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1. Which of the following best describes how new information can result in legal gray area?

they result in new situations that are not covered by old laws

2. Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has on

It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

3. The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to intellectual
property involve which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?

Property rights and obligations

4. The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the preservation of existing
values and institutions fall within which of the following moral dimensions of age?

Quality of life

5. Which of the following is not one of the current key technology trends that raises ethical

Increase in data quality

6. Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business activities
of Google Marketing platform involve?

information rights and obligations

7. The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of
detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following?


8. which of the following is a data analysis technology that finds obscure connections between
data in disparate sources?
9. ____ means that you accept the potential costs and obligations for the decisions you make.


10. ____ is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place to determine
responsibility for an action.


11. ____ is a feature of a law-governed society and involves having laws that are known and
understood, along with the ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws are
applied correctly.

Due process

12. A colleague at work takes small amounts of office supplies for her own personal use, saying
that this is a tiny loss to the company. You tell her that if everyone were to take office
supplies, then the loss would no longer be minimal. Your rationale expresses which of the
following ethical principles?

Kant's Categorical Imperative

13. A man steals from a grocery store in order to feed his starving family. Which of the following
best expresses the utilitarian principle in evaluating this situation?

His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family.

14. The ethical no-free-lunch states that:

if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time

15. According to _____, you should take the action that produces the least harm.

The Risk Aversion Principle

16. which ethical rule states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at

Slippery slope rule

17. which of the following ethical guidelines suggest that you put yourself in the place of others
and think as the object of the decision?

The Golden Rule

18. FIP principles are based on a belief in which of the following?

websites must disclose their information practices before collecting data

19. The FIP principles of notice/awareness states that

customers must be allowed to choose how their information will be used for secondary
purposes other than the supporting transaction.

20. which of the following US laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the
right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed?

HIPAA Privacy Rule

21. when a cookie is created during a website visit, it is stored:

on the hard drive of the visitor's computer

Which of the following allows the EU to enforce GDPR requirements with non EU countries?

Privacy Shield Agreement

CVS refers to?

a business practice that attempts to evaluate the intangible values of computer systems.

a type of antivirus protection software.

carpal vision syndrome.

Which of the following occurs when muscle group are forced through ten of thousand of repetitions
under low impact loads


which of the following terms refers to significant disparities in access to computers and the internet
among different social groups and different locations?

Digital Divide

Redesigning and automating business processes can br seen as a double edged sword because:

increases in efficiency may be accompanied by job losses.

which of the five moral dimensions of the information age does the weakening of boundaries
between work and family life involve?

Quality of life

_______ grants the owner exclusive ownership of the ideas behind an invention for 20 years

Patent Law

_______ allows an organization to collect personal information without the user’s explicit consent

The Opt-out model

advertisers use _______ in order to display more relevant ads based on a users search and browsing

Behavioral targeting

“Look and Feel” copyright infringement lawsuits are concerned with :

the distinction between an idea and its expression

which of the following forms of protection of intelectual property require that the property be the
subject of a nondisclosure agreement?

Trade Secret
in the ______ model of informed consent, personal information cannot be collected until the
consumer specifically agree that his or her data can be collected

Opt-in Model

Which of the following refers to policies, procedures and technical measures used to prevent
unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems?


which of the following refers to al of the methods, policies and organizational procedures that
ensure the safety of organizations assets, the accuracy and reliability of its accounting records and
operational adherence to management standarts

Internal control

A trojan horse :

is software that appears to be benign but does something other than expected

A sales person clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competitor
advertising costs up. this is an example of :

Click Fraud

______ is a malware that hijacks a users computer and demands payment in return of
giving back access


___ is spyware that logs and transmits everything a user types


Using numerous computers to inundate and overwhelm the network from numerous launch points
is called a __ attack

distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack

an employee clicks on a link in an email from what lookslike a fellow employee and is taken to a
fraudulently website which asks for personal information is an example of

Spear Phissing

Evil twins are : bogus wireless network access points that look legitimate to users

Pharming involves : redirecting users to a fraudulent website even when the user has typed in the
correct address in the web browser.

when a hacker discovers a security hole in a software that is unknown to the software creator, its an
example of :

A zero day

A foreign country attempting to access government networks in order to disable a national power
grid is an example of :


Implementations controls :

Audit the systems development process at various points to ensure that the process is properly
controlled and managed.

_______ controls formalize standarts, rules, Procedures, and control disciplines to ensure that the
organization general and application controls are properly executed and enforced


An analysis of an information system that rates the likelihood of a security incident occuring and its
cost would be included in which of the following?

Risk Assesment

Which of the following defines acceptable uses of a firm information resources and computing

Acceptable Use Policy

which of the following focuses primarily on the technical issues of keeping systems up and running?

Disaster Recovery Planning

two factor authentication utilizes a :

a multistep process of authentication.

a firewall allows organizations to :

enforce a security policy on data exchanged between its network and the Internet

_______ use scanning software to look for known problems such as bad passwords, the removal
important files, security attacks in progress and system administration errors.

Intrusion detection systems

in which method of encryption is a single encryption key sent to the receiver so both sender and
receiver share the same key?

Symmetric Encryption

a digital certificate system :

uses third-party CAs to validate a user's identity.

fault tolerance information system create an environment designed to provide continuous,

uninterrupted services by using :

redundant hardware, software, and power supply components

Blockchain refers to a technology that :

uses a distributed ledger system of transactions.

An authentication system in which a user must provide two types of identification, such as a bank
card and pin is called : Two-factor authentication (2FA)

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