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Frain ann ae fra at: Consider the following statements : ere at hat ere rer ere haa era aes sp ea cg ar TTT SATE BI Token/off aspect of LSS is the normal authority to. proceed on Single Line token/token less sections. en ag Sears se ten Bee Bhar a Ae O12 ay a ag a sree Peat a BI Ina Single Line section when block instrument is defective T/A 912 is given as authority to proceed. Ay Le 2 est wae By Late 28 wa oh et wee Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of | & 2 are correct ©) tere 2 wet Only 2is correct Dyere | wat Only | is correct 7 wave Fan A we vO we Pre GE: Choose the correct matching with regard to the standard engine whistle code: Tax Brea 8 are 8, mé wereat ater Train is out of control, Guard to assist | a. —0—0 2, be anid ont & Train arriving incomplete 6.0000 3. Prat fame Lower pantograph 000 4. aftr aed Ave ath Fouling marks not cleared ‘A) I-b, 2-¢, 3. B) Ie, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d * ©) 1c, 2a, 3 D) I-c, 2a, 3-6, 4-€ Retin spat fran wz Consider the following statements = 1, BaRee mr ear ak he, eG ae Bt gE ay 8 of er sa To test a detonator, a fully loaded wagon is moved ata speed of 8 kmph. 2, abt aden eee area hr 6 eH ae Pea TET | The knowledge of the staff on use of detonators shall be tested once in 6 months. A) 2 eat whe B) Lite 28 aNe a wet ae & Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of 1 & 2 are correct / ©) Baer 2 wef Only 2 is correct D) exe [wet Only | is correct saree ara are ae Bat oe eee fe oe A. [ee archer ee far oie at we AEE sae 40 Sn 5 are FA ee 20 a rar aT aT we ath a GE Consider the following trains with ideal characteristics P- Light engine. Q- Multiple light engine with MR & BC not connected R- Engine with formation of 40 wagons. S- Engine with formation of 20 wagons ‘Now choose the correct statement fro area ea Beat B.qatinemd time | 7 has better braking capability than S | _Q has better braking capability than P Cow ifn err ot ae Shas | D. tae aT better braking capability than R24” | _None of these ‘qemeh ae, ce eeer B rer et a a PRAT Rare AW, TA Rare a TXR wa 3a a ater ony th CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 Page 1 A ‘The BPC of a material train with UIC Bogie, airbrake stock is valid for days subject to examination of the train by TXR once in days. ‘A. 30, 10, B. 15,5 C. 30, 15 D. 30,5 ‘eae sare 6 Pech grt ora ora we ar aha Rear wore erm Average discharge time of a ABC type 6 kg dry powder fire extinguisher is around ‘A. 5 seconds B.20 seconds C. 5 minutes D. 10 minutes ares Fre se O7 & Fre Oraca argu Rega _% Bate ir TR Pe_M% GST levied for outsourcing contracts for vehicle hiring is _% and that for running room is % A. 5%, 5% B. 18%, 18% C.5%, 18% D. 18%, 5% fst ewe Rar toe ewer erence a Ber we, aVaihea ewe Meee aa I Legh ear ere sre are Fave BB he et armrest eae a rere aerate 2. ite eng Bs Raza 3 ee rere sa irre” fee oeresrea sf aft aH se Yo fart a Pe aT |Consider the following statements when On double line/multiple line section, two/more trains are running through the station at the same time }l. The Station Master on duty shall exchange “all-right” signal with the Guard and the Loco Pilot of train nearest to station side and.» 22. A competent railway servant in proper uniform shall be deputed for exchanging “all- right” signal with the Guard and the Loco Pilot of the train nearest to off side A) 2h whé i B)L ste 2S Rae ae ae Both | &2are correct Neither of | & 2 are correct (C) Baer 2 wet Only 2 is correct | D) er La Only | is correct a Rage wie Rig X ote Y Bata defer Reker ates Heat ; What isthe potenial difference between the points X and Y in the below cireut in Volts: 28 be 0% NY 2 ¥ _ B.O ALB C7 D, Pruiter set a wet Can not determine wakzen tf awa Rewetad ‘The most economical method of electrical A. trate Ber Regenerative braking braking is B. ain - Plugging CC. easter & ara reas Aer Dynamic braking with self excitation Daten star ae ree Aer Dynamic braking with separate excitation ‘CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 Page 2 ‘we A0OV, 50 Hz, 3- tx A amt LOOW, 230 V Yr & aia aca 8 ew ver tere BTA oo a gE ween fg 35 eer tg Bor wee BG weet Beer era oe Ae i Bh? A 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply is connected to three bulbs of rating }00W, 230 V in the form of a star connection with the neutral point connected to ground. Now the connections are changed such that they are in the form of delta connection. What will most likely happen ? A. ant as eH TAY B. woh 3 a sift toa All the 3 lamps will glow less brighter_| All the 3 lamps will glow more brighter C. tal da ree Tay D. woh 3 eit er tz ia All the 3 lamps will get damaged. All the 3 lamps will draw more current 12. SaeereNS ard re, rah et ar et te ewer A eae wt cer Bi Pee ea et? While pressing BLDJ, VCB is not closing without any fault display in DDU. Which of the following is correct? (A. ese seat wel on aS aR Ar ae aT |B, wR ae 550 H cea ©, W 136.4 Webwat 8 ee 8, at ther FOL02P1 DDU # Rear tar Be ante ‘Such kind of incident will not happen | __{f node remains in 550, then there must since if VCB is not closed, always | be problem in 136.4 contactor F0102P1 will always appear in DDU C. uatieat tat ea D. cate ah eat ate Both A & B are wrong Both A & B are correct 13. fortaftas sat ory siicters 3 eater i Rreafertae aera oe Pra wt: 1-28 rear stat Q50 afeu wet & at sot stat # LSOL st LSB a e371 [2.2 QUOO erry ak ahah H ar rar at aha at ora a ie ae |Consider the following statements regarding a conventional loco MU operation: 1. If rear loco Q50 not energised LSOL and LSB lamps will glow in leading loco. 2. If Q100 is wedged in rear loco of MU, close DJ individually. A) LG 2 at att B) 1 ote 2 Fa wg vt at Te Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of 1 & 2 are correct C) ¥aet 2 att t Only 2 is correct ‘D) aaer L att t Only | is correct ~ 14, [wet era, Ror PETA Teta ropa On run, ifnegative bonding occurs, LP will experience _. ‘A. da a er Bz es ops Ree Te tripping of DI concemed fuse will melt C. ator O ae ara & D. goat GR comes to 0 nothing will happen_ TS. | 3- ta cha wer Restate set we rar 5 1. WAP-7/WAG-9 # chat ar th ect re, 100 IRN a att were TD 2. WAP-S etait & ater at 2, 3, 6, 7 ve ann te Ree Consider the following statements regarding a 3-phase loco: 1. While conducting loco brake test in WAP-7/WAG-9, loco should not move up to 100 KN. 2. Parking brakes are provided on wheel nos 2, 3, 6, 7 of WAP-S5 locos. A) 2 at ah B) lo 2Haae eats Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of | & 2 are correct (Cara 2 welt Only 2 is correct Dy aaa | weit Only | is correct 16 | Pre at oe Free ws —————————— EE CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01 1024 Page 3 Talat PT ——E 1. fare ete ase ag atti a rar oth oe it Rare fiona A 2. eas entates ata 8, CLOT we Sece at C107 A ger arcane eager Vga oT Consider the following statements: 1. E-Type CBC coupling is more suitable for hauling a heavy load than a screw coupling. 2. In a conventional loco, C101 contactor had to close/open frequently than C107. A) Lg 2a wet BB) Use 2 i ath a wet att B Both 1 & 2 are correct__# Neither of | & 2 are correct (©) Fre 2 WHE Only 2 is correct D) aa | wt Only | is correct V7 | shes Pre 3 8 Pe ware etd 3 Fre, Gh ae GAA wart ar Faas oe eae oT For which of the following tension lengths of OHE, providing of ATD on one side will suffice in regulated ONE, 1.400 m_2. 700m _3. 800m _4. 1000 m Ata lonly B, aaa | 2 1&2 only Cita? G3 1, 2& 3 only Divi tai None of these y 18. | Pee are wc Rrare wt: Vase Be chet ah bers och aa, aft cat ow neg ee Wah ae ae ahaa ene @ ae 3 fem C3W ares at anki et ore ba sy 2. QSVM fea arm Rea Stee Consider the following statements e \ 1. When dead loco is attached on formation, if\loco brakes are not releasing proportionally, C3W valve is to be isolated in working loco to avoid wheel skidding. 2. Time delay of QSVM relay is 5 seconds. \ A) 2H ate “=| B) lam 2a eta e Both 1 & 2 are correct. fe Neither of | & 2 are correct _¢ ©) Baa 2 wA¥ Only 2 is correct =| D) ar wert Only 1 is correct 19. | site aaa, onedtaver ..... Fae OTE In conventional loco, RB equipments are connected in .. A. | RSET B, smqasng2—RSI2. C.xsieatea Boh A&B» D. Fad wit we None of these 20, [Saga TT, Tone, ame See aT ATH In un-insulated overlap, two OHEs are connected together by means of ___jumper. Aa C Bow F Cac, Dw S 2A. | ager ah Hg BR ea, error Fg aha Reed _ Sot sera Rear ara While sanctioning crew review, Leave Reserve for CLI is provided in the category of ‘A.LPG B.LPP C.LPM, D.CLI 22. | ard he oY ar hor wow Wars we aT AY ae 70 Peat we we atk wees Areal ea we 7S otf tar st Rea of 8 tare wt at S.R.2.1 1.3 a gees ae, at we: Anemometer readings at a station is showing 70 kmph and its adjacent station is showing 75 kmph wind speed during a cyclonic weather condition which are considered dangerous. Under these circumstances as per S.R.2.11.3, SMs of the stations: ——— CL Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 Page 4 A. geste oe ateerarrf 3 are wT Bey AY | BB. Pee aN a ay attgerons she mA at again? went wen pede ore A argh ere Can permit a coaching Train to run with | Can permit a coaching ‘Train to run with Lion footplate both CLI and SSE/P-Way on footplate C. aia we A aa eT 1D serge aca & ea Shall not permit trains torun 7 Can permit a goods Train to run. D3. | 5B a ah eae Ba wy 200 HLH BPR a a eer oer bate 10 ae + far a a Pa em ran eh th Bee Hae seen aye er Aah ore Bs oe re Reet A train with 58 wagons has been brought to a stand at a station with gradient of | in 200 and it is necessary for the engine with 10 wagons to be detached from the rest of the train. Brake-van is next to engine. Minimum no. of wagons for which hand brakes to be applied is ALB. B.12s C6 'D.36 24. | fers eae Rerer fe seer Bota we aE a afte eta Sate Pe Bare, a Bare, aT ar rer Bis site ore whe at ft Rat TO? After passing a reception stop signal at ON without Authority and restarted on Restarting Memo, what shall be the speed to be observed when the signal ahead is taken off? ‘A. 15 kmph_ B.10 kmph C. Speed as per the road of reception 7 | D. Walking Speed 25. | ODC yate & aaa 8 wet rors GE Choose the correct matching with regard to the ODC movement: 1. steht cere 3 Ferg at mend? — Sanction authority | a. zhnew/atardiatet for ODC attachment DRM/SrDOM 2. arora see 3 Pe GET eas Escort railway staff |b. aww, aieesg, for C-class ODC store TXR, CLLPWL 3. Shearer Sicha Ay settee ah c. aaa, tema, Maximum speed of B-class ODC is, ‘dent TXR, PWI, TL dL Mtareeehteairer CRS/PCOM ce. 40 fst it eer 40 kph £25 Pat it eer 25 kmph Ay 1-4, 2-6, 3 B) Fa, 2-b, 3-e ©) 1d, 2-c, 3-F D) I-d, 2-0, 3-€ D6 | wc or age Sere SAT ane KMPH wor ae are Yo ew RN a a eT eT TT aw a fs rere arg age rs Bare aero sere Te ae BA 'X! TA? Whenever speed restriction of less than ‘X’ KMPH on either side of the neutral section is necessary, such speed restrictions shall not be imposed until arrangements made for temporary energisation of the neutral section as per SR. What is the speed ‘X”? A.10 B15 C.30 D. 50 D7. Praere wel w PrareWk: Consider the following statements : SS CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 z Page S Ls dean ahora srgeiica aetenteat a pF Patharer Rene Ate carr we aa BT ESIC scheme provides complete medical care and attention to the contract employees. 2: 18,000 eo a re & tas or are eft kee ah fq arc ge All the employees earning more than Rs.18,000 per month are exempted from the ESL contribution. ‘A) aaa Ltt ® Only 1 is correct B) Fret 2 wet € Only 2 is correct C) lea 2a ate D) 1 atte 2 att of ae ae Both | & 2 are correct Neither of 1 & 2 are correct 28. archaea Ree fh ower hers, sore As eft As her ve eps ae er ar wre ay a Peg ae Te Faeat oh Seafoam ream & Ba for ergs feta sn ar eT: 1, Présm deft, 2, eae eta BA Ya ad. ote ere a, 3. Ream Zar fi ats, at ot are, 4. aeags fa ‘aires frat sm at & fore retreat a During failure of Automatic signaling, the Station Master on duty at the station in rear of the affected section shall obtain ‘Line Clear’ for the train by any one of the alternative means of communications: 1. Control Telephone, 2. Fixed telephone such as railway auto-phone and BSNL phone, 3. Station to Station fixed telephones wherever available, 4. VHF set. Choose the correct order of priority for obtaining line clear: A. 1,23,4 B. C2134 7 D. D9. | FaParre ena 30/2023 Borge, Hees fer ove ere Prats carat ar Ber stata 1. eit 2 rade 3 dct 4. 5.Saber 6. Peete ‘As pet Divisional SOB 30/2023, the following medicines are prohibited for consumption on account of causing drowsiness: 1. Stugeron_2.Diazepam 3.Trazalone_4.Cetrizine_5.Benadry!_6. Paracetamol. ‘A Baa I, 2, 3,4 a5 B. ter I, 2, 4, 5 oe 6 1,2, 3,4 and 5 only 1,2,4,5 & 6 only Cteaer I, 2, 3 ate 5 D. wi 1,2, 3, 4, 5a 6 1,2,3 & 5S only All 1,2, 3, 4,5 & 6 BO. | eer ae ePertare H aoehe a a ae ad we Gea eH wh fers gE: 1. Crd +¥ a, Rear i wer a 2. Cid +N b. Radi sata lar at 3. Cid +0 ce, Rott wart tare at 4.Cul +A od ava cea ed g e. bate we Setar Wie TTT foe oat etter at Choose the correct matching with regard to short cut keys used in MS Word application: 1. Ctrl + ¥ ‘the document ‘CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024. Page 6 2. Crd tN . Undo the previous action 3.Ctrl +U c. Redo the previous action 4. Ctl EA, d. Create a new document . Apply underline format to text £. Align the text A) 1-0, 2-4, 3 4a B) Ta, 2-e,3-b, 4 ©) 1-2, 2-6, 3-f, bd D) Le, 2-¢, 3-b, 4-a BT. f ew LOB ft ah a Gmc eh er wet eh oe et eee Pert ar oh ara ERE ae (A | se obese rat otc eit at re ores Pe Ret fe 20 es hor ers Breer 30 ah at Pash are Werk Fre fhe eee Bae te Ht feo 8? A train was moving at a constant speed of 108 kmph. Suddenly LSS flew back to danger at the instant when locomotive was at starter signal and LP applied emergency brakes at the same instance. Train uniformly decelerated and came to stand still in 20 seconds. However the train stopped only after passing the LSS by 30 meters. What is the distance between the Starter signal and LSS in meters? ‘A220 B.280 C330 D. i Fail sei None of these 32. | Petar wet oe rare 1, gin atta wer we shears Ren & Perr aie sachet ee we le fra aT 81 2. ergata ara At rar a V-[ Patera 3s rer eg oie Pa Consider the following statements 1, Lightning arrester is the surge protection device used to limit the over-voltages. 2, Metal-oxide is used in lightening arresters due to-their highly uniform V-I characteristics A) la 2 art até B) L ate 2 Ha ate oh wet aE Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of | & 2 are correct ©) Baa 2 wh E Only 2 is correct D) tae 1 we ¥ Only 1 is correct 233, sen wer wc Pan we et are ate eee BURS & oraeye aR LE [ss tre wa a ae tsar &, ah eth ated sre a [Consider the following statements : 1. Battery charger & compressor are connected at the output of BUR3 2. Whenever compressor cuts in /cuts off, the battery voltage fluctuates ALL a2 wae, | ar2 wt arnt B. Lote wi, 1 ar 2 wet areradt 1 & 2 are right, 2 is the correct reason | __1 & 2 are right, 2 is not the correct reason for | for 1 C. 1 ate 2 ae rere Dz Treat ait 2 wat Both | & 2 are false 1 is false and 2 is true 34, aes seh aud Prater weal we ae we 1 store grr Patan hare QS Rt aah ar ae web ae Soo 2. ow te ge awe rah EAD st ASD ee Bae |Consider the following statements regarding a conventional loco: 1. The purpose of energising QS0 relay during manual control of GR is to close the line contactors. 2. IFGR struck up in full notch in MU Q49 and QS? relays will energize a unS-SEnenTnereureenrrarsarssccosrsceeeeee ee CU Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 Page 7 A) wai wae B) 1 ote 2a ag are wet Both 1 & 2 are correct Neither of | & 2 are comrect_/ O)Fra 2 wtf Only 2 is correct D) aa I wat Only 1 is correct 35. | aR shee Rares asec, So ogre wht erie 5 Halt rac 8 ah ae er we I£U meter not deviating, but simulation screen indicates approximately 5 kv, it indicates A. Sop 130.1 beet B. wet 127.12 Rr art defective 130.1 contactor MCB 127.12 tripped CRs pr RR sheet al die dae geet | Datta aoe panto raised but not touching OHE| — processor defective properl, 36, | 3- da stat Sead Beaten ancl we rar ae 1. HBB2 1 FLG2 shite ara 8 0c 3 a th gts a ae ae he 2. ECPSW aft rau rer nar & HIBB2 str ot Rewer 3 drt ai a B1 Consider the following statements regarding a 3-phase loco: 1. Regenerative brake will not work in 3-phase locos when HBB2 or FLG2 processor is isolated. 2. ECPSW if provided to be used during the failure of HBB2 processor. ALS 2H wae B) ake 2408 oh that Both | & 2 are correct__“ "7 "Neither of 1 & 2 are correct ©) Beer 2 wa E Only 2 is correct Dy¥aal wat Only | is correct 37. | Sehee HRSA shee an Ware” eH eee HH Sam SLGL....0020 a a Bear var a om, SLG2 eaath f = SA With regard to fault “ Catenary voltage out of limit” in Ds, it was found logged only by SLGI......0020 and not by SLG2 = RS ‘A ae Ree er ath Lat areer ec a at ware |B. ae ser a Nar aE TT wat \ a obo wore | eee shea atta Tt In this condition, we can work train by | {solating Bogiel will not effect in loco isolating Bogie 1 ~~... | coming to service as SR-1 only measures - the OHE voltage Ce Rte ah 2 wore Pa a ea ae |. a AE eT watt ‘None of these In this condition, we can work train by isolating Bogie 2 38. | Resta ave x Praree 1. eager ad hr te Raa ee 2. AQ wftcitara & dtr PRI feet AFL fiearait at afte atte Frenaret ax tar 8 Consider the following statements: 1. PRI relay causes Auto Regression during AFL working. 2. During A9 application PRI Relay energises and nullifies the AFL actions A) Le Dat wet B) Late 28 att meta t Both | & 2 are correct Neither of 1 & 2 are correct, C) et 2 wet & Only 2 is correct D)aaa Lad t Only 1 is correct 39, | frerferftan srerit x fara a: 1, 3. a af ae ar ee 0.5 Pt tow Par & (9 ec et) ae a Pre (eet exer 4 For Hare CLI Exam Question Paper Dt. 22-01-2024 Page 8

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