Assignment - 2 - On - Polynomials - 1585485958399 3

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Q.1.​ ​By actual division, find the quotient and the remainder when x​4​ + 1 is divided by

Q.2. Show that p-1 is a factor of p​10​ -1 and also of p​11​ -1.

Q.3. If x + 2a is a factor of x​5​ -4a​2​x​3​ +2x + 2a +3, then find the value of a.

Q.4.​ ​The polynomials ​P(t) = 4t3​ ​ - st2​ ​ + 7 and ​Q(t) = t​2​ + st​ + 8 leave the same remainder
when divided by (​t -​ 1). Find the value of ​s​.

Q.5. ​Using the long division method, determine the remainder when the polynomial
4​x5​​ + 2​x4​​ - ​x​3​ + 4​x2​​ - 7 is divided by (​x​ - 1).

Q.6.Find the remainder (without division) when 4x​3​ - 3x​2​ + 2x - 4 is divisible by x + 2

Q.7. Check whether the polynomial: 4x​3​ - 3x​2​ + 2x - 4 is a multiple of 2x + 1

Q.8.Use the Factor Theorem to decide if (​x​ − 2) is a factor of

f(​ ​x​) = ​x5​​ − 2​x​4​ + 3​x3​​ − 6​x2​​ − 4​x​ + 8.

Q.9. If 5x−2 is a factor of x​3​− 3x​2 ​+ kx + 15. Find k.

Q.10.Find the coefficient of x in the expansion of (x + 3)​3​


1) Q= x​3​ + x​2​ + x +1 R= 2
2) Solve it and it will be a factor
3) a=3/2
4) s = 1
5) R = 2
6) – 52
7) No (show it)
8) Yes (show it)
9) k= – 1823/50
10) 27

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