Teaching Effectiveness

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Teaching and learning systems in Tamilnadu possess some contradictions, the need oI this hour
is to identiIy and rectiIy them Ior betterment oI themselves and Ior the benevolence oI the country.
Generally, all students have had number oI teachers in their liIetimes.
A very Iew oI these teachers they remember as being exceptionally good. What are the qualities that
combine to create an excellent, memorable teacher? Why do some teachers inspire students to work
three times harder than they normally would, while others inspire students to skip class? Why do
students learn more Irom some teachers than others?
As Albert Einstein says t is the supreme art oI the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and
knowledge. This implies that a competent teacher helps in better understanding, retaining and retrieval
oI the taught material. Education should ignite and bring out the innate abilities that the subject posses.
t should not limit/oppress students they should Ieel Iree in experimenting what is delivered to them.
As Paulo Friere quotes 'Education either Iunctions as an instrument which is used to Iacilitate
integration oI the younger generation into the logic oI the present system and bring about conIormity or
it becomes the practice oI Ireedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively
with reality and discover how to participate in the transIormation oI their world.
To identiIy the ideal method oI teaching that enhances eIIective learning
This study is limited to a school in Tirunelveli with students belonging to STD V
and V
Samacheer Kalvi (UniIorm education)
StratiIied random sampling among 6
and 7
students with structured questions on speciIic topics with
teaching Iollowed by evaluation e.g. Knowledge about Trees. The methods oI teaching that are
subjected to eIIective learning areas Iollows
ral method
Visual method
earning through senses

ral m0thod
An oral presentation is where you show your knowledge on a particular subject. You might be able to
choose your topic, or maybe you have been given something to research and talk about to an audience or
tutor. t sometimes helps to make notecards to keep your talk on topic, but try to avoid writing down a
speech oI everything you are going to say- this makes it a little dull and you can't really talk properly to
your audience. t might be a good idea to end your oral presentation by allowing your audience to ask
you questions on your subject- but make sure you are prepared to answer them.
Visual m0thod
Visual aids help to make a presentation lively. They can also help the audience to Iollow your
presentation and help you to present inIormation that would be diIIicult to Iollow through speech alone.
The two most common Iorms oI visual aid are overhead transparencies (Ts) and computer slide
shows (e.g. PowerPoint). bjects that can be displayed or passed round the audience can also be very
eIIective and oIten help to relax the audience. Some speakers give printed handouts to the audience to
Iollow as they speak. thers preIer to give their handouts at the end oI the talk, because they can
distract the audience Irom the presentation.
L0arning through s0ns0s
We are born with two essential skills in liIe: our reIlexes and our senses. This means that initially
children learn about their world though their senses. t is through our sensory experiences that we
develop much oI our brain in the early years.
We learn about the world through our senses and create relationships with our environment; smells,
touch, taste, and so on. This is on all levelsphysical, in our thinking, emotions and creative liIe.
ThereIore, children need to grow up in a world that is beautiIul to look at, smell, and hear. Touch is not
just about the Ieel oI smooth and rough, it can also communicate how we Ieel about our child. ow we
touch them, soItly or roughly, communicates to them how we Ieel about them, so we want to be really
aware oI how we interact with children through our actions words and so on.

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