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This document consists of 8 printed pages, including this cover page.
Setter: Mr Christon Cher

Section A [5 marks]

Refer to the webpage (Text 1) on page 2 of the Insert for Questions 1 – 4.

1 What is the purpose of this webpage? [1]

The webpage seeks to recruit/attract volunteers/rasie

awareness/encourage volunteerism for Yellow Ribbon (Sg
Beyond Second Chances)/ who are interested to assist ex-
offenders (rebuild their lives). [1]

The webpage seeks to encourage/promote/urge volunteerism for

Yellow Ribbon (Sg Beyond Second Chances)/ who are interested
to assist ex-offenders (rebuild their lives). [1]

X: Responses must include yellow ribbon sg and focus on

appropriate verbs. ‘Find’ is not the most suitable word.

X: Some students mentioned about volunteers for the Yellow

Ribbon Run → The entire webpage is not just about it.

X: To assist ex-offenders to improve their standard of living.

X: To show they need volunteers. (For what purpose?)

x: To volunteer with the Yellow Ribbon Community (It’s not the

people but the Project)
2 Refer to the section Key statistics on ex-offenders after release from [1]

What effect do the numbers have on the reader?

To inform readers / Readers are led to more aware/ feel

alarmed/concerned/worried/sympathy/empathy by the large
number of ex-offenders not coping well/have issues after
release/are jobless and have issues integrating with their families.

Readers are led to feel sympathy for the large number of ex-
offenders not coping well/have issues after release/are jobless and
have issues integrating with their families.

X: No marks awarded if there is no mention of what ‘large numbers’

refer to.

Note: ‘large number’ and not ‘large amount’ of people

3 Look at the sentence ‘Join us NOW!’ and the photograph under the [2]
sub-header The Yellow Ribbon Run. What do you think is the purpose
of the sentence and the photograph?

Join us NOW!: Encourage readers to volunteer to help ex-

offenders immediately/urgently.

*Responses need to address the capitalised NOW.

X: Many students explained how the quote works - the capitalised

NOW creates a sense of urgency. This is not a
HOW question. This is a purpose question.

Photograph: Show that people of different ages participate in the

Yellow Ribbon Run / believe in the causes promoted
by the Yellow Ribbon Run / believe in helping ex-
offenders through the Yellow Ribbon Run

Show that people of different genders can participate

in the Yellow Ribbon Run / Show that many people
support the run.

Shows readers that it is a large event, as such,

volunteers are needed.

X: Do not accept answers that mention that the volunteers are the
ones running. The visual text states that volunteers are needed to
organise the run.

X: Do not accept answers that just focuses on the smiling

boy/happy runners - the image needs to be interpreted as a

4 Which word tells you that home visitations play a crucial supporting [1]
role in helping ex-offenders?

The word is ‘pillar.’

Section B [20 marks]

Refer to Text 2 on pages 3 and 4 of the Insert for Questions 5 – 13.

5 At the beginning of the text, Johnson and his children encounter the Colorado
River. Explain how the language used in Paragraph 1 suggests that the river
is violent. [3]

‘Churn of chocolate brown from silt’ tells me that the waters were so
rough to the point that parts of the land/soil/dirt flowed along with it. (X:
No explanation on ‘Churn’ and just ‘water filled with mud’)

‘hurried run-off from flash storms’ tells me that the waters flowed very
quickly and suddenly. (Accept answers with just ‘quickly’ as ‘hurried’
and ‘flash’ can imply speed.) (X: vigorously)

X: …. The river is very fast. -- this is an awkward expression.

‘The roaring and rumbling of the waters (could be heard)’ tells me that
the waters produced loud/intimidating/scary sounds. (X: sounds are not
mentioned but just ‘river/waters are powerful/crashing of waters was
very strong)

‘The rampaging waters’ tells me that the river/water/currents is

described as something uncontrollable/frenzied/out of
control/turbulent/aggressive/very choppy/violently(X:destructive/
disorderly/ waters hittings each other/powerful/ strong/ fierce)

X: River was unstoppable → something can flow smoothly and

gracefully but unstoppable.

X: Waters were frantic: Distraught with fear, anxiety or other emotion.

this word does not seem to reflect the aggression of ‘rampage.’

X: Do not accept answers with explanation that contain same words

from the phrase or question.

*As much as possible, students should not respond with figurative

language in their explanation → Examiners are not going to infer from
your figurative expression -.-”

X: Anxiety painted on Johnson’s face → Focus is in Johnson’s feelings,

not the river → Not the best evidence.

- Students are required to construct any 3 of the above possible answers

to full marks.

6 Which one word in Paragraph 1 suggests that Johnson’s children were

reluctant to join him for the excursion? [1]

The word is ‘dragged.’

7 ‘The cliffs rose around every bend and their faces revealed colourful shades
of yellow, brown and green in the golden sunset. The waters were a calm
blue.’ (lines 12-14)

i) Explain how the writer creates a contrast between the two
sentences. [1]

The first sentence is very descriptive while the second sentence is


The first sentence is long while the next sentence is short.

The first sentence focuses on a variety of/different colours while the
second sentence focuses on a single colour.

X: The first sentence mentions of colours like yellow, brown, green and
gold while the second sentence only mentions blue. → Students are
required to make an inference to demonstrate understanding and not
simply repeat the colours mentioned.

X: The writer creates a contrast of colors .

X: The cliffs are very colourful colours while the waters are a calm blue.

X: The first sentence shows that the cliffs are very colourful and chaotic
while the second sentence shows only one colour and is not chaotic.

X: The first sentence uses warm colours while the second sentence uses
cool colours. (Note: yellow and green are cool colours)

ii) What is the effect of this contrast?

It tells readers that nature can be colourful and vibrant yet subdued at
the same time.

It tells readers that nature can be elaborate and simple at the same time.

To allow readers to visualise how vibrant the cliffs look, yet the water
looks more mellow.

Responses for this question must not be a duplicate from part i)

X: to show that the cliffs are more colourful than the waters.
8 In Paragraph 3, the writer conveys that there is no resemblance of
technological advancement in the wilderness. Which phrase tells you so? [1]

The phrase is ‘(the) digital desert.’

X: Do not accept answers that include ‘remained unknown’ → this part

refers to the results of the basketball match, not the non-existence of
technological advancement.

Note: ‘desert’ vs ‘dessert’ (2 different meanings)

9a In Paragraph 5, what is the tone of Casey’s reply in lines 28-31? [1]

Skeptical / Annoyed / Irritated/ Pleading/ Frustrated/ Doubtful

- X: Angry/Furious/Desperate 🡪 These words are too strong and it does

not accurately match the context of the conversation that takes place.
- X: Cynical/ impatient/sarcastic/critical
- X: Upset → Too general, does not quite capture the context of the

X: frustrated and defiant (if ‘and’ is used, both answers must be correct)

9b What is one other thing that Casey does that reinforces this tone? [1]

She frowned (as she glanced at her poor brother).

X: Do not accept excess content like ‘...still fidgeting with his phone.’ →
This is about Marcus, not Casey.

10 In Paragraph 7, what is (i) unusual and (ii) effective about the phrase [2]
‘suffocate the magnificent free flowing river’ (line 40)?

i) Unusual: The word ‘suffocate’ gives us the idea that something

is oppressed/restricted but it is unusual because it is used
together with the phrase ‘free flowing’ which implies
something that is not restricted/having the freedom to move.

X: Do not accept answers that attempt to explain by reusing the same

words or word form.

Students who interpreted both 'suffocate' and 'free flowing' must

highlight that these words are put together.

Suffocate only works on a living thing but it is used on a river which is

a non living thing. (the words ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ must be in the
answer. Hence, X: ‘Suffocate only works for a non-living thing but not
for a river.’)

ii) Effective: It emphasises on the large extent the river will be

affected due to the construction of the dam.


It emphasises how the construction of the dam is very detrimental

to the river.

X: Answers need to be along the lines of how the river would be severely
affected due to the dam. Many students provided answers that do not
seem to emphasize the severity of the situation.

X: waters are being blocked. / Building a dam would block/harm/stop/cut

off the river (words are not strong enough to show the severity of the
X: River was being destroyed. It is going to die.

Note: ‘breath’ (N) vs ‘breathe’ (V)

11 In Paragraph 7, ‘It soon rained and the cliff walls came alive with the gurgling
and gushing of water. What had been silent gave way to the sounds of a
storm-scape. The sky lit up in a nightmarish light show and he roared like an
angry giant behind the storm clouds.’ (lines 43-46)

Which words or phrases in the given sentences describe the intimidating yet [3]
spectacular weather?

Descriptions Words or phrases from the

i. Water cascaded down gurgling and gushing of water
ii. There was a lot of (sky lit up in a) nightmarish light
lightning show

X: The sky lit up in a nightmarish

lightshow (Not a Phrase!)

iii. The sound of the storm ‘roared like an angry giant’

was loud and intimidating
X: Sounds of a storm scape → It
could be low rumbling sounds
and not necessarily loud and
intimidating sounds.

X: He roared like an angry giant

(Not a phrase!)

X: roared like an angry giant

behind the storm clouds (ED)

12 In Paragraph 8, what were two things that ensured the safety of Johnson and [2]
his children?

They dragged themselves to a safe spot /higher location and they were
rescued by a helicopter.

X: Do not accept answers that merely state 'higher/safer ground' and

'helicopter/helicopter above them/helicopter could be heard' -- the act of
heading to higher ground/safe spot and being rescued by a helicopter
must be specified.

X: There was a storm warning / spotlights → the key word to the question
is 'ensured' - students should be looking for the MAIN things that
ensurer their safety. It was not so much about the storm warning but the
helicopter that responded to it that rescued them. The spotlights were
part of the helicopter.
13 The structure of the text reflects Johnson’s emotions at different stages of
the story. Complete the flowchart by choosing one word from the box to
summarise his dominant mood at each stage. There are some extra words
in the box you do not need to use.

Johnson’s emotions

Irritated Paranoid Thankful Enthusiastic

Conflicted Furious Insignificant

Flow chart

Paragraphs 1-2: (i) Enthusiastic

Paragraphs 3-6 (ii) Conflicted

Paragraph 7 (iii) Insignificant

Paragraph 8 (iv) Thankful


Section C [25 marks]

Refer to Text 3 on pages 5 and 6 of the Insert for Questions 14 – 19.

14 Which word in Paragraph 1 tells us that there was panic when Isomolo was
bitten by a snake? [1]

The phrase is ‘frantically.’

15 With reference to Paragraph 2, explain in your own words the serious
consequences faced by people who managed to survive snake bites. [2]

Many victims have their limbs removed/cut and parts of their bodies are
not able to function normally forever/ cannot walk or use hands

IYOW from: Many victims live with amputated limbs and other permanent

X: limbs chopped off: Are you implying that someone comes with a
chopper to chop off body parts?

X:They live with no limbs / have missing limbs/ lose their arms and
limbs → ‘amputated’ needs to be addressed directly.

X: long term disabilities → Long term does not always imply forever.

X: Do not accept answers that indicate ‘or’ - the removal of body parts
+ living with permanent disabilities are not meant to be options. →
Zero marks should be awarded.

X: paralysed / lifelong illnesses/diseases (disabilities are not

illnesses/diseases) / not able to carry out some basic human activities
16 Here is part of a conversation between two students, Linda and Ahmad, who
have read the article.

Linda The snakebite I disagree. Ahmad
crisis is The
serious snakebite
because the crisis exists
victims have because
problems hospitals
receiving cannot
medical care. function well.

(a) Give two examples from Paragraph 3 that Linda can give to support
her view. [2]

- lack of money / anti-venom/drug is too expensive

- they prefer spiritual healers
- transportation problems
- Availability of drugs is scarce

X: Do not accept answers that list more than one example in the same
X: Lack of money to go to hospitals → Passage does not mention that

(b) With reference to Paragraph 3, how would Ahmad explain his

position? [1]

Most of the reliable African anti-venoms need to be kept refrigerated to

stay stable and effective.


With frequent power cuts, keeping them cold can be nearly impossible.

X: With frequent power cuts, the anti-venoms cannot be stored.

17 With reference to Paragraph 6 and 7, what are two things that have been done
to address the snakebite crisis? [2]

Paragraph 6: The development of an anti-venom (by a Mexican

company) that comes in freeze-dried form / that does not require

X: Reject answers that mention ‘Mexico developed’ → It is the company,

not the country.

X: Anti-venom comes in freeze-dried form (No mention of ‘the

development of the drug)
Paragraph 7: Calls for governments to subsidise snake bite victims
/Education AND/ OR Public Awareness Campaigns (to advise villagers

X: (Advised to) wear shoes when walking in places likely to have snakes
and use the flashlight at night.
18 In Paragraph 7, the writer is hopeful that efforts to tackle the snakebite crisis
might be a success. Which two phrases suggest so? [2]

The phrases are ‘(a) flickering light in the darkness’ and ‘turn the tide.’

19 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the efforts taken to provide
anti-venom to rural Africans and how they have been met with obstacles.

Use only information from Paragraphs 4 to 7.

Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer
than 80 words (not counting the words given to help you begin).

Due to the seriousness of the snake-bite crisis, one measure taken to improve the
situation include…….

Points from the text Re-phrased points

1. the World Health Organisation 1. The World Health Organisation (WHO)
(WHO) added it to its roster of included snakebite treatment to its list of
neglected tropical diseases. neglected tropical diseases.
(lines 26-27)
X: WHO raising awareness → Adding
to roster does not equate to raising
2. Experts have long tried to alert 2. Experts have been unsuccessfully trying
authorities about the severity of this to warn the authorities about the crisis’s
deadly crisis …(lines 28-29) severity.

Xserve as a wake up call to Africa's

health ministers - this is in relation
to elevating it on WHO's roster

3 …and the desperate need for anti- 3 …and the desperate need for anti-
venom research and development – venom research and development.
with little success (lines 29-30)
(If not combined with point 2, students
need to mention ‘unsuccessfully’)
4. Experts have experimented with 4. Experts have conducted research with
products available locally (such as products available nearby
Chinese & Indian anti-venoms).(line

X: Experts have experimented with

Chinese pills and Indian anti-
venoms → The passage mentions
‘including Chinese and Indian anti-
venoms’ → there might be other
5. production of anti-venom can be 5. Anti-venom manufacturing can stop due
discontinued because producing anti- to high costs and…
venoms is an expensive process.
(lines 33-34)


High Costs (line 43)

6 As the majority people who need them 6. People from developing countries are
live in developing countries and are too poor to afford them.
unable to purchase them (lines 34-35)
X: Many students omit people who
OR live in developing countries/rural
As most rural Africans are not able to
afford it (lines 43)
7. Even with a high-quality anti-venom, 7. High-quality anti-venom might not
treating snakebites can be hit or miss necessarily work.
(lines 35-36);

X: Vary from snake to snake → Not

main point
8. a company in Mexico developed an 8. A Mexican company developed a freeze-
anti-venom that comes in freeze- dried anti-venom.
dried form /does not require
refrigeration (lines 40-41)

X: Mexico produced freeze dried

anti-venom → It is the company
from mexico, not the country
9 Produced in small quantities due to 9. Produced in small amounts as it is costly.
high costs. (line 42-43)

X: made in small quantities at high
costs/ small in production and
production expensive
10. Cheaper anti-venoms are available 10. Cheaper anti-venoms are available but
but unreliable/not made to treat undependable.
African snakebites/only can treat
bites from indian snakes (lines 43-
11. there have been calls for 11. Governments have been persuaded to
governments to subsidise snake bite reduce medical costs.
victims (line 46)
12. a lot of inertia for legislations to pass 12. Reluctance to pass laws due to
due to corruption (line 47-48) corruption.

X: Many students mentioned philanthropic organisations resorting to education →

this point is nothing about PROVIDING anti-venoms.

… The World Health Organisation (WHO) included snakebite treatment to its list of
neglected tropical diseases. Experts have been unsuccessfully trying to warn the authorities
about the crisis’s severity, and the desperate need for anti-venom research and
development. Experts have conducted research with products available nearby. Anti-venom
manufacturing can stop due to high costs and people are too poor to afford them. High-
quality anti-venom might not necessarily work. A Mexican company developed a freeze-
dried anti-venom. Cheaper anti-venoms are available but undependable.

(8 points 80 words)


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