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Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices (EDU406)

Assignment 1 (Fall 2023)

Total Marks: 15
Topics: 37 - 60

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Assignment Question

Q. Critically analyze the reflection models of David Boud (1985) and Atkins & Murphy (1994).
Also, suggest which one is more suitable in terms of its application and why?
15 marks

Concept Marks Distribution

Critical analysis of David Boud (1985) and Atkins & Murphy 8 marks
(1994) reflective model.
Suggestions regarding suitability of model in terms of its 7 marks
application along with justification

Reflection is an integral part of the learning process, aiding individuals in understanding
and improving their practices. This analysis critically evaluates the reflection models proposed
by David Boud (1985) and Atkins & Murphy (1994) and provides suggestions on their suitability
for different applications.

Critical Analysis of David Boud's Model (1985)

David Boud's reflective model outlines a systematic three-step process: Description,

Interpretation, and Outcome/Action.

 Offers a structured and clear approach to reflection.
 Encourages a deep exploration of emotions and experiences.
 May oversimplify the intricacies of reflective practice.
 Some critics argue it lacks depth in addressing social and contextual factors.

Critical Analysis of Atkins & Murphy's Model (1994)

Atkins & Murphy's model introduces a dual focus on anticipatory reflection before action and
retrospective reflection after action.
 Recognizes the significance of both pre- and post-action reflection.
 Incorporates anticipatory reflection, contributing to improved decision-making.
 The dual focus may appear complex and challenging to consistently apply.

Suggestions Regarding Model Suitability

Atkins & Murphy's Model (1994):
 Suitability:
 Ideal for individuals and professionals appreciating a comprehensive approach to
 More suitable for scenarios where strategic decision-making is a key aspect of
reflective practice.
Atkins & Murphy's model offers a valuable framework for those seeking a comprehensive
reflection process. Its strengths lie in the holistic perspective it provides, contributing to
improved decision-making. However, potential complexity and resource intensity may limit its
applicability in certain situations. Despite these drawbacks, the model's strengths make it
particularly suitable for contexts where a thorough examination of decisions and their outcomes
is essential.

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