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(iCneal instructions(please read carefully):
estons paper comprises of 6sections.ABCD &F There are 37 questions in the
paper and all questions are
2. Scction A -Question 1-20compulsory.
- MCOS - I mark each.
SCCion B -Question 21-24 - Verv shot answers -2 marks each(not to exceed -0 Oris)
+. Section C-Question 25-29 -Short ansiwers -3 marks each(not to exceed 60 woras)
5.SeetionD -Question 30-33 - Long answers- 5 marks each(not to excecd 120 Nords)
6. Section E - Question 34-36 are case based questions - 4 marks each
7. Section F -Qucstion 37 is imap based - 5 marks

SECTION - A(lx20 = 20)


Whichof the following is true with reference of Satyagraha?

t ) Itemphasized the muscle power
(3) Itemmphasized the Power of truth
Africa wili: he il01!
{O) GanlhiJi successfully fought the racist regime of South

(a) Only A is true (b) Only B is true

(d) Both B and C are true
ic) Both A and B are true
2. "ho is the author of book "Hind Swaraj"?

() LL. Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Motilal Nchrå (d) Sarojini Naidu
marked as Assertion (A) and
3. In he qucstion given below, there are two statenents
Reason (R) Rcad the statements and choose the correct code
Asserticn (A) Different persoins have different developmental goals.:
Reason (R): Our society consists of both rich and poor people. Thus, der elopmert for
rich pcrsons may not be the developnent for the poor's.

P,t A and R are truc and R is the correct explalation of A

(i) ;-thA and R are truc but R is not the correct cxplanation of A
ic).Ais true but R is false
(d) is lalse but R is true

4. 1dentify the person in ligure given below who also wrote song of Assur

Krishan Gokhale (d)T. Gogo omen:

a)Gopal welaeof of196
(ey Raja-HasiVerna -the rohibition2 t
the Down
5. Sclectthe law enacted b bj
rmarriage actof1955 d) the
laySpecial act of1976 in Sri
Remuneration group
(c)Equal caste Bucdhists
following is a major Sinhalaand Re2On (
ofthe (b
6. Which one Muslim and Sinhala Assertion(4 nd
(a) Tamiland (d)Tamil maked as
and Sinhala statements
(c) Christian there are two code polit:alpares
question givenbelow,
choose the
correct to
democracy isequalinstitutiono!
tne statements and citizens. visible
Read the most ordinary ofthemost
For one
(A): are easily
Assertion PoliticalParties
Reason (R): explanation of A.
democracy. Options the correct
true and R is explanation of A.
and R are the correct
(a) Both A but R is not
and R are true
(b) Both A
R is false.
(c)A is true but
R is true.
(d)A is false but of federation called?
the second category (b)Confederation
8. What is
together federations (d)Subsidiary federation
(a) Binding federation
together ofwork.
(ç) Holding of
that are:
labour signifies, division on the basis ofnature
"Sexual Division emphasizes
9. division
(1)Gender women
Division between men and
(2) division
Caste is the basis of gender and women
the division between men
(4)Work decides (4) (b) (), (2) and (4)
(a) (1),(2),(3) and (d) () and (4) State in India.
(c) (l) and (3) of Centreand
under the legislation
following subjects comes
10. Which one ofthe
a) Education
b) Forest
c) Banking
d) Trade
Modern Forms of money include?
I. What does the
(a) Paper Notes (b) Coins

(c) Demand deposit (d) All of the above

IhvestmcntNC'ss is termed as:
(b) Forcign
(c) Entreprencur's investments
(d) None of the
13.Study the Table givenabovebclow and
Family A B
find the miCssing income of family.
Average Income of families
Income 4000 7000 3000 5000

(a) 7500
(b) 6000
(c) S000 (d) 3500
|4. Arrange the following in the correct
(a) People take loans from banks. sequence:
(b) People make deposits into banks.
(c) Peopleget interests on deposits and make withdrawals.
(d) People repay loan with interest.
(a) I,II,III,IV (b) II,1,|I,IV (c)1,III, |V,II (d)IV,III, I,I
I5. Globalization has led to improvement in living conditions:
(a) Of all the people () Of people in the developed countries
(c) Of workers in the developing countries (d) None of the above
16. Who among the following brought out Bangal Gazette, the first weekly newspaper ?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Gangadhar Bhattacharya
(d) Raja Ranmohan Roy
17. Which of the following is includcd in tertiary sector?
(a) ATM (b)Call Centers
(c) Internet Café (d) All of them
18. The Mundas and Santhal of Chota Nagpur region worship which one of the following trees?
(a) Mahua (b) Mango
(c)Peepal (d) Tamarind
main cause of land degradation in Punjab?
|9, Which of the following is the (b)
(a) Intensivecultivation Deforestation
(c) Over irrigation (d) Overgrazing
leguminous crop?
20, Which of the following is a
(a) Pulses (b) jowar
(c) millets (d) seasamun

SECTION-B( 2x4= 8)
21. What was the reason behind the launch of Non-Corporation movement by (Gandhy?
22. Kesource planning is acomplex process but can't be ignored. Why?
Solar energy has great future in India. Explain with examples.
23. The criteria of development used by UNDP is diferent from the world bank. Give details.
244. Winat steps have been taken in 1992 to strengthen federalism in India

SECTION-C( 3x5 = 15)


25. Describe the economic conditions of India after the first world war.
Gandhi jitook the salt march as an opportunity to unite Hinduand Muslims. Why?
26. Why most of the jute mills located near Hugli river?
27. What is the different ways by which MNCs spread their overseas trade?
28. Now a days Territory sector is being more popular among youth. Why?
29. Explain the features of handwritten manuscript before the age of printing in India

SECTION-D(5x4 = 20)
30. What steps have been taken by the French Revelotories for common identification among people?
Explain the role of Art, Culture and Language in shaping the idea of nationalism European
31. Industry and agriculture move hand in hand, how and why?

"Transport & Communication is the backbone of Economy of any country" Justify sentence.

32. Therc is no democracy without political parties. Why?


What challenges are faced by political parties?

33. Explain the work conditions in organized sector and unorganized sector.

Explain the function of Reserve Bank of India.

SECTION-E(4x3 = 12)

34. Rvadthe source given below and answer the questions that follow.
Ile sk
belwec TOutdistaents arCpartsgoodof of

silkWest-bound Chinesc silktheexampl e

Asa r o ut
l s, over land and bycargoes Tlhe vihame
wor ld. brant 'pesilk ioden lrade and
tlhe Europe and sca, along this Toute, routes ponts cultural
to the liks
Chr i stia n era and nor tlhern kni t ing mportance
Historians bave identilicd
Irelrauvelrn,leprecitheoussamcmetroutals teh,rivased almAfostrica.illTlthehey are knoWII regionsbave cxistedAsa, and inkmy
logct h er
Vst of
culcerttauiralnly exchange always golddid andtextisilver les and spices fifteenthfroncentury. IBut Chinescsincepottery
India and Southeast Asa.
later. Muchtravelled this route to hand. arly Europc Asia, Trade andIn
went hand in flowed from to
several directbefore all this, Asia, as did carly Clristian missionarics almo
of ions through Buddhism Cnergedonfrom casternprcachers
Muslin a few
CXanpl es in te rs ectin g India centunes
Crops to the lands
m1ght share dista nce cult ural
they travelled. Even
points the silk routes, f'oand
exchange. ol
Traders and travellers introducedmay
travelled westcommon origins. Take 'rcady' ew
from China to foodstuff in distant parts ofthe wotll
spaghcti and noodles, It is believed that noodlei
potatoes, Soya, become spagheti. Muny of our commo1 foods súch as
known to ourgroundnuts, maize, tomatoes,
until albout five chilies, sweet potatocS, and so on were
introduccd in Europeancestors
and centurics ago. Thesc foods were only
thevast Asia after
34.1 Define term
that would Jater Christoplher
become knownColumbus
as the accidentally discovercd
34.2 Write down "Silk Route". AmeriCas.
names of some food items that
34.3 Whointroduced by European. werc not known by our ancestors but
discovered America?
35. Read the source given
below and answer thequestions that follow.
We all appreciate the strong
deposits and the substances dependence of industry and agriculture upon mincral
manufactured from them. The total volumc of
mineral deposits is an insignificant lraction i,.c. one per cent of the carth's crust.workable
rapidly consuming mineral resources that required We are
millions of ycars to be created and
concentrated. The geological processes of mineral formation
of replenishment are infinitely small in are so slow that the rates
comparison to the present rates of
non-renewable. Rich mineral consumptiot.
Mineral resources are, therefqre, finite and
our country's extremely valuable but deposits are
ofores leads to increasing costs as mineral possessions. Continucd extraction
with decrease in extraction cómes rom greater depths along
quality. concerted effort has to be made in

resources in aplanned and sustainable manner. Improved order to use our mineral
const:untyevolved to allow use of low grade ores at low costs.technologies need to be
using scrap metals and other substitutes are steps i Recycling of metals,
for the future.
conserving our mineral resources

35.1. Why should we conserve minerals?

35.2. Write down some ways to conserve ninerals.
35.3. Write an example of non- renewable mineral.

36 Rcad the sourcegiven bclow and answer the questions that follow.
Sri Lanka cmerged as an independentcountry in 1948. The leadersof
the Sinbala
community sought to secure dominance over governincnt by virtue of their
result. the democratically elected government adopted aseries of majority. As a
measures to establ1sh Sinlala suprenacy. MA.JORITARIAN
I 1956. an Act was passed to
recognise Sinhala as tlhe only officia! lallguage, tlus
T:nil. The governments followed prelerential policies that favoured Sinhala rnl disregardin:
Drotect andpositions and
foster Buddhism. AIl these
A new
constitution stipulatcd that the statc shail
gradually increased the government
fecling of alicnation among the measures,
of the ajor
political partics lcd Sri Lankancoming
onc after the otlhcr.
and culture. They fclt that the by the Buddhist Sinhala lcaders was scnsitiveThey
fclt that nonc
their language
rights, discriminated against them constitution
and government policics
denicd them cqual
interests. As aresult, the relations between getting jobs and other political
(me. opportunities
the Sinhala and Tamil and ignorcd ther
comniunities straincd over
30.). WIhen did Sinhala
recognized as the only offcial language of Sri Lanka?
36.2. Define the
36.3. What was the result of
Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka?

SECTION-F (2+3=5)
37. () placcs A & B have bcen marked on the Given Qutline Map of India. Identify them and write
their correct name on the line drawn near them. A, Indian National Congress Session lhcld
at this place in 1927.
B. The place from where Gandlhi ji called off Non Cooperation Movcment in l1922. (b)
On the same utline Map of India locate and label any THREE of the following with
suitable Symbols.
A. Narora Atomic Power Station.
B. Sardar Sarovar Dam.
C. Pune Software Technology Park
D. Kandla Port

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