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Event Name/Title:


Date and Venue:

November 1-8, 2023
BUCeng Social Media Accounts

As Halloween approaches, BUCENG students are thrilled and excited to celebrate it
using common traditions like horror stories and creative costumes. The council also would like
to celebrate it with the students by creating a simple online multi-activity where students can
showcase their creativity and wit on various platforms.
This event aims to achieve the following objectives:

a. Exhibit the halloween spirit in the college

b.Helps CENGians have platforms to showcase their creativity in costume and cosplays
c. Have CENGians share their halloween related stories in public

The event is a continuation of last year’s Stop the GhostCENG event spearheaded by
yours truly. It is a continuation of it with the same thematics as well as the same goal- to have a
fun activity during Halloween season. Just like last year, it also consists of different events with
different goals and objectives. We changed a few of the activities so that it won’t be an exact
copy of last year’s happenings.

Around mid-October is where the planning started. With brainstorming specially on who
will be the co-head for this event as well as what changes can I do in order to change things up
a little and for it to not be an exact copy of last year’s event. This week was also when the
crafting of proposal had begun. Guided by the past proposal, it became quite easy to finalize the
details as well as mechanics that will be happening per event. Just like last year, we
incorporated some form of cosplay competition with a Halloween-theme as well as an avenue to
where students can vent their horror or ghosting stories. We found this type of event very
successful since last year so we decided to continue it this academic year.
After the finalizing of proposal as well as the upcoming sub-events, the signing of
proposal became next. Since it is only an online activity, there has been no issue in having it
approved. Then on October 25, 2023 when we conducted the first meeting about this event.
This meeting included all officers and instructions were given especially to the Creative and
Technicals team as well as to the Public Relations team and Audit team. After giving instructions
to these responsible committees, the preparation phase has ended.
The event proper has started with a teaser post in the social media accounts of
BUCENG CSC headed by the creatives team. The post has received a lot of praises and
excitement from the student body. Then the day after or November 1,2023 is when the official
poster was posted. A little bit later and the first sub-event has been publicized- the Share your
GhostCENG Stories. This event will collect stories from CENGians that are related to the theme
of Halloween. We have received a lot of entries for this one which we also posted on our social
media accounts for publicity. This was followed by our main highlight event, our cosplay
competition. This cosplay competition should abide by the Halloween theme that we have
incorporated. Thanks to my co-head, Ms. Jacel Aydalla- we have secured several judges as well
as cosplayers that will join this competition. Both events were a success receiving several
acknowledgements and entries from the student body. The event ends when we have decided
the winners for the cosplay competition with the help of our judges, as well as when the prizes
and certificates have been distributed both to the judges and participants.

Overall, the event has successfully captured all the objectives that we aimed for it to
achieve. Both of the two sub-events has been filled with support and effort from all the officers
as well as CENGians.
Prepared by:

Treasurer, BUCENG-CSC
A.Y. 2023-2024

Verified by:


Secretary, BUCENG-CSC
A.Y. 2023-2024

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