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Effects of precipitation on the scale and grain growth in 9% Cr tempered

martensite steel upon steam oxidation

Article in Materials Characterization · July 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110497


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4 authors, including:

Houyu Ma Yinsheng He
ShanghaiTech University University of Science and Technology Beijing


Keesam Shin
Changwoon national university, Changwon, South Korea


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Materials Characterization xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx

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Materials Characterization
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Effects of precipitation on the scale and grain growth in 9% Cr tempered martensite
steel upon steam oxidation
Houyu Ma a ,1 , Yinsheng He b ,1 , Yue Liu a ,⁎ , Keesam Shin c ,⁎

State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Clean Power Generation Lab, KEPCO Research Institute, Daejeon 34056, Republic of Korea
School of Nano & Advanced Materials Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of Korea


Keywords We compare the effects of long-term steam oxidation behavior in two commercial 9% Cr tempered martensite
Heat resistant steel steels with (T92) and without (T91) tungsten at 600–700 °C up to 20,000 h. Microstructural investigations re-
Oxidation veal abnormal grain and oxide scale growth after decomposition of Cr23C6 via oxidation in T91, while the tung-
Oxide scale sten-rich Laves phase in T92 restricts grain growth and assists the formation of a continuous chromite oxide scale.
Precipitation The findings suggest how formation of Laves phase aids oxidation resistance in heat resistant steels.
Laves phase
Grain growth

1. Introduction over long periods (~40,000 h). However, the underlying details are not
yet known. Since tungsten favored the precipitation of W-Laves in the
9–12% Cr tempered martensite ferritic (TMF) steels are widely used TMF structure rather than the formation of a protective surface layer
as heat exchanger tubes in thermal power plants [1,2]. Solid solution el- [11,23,24], it seems reasonable to assume that W-Laves affect oxide
ements (i.e., Cr, W, Mo, etc.), precipitates, and fine tempered martensite scale formation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the pre-
grains facilitate durability despite creep and oxidation under high-tem- cipitation effect on oxide scale and grain growth in T91 and T92 HRS

perature/pressure steam [3,4]. Optimizing the alloying elements and upon high-temperature steam exposure.
heat treatment conditions to obtain fine and stable precipitates is the
key to improving the creep properties of TMF steels [5–7]. For example, 2. Material and method
tungsten (W) alloying can stabilize the coarsening of Cr23C6 by the for-
mation of W-rich Laves phase (W-Laves) during high-temperature expo- Samples of 20 × 20 × 5 mm3 were cut from as-received T91 and
sure [8,9]. Increasing alloy concentration and/or reducing grain size are T92 tubes purchased from Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Corporation (com-
alternatives for enhancing oxidation resistance, as they can form a pro- position in Table 1). The initial dispersions of Cr23C6 within the tem-

tective chromia/chromite oxide scale that covers the metal surface, pre- pered martensite structures of T91 and T92 are similar. The oxidation
venting further oxidation [10–12]. For example, the high alloy content was carried out in our steam oxidation system [25] with steam tem-
of austenitic HRS (TP347H, super304H, and HR3C), and shot-peened peratures of 600, 650, and 700 °C for durations of 10,000, 15,000, and
9% Cr TMF provides excellent oxidation resistance [13,14]. 20,000 h. After the oxidation, cross-sectional samples were prepared for
In previous investigations, precipitates and scales have been treated microstructural investigations by mechanical polishing with a final pol-
as noninteracting entities even at high temperatures [15–18]. For exam- ishing with colloidal silica for 2 h.
The morphology, chemical composition, and the phase distributions

ple, Wang et al. reported that the oxidation of Cr23C6 precipitates in an

Fe Si HRS may induce an inhomogeneous distribution of Si in the ox- of the oxide layer and matrix were examined by scanning electron
ide after approximately 2000 h of steam exposure [19]. Indeed, reports microscopy (SEM) (JSM-5610, equipped with an AZteclive EDS sys-
on the effects of precipitation on the oxide scale are few. tem), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) (TESCAN-MIRA II
TMF HRS with (T92) and without (T91) W are two commercial 9% LMH equipped with TSL OIM system). Samples for transmission elec-
Cr steels that have been applied in power plants for decades [20–24]. tron microscopy (TEM) analyses were prepared by face-to-face bond-
ing, dimpling, and ion-milling. TEM observations were carried out on a
A review [11] shows that T92 steels have superior oxidation resis-
CM200FEG and a JEM-2100F at 200 keV. Selected area diffraction pat-
tance compared to T91 steels after steam exposure at 600 °C–700 °C
tern (SADP) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to
identify the precipitates and the oxide phase.

⁎ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Liu); (K. Shin)
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 7 January 2020; Received in revised form 9 May 2020; Accepted 7 July 2020
H. Ma et al. Materials Characterization xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx

Table 1
Chemical composition of T91 and T92 steel (wt%).

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni V Nb Mo W

T91 0.12 0.50 0.50 ≤0.02 ≤0.01 9.00 ≤0.40 0.08 0.15 1.00 –
T92 0.12 0.50 0.50 ≤0.02 ≤0.01 9.00 ≤0.40 0.08 0.15 0.50 1.50

3. Results and discussion grain growth, which is designated as the recovered grain layer (RGL)

Fig. 1 is the EBSD-EDS images showing the phases and element dis- The average thickness and grain size of the CGL and RGL are shown
tributions in the scale formed on the surface of T91 and T92 steel after in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. For T91 steel, the CGL has a grain size of
steam oxidation at 700 °C for 20,000 h. For the T91 sample, an outer ~15 μm and ~60 μm after oxidation at 650 °C and 700 °C, respectively.
light, a middle light-dark and an inner discontinuous green layer (Fig. The grain size is dependent on the temperature, but not on the exposure
1a), which show the compositional features of enrichment in Fe O, time (Fig. 3a–b). For T92 specimens, the grain size of the RGL is ~5 μm,
containment of Cr O and enrichment in Cr O, respectively, are ob- also independent on exposure time, but with relatively rapid coarsening
served (Fig. 1b). The outer and middle layers are mostly a mixture of

at 700 °C.
hematite and magnetite (H+M). The inner layer is confirmed to be the Fig. 4 is the SEM secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered elec-
chromite (C) phase [26,27]. For T92 samples, an H+M layer and a con- tron (BSE) images of the T91 and T92 specimens after steam exposure
tinuous C layer are formed on the surface (Fig. 1c and d). In the ox- at 650 °C for 15,000 h. In Fig. 4a, numerous Cr-rich precipitates (con-
ide-metal (O-M) interface, a coarse grain layer (CGL) can be identified firmed to be Cr23C6, see below) are distributed along the GB and in the
in the matrix region of T91 steel (marked in Fig. 1a). In addition, the grain interior (GI) of the matrix region. These are hardly present in the
CGL seems to be cut off when the discontinuous C layer appears on the CGL, indicating the decomposition of Cr23C6 during high-temperature
exposed fine grain matrix. By contrast, no CGL is observed in the T92 steam oxidation. Moreover, the observed Cr23C6 precipitates in the CGL

samples. are mostly distributed in the GI and are rare in GB (Fig. 4c). The con-
The CGL in the matrix region is further confirmed by EBSD with centration of Cr in GB Cr23C6 is much lower than that of the GI one (1#
high magnification mapping (Fig. 2). In the lower part of Fig. 2a–b, and 2# in the inset of Fig. 4c), suggesting a high decomposition rate
the typical microstructure of tempered martensite [28–31] is appar- of Cr23C6 in GB, which will be discussed later. The corresponding BSE
ent, i.e., prior austenite grains with a substructure of lath, sub-grains image shows a similar contrast between the precipitates and the ma-
and dislocation cells which are mostly contained by the low angle trix (Fig. 4b), indicating the absence of Mo-rich Laves phase [28,30] in
grain boundaries (LAGB). In contrast, a CGL (dashed line marked re- these T91 samples.
gion in Fig. 2a) without LAGB is observed in the T91 samples, indi- In T92 samples (Fig. 4c–d), two kinds of precipitates, with different
cating the appearance of a rapid grain growth accompanied by a re- contrasts of light and dark (i.e., red and green shading, respectively),
covery of the substructure during the long-term high-temperature expo-

are observed throughout the microstructure in the deep matrix. These

sure. In Fig. 2b, the LAGB delineated by the dashed line region is de- are interpreted to be the W-rich Laves and Cr-rich Cr23C6 [29,31], re-
creased compared to the lower part of the tempered martensite region, spectively (1# and 2# in the inset of Fig. 4f). However, it is difficult to
indicating that the grain recovery may have occurred without significant find Cr23C6 precipitates in the RGL, indicating its decomposition during
high-temperature exposure. In addition, it is easy to find the W-Laves in
the C layer as shown in Fig. 4e.

Fig. 1. Combined EBSD phase map (a, c) with corresponding EDS mapping (b, d) of the oxide scale formed on T91 and T92 after steam exposure at 700 °C for 20,000 h. (a, b) show an
H+M+discontinuous C layers on T91. (c, d) show the H+M+C layers on T92.

H. Ma et al. Materials Characterization xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx


Fig. 2. EBSD pole figure with the highlighted LAGB images showing the grain features at the oxide-metal interface region of T91 and T92 after steam exposure at 650 °C for 15,000 h:
(a) a coarse-grained layer (CGL) on T91 and (b) a recovered grain layer (RGL) in T92. Black line: high angle grain boundary (HAGB), Red line: low angle grain boundary (LAGB). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Thickness evolution of CGL on T91 (a), and average grain size in CGL and RGL of T91 and T92 (b).

Fig. 5a–d are the TEM images recorded at representative regions of to the matrix, the Cr-rich Cr23C6 and W-Laves are the dominant precip-

the O-M interface. Precipitates in T91 samples (Fig. 5a) are confirmed itates (Fig. 5d). These findings further confirm the decomposition of
to be the Cr23C6 (Fig. 5e), which mostly appear within the grain in Cr23C6 and the stabilization of the W-Laves in the RGL of the T92 steel
the CGL and throughout the microstructure in the tempered martensite during high-temperature steam exposure. One remarkable thing is that
(TM) matrix. In addition, none of the substructures of dislocations and no evidence of Cr23C6 decomposition is observed in the deep matrix.
LAGB is observed in the CGL, which further confirms the grain recovery Therefore, the decomposition of the Cr23C6 in CGL and RGL may be re-
and growth. lated to the formation of the C layer.
The high contrast precipitates in the C layer and RGL of the T92 The Cr23C6 was formed during the tempering of 9% Cr TMF HRS,
samples (Fig. 5b–c) are confirmed to be the W-Laves (Fig. 5f). The which showed a low coarsening rate during long-term exposure at high
W-Laves is observed to be surrounded by fine FeCr2O4 (Fig. 5g) inside temperature. Nucleation and fast growth of Mo-rich Laves are gener-
the C layer (Fig. 5b). It is difficult to find the original Cr23C6 in the RGL ally observed under exposure conditions similar to those tested here. Re-
of the T92 specimens, which is consistent with the SEM results. Down placing the Mo with W in HRS steels may promote nucleation and re

H. Ma et al. Materials Characterization xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx

Fig. 4. SEM images of the O-M interface regions in the T91 (a–c) and T92 (d–f) after steam exposure at 650 °C for 15,000 h. (a, d) and (b, e) are SE and BSE images of the same region,
respectively. (c) and (f) are magnified SE images of the marked regions in (a) and (d), respectively. Insets in (c) and (f) are the averaged EDS results.


Fig. 5. TEM images (a–d) with corresponding SADP and EDS (e–g) showing the precipitates' features in T91 and T92 after steam exposure at 650 °C for 15,000 h: (a) Distribution of
un-decomposed Cr23C6 in the CGL and matrix in the T91 sample. Precipitation of W-Laves at (b) chromite layer and (c) recovered grain layer (RGL) in T92. (d) Co-existence of Cr23C6 and
W-Laves in the matrix close to the RGL region of T92 after exposure. (e–f) SADP of Cr23C6, W-Laves, and FeCr2O4 with corresponding EDS results, respectively.

tard the coarsening of W-rich Laves during exposure to temperatures face area involved in GB is a widely accepted method of enhancing the
over 600 °C [4,8]. In addition, the precipitates' pinning of dislocations, steam oxidation resistance of HRS [13,14,25,38].
substructures, and GBs to delay recovery and annihilation of dislocation Accordingly, we believe that the formation of the H+M layers is

during high-temperature exposure is considered to be the main strength- the result of the outward diffusion of Fe that was oxidized by the O
ening mechanism of HRS [32–34]. ions in both T91 and T92 samples. As shown in Fig. 6b, when the T91
It is known that oxidation is a diffusion-controlled process that in- samples were exposed to high-temperature steam (>600 °C), the oxida-
volves the inward diffusion of O with the outward diffusion of Cr, Fe, Ni, tion kinetics drive the outward diffusion (like “pumping”) of Cr from
and Si in the metal surface layer when steel is exposed to a high-temper- the metal through the GBs of the TM structure. This requires that the
ature oxidizing environment (Fig. 6a) [35]. Formation of defects and Cr23C6 decompose to release Cr, which is verified by the SEM-EDS-EBSD
GBs in the bulk metal are considered to be an efficient path [36,37] results that the concentration of Cr in GB is lower than in the GI (in-
for the outward diffusion of Cr to form the fine, dense FeCr2O4 and/ set in Fig. 4c), and that the Cr concentration decreases in the order
or Cr2O3 that protects the metal from rapid oxidation [10,11]. In ad- (H+M)+C > matrix > CG layer (Fig. 1b–d, and the inset of Figs.
dition, refinement of the grain size to increase the fraction of the sur 4c and 3f). We also see that the pinning effect of the precipitates is
reduced, which finally results in the easy recovery and growth of the

H. Ma et al. Materials Characterization xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx

Fig. 6. Schematic illustration of the oxide scale and microstructure of 9% Cr TMF HRS upon steam oxidation. Inward diffusion of O and outward diffusion of Fe, Cr created the H+M+C
layers (a). Formation of the abnormal oxide layer (H+M+ discontinuous C) and the coarse grains layer due to the decomposition of Cr23C6 in T91 steel (b). Formation of H+M+C layers
shows the stabilization effect of W-Laves in T92 steel (c).

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