Soal Bhs Inggris Kelas XI IPA Lintas Minat

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Question for no 1 to 4

Siti : Why are you looking sad?.

Jane : I was reading an opinion article on bullying. It made me extremely well.
Siti : Ah ! People like to exaggerate things, bullying as such is no big deal.
Jane : No, I don’t think so. Bullying is prevelent in our society. It is important that everyone should
be made aware of this social evil.
Siti : I don’t agree with you, little bit teasing , here are there is acceptable.
Jane : I am of teh opinion that no one has any right to harass or make people feel inferior. No one should
have that kind of power
Siti : Hey stop you are getting too serious!.
Jane : : Yes,,, You should be serious about it is well, I would like to point out of bullying is everyone’s
problem and responsibility. If you condone bullying in any way, shape or form it means you are taking
part in whether it is directly or indirectly by being silent

1. What is happening between Siti and jane?.

2. What kind of conversation are they having?.
3. Whom do you agree with, Jane or Siti?, Why?.
4. Have you witnessed bullying?. Describe how you felt?.
5. Opinion can be expressed in two ways given Personal Point of View and General Point of View, Write
these expression are show two of them!.
6. Write the expressions used to agree and disagree with an opinion!.
Complete the following conversation bellow
7. Buying a new car
a : I think we should buy a new car
b : Why?, our old car is fine and functional
a :......................
b :......................
a :......................
b :......................
8. Banning of Cigarettes.
a: I believe that smoking should be banned
b : I don’t think I agree with you
a :.......................
b : ......................
a :.......................
b :.......................
9. Songs
a : What kind of music do you like?.
b : I like rock and roll.
a : How can you like rock and roll?. It si so loud
b :......................
a :......................
b :......................
Fill in the blanks using the suitable opinion of expression
10. I ............ with you bullying should be banned?.
11. It is all right if you don’t agree with me but I have every right to my ...............
12. As far as I ..........., I will not support bullying in my school
13. I ............that medical care should be free for everyone.
14. Some people ...................eating fish and yogurt at same time couse a severe skin disease.
15. I feel quit ..............about this issue.
Create a simlpe dialogue of your opinion about this 5 topic
16. Do you think education is right or a privilege? Support your opinion with reason and example
17. Dou think conversation of wild is important?. Support your opinion with reason and example
18. Time is important than money. Support your opinion with reason and example
19. Exploitation of natural resources is a major problem in Indonesia. Support your opinion with reason
and example
20. Do you think gaming affects the life of teenager?. Support your opinion with reason and example
Soal bahasa Inggris kls XI IPA lintas minat

Fill the blank with the suitable word (Verb/to be) and than change the sentences into positive
negative and introgatif

1. He always ….to the mosque

2. Ratu …. a teacher
3. We always …. The book in the library.
4. My sister ….. white dress on her wedding
5. The father ….. for the whole family
6. Bobby …… his presentation.
7. Last year I …. To England for holiday
8. Soekarno …. The first president of Indonesia
9. My mother …… fried rice for my birthday party last month
10. He ….. a letter to his friends last Sunday.

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