robots / repetitive tasks / like / collecting homework, marking papers / memorizing contents / so /
teachers / save / time and energy
77. teachers / use robots / help students / difficulties / their physical / mental health conditions
78. robots / seem / more efficient / teachers / because / they / give lessons / each student / teach large
79. although / robots / detect technical problems / not realise / issues / speech difficulties or recognise
80. teachers / the unique ability / inspire children / learn / and / robots /not / share their life experiences


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.
planet traces Solar system weightless flying saucer
space buggy galaxy aliens outer space astronaut
1. A _______________ is sometimes referred to as an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).
2. An _______________ is a person who is trained for travelling in a spacecraft.
3. Researchers made the amazing findings of _______________ of water on Mars.
4. A _______________ is a vehicle used for driving on the Moon.
5. Our _______________ is made up of the Sun and all the objects that travel around it.
6. Earth is the only _______________ known to be habitable.
7. Do you believe _______________ exist on other planets?
8. Spacecraft are vehicles used for travel in _______________.
9. Our _______________, the Milky Way, consists of 100 - 400 billion stars.
10. Astronauts on the orbiting space station are _______________ because they do not experience a force
of gravity.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
1. _______________ is the name of a planet that matches the Roman God of the sea.
A. Mars B. Sun C. Venus D. Neptune
2. Discovered in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, _______________ is a dwarf planet.
A. Jupiter B. Pluto C. Saturn D. Mercury
3. Unidentified Flying Objects or “_______________” haven’t been formally recognized.
A. UFOs B. spaceships C. space shuttles D. spacecraft
4. Some people believe the _______________ was created by a big explosion.
A. galaxy B. atmosphere C. universe D. outer space
5. _______________ is named after the Roman God of war.
A. Uranus B. Jupiter C. Mars D. Venus
6. A(n) _______________ is a scientist who studies the stars and planets.
A. captain B. alien C. astronaut D. astronomer
7. Astronauts _______________ around in space because there is no gravity in space.
A. fly B. float C. walk D. trace
8. In a weightless environment, everything floats _______________.
A. uncontrollably B. downwards C. smoothly D. constantly

9. On June 2nd, 1966, Surveyor 1 became the first U.S. _______________ to land on the moon.
A. flying saucer B. airplane C. spacecraft D. helicopter
10. Mars is the most _______________ planet in our Solar System besides Earth.
A. powerful B. notable C. appropriate D. habitable
Exercise 5. Circle the correct answers.
1. Interviewing applicants for an important job can be a very time-_______________ process but it’s worth
in the end.
A. lasting B. developing C. consuming D. taking
2. Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right paper
A. qualities B. qualifiers C. qualifying D. qualifications
3. His invention showed that he understood what was going to happen in the future and proved he was
_______________ of his time.
A. in front B. before C. ahead D. forward
4. You have a ticket to the game, _______________?
A. do you B. haven’t you C. don’t you D. have you
5. Kumar asked me a question but I don’t know what _______________.
A. is the answer B. was the answer C. the answer is D. the answer was
Exercise 6. Circle the correct answers.
1. Tourist: “Where is the post office?”
- A tourist asked me where _______________.
A. the post office has B. the post office was
C. is the post office D. was the post office
2. Mom: “It’s 2 a.m.; what are you doing in the kitchen?”
- Mom wanted to know what _______________ in.
A. was I doing B. I do C. I was doing D. am I doing
3. Dad: “Why did you come home so late last night?”
- Dad wanted to know _______________ home very late the night before.
A. why did I come B. if I come C. if I came D. why I had come
4. Jane: “Have you ever been to Australia?”
- Jane asked me _______________ to Australia.
A. if I’m ever going B. if I’d ever been C. have I ever been D. had I ever been
5. Joe: “Could you sing when you were five?”
- He asked me _______________ when I was five.
A. can I sing B. if I can sing C. could I sing D. if I could sing
6. Mother: “When are you going to do your homework?”
- Mother asked me when _______________ to do my homework.
A. was I going B. I was going C. am I going D. I’ll be going
7. Allen: “How many songs had John Lennon written before he died?”
- Allen wanted to know how many songs _______________ before his death.
A. John Lennon had written B. John Lennon was writing
C. was John Lennon writing D. had John Lennon written
8. Janet: “Were you working at 8 p.m. last night?”
- Janet asked me _______________ at 8 p.m. the other night.
A. if I’m working B. if I’d been working
C. was I working D. had I been working
9. Dad: “Have you been attending classes regularly?”
- Dad asked me _______________ attending classes regularly.
A. if I’d be B. had I been C. if I’d been D. have I been
10. Mario: “What should I do to improve my English?”
- Mario asked his teacher what _______________ to improve his English.
A. he should do B. he would do C. shall he do D. should he do
11. Jim: “How much does your sister earn?”
- Jim wanted to know how much _______________.
A. my sister has earned B. did my sister earn
C. does my sister earn D. my sister earned
12. Joe: “Could you sing when you were five?”
- He asked me _______________ when I was five.
A. can I sing B. if I can sing C. could I sing D. if I could sing
13. Mary: “Are you able to swim?”
- Mary asked me _______________ to swim.
A. if I have been able B. am I able
C. if I was able D. will be able
14. Tourist: “When was that castle built?”
- The tourist asked the guide when _______________.
A. had the castle built B. the castle had been built
C. the castle was being built D. was the castle built
15. Sue: “May I sleep at Lee’s house overnight?”
- Sue asked her mother _______________ at her friend’s house overnight.
A. if she might sleep B. could she sleep C. can she sleep D. if she had to sleep
Exercise 7. Turn these sentences into reported speech.
1. “Where is my umbrella?” she asked.
- She asked
2. “How do you learn English?” Martin asked us.
- Martin asked us
3. He asked, “Do I have to do it?”.
- He asked
4. “Where have you been?” the mother asked her daughter.
- The mother asked her daughter
5. “Which dress do you like best?” she asked her boyfriend.
- She asked her boyfriend
6. “What are they doing?” she asked.
- She wanted to know
7. “Are you going to the cinema?” he asked me.
- He wanted to know
8. The teacher asked, “Who speaks English?”
- The teacher wanted to know
9. “How do you know that?” she asked me.
- She asked me
10. “Where did you meet her?” my friend asked me.
- My friend asked me
Exercise 8. Turn these sentences into reported speech.
1. “Do you speak English?” he asked me.
- He asked me
2. “Are you British or American?” she asked me.
- She asked me
3. “Have you got a computer?” she asked.
- She wanted to know
4. “Can you type?” he wanted to know.
- He asked
5. “Did you come by train?” she wanted to know.
- She wanted to know
6. “Have you been to Bristol before?” he asked.
- He asked
7. “Will you be at the party?” he asked her.
- He asked her
8. “Can you meet me at the station?” she asked me.
- She asked me
9. “Did you see that car?” he asked me.
- He asked me
10. “Have you tidied up your room?” the mother asked the twins.
- The mother asked the twins
Exercise 9. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. She asked me where I _______________ from.
A. come B. coming C. to come D. came
2. She _______________ me whether I liked classical music or not.
A. ask B. asks C. asked D. asking
3. He asked me who _______________ the editor of that book.
A. was B. were C. is D. has been
4. He wants to know whether I _______________ back tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come
5. I wonder why he _______________ love his family.
A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. hasn’t
6. They asked me how many children _______________.
A. if I had B. had l C. I have D. have I
7. Thu said she had been _______________ the day before.
A. here B. there C. in this place D. where
8. The student said that the English test _______________ the most difficult.
A. is B. was C. will be D. have been
9. He wanted to know _______________ shopping during the previous morning.
A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going
C. we were going D. that we were going
10. He asked me _______________ Robert and I said I did not know _______________.
A. that did I know / who were he B. that I knew / who he had been
C. if I knew/ who he was D. whether I knew / who had he been
11. They said that they had been driving through the desert _______________.
A. the previous day B. yesterday C. the last day D. Sunday previously
12. He asked the children _______________ too much noise.
A. not to make B. not making C. don’t make D. if they don’t make
13. The man said that money _______________ the passport to everything.
A. will be B. is C. was D. can be
14. The teacher said Columbus _______________ America in 1942.
A. discovered B. had discovered C. was discovering D. would discover
15. John said he _______________ her since they _______________ school.
A. hasn’t met - left B. hadn’t met - had left
C. hadn’t met left D. didn’t meet – has left
16. The woman asked get lunch at school.
A. can the children B. whether the children could
C. if the children can D. could the children
17. Laura said that when she _______________ to school, she saw an accident.
A. was walking B. has walked C. had been walking D. has been walking
18. He asked, “Why didn’t she take the final exam?” - He asked why _______________ the final exam.
A. she took B. did she take C. she hadn’t taken D. she had taken
19. Ba said he _______________ some good marks the semester before.
A. gets B. got C. had gotten D. have got
20. They told their parents that they _______________ their best to do the test.
A. try B. will try C. are trying D. would try
Exercise 10. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Among eight planets in our Solar system, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and it needs only 88
days to complete an orbit around the Sun. According to Greek mythology, Mercury is the messenger of
Gods (Hermes). Mercury is a small planer that bears a strong resemblance to the Moon with its little larger
size rocky surface and many bowl-shaped cavities. Because of its position in the Solar system, the
temperature on the sunny side of Mercury can reach over 800 degrees but -300 degrees is the other side’s
temperature. Being cooler than only Venus, the hottest planet, the climate on Mercury is extremely severe
which makes it hard to visit and explore. Two spacecraft have been sent to Mercury, the first was in 1974
and scientists had to wait three decades to visit Mercury the second time in 2004. Some people believe that
there is no water in Mercury but some information collected from Radar showed that ice exists on the
Northern pole of this planet. Small Mercury has no moons and no atmosphere because of its too little
gravity (38% of the gravity of Earth). There is no report showing life's existence in Mercury yet.
1. How long does it take Mercury to orbit the Sun?
2. In Greek mythology, who is the messenger of Gods?
3. According to the passage, why is Mercury similar to the Moon?
4. What is the highest temperature on Mercury?
5. How many spacecraft have been sent to Mercury?
Exercise 11. Read the passage carefully then answer the questions.
How many planets are there in our galaxy? That’s a tricky question to answer. Are there other planets that
support life? That’s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to discover.
NASA launched the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in 2009. So far it has
discovered five new Earth-sized planets beyond our Solar System. These planets are hotter than the Earth -
much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team predict that they will need at least three years to find
an Earth-like planet.
The simplest requirement for a planet to have life is for there to be liquid water so the distance from the
planet’s sun and therefore temperature is important. There also needs to be the correct amount of air. If a
planet is as small as Mars (half the size of Earth) its weak gravity means that it can’t hold on to air
molecules. If a planet is Neptune-sized (four times bigger than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too
much air. So size matters too.
The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to observe until 2013
but this could be extended. Will we be sad if we discover we are alone in our galaxy or happy if we find
that we share it with other life forms?
1. What is the passage about?
A. Planets in our Solar System
B. The difference between Earth and other planets
C. Space exploration to find habitable planets
D. NASA’s missions to explore the outer planets
2. The Kepler space telescope is looking for.
A. new planets in our galaxy B. life on other planets
C. liquid water on other planets D. Earth-sized planets in the Solar System
3. Kepler has found five planets that.
A. has water and air B. are similar to Earth
C. are not too far away from the Earth D. are not in our Solar System
4. The Kepler team predict that they will need to find an Earth-like planet.
A. three years and possibly longer B. as much as three years
C. no more than three years D. approximately three years
5. What are the primary factors that make a planet habitable?
A. Liquid water and living things B. Size and distance from the Sun
C. Hot temperature and weak gravity D. Strong gravity and too much air
6. How much does the Kepler mission cost?
A. Exactly $600 million B. About $600 million
C. More than $600 million D. Less than $600 million
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The planet can support life if it has water and air.
B. A very small planet will not have enough air.
C. Earth is four times as big as Neptune.
D. Kepler mission is scheduled to end in 2013.
Exercise 12. Turn the sentences into reported speech. (Yes/ no questions.)
1. “May I ask you a few questions?”
- The woman asked John
2. “Have you done your project about space exploration?”
- The teacher asked me
3. “Will we be able to live on Mars in 2050?”
- Debbie asked her father
4. “Are you having a barbecue tonight?”
- I asked the Browns
5. “Do you like sci-fi films that feature extraterrestrial life?”
- Jane asked Tom
6. “Did scientists find life on Mars many years ago?”
- Vai asked me
7. “Are aliens or UFOs real?”
- Many people wondered
8. “Can we go to the National Museum tomorrow?”
- Sally asked her best friend
9. “Do you know NASA has found two new planets?”
- Due asked Trang
10. “Were you here yesterday?”
- She wanted to know
Exercise 13. Turn the sentences into reported speech. (Wh-questions.)
1. “Where will we live in 20 years’ time?”
- Jane asked me
2. “How was your trip to Toronto?”
- I asked Peter
3. “Why didn’t Judy wait for fireballs last night?”
- Sue asked
4. “How many planets are there in the solar System?”
- The teacher asked us
5. “How many days does it take to get to Mars from Earth?”
- Elliot wanted to know
6. “What are you staring at?”
- I asked Sally
7. “Who discovered the planet Neptune?”
- Joe asked his teacher
8. “How long have you been living on the International Space Station?”
- He asked the astronaut
9. “When will humans go to Venus?”
- The students wanted to know
10. “Where are you going this summer holiday?”
- I asked Sally and Andy
Exercise 14. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences.
1. Reading scientific books is one of my interests.
- I’m
2. Unless he phones her immediately, he won’t get any information.
- If
3. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
- We are going to
4. The news was so wonderful that she decided to have a celebration.
- It was
5. It’s very difficult to leave here after such a long time.
- It isn’t
6. I always see him working in the garden on Sundays.
- He takes
7. 18 people came although we had expected only 16.
- Two extra
8. Jerry’s salary as an accountant is two thousand dollars a month.
- Jerry makes
9. We need a week to think about it.
- We need
10. The owners of newspapers are usually very rich.
- The people
Exercise 15. Change the sentence from direct speech to indirect speech.
1. Mr. Smith said to me: “Where are you going on your vacation this year?”
- Mr. Smith asked me
2. She said: “Did the mechanics finish repairing your car?”
- She asked
3. She said: “Why has David been looking so miserable lately?
- She wanted to know
4. I asked my friend: “Did you have a car accident last month?”
- I asked my friend
5. She asked me: “How old are you now?”
- She asked me
6. He said to her: “Have you been to the town today?”
- He asked her
7. John said: “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary?”
- John asked Mary
8. The policeman asked the little girl: “What’s your name?”
- The policeman asked the little girl
9. Mr. Green said to his secretary: “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago?”
- Mr. Green asked his secretary
10. Paul said: “Can you swim, Mary?”
- Paul asked Mary
11. He said: “Where can I find her in this town?”
- He asked
12. She asked her son: “Do you know this story?”
- She asked her son
Exercise 16. Change the sentence from indirect speech to direct speech.
1. He asked where his phone was.
2. He wanted to know what I was doing.
3. My sister asked me if Emily had talked to Jessica.
4. She wanted to know if I was going to bed.
5. He asked me if I had locked the door.
6. She said she could play the guitar when she was seven.
7. He said that he didn’t like peanut butter.
8. Lily said that I should go to school early.
9. Becky asked me to help her.
10. The music teacher told us not to play the guitar in that room.

Exercise 1. Fill ill the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Direct Speech; “Did you finish the report?" asked the boss.
Indirect Speech; The boss asked __________________________________ the report.
2. Direct Speech; "Will you be home by 5 p.m,?" asked Mom.
Indirect Speech: Mom asked __________________________________ home by 5 p.m.
3. Direct Speech: "Are you feeling better now?” asked the doctor.
Indirect Speech: The doctor asked __________________________________ better then.
4. Direct Speech: "Can you give me a hand with this?” asked Sarah.
Indirect Speech: Sarah asked __________________________________ her a hand with that.
5. Direct Speech: "Have you seen my keys?” asked Jack.
Indirect Speech: Jack asked __________________________________ his keys.
6. Direct Speech: "Are we supposed to bring anything for the party?” asked Jane.
Indirect Speech: Jane asked __________________________________ to bring anything for the party.
7. Direct Speech: "Do you want to come with us?” asked Peter.
Indirect speech: Peter asked __________________________________ to come with them.
8. Direct Speech: "How long have you been studying English?” asked the teacher.
Indirect Speech: The teacher asked __________________________________ English.
9. Direct Speech: "Why did you quit your job?” asked Mark.
Indirect Speech: Mark asked __________________________________ my job.
10. Direct Speech: "Who is your favourite musician?” asked Lisa.
Indirect Speech: Lisa asked __________________________________.
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Direct Speech: "What time __________________________________?” asked Emily.
Indirect speech: Emily asked what time the movie started.
2. Direct Speech: " __________________________________ this summer?” asked Tom.
Indirect Speech: Tom asked if I was planning to travel that summer.
3. Direct Speech: "What __________________________________?” asked Sarah.
Indirect Speech: Sarah asked what I was doing that weekend.
4. Direct Speech: "__________________________________ to Paris?” asked John.
Indirect Speech: John asked if I had ever been to Paris.
5. Direct Speech: “Where __________________________________?” asked Jane.
Indirect Speech: Jane asked where I had bought that shirt.
6. Direct Speech: "__________________________________ to the concert on Saturday?” asked Laura.
Indirect Speech: Laura asked if I was going to the concert on Saturday.
7. Direct Speech: “__________________________________ the news last night?” asked David.
Indirect Speech: David asked if I had seen the news the previous night.
8. Direct Speech: “__________________________________ how to cook lasagna?” asked Susan.
Indirect Speech: Susan asked if 1 knew how to cook lasagna.
9. Direct Speech: “__________________________________ your homework?” asked the teacher.
Indirect Speech: The teacher asked if I had finished my homework.
10. Direct Speech: “to grab lunch together?” asked Sam.
Indirect Speech: Sam asked if I wanted to grab lunch together.
Exercise 3. Circle the correct answers.
1. Direct Speech: “What are you doing later?” asked Sarah.
A. Indirect Speech: Sarah asked what I was doing later.
B. Indirect Speech: Sarah asked what I am doing later.
C. Indirect Speech: Sarah asked what was I doing later.
2. Direct Speech: “Did you go to the store yesterday?” asked John.
A. Indirect Speech: John asked if I went to the store the previous day.
B. Indirect Speech: John asked if had I gone to the store the previous day.
C. Indirect Speech: John asked if I had gone to the store the previous day.
3. Direct Speech: “Are you going to the gym today?” asked Tom.
A. Indirect Speech: Tom asked if I am going to the gym that day.
B. Indirect speech: Tom asked if I was going to the gym that day.
C. Indirect Speech: Tom asked if was I going to the gym that day.
4. Direct Speech: “How much does that cost?” asked Lisa.
A. Indirect speech: Lisa asked how much does that cost.
B. Indirect Speech: Lisa asked how much did that cost.
C. Indirect Speech: Lisa asked how much that cost.
5. Direct Speech: “Do you know how to play the guitar?” asked Emily.
A. Indirect Speech: Emily asked if I knew how to play the guitar.
B. Indirect Speech: Emily asked if I know how to play the guitar.
C. Indirect Speech: Emily asked if I had knew how to play the guitar.
6. Direct Speech: “Which university did you attend?” asked Mark.
A. Indirect Speech: Mark asked which university I had attended.
B. Indirect Speech: Mark asked which university I attended.
C. Indirect Speech: Mark asked which university I did attended.
7. Direct Speech: “Have you met the new employee yet?” asked the boss.
A. Indirect Speech: The boss asked if I had met the new employee yet.
B. Indirect Speech: The boss asked if I had meet the new employee yet
C. Indirect Speech: The boss asked if had Imct the new employee yet.
8. Direct Speech: “What's your favourite book?” asked Jane.
A. Indirect Speech: Jane asked what my favourite book is.
B. Indirect Speech: Jane asked what your favourite book was.
C. Indirect Speech: Jane asked what my favourite book was.
9. Direct Speech: “Where did you grow up?” asked Peter.
A. Indirect Speech: Peter asked where I grown up.
B. Indirect Speech: Peter asked where I had grown up.
C. Indirect Speech: Peter asked where you had grown up.
10. Direct Speech: “Would you like anything to drink?” asked the waiter.
A. Indirect Speech: The waiter asked if you would like anything to drink.
B. Indirect Speech: The waiter asked if would you like anything to drink.
C. Indirect speech: The waiter asked if I would like anything to drink.
Exercise 4. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech.
1. He said to her, “You are my friend.”
2. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
3. “Don’t come back before one o’clock”, advised my brother.
4. “Cook it in butter”, Mrs Brown said to her daughter.
5. The pupils said “Teacher, give us better marks, please.”
6. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow?”
7. “Have you done your homework?”, said my mother.
8. I asked Bill,” What time did you go to bed last night?”
9. Paul said, “I must go home now.”
10. “There is an accident.” said the policeman.
Exercise 5. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech.
1. “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.
2. “Must you go now?”, said Mr. Brown.
3. “Are you going to visit your aunt tomorrow?” asked Tom.
4. “Listen to me and don’t make a noise,’’said the teacher to his students.
5. “I’m tired of eating fish”, said Mary to Helen.
6. “The Sun always rises in the East,” said Peter.
7. “I didn’t steal your fur coat yesterday,” said Samny to Jean.
8. “You must do your homework everyday”, said Miss Lan to us.
9. “Will we read the story?”, Bill asked his teacher.
10. “I don’t know where Alice is,” said Vicky.
Exercise 6. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first.
1. Minh said, “I am watching a programme about Jupiter now.”
A. Minh said he was watching a programme about Jupiter then.
B. Minh told me that he was watching a programme about Jupiter now.
C. Minh said that he watched a programme about Jupiter then.
2. Peter asked me, “Have you ever seen any space buggies?”
A. I asked Peter if he had ever seen any space buggies.
B. Peter asked me if I had ever seen any space buggies.
C. Peter asked if he had ever seen any space buggies.
3. Jane told me that she had read a scientific book the previous day.
A. I told Jane, “She read a scientific book yesterday”.
B. Jane said to me, “She read a scientific book yesterday.”
C. Jane said to me, “She read a scientific book yesterday.”
4. He needs to interact with his group members in order to prepare well for the preparation.
A. If he wants to prepare well for the preparation, he won’t need to interact with his group members.
B. If he wants to prepare well for the preparation, he will need to interact with his group members.
C. If he wants to interact with his group members, he will need to prepare well for the preparation.
5. Food and medical supplies had been delivered when clothes were gathered.
A. After clothes were gathered, they delivered food and medical supplies.
B. They delivered clothes after gathering food and medical supplies.
C. They gathered clothes after delivering food and medical supplies.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences, using the suffix -ful or -less with the words given in brackets.
1. He always has a big smile. He is always ___________. (cheer)
2. Now she is very tired, because she spent a night ___________. (rest)
3. That old man has a bad memory. He is ___________. (forget)
4. He does not care about his actions. He is often ___________. (thought)
5. You should throw this pen away. It is ___________. (use)
6. The man does not take care. He is ___________. (care)
7. The picture has many colours. It is very ___________. (colour)
8. We enjoyed the party. It was very ___________. (joy)
9. She did not show any fear. She was ___________. (fear)
10. He does not have any friends. He is ___________. (friend)
Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers.
1. Scientists are (worked / working) to find a habitable planet.
2. The climate on Mars is unsuitable for human life because it is too cold, and Mars lacks oxygen to
support human (live / life).
3. Mars is a planet (like / likes) Earth.
4. (Scientist / Scientists) are trying to find life on Mars.
5. Mai is reading Aliens, and she is almost (did/done).
6. I think we should bring food, water, clothes, and (a I the) tent.
7. The (filer / inner) planets are the four planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
8. We’ve (got / gotten) bananas, apples, pears, and oranges.
9. The planet which is the second (close / closest) to the Sun is Venus.
10. (Earth / Mercury) is the smallest planet.
Exercise 9. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. I’d like somes eggs, some milk, some cheese, and some bread, please.
2. My father can speaks four languages: English, French, Russian, and
3. My favourite sports is football, tennis, basketball, and volleyball.
4. My kitten is cute, smart, playful, with noisy.
5. A outer planets, which are made up mostly of gas, include Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.
6. She asked me, “What are you do now?”
7. I’d like some pork, chicken, tofu, and vegetable.
8.1 buyed a T-shirt, a jumper, a tie, and a cap.
9.1 likes pop, blues, country, and jazz.
10. “Who will be the first to step on Mars?” Mary ask the scientist.
Exercise 1. Read the following passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Astronomers and other scientists constantly research and explore space. One of the most intriguing
questions they hope to answer one day is whether life exists on other planets. Despite a lot of research in
outer space, scientists have not yet been able to find evidence of life forms on any other planet other than
Earth is very hospitable, which makes living here easy. Earth has water, which living creatures need to
survive. Earth also has an atmosphere that is neither too hot, nor too cold. Its distance from the sun
provides Earth's inhabitants with the proper amount of warmth, sunlight and energy. Although there may
be other planets that have some of Earth's hospitable features, so far scientists have not found any with all
of the features they believe necessary to sustain life. Earth remains one of a kind!
Statements T F
1. Scientists haven’t done much research to find life forms on other planets.
2. Earth’s temperate atmosphere makes it accommodative to life forms.
3. Earth’s distance from the Sun allows it to receive just enough heat.
4. No other planets have any of Earth’s life-sustaining features.
5. Earth is still the only planet with all necessary conditions for life.
Exercise 2. Read the passage, then circle the correct answers.
Why does Man want to go to other planets (1) ___________ the solar system? Just for adventure? True, (2)
___________ is adventure in space travel. But a (3) ___________ to other planets would also be (4)
___________. For example, space stations could be built that would give us (5) ___________ information
about the weather.
In space stations (6) ___________ around the Earth, Man could live and study the cloud formation on (7)
___________ surface. These formations could tell US what weather to (8) ___________ in any part of the
world at any time. (9) ___________ information would be useful to pilots, to ship captains, and even to
farmers (10) ___________ must set dates for planting and harvesting.
1. A. in B. on C. at D.of
2. A. this B. there C. that D. it
3. A. travel B. fly C. trip D. drive
4. A. practice B. practiced C. practising D. practical
5. A. valuable B. wealthy C. expensive D. amused
6. A. moves B. moving C. moved D. moveable
7. A. his B. her C. its D. their
8. A. hope B. believe C. consider D. expect
9. A. Such B. Those C. So D. These
10. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
pre-launch coming spaceflights landed because
The NASA program Apollo included 11 (1) ___________ in total. Apollo 1 was supposed to be the first
manned flight to be launched on January 27 th, 1967. However, as the spacecraft was ready for a (2)
___________ test, a fire broke out, killing
all three of the crew members. Investigations into the accident led to major design and engineering
changes, making Apollo spacecraft safer for the (3) ___________ journeys.

Apollo 11 was the first to land humans on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (4) ___________ on
July 20th, 1969. They spent more than two hours outside the spacecraft, and collected 47.5 pounds (21.5
kg) of lunar material.
Apollo 13 may be the most well-known next to Apollo 11, since its mission was made into a Hollywood
movie. Apollo 13 was the third spacecraft intended to land on the Moon. However, it couldn’t (5)
___________ an oxygen tank exploded. Despite great hardship, the crew returned safely to Earth on April
Exercise 1. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech.
1. Mr. Smith said: “Where are you going on your vacation this year?”
🡪 Mr. Smith asked
2. She said: “Did the mechanic finish repairing your car?”
🡪 She asked
3. She said: “Why has David been looking so miserable lately?”
🡪 She asked
4. I asked my friend: “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month?”
🡪 I asked my friend
5. She asked me: “How old are you now?” 🡪 She asked me
6. He said to her: “Have you been to town today?”
🡪 He asked her
7. John said: “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary?”
🡪 John asked Mary
8. The policeman asked the little girl: “What’s your name?”
🡪 The policeman asked the little girl
9. Mr. Green said to his secretary: “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago?”
🡪 Mr. Green asked his secretary
10. Paul said: “Can you swim, Mary?”
🡪 Paul asked Mary
Exercise 2. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. was doing then / she / his mother/ ask / phoned / to / what / He
2. Ann / for food. / what / Vietnamese / wondered / people / plants / grew
3. Peter / to ask / phoned the / were selling / shop / what / they / specialties / there.
4. on Mars. / asked / The student / what / his professor / forms of / could / life / exist
5. She / injured / last week. / her arm / in a match
6. The / were doing then. / teacher / the pupils / asked / what / they
7. to visit ?” / planet / “What / do you / want, my / asked / me. / friend
8. future / ways of communication”, / ‘Tm / reading / now /a book / about / me./ she / told
9. “How / teachers / will / check / in the future?”, / attendance / Nam. / Lan / asked
10. I / a full moon?” / my mum, / there be / “When / asked / will

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. gravity B. habitable C. alien D. galaxy
2. A. promising B. oppose C. rocket D. possibility
3. A. trace B. crater C. actual D. spaceship
4. A. telescope B. atmosphere C. promising D. oppose
5. A. creature B. bright C. crater D. attack
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
6. A. alien B. atmosphere C. adventure D. galaxy
7. A. exploration B. accommodate C. environment D. experience
8. A. forgetful B. wonderful C. beautiful D. waterless
9. A. sighting B. climate C. attempt D. system
10. A. astronaut B. Mercury C. Jupiter D. computer
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
11. An astronaut has to wear a spacesuit ____________ it may be very cold in space.
A. so B. but C. because D. because of
12. In the story, the spaceship comes into contact with a society of friendly ____________.
A. enemies B. aliens C. citizens D. foreigners
13. Scientists have been trying to find ____________ of aliens.
A. amounts B.records C. traces D. sights
14. There have been many UFO ____________ reported.
A. sights B. signs C. signals D. sightings
15. The unicorn - an imaginary horse with a horn in front of its head - is a mythical ____________.
A. animal B. person C. giant D. creature
16. In the mid-19 century, scientists discovered that Mars had some similarities ____________ Earth.
A. to B. with C. of D. from
17. Neptune is bright blue ____________ it is named after the Roman God of the sea.
A. because B. but C. so D. or
18. There is a lot of interest in doing experiments in the ____________ conditions.
A. weigh B. weighing C. weight D. weightless
19. Titan, one of Saturn’s ____________, has a thick atmosphere.
A. satellite B. spaceships C. moons D. comets
20. Scientists believe that Mars also ____________ seasons just as the Earth does.
A. spends B. experiences C. experiments D. takes
IV. Complete the sentences with the words given.
collect back from watch first
suits speed work transported understanding
Lunar Roving Vehicle
In the late 1960s, NASA began a series of missions to the moon. On the 21 ____________ three missions
the astronauts explored on foot only a few hundred meters around then spacecraft, but on the last three
missions, they used a small electric car which allowed them to see and do much more on their short visits.
The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was an electric car which had a top 22 ____________ of 8 mph, and
allowed the astronauts to visit sites five miles away from their landing, and to 23 ____________ samples
from a much wider area to help scientists get a better 24 ____________ of the moon’s surface.
The LRV had to be 25 ____________ to the moon in the bottom part of the spacecraft. A camera was set up
in the LRV so that NASA could control remotely 26 ____________ the Earth, allowing them to
____________ the astronauts as they explored the moon’s surface in the LRV.
NASA plans to go 28 ____________ to the moon from the year 2022. This time they aim to explore
thousands of miles of the surface, staying for months at a time. Right now, NÁSA is working on new ideas
for moon cars in which astronauts can live and 29 ____________ for up to two weeks. They will be able to
sleep in the cab, and there is a separate compartment where they can put on the space
____________ to go exploring on foot.
V. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences.
31. She asked me where was I /I was going.
32. I don’t know what is his name / his name is.
33. Ask him what time is it / it is.
34. He wants to know where she lives I does she live.
35. He asked me how much did my bike cost / my bike cost.
36. I don’t know where did he put / he put those magazines.
37. He asked me how old was I / I was.
38. He didn’t say where he was / was he going.
39. He asked me when I would / would I return.
40. I asked him what time could he / he could meet us.
VI. Change the following sentences into reported speech.
41. I said to the shopkeeper, ‘How much does this shirt cost?’
42. Mr. Vinh said to me, ‘Where are you going?’
43. Mary said, ‘What are you going to eat in the cafeteria?’
44. His uncle asked him, ‘Where are you going on your holiday?’
45. He said to me, ‘How are you today?’
46. She said to me, ‘When will you get back from your trip?’
47. He asked her, ‘What time is it?’
48. The tourist asked, ‘How long does it take to get to Ha Noi by car?’
49. He asked me, ‘How long have you studied English?’
50. I said to her, ‘What will you buy for your father’s birthday?’
VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Long ago a lot of people 51 _______________ the moon was a god. Other people thought it was just a light
in the sky. And others thought it was a big 52 _______________ of cheese!
The telescopes were made, and men saw that the moon was really another world. They wondered
_______________ it was like. They dreamed of going there. On July 20, 1969, that dream came
_______________. Two American astronauts landed on the moon. _______________ names were Neil
Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.
The first thing the men found was that the moon is covered 56 _______________ dust. The dust is so thick
that the men left 57 _______________ where they walked. Those were the first marks a living thing had
ever made on the moon. And they could 58 _______________ there for years and years. There is no wind
or rain to wipe them off. The two men 59 _______________ rocks to bring back to Earth for study. They
dug up dirt to bring back. They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know. Then they were
off on their long trip 60 _______________ the earth.
51. A. thought B. guessed C. told D. said
52. A. form B. stone C. ball D. round
53. A. how B. which C. that D. what
54. A. real B. true C. unreal D. untrue
55. A. Their B. His C. Its D. Theirs
56. A. by B. for C. to D. with
57. A. fingerprints B. footprints C. handprints D. prints
58. A. go B. remain C. put D. run
59. A. got up B. gave up C. picked up D. set up
60. A. back to B. from to C. into D. onto
VIII. Read the following passage carefully, then write True (T) or False (F) for each statement.
People have been talking about UFOs for ages. Millions of normal people keep saying that they were
caught and taken into UFOs.
The first case was in the 1950s when George Adamski said a UFO had taken him to the far side of the
moon. Another case took place in 1961, when an American couple, Betty and Barley Hill, were chased by
a UFO while they were driving home one night in New Hampshire. The couple stopped to observe the
UFO through binoculars. To escape from it, they took the back roads and arrived home two hours later.
Fourteen years later, in 1975, one of the most shocking events happened in a small town in Arizona, when
a woodcutter called Travis Walton disappeared with a blue-green light from a flying saucer under his
teammates’ eyes. Five days later, the missing woodcutter returned home and said, T woke up on the UFO
and found myself among strangers with no hair and half-formed face. They put a mask over my face, and I
fell asleep again. 1 remembered nothing else until I awoke in the forest where I had been caught.’
61. It was first claimed that someone had been taken away in a UFO in the middle of the 20th century.

62. Betty and Barley Hill live in the USA.

63. Betty and Barley Hill were also taken away in a UFO.
64. Travis Walton was caught on the road.
65. The aliens wore the masks all the time while Travis was staying with them.
IX. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
A UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is any object flying in the sky which cannot be identified by the
person who sees it. Sometimes the object is investigated. If people cannot figure out what the object is after
an investigation, it is called a UFO. If they figure out what the object is, it can no longer be called a UFO
because it has been identified.
Even though UFOs can be anything, people can use the word UFO when they are talking about alien
spacecraft. Flying saucer is another word that is often used to describe an identified flying object.
Studies estimate that 50-90% of all reported sightings are identified later. Usually 10-20% are never
identified. Studies also show that very few UFO sightings are hoaxes (people trying to trick other people).
Most UFOs are actually natural or man-made objects that looked strange. 80-90% of UFOs are identified
as one of three different things: (a) astronomical causes (for example: planets, stars, or meteors); (b)
aircraft; and (c) balloons. 10-20% of UFOs are other causes, such as birds, clouds, mirages, searchlights,
66. Another word used to describe a UFO is ____.
A. astronaut B. cooking plane C. spacecraft D. flying saucer
67. How many percent of all reported sights are not identified?
A. 10-20% B. 20-30% C. 30-50% D. 80-90%
68. Most UFOs are identified as one of the following things except.
A. balloons B. rains C. stars D. clouds
69. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object.
B. UFO is often used to talk about alien objects.
C. Many UFO sightings are hoaxes.
D. Over half of all reported UFO sightings are identified.
70. What does the word “figure out” in paragraph 1 mean?
A. explain B. observe C. calculate D. require
XI. Write the description of aliens using the words given below.
I sometimes dream about meeting an alien from Mars. He looks very strange.
76. he / big eyes / and / a little bigger / more violent / a human being
77. his skin / black / no hair / his head / but / he / have / an antenna
78. he / wear / clothing / but / it / made of metal / very strong
79. he / look / really powerful / because / there / a lot of enemies / the Galaxy
80. he / love / peace / and / do everything / protect his planet

TEST 4 (UNIT 10-UNIT 12)

Exercise 1. Circle the word whose underlined part differs from the others in pronunciation in each
of the following questions.
1. A. metal B. scatter C. package D. math
2. A. smell B. press C. melt D. refill
3. A. those B. clothes C. shopping D. envelope
4. A. down B. throw C. nowadays D. how
5. A. plants B. fields C. trees D. newspapers
6. A. touch B. foul C. account D. mount
7. A. lose B. vote C. control D. social
8. A. rear B. bear C. gear D. year
9. A. please B. peace C. seat D. spread
10. A. overlooks B. beliefs C. towards D. rights
Exercise 2. Circle the word that differs from the others in the position of primary stress in each of
the following questions.
1. A. debris B. Arctic C. perhaps D. thermal
2. A. accent B. rubbish C. substance D. collapse
3. A. permanent B. volcano C. spectacle D. illustrate
4. A. earplug B. erupt C. severe D. unique
5. A. excursion B. evacuate C. contaminate D. government
6. A. definition B. electricity C. contaminate D. radiation
7. A. dramatic B. overhead C. illustrate D. groundwater
8. A. thermal B. beneath C. rabbish D. earplug
9. A. affect B. billboard C. visual D. substance
10. A. aquatic B. behaviour C. pollution D. permanent
Exercise 3. Choose the best answers.
1. Alexander Graham Bell was the _______________ of the telephone.
A. developer B. inventor C. writer D. write
2. Sir Alexander Fleming was the _______________ of penicillin.
A. creator B. explore C. founder D. cooker
3. He works as a software _______________, writing programmes for IBM.
A. explorer B. engineer C. developer D. Artist
4. As a/an _______________, he works on reactions in laboratories.
A. chemist B. engineer C. archeologist D. teacher
5. The environmental _______________ met to discuss ways to deal with sea pollution.
A. doctors B. conservationists C. developers D. nurses
6. Jim’s mother asked, “What do you want to eat for dinner, Jim?”
🡪 Jim’s mother asked him ___________________________________________________________.
A. what he wants to eat for dinner
B. What he wanted to eat for dinner
C. what you wanted to eat for dinner
D. what wanted he to eat for dinner
7. “Where are you going?” she asked me.
🡪 She asked me ___________________________________________________________________.
A. where I am going B. where was I going
C. where I was going D. where are you going

8. “Do you want me to call your mom?” said the waitress to the little boy.
🡪 The waitress asked the little boy ____________________________________________________.
A. does he wanted her to call his mom
B. if/whether he wanted her to call his mom
C. if/whether he want her to call his mom
D. if/whether he wanted her to call your mom
9. The father asked the boy, “Did you follow all the instructions?”
🡪 The father asked the boy __________________________________________________________.
A. if he had followed all the instructions
B. if he followed all the instructions
C. if you had followed all the instructions
D. unless he had followed all the instructions
10. “Where have you been the whole evening, son?” asked the mother.
🡪 ________________________________________________________________________________.
A. The mother asked her son where he was the whole evening.
B. The mother asked her son where you had been the whole evening.
C. The mother asked me Where he had been the whole evening
D. The mother asked her son where he had been the Whole evening.
11. In 1876, the telephone ____________ first introduced by Bell and Watson.
A. was B. is C. has been D. had been
12. It’s important ____________ wildlife in the area.
A. to conserve B. conserving C. conservation D. conserve
13. Japan 40% of its waste every year.
A. reuses B. recycles C. refill D. broken
14. We were delighted ____________ your letter yesterday.
A. to get B. got C. getting D. get
15. Sooner or later a satellite ____________ by a large piece of rubbish.
A. will destroy B. will destroyed C. will be destroyed D. will been destroyed
16. Let’s play tennis instead of ____________ television.
A. watch B. watching C. watches D. to watch
17. Everything depends on what you mean ____________ the word “free”.
A. about B. for C. of D. by
18. We should use ____________ bags instead of plastic bags.
A. cloth B. clothe C. clothed D. clothing
19. Beer ____________ for breakfast in England years ago.
A. used be drunk B. used to be drunk C. used to drunk D. used to be drank
20. I ____________ some rice on the floor of the chicken coop.
A. raised B. grew C. threw away D. scattered
21. People will take ____________ of robots to do household chores.
A. chance B. condition C. success D. advantage
22. Many people think that robots will make workers ____________.
A. employed B. unemployed C. no job D. the jobless
23. It is certain that robots will ____________ the quality of our lives.
A. improve B. rise C. lift D. develop
24. With healthier ____________ and better medical ____________, people will have a longer life
A. ways – care B. lifestyles – care C. life – cares D. lifestyles – medicine
25. Many people think the cyberworld will ____________ the real world.
A. take B. provide C. take place D. replace
26. The invention of penicillin is very useful because it has ____________ lots of lives.
A. lost B. brought C. saved D. solved
27. It is said that in a couple of decades, we ____________ telepathy and holography.
A. use B. will be used C. have used D. will be using
28. Mars is named ____________ the Roman God of war.
A. to B. about C. after D. under
29. By 2050, we ____________ in smart homes.
A. will have lived B. will be lived C. will live D. are living
30. The Earth seems too small to ____________ the increasing population.
A. provide B. accommodate C. supply D. stand
31. An astronaut has to wear a spacesuit ____________ it may be very cold in space.
A. so B. but C. because D. because of
32. The UFO landed on a ____________ area.
A. grass B. grassy C. grassed D. grassing
33. Scientists have been trying to find ____________ of aliens.
A. amounts B. records C. traces D. sights
34. There have been many UFO ____________ reported.
A. sights B. signs C. signals D. sightings
35. Mars is called the Red Planet due to its ____________ surface.
A. red B. redder C. reddest D. reddish
36. In the mid-19 century, scientists discovered that Mars had some similarities ____________ Earth.
A. to B. with C. of D. from
37. Neptune is bright blue ____________ it is named after the Roman God of the sea.
A. because B. but C. so D. or
38. There is a lot of interest in doing experiments in the ____________ conditions.
A. weigh B. weighing C. weight D. weightless
39. Titan, one of Saturn’s ____________, has a thick atmosphere.
A. satellite B. spaceships C. moons D. comets
40. Scientists believe that Mars also ____________ seasons just as the Earth does.
A. spends B. experiences C. experiments D. takes
41. Facebook was built on the ____________ of earlier social network sites like MySpace and Bebo.
A. succeed B. successful C. successfully \D. success
42. It is thought that driverless cars will transform the way we move ____________ cities in the future.
A. around B. away C. along D. ahead
43. Little Pascal ____________ a mechanical calculator which could do additions or subfractions very
A. is covered B. found C. found out D. invented
44. Robots save workers from ____________ dangerous tasks.
A. making B. having C. performing D. carrying
45. Many people believe that robots have made workers jobless, ____________ that is not necessarily true.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
46. Recent ____________ developments have made robots more user-friendly, and intelligent.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientifically
47. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer games; ____________, they lose their interests in
daily activities.
A. moreover B. so C. however D. as a result
48. Science and technology have ____________ the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
49. Terrorists are using modem technology ____________ their destructive work.
A. about B. at C. for D. with
50. With the advance of science and technology, our life changes greatly in various ____________.
A. scenes B. fields C. sights D. regions
Exercise 4. Provide the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (study) ________________ for my exam when she called me.
2. I (travel) ________________ to Japan next year.
3. They (finish) ________________ their work by Friday.
4. I (work) ________________ at a software company.
5. She (play) ________________ the guitar every day.
6. She was cooking dinner when the guests (arrive) ________________.
7. They (play) ________________ soccer in the park when it started raining.
8. She (graduate) ________________ from college in two years.
9. We were watching a movie when the power (go out) ________________.
10. He (drive) ________________ to work when he (see) ________________ an accident on the road.
Exercise 5. Find the mistakes and rewrite the correct sentences.
1. He told me that he has already finished his homework.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
2. She asked me if I like pizza.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
3. He said that he is going to the beach next weekend.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
4. She told me that she will call me back in an hour.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
5. He said that he had been working on the project since last week.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
6. I was studying when my friend was calling me.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
7. They were dancing at the party when the power goes out.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
8. He was sleeping while I was cook dinner.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
9. We were playing soccer when it starts raining.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
10. She was watching a movie when she was falling asleep.
Correction: _____________________________________________________________________
Exercise 6. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Helen cannot talk to John because his nickname is _____________. (visible)
2. High-speed Internet provides me with _____________ videos. (interact)
3. With telegraphy, the information will be sent _____________. (immediate)
4. She used signs to tell me _____________ that we were late. (direct)
5. Paul _____________ and missed some phone calls yesterday morning. (sleep)
6. The secretary put Thomas through the manager’s landline _____________. (instant)
7. The mute usually communicates _____________ with each other. (non-verbal)
8. I think Janet is not _____________ because of her unfriendliness. (communicate)
9. Children have moral lessons in school to avoid behavior of _____________ in future. (morality)
10. If you don’t go to work regularly, you will be punished for _____________ in work. (regularity)
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
Internet friends spending information books
I think, the (1) _____________is the greatest invention ever. Think how it has changed the world. So much
information is out there. It has totally changed my life. I can now chat with friends, download music, buy
(2) _____________online, and get all the information I need, for my homework. It usually took days, or
weeks, to do any of these things, before the Internet. I really like emails. They are so fast. And now I can
make (3) _____________with people around the world easily. The feeling of waiting for emails from
friends, is awesome. A long way from the snail mails, I used to know. I spend hours every day online. I
think I am (4) _____________a little bit too much time on it. I’m sure, that staring at a computer screen all
day, isn’t good for my eyes. I think the Internet is also making me fat. I need to exercise a little bit more.
The only thing I don’t like about the Internet, is that it can be hacked. I never put my personal (5)
_____________online, especially on social networking sites like the Facebook.
Exercise 8. Read the text below and choose the best answer for each question after the text.
A recent investigation by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey shows that strange animal behavior
might help predict future earthquakes. Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-kilometer radius of the
epicenter of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about wildly: dogs yelped and ran around
Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days before the
In 1976, after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict a devastating quake. Although
hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of other
people and thus keep the death toll at a lower level.
1. What prediction may be made by observing animal behavior?
A. An impending earthquake
B. The number of people who will die
C. The ten-kilometer radius of the epicenter
D. Environmental changes
2. Why can animals perceive these changes when humans cannot?
A. Animals are smarter than humans.
B. Animals have certain instincts that humans don’t possess.
C. By running around the house, they can feel the vibrations.
D. Humans don’t know where to look.
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Some animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake
B. By observing animal behavior scientists perhaps can predict earthquakes.
C. The Chinese have successfully predicted an earthquake and saved many lives
D. All birds and dogs in a ten-kilometer radius of the epicenter went wild before the earthquake.
4. In this passage, the word “evacuate” most nearly means _____________.
A. remove B. destroy C. exile D. emaciate
5. If scientists can accurately predict earthquakes, there will be _____________.
A. fewer animals going crazy B. a lower death rate
C. fewer people evacuated D. fewer environmental changes
Exercise 9. Read the text below and choose the best answers.
Ha Tinh is a disaster-prone province in central Viet Nam. Since the beginning of2015, this province has
experienced three massive floods, causing devastating property damage. The floods razed thousands of
homes, damaged numerous irrigation works, roads, schools and healthcare centres. Ms. Nga Tran, a local
resident, recalled the last flood, “The flood in June was normal, but the one in September was awful. Water
from Ngan Pho River began to submerge the floor, while outside it was still raining heavily. After a while
the water was about one meter. I had no choice but to climb up to the attic and stay there for two days.”
Like many other residents, all of Ms. Nga Tran’s furniture was covered in mud, some was completely
damaged for having been soaked in the water for too long. But what worried her most was the loss of her
rice crop. Three months after the flood, lots of farmers still struggled with finding enough food to eat. If
there is no aid from the government, the situation in this province will get worse.
1. What does disaster-prone mean?
A. having no disasters
B. likely to have disasters
C. have very few disasters
2. What is NOT mentioned as consequences from the floods?
A. loss of life B. loss of property C. loss of crop
3. When was the flood as recalled by Ms. Nga Tran?
A. January B. June C. September
4. How long did Ms. Nga Tran stay in her attic?
A. for the whole week B. two days C. three months
5. What is the biggest worry of Ms. Nga Tran and other residents?
A. lack of food B. lack of accommodation C. lack of aid
Exercise 10. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. yesterday / A boy/was trapped / for two hours/ under the debris/ of the earthquake.
2. When / rescuers / the / arrived, / the whole family / had / evacuated. / already
3. Three / were / taken / shelter / to / for / medical / this / treatment / morning. / victims
4. The / has gone/ but / typhoon / its damage / will / a long time / remain for / in this area.

5. the residents / Because / had been / earlier / this earthquake, / about / the damage / was / informed / not
6. He / been / badly / his / diet. / has / weakened / unhealthy / by
7. I / Mr. and Mrs. Robinson / if / would / they / go / Cairo / on / holiday / the / their / next month. / asked /
8. Robots / do / the housework / will / in / 20 / years’ time. / all
9. His / diet / has / him / badly. / unhealthy / weakened
10. How / the / police / the / lost / find / man? / did
Exercise 11. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech.
1. He said: “Where can I find her in this town?”
🡪 He asked ________________________________________________________________________
2. She asked her son: “Do you know which cup you used?”
🡪 She asked her son_________________________________________________________________
3. Helen said: “What did you say, Jack?”
🡪 Helen asked Jack __________________________________________________________________
4. She said to him: “Why didn’t you get up early this morning?”
🡪 She asked him ____________________________________________________________________
5. He said: “Will it rain tonight?”
🡪 He asked ________________________________________________________________________
6. “Every weekend, the astronauts can have private video-conferences with their families on the Earth.”
Dr. Nelson said.
🡪 Dr. Nelson said ___________________________________________________________________
7. “Have the astronauts ever forgotten anything from the Earth?” Nick asked his teacher.
🡪 Nick asked his teacher_____________________________________________________________
8. “The astronauts on the ISS use a 3-D printer on board to print certain objects,” the teacher answered
🡪 The teacher told Nick _______________________________________________________________
9. “Where can we look for life?” Nga asked Dr. Nelson.
🡪 Nga asked Dr. Nelson _______________________________________________________________
10. “Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, has a large salt water ocean,” the teacher said.
🡪 The teacher said ___________________________________________________________________
Exercise 12. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
1. American scientists have drawn plans for an extension to the ISS.
🡪 Plans
2. “Can NASA prove that there is life on the moon of Jupiter?”
🡪 He asked
3. The student wanted to know how long it took to get to the red planet.
🡪 The student asked, “______________________________________________________________”
4. Paul left the office before Sarah arrived there.
🡪 When Sarah
5. The heavy snow made it impossible for the plane to take off on time.
🡪 The plane was prevented
6. “What time did you get home last night?”
🡪 My parents asked
7. It’s possible that Lucy isn’t at home now.
🡪 Lucy might
8. NASA stopped sending humans to the Moon in 1972.
🡪 NASA hasn’t
9. “We are meeting Tony at 8 o’clock tonight.”
🡪 She said that
10. Sam told me that he was very tired then because he had been working hard for 12 hours.
🡪 Sam said to me, “______________________________________________________________”
Exercise 13. Write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about an activity that you
have done to protect the environment.
You should use the following questions as cues:
- What have you done?
- When did you start it?
- How does it help protect the environment?
- How do you feel?

REVIEW 4 (UNITS 10-11-12)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. platform B. scanner C. advanced D. translation
2. A. invent B. machine C. fingerprint D. promising
3. A. telepathy B. telescope C. develop D. epidemic
4. A. creatures B. lens C. Mars D. marks
5. A. fingerprint B. truancy C. connection D. contact
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
6. A. telepathy B. community C. development D. scientific
7. A. incident B. terrorist C. adventure D. cultural
8. A. disease B. tablet C. buggy D. robot
9. A. unnatural B. impossible C. emotionless D. disrespectful
10. A. multimedia B. communication C. similarity D. possibility
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
11. Facebook was built on the ______________ of earlier social network sites like MySpace and Bebo.
A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success
12. It is thought that driverless cars will transform the way we move ______________ cities in the future.
A. around B. away C. along D. ahead
13. Little Pascal ______________ a mechanical calculator which could do additions or subtractions very
A. discovered B. found C. found out D. invented
14. Robots save workers from ______________ dangerous tasks.
A. making B. having C. performing D. carrying
15. Many people believe that robots have made workers jobless, ______________ that is not necessarily
A. but B. and C. so D. or
16. The power is cut! What happens ______________ the cake?
A. on B. at C. to D. with
17. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer games; ______________, they lose their interests
in daily activities.
A. moreover B. so C. however D. as a result
18. Science and technology have ______________ the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
19. Terrorists are using modem technology ______________ their destructive work.
A. about B. at C. for D. with
20. With the advance of science and technology, our life changes greatly in various ______________.
A. scenes B. fields C. sights D. regions
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Eye Contact
Eye contact is an important type of 21 ______________ communication. The way you look at someone can
______________ many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye contact is also
important in 23 ______________ the flow of conversation.
Eye contact will be more continuous 24 ______________ a person is trying to listen to you. Looking at a
person can be an indication of 25 ______________. People who are interested in someone show
______________ eye contact and lean forward toward the other person in the conversation.
______________ eye contact with another person can be 28 ______________ to show respect.
21. A. verbal B. non-verbal C. oral D. online
22. A. mean B. bring C. transmit D. communicate
23. A. maintaining B. stopping C. preventing D. increasing
24. A. although B. because C. unless D. if
25. A. attract B. attracted C. attractive D. attraction
26. A. high B. strong C. weak D. deep
27. A. Taking B. Doing C. Making D. Bringing
28. A. use B. used C. using D. to use
V. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and teachers at the top of
the list. It’s easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs need human connection and
creativity. But are we underestimating what robots can do? In some cases, they already perform better than
doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable sharing personal
information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in education after all?
British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the
classroom: 2037. He predicts robots will do the main job of transferring information and teachers will be
like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students’ faces, movements and maybe even brain signals. Then
they will adapt the information to each student. It’s not a popular opinion and it’s unlikely robots will even
have empathy and the ability to connect with humans like another human can.
One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world,
there aren’t enough teachers and 9-16% of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem
could be partly solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or tired, or move
somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.
Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all over the world are
leaving because it is a difficult job, and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not ‘Will robots
replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help teachers?’ Office workers can use software to do things like
organise and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time doing
non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could cut the time
teachers marking homework and write reports, teachers would have more time and energy for the parts of
the job humans do best.
Task 1. Read the text, and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).
29. Some jobs seem as if they can be done by robots or computers. ____
30. Robots are always better at diagnosing illnesses than doctors.
31. Many experts agree robots will replace teachers by 2037. ____
32. One advantage of robot teachers is that they don’t need to rest. ____
33. Robot assistant could help teachers by marking homework and writing reports. ____
34. Some teachers use robots to reduce their time answering emails and marking homework.
Task 2. Choose the correct answers.
35. It’s easy to think robot doctors ____________.
A. will replace people even if we don’t like the idea
B. are more capable than people and it’s true
C. can do less than people but it’s not always true
36. Anthony Seldon thinks teachers in the future will ____________.
A. help robots in class
B. teach knowledge to students
C. no longer exist
37. Robots will probably never ____________.
A. have human understanding of emotions
B. be a popular choice for teachers
C. be intelligent enough to work in education
38. Some parts of the world ____________.
A. pay robots to teach
B. already use robots in teaching jobs
C. have a shortage of teachers
39. Teachers ____________.
A. work harder than office workers
B. have less help than office workers
C. leave their jobs to become office workers
40. Robots could ____________.
A. empathise with students
B. mark homework
C. prepare lessons
VII. Write meaningful sentences about the appearance of aliens based on the words or phrases
given, using may/might
46. aliens / a hard container / the brain
47. they I two eyes / a nose I a mouth / us
48. their eyes I bug-eyed I and I the nose I not I in the middle of the face
49. they / two arms / but / arms / suckers / pick up small objects
50. their hand / only three or four fingers


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