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Tabanan, 11 Desember 2023


HRD Sea Pearl Bali

Denpasar, Bali

I, the undersigned below:

Name : Andika Pratama

ID Number : 7324100208960001

Address : Jl. Mawar Tabanan, Bali

Last education : Diploma

Study program : Automotive Engineering

With this letter, I intend to submit a job application at the company that you lead.

My work experience is as a technician in the field of diving equipment repair, assembling nitrox
mixture panels, and assembling Bauer P2 system air filter panels. Furthermore, for consideration,
I attach several files as follows:

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

2. Last Education

3. Certificate of having worked as a technician at a dive center

4. Scubapro Level 2 technician certification

Best Regards

Andika Pratama

Name : Andika Pratama

Place, Date of Birth : Kertaraharja, August 2 1996

Gender : Male

Nationality : Indonesia

Religion : Hindu

Status : Married

Current Address : Jalan Beji No.17 Bongan Pala, Tabanan, Bali

Mobile : 085394732813

Email :


2002 – 2008 SDN 173 Kertaraharja

2008 – 2011 SMPN 1 Tomoni Timur

2011 – 2014 SMAN 1 East Tomoni

2015 – 2017 DII (BPLE) Denpasar


(*) Assembling a nitrox air mixing system (for diving)

(*) Overhaul birthing compressor (bauer pe 100,200,250,300)

(*) Regulators maintenance (all type Scubapro regulators)

(*) Assemble/install P2 air filter system (Bauer compressor standard)


2015 Maju Mandiri Autoservice Denpasar as Junior Mechanic

2016 Dive Sport Sanur as Junior Technician

2017 – 2020 Dive Sport Outlet Sanur as Chief Technician

2021 – 2022 Addiatama Home Service (Freelance) as a Technician

2. Last Education
3. Certificate of having worked as a technician at a dive center

4. Scubapro Level 2 technician certification

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