Third Contidional Questions

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If you had taken a year off to travel the world, which countries would you have visited?

What experiences do you think you would have had if you had backpacked through Europe last

If you had pursued a different career path, how do you think your life would have turned out?

What job would you have chosen if you hadn't become a teacher/engineer/doctor?

If you had met your partner/spouse in a different way, how would your life together be different

What would you have done if you hadn't reconnected with your childhood friend on social

If smartphones hadn't been invented, how would our lives have changed?

How do you think communication would have evolved if the internet hadn't been developed?

If the Berlin Wall hadn't fallen in 1989, what would Europe be like today?

How might the world have been different if World War II hadn't ended when it did?
Context: Environmental Impact

If we had started addressing climate change earlier, what consequences might we have

What would our planet look like today if humans hadn't polluted as much in the past?

If you had adopted a healthier lifestyle in your youth, how would your health be different now?

What would you have done differently if you had known the long-term effects of certain habits?

If you had pursued your childhood dream, what accomplishments do you think you would have
achieved by now?

What would your life be like if you had become a famous artist/athlete/musician?
If you hadn't attended university, what alternative path might you have chosen for your
education and career?

How would your knowledge and skills be different if you had studied a different major in college?

If your parents hadn't moved to a different city or country when you were a child, how would
your life be different?

What would have happened if you had grown up in a larger or smaller family?

If you had pursued a different hobby or interest, how might your leisure time be spent today?

How would your life have been impacted if you hadn't discovered your passion for photography
or cooking?

If you had invested in a different stock or business opportunity, what financial situation might
you be in now?

What would you have done differently with your money if you had received a large inheritance?

If you had decided to travel back in time, which historical period would you have chosen to visit?

What historical figures would you have liked to meet if you had access to a time machine?

If certain political decisions hadn't been made in the past, how would our society be different

How might the world have changed if significant social movements hadn't occurred?

If you had faced a different personal challenge in your life, how would it have shaped your
character and resilience?

What strategies might you have employed if you had encountered a unique obstacle on your

If smartphones had never been invented, how would people communicate and access
information today?

What technological advancements do you think would have been prioritized if certain inventions
hadn't been made?
If you hadn't made healthy lifestyle changes, how might your physical and mental well-being be
affected now?

What would you have done differently to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you had faced specific
health challenges in the past?

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