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Assessment 2 (B) Knowledge Management

Case Synopsis

It was the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK – the government was already stalling
in deciding how to respond despite having seen the virus rip through Italy and decimate the
country’s health care system. Unable to slow contagion, the virus overloaded hospitals in Northern
Italy (the country’s epicentre) and make-shift emergency units kitted out with camp beds still weren’t
enough to cope with the onslaught of virus patients. The situation was so bad that doctors and
nurses were put in the unsavoury situation of having to make decisions on who would live and who
would die.
The projected numbers and anticipated rise in demand for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS)
also painted a grim picture. The NHS was also facing potentially crippling shortages of medical
equipment and services. In particular, the number of ventilators in the current supply was way below
projected demand. Even if production of new ventilators were to start immediately, the production
capacity was still significantly lower than projected demand. The government pleaded for industry
In response, a number of UK aerospace, motorsport, automotive and medical organizations
(including Ford, Airbus, Rolls Royce and McLaren among others), brought together and led by High-
Value Manufacturing Catapult CEO Dick Elsy, got together to form the Ventilator Challenge UK
consortium. The consortium mobilized to scale up the production of ventilators as well as produce
breathing aids for those patients that require some assistance. Production went from approximately
55 devices per week to 1500 devices per week.

Case Brief

The Ventilator Challenge UK represents an interesting case of innovation and inter-organizational

mobilization to address an acute societal need.

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Below are three short readings that give more details about the initiative and that you are
required to read to complete Assessment 2 Part B. Any part whether directly quoted or
paraphrased from these readings or your textbook MUST be intext referenced and the full
reference for the reading MUST be included in your report reference list. Use UOW Harvard
Referencing Style.

UK Ventilator Challenge

Interview Transcript with Dick Elsy (Chairman VentilatorChallengeUK)

Coronavirus Breathing Aid

Journal article from Nonaka et al. 2018 download from Subject Readings tab in Moodle
Nonaka, I & Takeuchi, H 2021, ‘Humanizing strategy’, Long Range Planning, vol. 54, no. 4,
pp. 102070-102108.

Case Questions

1. What type of knowledge creation (refer to Nonaka) process did the consortium follow?
2. Knowledge exploitation and knowledge exploration are different forms of learning. Which one
more closely aligns with to Ventilator Challenge UK consortium and why?
3. According to Etienne Wenger, what would the Ventilator Consortium be an example of?
4. What are the characteristics of Ventilator Challenge UK consortium’s innovation journey?
Consider the following stages:
 the initiation stage
 the development stage
 the implementation stage.

Assessment 2 Case Study Report Part A

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Tutorial Class (Day and Time):

Group Number:

Student Name/Student Number

Student Name/Student Number

Student Name/Student Number

Student Name/Student Number

Student Name/Student Number

Student Name/Student Number

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1. Introduction

(In this section provide an overview/description of what the case is about. Include here the type of
organisation and what it does. Approx. 150 words)

2. Analysis

(In this section provide an analysis of the case and key issues. Respond to each case question here. Use a
different sub-section for each question. Re-write the case question in the form of a heading. Make any
recommendation(s) that seem appropriate from your analysis. Approx. 800)

3. Conclusion:

(In this section provide a high-level summary of your analysis and recommendations. Approx. 150 words)

4. Development and learning

(In this section provide a reflection on one group work practice experience that supported or hindered the
group's learning. Approx. 100 words)

5. References:

(List all sources using UOW Harvard Referencing style and include all sources used for this case e.g., journal
articles, websites, and textbook etc. Not included in word count.)

6. Appendix A

(Paste Screenshots of weekly Assessment 2 Group Blog posts that relate to the group work done for this
case study. Not included in word count.)

7. Appendix B

We agree that all group members made sufficient and equitable contributions to the development and
completion of this assessment. As members of this group, we have keep written records of work allocation
and contributions. We understand that these records may be called for and used in any disputes regarding
the relative contribution and marks of team. (This section is not included in the word count for this

Student Name/Student Number Signature/Signature Image

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Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectation
Provides a clear and Provides a summary of Provides a limited
Comprehension: Summarise focused summary of the case summary of the case
s context and issues of the the case demonstrating some demonstrating little or
case study. demonstrating an understanding of no understanding of
excellent context and stating context and stating a
understanding of some key issues of the few or no key issues of
context and stating all case study. the case study.
or most key issues of
the case study.
Applies relevant Applies mostly Applies incorrect or
Application: Applies relevant management theory relevant management irrelevant
management theory to or concept to analyse theory/concept to management
analyse case study questions case study question analyse case study theory/concept to
and make demonstrating question analyse case study
recommendation(s). excellent demonstrating some question
understanding of understanding of demonstrating limited
relevant theory and its relevant or no understanding
application in theory/concept and its of theory/concept and
answering the case application in its application in
study question. Makes answering the case answering the case
relevant study question. Makes study question. Makes
recommendation(s) in mostly relevant limited or no
addressing/improving recommendation(s) in recommendation(s) to

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case issue(s). addressing/improving addressing/improving
case issue(s). case issue(s).
Use of Evidence and Applies use of high- Applies some use of Demonstrates
Sources: Relevant source are quality and relevant relevant journals and insufficient reference
used to support analysis of journals and sources sources to support to relevant journals
case study questions. including textbook to and justify decisions, and sources, using
justify resulting mostly referencing poor referencing
decisions, referenced according to required compared to required
according to required UOW Harvard style. UOW Harvard style.
UOW Harvard style.
Development: Reflects on Presents an in-depth Presents a reflection Presents limited or no
one area of group work
reflection on one on one group work reflection on one
practice experienced that
supported or hindered the group work practice practice experience group work practice
group's learning.
experience that that supported or experience that
supported or hindered hindered the group's supported or hindered
the group's learning. learning. the group's learning.
Structure: Uses report The language is clear. The language is mostly The language is mostly
structure as per assessment Abstract concepts are clear with some lapses unclear with many
requirements explained accurately. in clarity and accuracy. lapses in clarity and
Explanation of Abstract concepts are accuracy. Limited or
concepts makes sense explained but not no explanation of
to an uninformed always accurately and abstract concepts.
reader. Adopts a generally make sense Limited or no evidence
report writing style, to an uninformed of report writing style,
formatting and reader. Adopts report formatting and
organisation of writing writing style, organisation of writing
is strong. formatting, and is with some lapses in
organisation of writing clarity or accuracy.
with some lapses in
clarity or accuracy.

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