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Name: _________________________________ ( ) Class: ________________


Paper 2 Comprehension 23 August 2021
1 hour 50 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Insert
Suggested Answers


Write your name, index number and class on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
The Insert contains the texts for all the sections.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Section A /5

Section B /20

Section C /25

Total /50


This document consists of 8 printed pages and 1 Insert.

[Turn over

Section A [5 marks]

Refer to Text 1 on page 2 of the Insert for Questions 1─4.

1 Look at the link at the top of the website which says ‘Stories of Sponsored Children.’
What kind of stories about sponsored children do you think will be featured?

Stories which show a positive impact on the children after they have been sponsored/
Stories which relate better living conditions for the sponsored children [1]

2 According to the webpage, what is the main aim of World Vision Singapore?

It is to uplift those stuck in poverty, violence and injustice, so that they can start on a
journey towards a better life / to encourage people to donate to sponsor children facing
poverty, violence and injustice so that their lives could be improved. [1]

3 Look at the information under the heading ‘World Vision Singapore’. Which sentence
conveys the same message as shown in the images above it?

‘When you sponsor a child, the joy they feel is indescribable.’ [1]

4 Look at the photographs with the captions ‘Food’ and ‘Education’ below them. How does
each photograph illustrate the benefits of the Child Sponsorship Programme?

(i) The photograph entitled ‘Food’ illustrates the children being able to receive
(healthy/nutritious) food / proper nutrition and food under the Child Sponsorship
Programme. Thus they will not go hungry.

(ii) The photograph entitled ‘Education’ shows the children being able to receive
education, enabling them to break out of the cycle of poverty eventually. [2]
. (NB; quality education x)

Section B [20 marks]

Refer to Text 2 on pages 3─ 4 of the Insert for Questions 5─ 13.

5 (a) In Paragraph 1, give one reason why the writer’s friends greeted his plan to visit
Laos with a ‘blank stare’ (line 2).

This is because very little is known about Laos/ They were surprised that the
writer wanted to visit a country which not many people know about. [1]

(b) Which word in the same paragraph suggests that Laos is careful about the dangers
of opening its country to foreign investment?

The word is ‘wary.’ [1]

6 In Paragraph 1, the writer says, ‘The fact was, I did not know much about the country
either, and it was this sense of mystery which made it such an enticing destination.
Steeped in culture, it is certainly a place not to be missed’ (lines 9─11).

Which phrases in the given sentences describe the writer’s reasons for wanting to visit

Descriptions Phrases from passage

(i) a feeling of unexplained fascination ‘this sense of mystery’

(ii) attractive place ‘enticing destination’

(iii) rich in traditions ‘Steeped in culture’


7 (a) From Paragraph 2, give one reason why many countries have opened their doors
to tourists.

It was to attract great amounts of currency / boost the tourist industry (and bring
about an increase in the revenue of the country). [1]

(b) In the same paragraph, the writer states the Laotian government feels there can be
one negative result of opening one’s country to foreign influence. Explain in your
own words what this negative result is.

It can ruin / can result in the loss of) the unique distinctiveness [1],
traditions and customs [1] of the country.

8 In Paragraph 3, why did the writer say that his sleep on the overnight train had become
‘non-existent’ (line 20)?

There was a rough and unpleasant /disturbingly loud and rough card game in the
adjoining cabin. [1]

9 In Paragraph 4, the writer describes the discomforts he encountered in Bangkok. Explain

how the language used emphasises these discomforts. Support your ideas with three
details from the paragraph.

(i) The expression ‘the sun was fiercely hot’ emphasises the intense heat he faced
which he found unbearable..

(ii) The expression ‘the traffic noise had been ceaseless and insistent’ emphasises
the continuous (endless) and loud noise from the traffic he encountered. He found
it annoying.

(iii) The expression ‘the crush of human bodies had been overwhelming’
emphasises the uncomfortable pressure the writer experienced due to the great
number of people. [3]

10 In Paragraph 4, the writer describes the sight he gazed upon as ‘a giant green
tranquilliser’ (line 31). In what way is this expression particularly effective?

It is effective as it emphasises the calm and peaceful effect / the extreme comfort
the green rice fields had on him. [1]

11 In Paragraph 7, the writer says ‘The architectural anarchy had great welcoming charm
(line 48). Explain why this description is unusual.

The expression ‘architectural anarchy’ shows that the architecture was one of great
disorder and messiness. Thus it should not be attractive [1]. But in this case, it was
pleasing and delightful to the eye [1].

12 Which expression in Paragraph 7 describes the poor condition of the cars?

The expression is ‘(the cars looked like) should have retired long ago to an auto
museum.’ [1]

13 The structure of the text reflects the different stages of the writer’s plans to visit Laos as
well as his travels there. Complete the flow chart by choosing one phrase from the box
to summarise the stage of the visit described in each part of the text. There are some
extra phrases in the box you do not need to use.

Stages of the writer’s plans to visit Laos and his travels there

working for the future positive observations seeking to understand

warm welcome searching for help looking for trouble

unpleasant experiences

Flow chart

Paragraphs 1─2: (i) seeking to understand

Paragraphs 3─5: (ii) unpleasant experiences

Paragraph 6: (iii) warm welcome

Paragraph 7: (iv) positive observations


Section C [25 marks]

Refer to Text 3 on pages 5─ 6 of the Insert for Questions 14─ 19.

14 Here is part of a conversation between two students, Anusha and Ben, who have read the

Student A I think that

archaeologists find I don’t quite agree. I
their jobs think their work is not
always pleasant.
Ben Anusha

(a) Identify two examples from Paragraph 2 that Ben can give to support his view.

(i) Many archaeologists have encountered spectacular finds and buried treasures

(ii) Many have also enjoyed unbridled adventures. [2]

(b) With reference to Paragraph 2, how would Anusha explain her position?
Many archaeologists have had to look through bags of broken or destroyed
remains or categorise limitless, painted, well-designed/decorated pots. [1]

15 What does it mean to describe Indiana Jones as a ‘figment of Hollywood’ (line 11)?

Indiana Jones is fictitious / not real / a movie character. [1]

16 (a) In Paragraph 4, explain in your own words what the writer means when he says
archaeology is a ‘calling’ (line 13).

He means that archaeology is a vocation that goes beyond the normal job
scope [1] and it requires a strong desire or passion to want to do it. [1]

(b) Which phrase in Paragraph 4 tells you that archaeology does not offer any prospects
and is not worth pursuing?

The phrase is ‘ a dead-end job.’ [1]

(NB: ‘you will never become rich’ x / ‘a mere job’ x)


17 From Paragraph 8, give one reason why archaeology can be physically demanding.

One has to tolerate long journeys / uncomfortable fieldwork / often-primitive living

conditions/ walk long distances. (any 1) [1]

18 In Paragraph 9, what does the writer mean when he says archaeologists have to invest
a lot of time in ‘cultivating people’ and ‘communicating with various cultural groups’ (line
52)? Answer in your own words.

Archaeologists have to spend a lot of time (invest a lot of time) in getting the trust /
support of the people / in educating people and changing their negative mindsets about
archaelogy (in cultivating people) [1] and informing the different societal groups
(communicating with various cultural groups) [1] of the importance of digging up
their past .

19 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the essential qualities of an
archaeologist, and the reasons why these qualities are necessary.

Use only information from paragraphs 5 to 7.

Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer than 80
words (not counting the words given to help you begin).

A good archaeologist is one who feels a sense of ………………………………………….


No Words from the text Paraphrased words

1 must have a sense of must have a sense of thrill and

excitement and commitment dedication

2 - because archaeology, though, - because archaeology is a highly

often exciting, is a technical scientific subject with few great findings
discipline where spectacular
discoveries are few and far

3 - because most archaeologists - because most archaeologists work very

labour far from the public eye hard without people knowing about it

4 - because they work often on - because they work on unattractive

unspectacular, and sometimes places
downright monotonous, sites

5 must have enthusiasm must have great interest

6 - that enables you to overcome - to allow him to conquer great problems

major obstacles

7 must have deep curiosity must have great desire to know


8 and an ability to ask difficult and know how to ask complex

questions questions

9 must have passion and utter must have the love and the belief that
conviction that their site is very their site is significant

10 - to enable them to overcome - so that they can handle big obstacles

great problems

11 must also have an unswerving must be professionally sound in moral

commitment to professional behaviour

12 - that ensures the integrity of your - that ensures his work is trustworthy

13 must have infinite patience must possess endless wait-time

14 - to carry out fieldwork that can - to undergo fieldwork that can include
involve slow-moving, repetitive slow-paced and monotonous operations

Sample summary

A good archaeologist is one who feels a sense of thrill and dedication because archaeology is a
scientific subject with few great findings. An archaeologist works very hard unknowingly on
unattractive places. Possessing great interest allows him to conquer great problems. Having great
desire to know and knowing how to ask complex questions are also essential. Being morally upright
ensures his work is trustworthy. He must possess endless wait-time to undergo fieldwork that can
include slow-paced and monotonous operations. (79 words) [15 ]


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