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Optimizing footwear for older people at risk of falls

Jasmine C. Menant
University of New South Wales

Julie R. Steele
University of Wollongong,

Hylton B. Menz
La Trobe University

Bridget J. Munro
University of Wollongong,

Stephen R. Lord
University of New South Wales

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Menant, Jasmine C.; Steele, Julie R.; Menz, Hylton B.; Munro, Bridget J.; and Lord, Stephen R.: Optimizing
footwear for older people at risk of falls 2008.

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Optimizing footwear for older people at risk of falls

Footwear influences balance and the subsequent risk of slips, trips, and falls by altering somatosensory
feedback to the foot and ankle and modifying frictional conditions at the shoe/floor interface. Walking
indoors barefoot or in socks and walking indoors or outdoors in high-heel shoes have been shown to
increase the risk of falls in older people. Other footwear characteristics such as heel collar height, sole
hardness, and tread and heel geometry also influence measures of balance and gait. Because many older
people wear suboptimal shoes, maximizing safe shoe use may offer an effective fall prevention strategy.
Based on findings of a systematic literature review, older people should wear shoes with low heels and
firm slip-resistant soles both inside and outside the home. Future research should investigate the
potential benefits of tread sole shoes for preventing slips and whether shoes with high collars or flared
soles can enhance balance when challenging tasks are undertaken.

Arts and Humanities | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Publication Details
Menant, J. C.., Steele, J. R., Menz, H. B.., Munro, B. J. & Lord, S. R. (2008). Optimizing footwear for older
people at risk of falls. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 45 (8), 1167-1182.

This journal article is available at Research Online:

JRRD Volume 45, Number 8, 2008
Pages 1167–1182

Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development

Optimizing footwear for older people at risk of falls

Jasmine C. Menant, PhD;1* Julie R. Steele, PhD;2 Hylton B. Menz, PhD;3 Bridget J. Munro, PhD;2 Stephen R.
Lord, PhD, DSc1
Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute and School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New
South Wales, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia; 2Biomechanics Research Laboratory, University of Wollongong,
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia; 3Musculoskeletal Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe
University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia

Abstract—Footwear influences balance and the subsequent somatosensory feedback to the foot and ankle and modi-
risk of slips, trips, and falls by altering somatosensory feed- fying frictional conditions at the shoe-sole/floor inter-
back to the foot and ankle and modifying frictional conditions face, footwear influences postural stability and the
at the shoe/floor interface. Walking indoors barefoot or in subsequent risk of slips, trips, and falls. While the pri-
socks and walking indoors or outdoors in high-heel shoes have mary role of a shoe is to protect the foot and facilitate
been shown to increase the risk of falls in older people. Other
propulsion [5], fashion has strongly influenced the design
footwear characteristics such as heel collar height, sole hard-
ness, and tread and heel geometry also influence measures of
of footwear throughout the ages, compromising the natural
balance and gait. Because many older people wear suboptimal functioning of the foot [5–6]. As a result, little is known
shoes, maximizing safe shoe use may offer an effective fall about what constitutes safe footwear for older people under-
prevention strategy. Based on findings of a systematic litera- taking activities in and around the home [7]. Because foot-
ture review, older people should wear shoes with low heels and wear appears to be an easily modifiable risk factor for
firm slip-resistant soles both inside and outside the home. falls, identifying the specific shoe features that might
Future research should investigate the potential benefits of facilitate or impair balance in older people is imperative
tread sole shoes for preventing slips and whether shoes with for the design of targeted fall prevention interventions
high collars or flared soles can enhance balance when chal- and provision of evidence-based recommendations.
lenging tasks are undertaken. In this systematic review, we initially describe the
types of footwear commonly worn by older people. We
then highlight studies in which footwear has been recog-
Key words: accidental falls, aged people, balance, biomechanics,
nized as a risk factor for falls. Finally, we review the
footwear, gait, heel height, insoles, rehabilitation, slips, trips.

Abbreviations: COF = coefficient of friction, COM = center of
mass, COP = center of pressure, MTP = metatarsal-phalangeal.
Many falls experienced by older people result from *Address all correspondence to Jasmine C. Menant, PhD;
age-related deterioration of the balance and neuromuscu- Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Barker Street,
lar systems [1]. Most falls occur during motor tasks [2], Randwick, NSW, 2031, Australia; +61-2-9399-1066; fax:
and footwear has been identified as an environmental risk +61-2-9399-1204. Email:
factor for both indoor and outdoor falls [3–4]. By altering DOI: 10.1682/JRRD.2007.10.0168


JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

evidence pertaining to the effects of specific footwear SEARCH RESULTS

characteristics on balance and related factors in older
people. Our multiple Medline searches retrieved 1,185 arti-
cles, 56 of which were relevant based on title and abstract
[9–64]. Based on their references, we retrieved 19 more
SEARCH STRATEGY articles [65–83]. We retrieved one additional relevant
article [84] from the CSA Illumina database. One abstract
We conducted a Medline search to identify studies on presented at a recent conference [85] and two articles “in
habitual footwear for older people, types and features of press” [86–87] were also included. We ultimately included
footwear associated with falls in older people, and effects 79 articles in this literature review (Appendix, available
of footwear and features of footwear that could affect online only at
balance and gait in both young and older people. The 45/8/pdf/contents.pdf). According to the Oxford Centre
publication dates of the full-length articles were between for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence [8], all
1985 and 2008. We conducted several general searches the studies selected and involving human testing had a
combining keywords “shoes or footwear” with one or level of evidence of 2b because they were cohort studies,
more of the following: “aged or aging,” “balance” (sub- either cross-over controlled comparisons or cross-
headings: musculoskeletal equilibrium, muscles, or sensa- sectional studies. Two studies were nested case-control
tion disorders), “falls” (subheadings: aged and accidental studies [26,57]. Only one article, a systematic review
falls), “gait” (all subheadings). We also searched specifi- [22], had a level of evidence of 2a.
cally for these keywords: “high-heels,” “midsole hard-
ness or sole hardness,” “slip resistance,” “friction,” and
“high-collar.” Additionally, we searched the Health and DISCUSSION
Safety Science Abstracts of the CSA Illumina database
(ProQuest, Bethesda, Maryland) using the keywords
What Footwear Do Older People Wear?
“shoes or footwear” and “balance.” We included articles
that dealt with nontherapeutic footwear, features of foot- Identifying the type of shoes usually worn in and
wear or footwear appliances in the context of falls and/or around the home is important for determining whether
fall risks in older people, balance, postural control, gait, the footwear worn by older people places them at an
and slips. We also added articles on the effects of foot- increased risk of falls. Older community-dwelling people
wear on balance and gait in younger people if we thought are the most active sector of the elderly population and,
they were relevant to fall risk in older people. Finally, we as a result, are the group most exposed to environmental
included articles on everyday footwear worn by older risk factors [2]. Furthermore, community-dwelling peo-
people. In contrast, we excluded articles on footwear ple are more likely to engage in outdoor activities and
used for therapeutic purposes or on the effects of foot- therefore have different footwear-wearing habits and
wear on the development of specific medical conditions, requirements than people living in residential aged-care
because we aimed to focus on the general older ambula- facilities who have limited mobility.
tory population. We excluded all articles on features of A survey of the footwear purchased by 128 community-
shoes used for sports unless we considered the effects dwelling people (including 60 men) aged over 65 years
shown relevant to balance control during walking. revealed that the majority wore slippers within their
Abstracts published more than 4 years ago and single- homes and that 32 percent of women and 28 percent of
case studies were excluded. We examined the references men usually walked barefoot or wore socks [42]. Simi-
of the selected articles from the searches including larly, approximately 25 percent of 312 older community-
reviews and searched for any relevant article, then dwellers reported wearing slippers inside the house, fol-
included it in the literature review if it satisfied the inclu- lowed by 19 percent reporting walking around without
sion and exclusion criteria defined earlier. We assessed shoes [85]. Because both these studies were conducted in
the level of evidence of the selected studies based on the Australia, the warm climate might well have contributed
Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of to the high proportion of people not wearing shoes while
Evidence [8], which ranks studies based on their meth- at home. As one might expect, the probability of older
odological rigor. people predominantly wearing slippers rises in residents

MENANT et al. Footwear, balance, and falls in older people

of institutions and hospital inpatients, as well as with phone interview regarding shoes worn at the time of a fall
increasing age. Accordingly, 37 percent of a sample of in 652 community-dwellers aged 65 and over found that
606 nursing home residents (mean age 83 years) reported only 26 percent of participants were wearing “sturdy
wearing slippers indoors [25] and 66 percent of 44 patients shoes” when they fell [14]. These findings, however, may
in a subacute aged-care hospital reported wearing slip- be limited to participants’ varying interpretations of what
pers or moccasins [24]. Older people typically chose to constitutes a sturdy shoe.
wear slippers because they are usually made of soft mater- In summary, many older people wear inappropriate
ial and their flexible structure can comfortably accommo- footwear both inside and outside the home. Shoes are
date painful feet and foot deformities [42]. A recent study replaced infrequently, possibly because of a lack of
found that, in a sample of 312 older community-dwelling knowledge about the importance of safe shoes and/or
people, those who wore slippers indoors versus no shoes financial considerations [14,42]. The choice of footwear
or fastened shoes reported more foot pain and had a sig- might be somewhat dictated by comfort and the need to
nificantly greater falls risk score as indicated by deficits accommodate painful feet [85], explaining the tendency
in sensorimotor function tests (visual contrast sensitivity, for older people to wear excessively flexible and/or
knee extension strength, proprioception, postural sway, overly long and wide shoes. Older people might also
hand reaction time) [85]. favor shoes without fasteners for the practical reasons
Other studies have found that older people, irrespec- that they do not have to bend down to tie laces or fasten
tive of their dwelling status, wear poorly fitted shoes, straps.
which may lead to foot problems and, in turn, increase
the risk of falls [88]. For example, Burns et al. noted that Is Footwear a Risk Factor for Falls in Older People?
72 percent of older people admitted to a rehabilitation Regardless of the reasons influencing older people’s
unit (n = 65) were wearing ill-fitting shoes, with 90 percent choice of footwear, the types and characteristics of shoes
of these shoes being too long or too wide [12]. Similarly, commonly worn by older people match shoe types identi-
Menz and Morris found that older retirement-village resi- fied by both retrospective and prospective investigations
dents (n = 176) wore ill-fitting indoor and outdoor shoes as risk factors for falls. Investigating falls in a sample of
(81% and 78%) narrower than their feet [40]. While 96 male and female community dwellers aged 60 to
incorrect shoe length has been significantly associated 80 years, Berg et al. found that participants who had falls
with ulceration of the foot and with pain [12], overly nar- reported wearing shoes with slippery soles or slippers as
row footwear has also been strongly associated with the a predisposing factor (in 9% of those who fell) [3].
presence of corns on the toes [40]. Larsen et al. reported Gabell et al. prospectively examined risk factors associ-
similar findings, in that 43 percent and 5 percent of older ated with falls in 100 community-dwelling people aged
community-dwelling women (n = 2,649) and men (n = 65 and over and identified inadequate footwear as a
1,632), respectively, wore either socks, slippers, or major contributing factor [17]. Out of 22 falls, 10
improperly sized or ill-fitting shoes while indoors [27]. occurred while participants were wearing either heavy
Of 128 patients admitted to a geriatric unit and requiring boots or boots with cutaway heels, slip-on shoes, or slip-
new footwear, 28 percent wore slippers often leading to pers. Gabell et al. also found that a history of high-heel
heel slippage, 25 percent wore shoes with heels higher shoe wearing in women was a predisposing factor for
than the recommended height, 20 percent wore shoes falling. Of the 22 falls reported, 10 occurred outdoors,
with heels narrower than the recommended width, and 11 which may explain why, contrary to other studies, walking
percent wore shoes “beyond repair,” with cut uppers or barefoot did not appear to be a major falls risk factor [17].
flapping soles [67]. Tencer et al. conducted a 2-year prospective investi-
In 44 patients from an aged-care hospital, a modified gation of falls in which they matched older community-
version of a footwear assessment form [89] identified dwelling people who fell (n = 327) with people with simi-
that a lack of a slip-resistant sole or a fastening mecha- lar demographics who did not fall [57]. The researchers
nism, as well as an excessively flexible heel counter or found that 61 percent of the falls occurred outdoors and
shank, were the most frequent detrimental shoe charac- that shoes with heels greater than 2.5 cm increased the
teristics [24]. These shoe features likely promote slips risk of falls compared with athletic or canvas shoes (odds
and trips because they fail to provide foot support. A tele- ratio: 1.9). They also found that the risk of falls significantly

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

decreased with an increase in median sole/surface area shoes that are the wrong size might also lead to foot prob-
above 74 cm2 (median sole/surface area for high-heel lems that, in turn, can place older people at an increased
dress shoes was 49 cm2). Walking barefoot or wearing risk of falls [88]. Indoor footwear, or the lack of it, seems
socks increased the risk of falls the most, by up to 11 to be more implicated in the etiology of falls than outdoor
times compared with walking in athletic or canvas shoes shoes, possibly because more studies have been con-
[26]. A recent prospective study conducted among 176 ducted among older people living in residential aged care
older retirement-village residents for whom more falls who engage less often in outdoor activities.
occurred indoors than outdoors (n = 50 vs n = 36) also
confirmed that walking barefoot or in socks increased the What are the Effects of Specific Footwear Conditions
risk of falls indoors (odds ratio: 13.7) [41]. Furthermore, on Stability?
Larsen et al. reported a strong independent association Findings from experimental studies that have investi-
between walking indoors in socks or slippers and falls gated the effects of specific characteristics of footwear on
(odds ratio: 5.5) in women aged over 66 years [27]. balance and gait can help determine why some shoe types
Using a footwear assessment form that identifies are associated with a higher risk of falls in older people.
shoe characteristics relevant to a loss of balance or a fall These investigations might also help us identify features
[89], another retrospective study noted that 75 percent of of footwear that may be beneficial to older people’s bal-
a sample of 95 older people (mean ± standard deviation ance and should be considered in the design of safe
age 78.3 ± 7.9 years) who had a hip fracture-related fall shoes. This section updates the literature review by Menz
were wearing improper footwear at the time of the inci- and Lord [38] and describes findings related to how shoe
dent [52]. The largest proportion of falls occurred while properties can facilitate or impair balance.
the older people were walking inside their homes (48%),
and slippers were the most common type of footwear Barefoot Versus Wearing Shoes
worn (22% of the fall cases). The unsafe features of shoes One may assume that proprioception and plantar sen-
identified in this study included a lack of fixation (63%), sitivity provide optimal input to the postural control sys-
excessively flexible heel counter (43%), and an exces- tem when the wearer is barefoot versus wearing shoes.
sively soft sole (20%) [52]. The participants who tripped While footwear might indeed attenuate tactile sensory
(n = 32) were more likely to be wearing slippers or ill- input to the plantar sole of the feet [51], this may not
fitting shoes without proper fixation. Hourihan et al. also always be the case, especially for individuals who have
reported that at the time of a hip-fracture-related fall, been conditioned to wearing shoes since childhood. In a
24 percent of 104 older people were barefoot or in socks, study by Robbins et al., both young and older subjects
33 percent were wearing slippers, and 22 percent were were required to estimate the amplitude and the direction
wearing slip-on footwear [71]. Similarly, analysis of of the slope of a weight-bearing surface [51]. The older
footwear habits among nursing-home residents (n = 606) subjects’ joint position awareness was 162 percent lower
revealed a strong association between wearing slippers than that of their younger counterparts when barefoot,
(as opposed to shoes) and fractures [25]. Furthermore, possibly due to age-related decline in plantar tactile sen-
Keegan et al. found that slip-on shoes and sandals were sitivity. Wearing running shoes further increased mean
associated with a greater risk of a foot fracture from a fall estimate error in joint position in both groups, suggesting
(odds ratio: 2.3 and 3.1, respectively), and that wearing attenuation of the tactile sensory input through footwear.
medium- to high-heel shoes and narrow shoes increased In addition, a group of community-dwelling older people
the risk of fractures at five sites (foot, distal forearm, made fewer errors when barefoot than when wearing
proximal humerus, pelvis, and shaft of the tibia/fibula) in shoes in estimating the maximum supination angle of the
people aged 45 years and over [59]. soles of their feet when they walked along a beam [49]. In
These findings suggest that suboptimal footwear, contrast, Waddington and Adams reported that older
regularly worn by older people, increases the risk of falls. community dwellers (n = 20) were significantly better at
Older people might exacerbate their risk of slipping by discriminating ankle inversion movements when shod than
walking barefoot, in socks, or in shoes without slip- when barefoot [58]. However, the subjects had undergone
resistant outer soles, or their risk of tripping by wearing wobble-board balance training for 5 weeks in self-
ill-fitting slippers or shoes lacking fasteners. Wearing selected shoes, which may in part explain these findings.

MENANT et al. Footwear, balance, and falls in older people

As discussed earlier, more than a quarter of older between barefoot and shod conditions may be attributed
community dwellers walk in the home barefoot [42,85], to methodological differences. However, wearing shoes
which is associated with an increased risk of falling appears to enhance walking stability. Wearing shoes also
[26,41]. Therefore, addressing the effects of barefoot versus protects the foot from mechanical insult and irregularities
shoe-wearing conditions on balance in older people is in walking surfaces and is likely to provide more grip
crucial. Interestingly, being barefoot or wearing shoes did than the plantar sole of the foot, reducing the risk of slip-
not affect standing balance (maintaining balance while ping, especially indoors.
standing on a firm or a compliant surface with eyes open
or closed) in 30 older adults who had vestibular problems Heel Height
[61]. Similarly, Arnadottir and Mercer did not report any As highlighted earlier, heel elevation is associated
significant differences in functional reach performance in
with an increased risk of falling in older people [17,57].
older women (n = 35) barefoot compared with fitted with
By elevating and shifting the wearer’s center of mass
walking shoes [9]. However, these older women took less
(COM) forward, high-heel shoes affect balance control
time and achieved greater self-selected speed in the timed
and lead to postural and kinematic adaptations [53]. The
up and go and 10 m walk tests when wearing shoes, pre-
plantar-flexed ankle position adopted when wearing ele-
sumably because footwear enhanced plantar shock
vated heel shoes might contribute to larger vertical and
absorption and therefore improved comfort.
horizontal ground reaction forces noted at heel strike
In contrast, Lord and Bashford found that older
[15,23,53]. In the plantar-flexed ankle, calcaneal eversion
women (n = 30) performed worse in a test of maximal
is reduced, which is often noted in high-heeled gait
balance range but exhibited less postural sway and better
[15,53], and foot rollover in the shoe is absent [15]; these
scores in a leaning balance test (coordinated stability)
later adaptations might prevent the foot from pronating,
when barefoot than when wearing standard low-heel
affecting the foot’s natural shock-absorption mechanism.
shoes [32]. However, these contrasting findings may be
Compensation strategies in response to this impaired
explained by the subjects in the Lord and Bashford study
shock absorption subsequently arise at the knee and hip
being novice wearers of a pair of standard low-heel shoes
as shown by altered kinematics and kinetics [13–15,44–
[32] compared with subjects wearing their own flat or
walking shoes as in the previous studies [9,61]. Further- 45,53–55,69]. Age and sex interactions appear to lead to
more, older community dwellers required to walk on a different trunk and pelvis kinematics during gait. When
7.8 cm-wide beam in various footwear conditions failed wearing shoes with high heels, older women and young
the task more frequently when barefoot than when wear- men show a flattened lumbar lordosis [13,44] while
ing shoes [48–49], possibly because of decreased func- younger women display increased trunk lordosis [44].
tion of the toes associated with long-term wearing of Studies have consistently recorded significant increases
shoes [48]. Despite the hypothesis that walking barefoot in forefoot loading during high-heeled gait [20,76], with
or in stockings over a wet or a shiny indoor surface might especially greater pressures in the medial forefoot [23,54,
exacerbate the risk of slipping [41], no study to date has 63,65,81]. Such increased pressures might contribute to
investigated the risk of older people slipping while walk- the development of plantar calluses [90]. In fact, these
ing barefoot or wearing socks over common household foot problems have been associated with wearing shoes
surfaces such as polished wooden floors. Alternatively, with heels higher than 2.5 cm in older women [40].
walking barefoot or in socks over a carpeted surface Individuals wearing high-heel shoes compared with
might provide excessive slip-resistance that could lead to low-heel shoes or barefoot displayed slower walking
a trip in older people; this issue also requires further speed [16,44–45], shorter step or stride length [15–
investigation. Finally, Burnfield et al. reported signifi- 16,45,69], and increased walking cadence [15,60,69],
cantly higher plantar pressures in older people walking possibly a consequence of a more cautious walking pat-
barefoot versus shod [11], suggesting that older people tern. Raising the COM increases the moment arm of the
should avoid walking around barefoot as it could increase medial-lateral moment of force applied at the COM about
the risk of foot trauma. the shoe/floor interface, resulting in a smaller medial-
The conflicting findings regarding differences in lateral perturbation required for a fall to occur and, thus a
joint position sense and standing balance in older people smaller critical tipping angle of the elevated heel shoe [57].

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Despite quite different methodologies, study findings et al. did not find any differences in postural sway or
show that experience in walking with elevated heel shoes walking velocity in a sample of frail older women (n = 26)
alters lower-limb muscle activity patterns. For example, wearing tennis shoes with either 1 or 2 cm heel height [31].
men and women wearing high-heel shoes exhibited Because some types of male footwear (e.g., cowboy
reduced gastrocnemius muscle activity [28,73], possibly boots) also have an elevated heel, some investigations
because the plantar-flexed position of the ankle alters the have included male subjects in their sample [13,36]. The
length-tension relationship of this muscle. However, variety of findings pertaining to the effects of high-heel
while men showed a significant increase in tibialis anterior shoes on balance and gait can be attributed to inconsis-
muscle activity (possibly to counteract a feeling of insta- tencies in the choice of footwear. While some studies
bility), women who were regular high-heel shoe wearers have compared barefoot with high-heel dress shoe condi-
displayed the opposite muscle activity pattern [28]. In tions [20,36,43,69], others have compared tennis shoes or
contrast, five young healthy women did not display sig- flat shoes with high-heel shoes with a narrow toe-box
nificantly different peak tibialis anterior muscle activity [20,36,44–45,55,60,69,76]. Some researchers have used
during walking in medium- and high-heel shoes com- only a shoe heel attached to the heel of the foot of the
pared with low-heel shoes [72]. The level of experience individual [65], whereas others have used each individ-
of these women with wearing high-heel shoes, which was ual’s dress shoes or have provided a standard dress shoe
not specified, and the imposed walking velocity could [28,32,36,44–45,81]. Few studies have managed to iso-
have contributed to the contradictory findings reported late the effect of heel height by keeping a shoe of similar
here. In another study following a fatigue exercise simu- design but systematically increasing the heel height
lating high-heeled gait, habitual high-heel shoe wearers [15,23,31,53,63,66,73,86]. Thus, whether study findings
showed low-level endurance of the peroneus longus mus- reflect the true effects of heel height or are influenced by
cle and an imbalance in muscle activity between the lateral other shoe design factors is questionable. Nevertheless,
and medial heads of gastrocnemius [21]. This muscle the detrimental effects of elevated heel shoes are numer-
imbalance might increase foot instability as suggested by ous and, for this reason, older people should be advised
abnormal lateral movements of the center of pressure against wearing such footwear because it places them at
(COP) under the heel and first metatarsal head observed an increased risk of falling.
in habitual high-heel shoe wearers [21].
Few studies have investigated the effects of wearing Sole Cushioning Properties
elevated heel shoes on stability in older people. One Following research associated with the development
study showed that young women (n = 27) maintained sig- of shoes with extra midsole cushioning designed to atten-
nificantly better balance on a moving platform when sub- uate impact forces and reduce injuries during running
jected to various accelerations while wearing tennis [91–93], studies have been conducted to investigate the
shoes compared with cowboy boots [10]. Subsequently, effects of sole and midsole thickness and hardness on sta-
Lord and Bashford found that older women from a retire- bility in older people. An initial study involving 25 older
ment village (n = 30) performed significantly worse in men demonstrated the detrimental effect that soft and
three tests of balance (postural sway, maximal balance thick shoe midsoles (shore A-15 [for the studies reviewed
range, and coordinated stability) in high-heel dress shoes here, shore-A hardness ranges from shore A-15 for soft
(6 cm heel height) than when barefoot or in low-heel soles, to shore A-58 for hard soles], 27 mm at the heel
shoes (1.6 cm heel height) [32]. A group of 29 people and 16 mm under the 1st metatarsal-phalangeal [MTP]
aged over 70 years also showed greater postural sway joint) have on balance control, assessed by the frequency
when standing in elevated heel shoes (4.5 cm heel height) of falls from a walking beam [48]. A later study involv-
compared with standard shoes (2.7 cm heel height) [86]. ing young men reported similar findings [50]. The older
Similarly, other researchers noted that elderly commu- men perceived the shoes with soft thick midsoles to be
nity-dwelling women (n = 35) performed significantly the most comfortable among shoes of varying hardness
worse in the tests of functional reach, timed up and go, (shore A-15, A-33, and A-50) and thickness (13 mm at
and 10 m walk when wearing dress shoes (5.3 cm mean the heel and 6.5 mm under the 1st MTP joint versus 27 mm
heel height) compared with walking shoes (1 cm mean at the heel and 16 mm under the 1st MTP joint) [48], pos-
heel height) or being barefoot [9]. However, Lindemann sibly because the soft and thick midsoles enabled even

MENANT et al. Footwear, balance, and falls in older people

distribution of load across the plantar surface of the foot. In an attempt to combine comfort and stability, Rob-
This even distribution of load, in turn, was hypothesized bins et al. investigated the effects of a soft, low-resilience
to reduce plantar tactile sensory feedback and subse- material on postural sway and perceived comfort in 30
quently impair balance control. The authors also sug- young and 30 older adults [79]. The authors hypothesized
gested that the midsole mechanical instability generated that, in addition to providing a cushioning sensation, soft,
frontal plane movements at the ankle through material low-resilience interfaces would remain compressed after
compression. A subsequent study investigating the foot strike and prevent excessive frontal plane movement
effects of age and footwear on joint position sense clari- of the foot, as would be expected with high-resilience
fied these proposed mechanisms, concluding that shoes materials. Results of the study confirmed that in both
with soft thick soles impair stability by reducing joint groups, sway velocity was significantly lower when sub-
position sense [51]. jects stood on the thin low-resilience interface than on the
thick high-resilience interface. Overall, a trend devel-
This notion was subsequently tested in more dynamic
oped, with the low-resilience material being more com-
conditions, in which 13 young and 13 older men who
fortable than the high-resilience material. In accordance
walked on a beam in shoes of varying midsole hardness
with these findings, optimum comfort and stability might
and thickness were asked to estimate the maximum supi-
be obtained if the soles of the shoe are thin and hard com-
nation angle of the sole of their foot [49]. Position error
bined with low-resilience insoles. However, no signifi-
was then calculated with rear-foot angle [49]. Foot posi-
cant differences in measures of postural sway and leaning
tion awareness was worse, by approximately 200 percent, balance during standing (maximal balance range and
in the older compared with the younger adults in any coordinated stability) were found between a medium-
footwear condition, and the older subjects’ mean position hard-sole (shore A-42) and a hard-sole (shore A-58) shoe
error was greatest in the shoes with the thickest and the in a population of 42 older women, leading to the conclu-
softest midsoles. In agreement with previous findings sion that the soft-soled shoes used in this study might not
[48], balance was worst in the thick and the soft midsole have been compliant enough to affect balance [33].
shoes, especially in the older group. Furthermore, errors Accordingly, Menant et al. did not find any difference in
in judgment of foot position were positively correlated tests of postural sway, leaning balance, and choice-stepping
with midsole thickness, and negatively correlated with reaction time in older people (n = 29) wearing soft-sole
balance and with midsole hardness. shoes (shore A-25) or hard-sole shoes (shore A-58) versus
Sekizawa et al. also reported detrimental effects of medium-hard-sole shoes (shore A-40) [86].
thick-sole shoes (50 mm at the heel and 30 mm under the In summary, variations in sole or midsole hardness
1st MTP joint) compared with barefoot on joint position do not appear to significantly alter balance during stand-
sense in 20 young males as they stood with the foot ing. However, thick- and soft-sole shoes impair stability
placed in dorsiflexion [80]. Furthermore, Perry and col- during walking by reducing foot position awareness and
leagues investigated balance control in young people per- mechanical stability, and may pose an even greater threat
forming tests of rapid unplanned stopping both barefoot to stability during challenging tasks [46]. Despite this
and when wearing midsoles of three different hardnesses evidence, epidemiological studies have failed to confirm
(shore A-15, shore A-33, and shore A-50) fixed to their whether sole hardness or thickness are risk factors for
feet [46]. Compared with the hard midsoles, the soft mid- falls in older people [57]. Because of the constrained
soles led to a significant reduction in medial-lateral range nature of balance tests in the investigations conducted by
of COM displacement, to possibly counteract the lack of Robbins et al. (beam walking [93], as discussed in Gra-
mechanical support of the material. A reduction in the biner and Davis [94]) and the lack of evidence regarding
COM-COP distance, together with a significantly greater older people’s balance control during challenging tasks,
vertical loading rate in the softer midsoles compared with further studies are required before definitive recommen-
barefoot during terminal stance demonstrates how softer dations can be made regarding midsole hardness and
midsoles, may impair balance control in the sagittal plane thickness.
during stopping. Perry et al. concluded that soft-sole
shoes may threaten an older person’s stability, because Collar Height
greater muscular activity is required to maintain stability High-collar shoes were initially investigated in the
during stopping in this footwear condition [46]. context of preventing sports-related ankle sprains, by

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

providing extra mechanical support around the ankle. tests of balance and stepping in older people and found
Relative to low-collar sports shoes, high-collar sports no differences between standard shoes and flared-sole
shoes offer significantly better resistance against inver- shoes in older people (n = 29) [86]. However, whether
sion [78] and reduced ankle inversion angular velocity shoes with a flared sole are beneficial or detrimental to
[82] in young adults performing various sporting tasks. balance control during gait, particularly in older people,
In addition to providing greater mechanical stability remains to be seen.
to the ankle joint, the extra sensory input provided by a
high collar is thought to facilitate joint position sense Slip-Resistant Sole Properties
[62] and, in turn, improve medial-lateral balance control. Slips and trips are the most commonly reported
In fact, a tactile stimulus applied to the leg of younger, causes of falls in older people [3,97], with 17 percent of
older, and neuropathic subjects has been found to reduce falls found to be due to slips in a population of healthy
body sway during standing [95]. Significant improve- community-dwellers aged over 70 years [2]. Not wearing
ments in postural sway and leaning balance were also shoes indoors is suggested to contribute to indoor slips
noted in laced boots versus low-collar shoes in a group of since walking barefoot or in socks increases the risk of
42 women aged 60 to 92 years old [33], while no differ- falls in older people by more than tenfold [26,41]. Fur-
ence in tests of balance and stepping were found in 29
thermore, ice- and snow-related slips contribute to a high
male and female community dwellers wearing low-collar
number of injurious falls in cold climate countries. In a
shoes versus 11 cm-high collar shoes [86]. In contrast,
1-year prospective study, 34 percent of ice and snow slip-
compared with trainers, cowboy boots were found to
related injuries in a Swedish town occurred in adults aged
impair balance control in young women standing on a
between 50 and 79 years [98], and shoes lacking slip-
platform that was translated in the anterior-posterior
resistant soles likely contributed to these incidents.
direction [10]. However, in addition to a higher collar, the
Because of their higher likelihood of slip-related falls due
boots also had an “inverted” heel of 3.7 cm, which may
have contributed to the subjects’ instability. More to an age-related decline in sensorimotor systems, older
research is therefore recommended to confirm the poten- people may benefit from slip-resistant footwear [99].
tial benefits of high-collar shoes on stability during chal- In the context of preventing outdoor winter slips dur-
lenging motor tasks, since potential aesthetic concerns of ing Swedish winters, Gard and Lundborg evaluated vari-
such footwear combined with their lack of suitability for ous antiskid devices fixed to the footwear of older people
hot climates might deter older people, especially women, who were performing simple walking tasks over five
from wearing such shoes on a regular basis. slippery surfaces (ice with sand, ice with gravel, ice with
snow, ice with salt, and ice alone) [19]. An antiskid
Sole Flaring device applied to the shoe heel was rated the best in terms
By increasing the base of support, a flared sole might of walking safety and balance, time to put on, and ease of
improve medial-lateral stability [38] and therefore war- use and it did not significantly affect gait and posture
rants consideration when shoes are designed for older compared with either whole-foot or forefoot-only
people [96]. Most published investigations have exam- devices. Using the same testing protocol, Gard and Berg-
ined this shoe feature in the context of preventing run- gard later confirmed that compared with whole-foot or
ning injuries [77,82]. For example, compared with toe antiskid devices, a heel device was preferred and per-
standard trainers, low-cut trainers with a flared sole were ceived as providing the best walking safety and balance
found to reduce slipping of the foot within the shoe. Fur- by 107 men and women aged 22 to 80 years [68]. A study
ther, the flared sole led to a significantly lower inversion conducted in North America investigated the effects of
moment at the subtalar joint by increasing the lever arm an elastometer netting (“Yaktrax Walker”) worn around
in young subjects who were performing sideward cutting the sole of the shoe on outdoor slips and falls in a sample
movements [82]. Running shoes with a heel flare were of community-dwelling fallers aged over 65 years [37].
also found to significantly increase initial pronation dur- The relative risks of outdoor slips, falls, and injurious
ing running in 14 male runners, but did not affect total falls for the group wearing the device versus the control
pronation or impact force peaks [77]. Menant et al. group who wore their habitual winter shoes were 0.5,
recently investigated the effects of flared-sole shoes on 0.45, and 0.13, respectively. These devices therefore may

MENANT et al. Footwear, balance, and falls in older people

provide a useful and inexpensive solution to the problem between the two surfaces [29]. Tread grooves with an ori-
of outdoor falls on icy surfaces. entation perpendicular to the walking direction provided
An early study that used a slip-resistance testing the highest COF [74]. However, the shoe tread grooves
machine showed that none of several rubber-nitrile- were not effective in providing a safe COF when the sur-
heeled shoes tested could provide a safe friction coeffi- faces were oil-contaminated [29,74]. Subsequent experi-
cient for walking over smooth wet surfaces contaminated ments demonstrated the benefits of increased tread
with detergent or oil. Roughening of the floor surfaces, groove depth (from 1 to 5 mm) of neolite footwear pads
however, was shown to increase safety when nitrile or on slip-resistance on wet and water-detergent-contami-
polyvinyl chloride-heeled shoes were used [83]. Further- nated surfaces but not on oil-contaminated ones [30].
more, Gao et al. compared the slip-resistance of four Conflicting views come from a study by Connell and
types of footwear of varying materials and sole tread, Wolf, in which two near-fall incidents due to excessive
hardness, and roughness and found a significant positive foot-floor slip-resistance were documented [4]. In both
correlation between sole roughness and slip-resistance situations, the older community dwellers were pivoting
[18]. Following a series of studies on the slip-resistance and the slip-resistance from both their shoe soles and the
of various rubber soles on water-wet floors as well as on flooring became too high and resisted the rotation of their
oil-contaminated surfaces and icy surfaces, Manning and lower limb, resulting in a loss of balance. While the slip-
Jones found that to reduce the risks of slips, one should resistance of the shoe soles and that of the flooring might
avoid floor polish where possible and increase the rough- have been acceptable if considered individually, they
ness of new shoe soles by abrading them [35]. They also appeared to be too high when combined. Menz et al. also
suggested that people should be informed of the hazard- reported that during their prospective falls study in older
ous slip-resistance of commercially available footwear on retirement-village residents, four indoor fallers and one
icy footpaths. Further testing showed that a rubber heel outdoor faller perceived their fall to be caused by their
with a bevel of about 10°, which provides a greater contact shoe getting “stuck,” suggesting cases where excessive
area at heel strike than a square rubber heel, offered better slip-resistance might have led to trips and/or loss of bal-
slip-resistance over both dry and wet floor surfaces [75]. ance [41]. Too much friction at the shoe/walking surface
For the wet floor, a tread pattern reduced the lubricating interface may be hazardous to stability for older people
effect of the water at heel contact but showed danger- who have a shuffling gait, such as those with Parkinson
ously low coefficients of friction (COFs) on oily surfaces. disease. For these people, a smooth surface may be desir-
A study by Menz et al. using a similar methodology able because shufflers tend to have a very low toe clear-
confirmed these findings [39]. An Oxford-type shoe (a ance, which may increase the risk of trips when they are
leather shoe with lacing and a low heel) with various heel traversing an irregular or highly slip-resistant surface.
configurations was found to provide safe dynamic COFs In summary, Oxford-type shoes equipped with a
on common dry household surfaces, the beveled heel tread sole and a treaded beveled heel appear to provide
configuration being the most slip-resistant. While dress sufficient slip-resistance for walking over dry and water
shoes with broad heels reached a significantly greater wet surfaces. However, older women should be advised
COF than narrow-heeled ones, overall women’s dress to avoid wearing high-heel dress shoes because, in addi-
shoes could not be considered safe regarding slip-resistance. tion to their known detrimental effects on posture and
Unfortunately, none of the Oxford-type shoes or the dress balance, these shoes do not have a safe COF, even with a
shoes, even when equipped with a patterned sole, had a broad heel. To prevent slips, areas contaminated with
safe COF on wet oil-contaminated surfaces. Using a slip detergent or oil should be avoided and frequently cleaned.
meter, Li and Chen demonstrated that, compared with flat Roughening these surfaces will also offer greater slip
footwear pads, tread grooves about 1.2 cm wide on a resistance. While providing useful information regarding
variety of shoe-soling materials (ethylene-vinyl acetate, the safety of footwear/floor interactions, mechanical fric-
leather, blown rubber, and neolite) provided greater slip- tion testing has some limitations in that it cannot replicate
resistance on a range of surfaces (terrazzo, steel, and human behavior in terms of gait biomechanics and psy-
vinyl), wet or even water-detergent contaminated, because chophysiological factors [99]. For example, prior knowl-
they allowed drainage of the contaminant between the edge of a slippery surface leads to postural and temporal
footwear pad and the floor and decreased the contact area gait adaptations, in turn, lowering the required COF

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

[100]. In addition, COF measurements determined from After 4 weeks of wearing textured foot orthotics in
mechanical testing should be interpreted with caution standardized shoes, 40 healthy women showed that wear-
because of the variety of devices and assessments tech- ing the devices had no significant effects on postural
niques that have been used. Future research should there- sway (anterior-posterior and medial-lateral range of COP
fore focus on evaluating the effect of slip-resistant shoe excursions) during standing with their eyes open or eyes
soles on older people’s stability and risk of slipping while closed or on step width during walking at self-selected
performing challenging motor tasks on various (slippery
speed [87]. In contrast, when wearing textured insoles in
and nonslippery) household and outdoor surfaces. Finally,
their own athletic shoes and without any previous famil-
recommendations provided to older people regarding
iarization, young subjects exhibited similar COP area and
wearing slip-resistant footwear should be adapted to each
individual’s level of functioning, keeping in mind the excursion velocity during quiet standing with eyes open
potential risks of falling associated with excessive slip- and closed, suggesting that extra tactile sensory input
resistance. from the textured insoles has a beneficial effect on pos-
tural control when visual input is inhibited [84]. Vari-
Plantar Sensation Facilitating Insoles ations in the insoles’ textured patterns (1 mm-high nubs
The critical function that plantar cutaneous sensation [87] vs 2.5 mm-high nubs [84]) or in the study design
has on postural control has been well established [101– could account for the conflicting findings between these
103]. Skin mechanoreceptors within the plantar surface studies.
of the foot provide information to the central nervous Hosoda et al. found that, contrary to their hypothesis,
system about body position to induce postural responses wearing “health sandals” (textured insoles with small
[101]. Hence, providing extra tactile sensory input to the projections) versus slippers (with smooth insoles) increased
plantar surface of the feet has the potential to improve latency responses to anterior-posterior perturbations from
balance control. Priplata et al. recorded postural sway in a motorized balance platform in young adults [70]. In
15 young and 12 older people who were standing with contrast, Maki et al. evaluated the effects of facilitating
their eyes closed on vibrating gel-based insoles [47].
plantar sensation on balance control by providing 7 young
Mechanical noise applied to the soles of the feet at a sub-
(mean age: 26 years) and 14 older (mean age: 69 years)
sensory level led to significant reductions in postural
subjects insoles with a raised edge at the plantar surface
sway, more so in older adults whose threshold of tactile
sensitivity would be higher than that of their younger boundaries [34]. Fewer “extra” steps and arm movement
counterparts. Suomi and Koceja evaluated the effects of reactions were noted in older people wearing the modi-
wearing magnetic insoles on balance in 14 healthy young fied insoles when stepping in response to unpredictable
and older adults and reported small but significant reduc- forward perturbations. Older people wearing the modi-
tions in postural sway in the older subjects wearing the fied insoles also maintained a greater margin of stability
magnetic insoles but no changes in young subjects [56]. relative to the posterior border of the base of support dur-
However, the validity of these findings is limited because ing continuous platform perturbations when required to
the subjects were not blinded to the insole conditions and resist the perturbation without stepping.
the texture of the magnetic and nonmagnetic insoles was As concluded by Hijmans et al. [22], the benefits
different. Further, Hinman did not observe any signifi- associated with wearing vibrating insoles [47] or insoles
cant difference in standing or leaning balance in 56 older
that mechanically facilitate plantar tactile sensitivity [34]
community-dwelling people with a history of falls or bal-
are likely to be particularly useful to older people with
ance problems who were wearing either pairs of magnetic
age-related declines in plantar sensitivity or to counteract
insoles (15 magnets with either a Gaussian rating of 3,900
or 12,000 each) or placebo insoles [64]. Considering the the detrimental effects on balance of thick, soft-sole shoes
limited evidence of the beneficial effects of magnetic prescribed to people with ulcers or peripheral neuropathy
insoles on balance and that the mechanisms whereby a [104]. However, these postural control enhancing insoles
magnetic field applied to the plantar surface of the feet may not be easily combined with the orthotic devices that
could affect postural control are unclear, magnetic insoles some older people wear and their long-term effects have
should not be recommended for wear in older people. yet to be demonstrated.

MENANT et al. Footwear, balance, and falls in older people

CONCLUSIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR slipping. Finally, the potential benefits of somatosensory
FUTURE RESEARCH stimulating insoles on postural control should be further
The question raised by the American and British
Geriatrics societies and the American Academy of Ortho-
paedic Surgeons in 2001 [7]—What is the safest foot- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
wear for older people who have fallen or are at risk
of falling?—remains unanswered, despite substantial This material was based on work supported in part by
advances in the field of footwear and falls research. Now the Prevention of Older People’s Injuries, grant 209799
sufficient epidemiological evidence suggests that older from the National Health and Medical Research Council
people should wear appropriately fitted shoes both inside (NHMRC) Partnership Scheme. Hylton B. Menz is cur-
and outside the house, because walking barefoot and in rently an NHMRC Clinical Research Fellow (ID: 433049).
socks indoors are the footwear conditions associated with The authors have declared that no competing interests
the greatest risk of falling. Older people should wear low- exist.
heel shoes because the detrimental effects of high-heel
shoes on posture, balance, and gait are numerous and this
type of footwear is also associated with an increased risk REFERENCES
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