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Futuro simple
Activa afirmativa
Sujeto will Verbo Objeto
The Teacher Will Explain The lesson Will v
will be 3col
Pasiva Afirmativa
Objeto Will be Verbo 3ª Sujeto *1
The lesson Will be Explained By the teacher

Futuro continuo
Activa afirmativa
Sujeto “To be” going to Verbo Objeto “To be” going to
The teacher is going to Explain The lesson v

Pasiva Afirmativa
To be going to be
Objeto “To be” going to be Verbo 3ª Sujeto 3col
The lesson Is going to BE Explained By the teacher
Futuro Perfect
Activa afirmativa Will have 3col
Sujeto Will have Verbo Objeto
The Teacher Will have Explained The lesson
Pasiva Afirmativa Will have been
Objeto Will have been Verbo 3ª Sujeto
The lesson Will have been Explained By the teacher *3
Auxiliar Sujeto Verbo objeto
Will The teacher Explain The lesson ? Siempre y cuando
Auxiliar Objeto Verbo sujeto no tengan un
WH-. Sino hay
Will The lesson Be explained By the teacher? que empezar con
Is The lesson Going to be By the teacher? el WH- y seguir
explained la misma
*3 estructura
Will The lesson Have been By the teacher?
Who Will The lesson Be explained By? *1

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