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Oral Communication in Context


This module uses ORAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT for Senior High School by
Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos. All rights reserved to the author.
No right infringement intended.

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Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 3:


We are going to continue discussing the fundamentals of
communication. Today we will focus on the Models and
Barriers of Communication. To spice up our day, make sure to
answer the pre-test. Good luck!

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

- Differentiates the various models of communication.

- Give examples of barriers to communication and;

- Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown

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Oral Communication in Context

On our last module, we discuss about the

process, elements and functions of
communication. Knowing this three basics, will
lead to a better communication skills.



Directions: Write at least 10 words that you can think or relate to the word communication.


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Oral Communication in Context

If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly
clear idea of what was going on.
- Alfred Hitchcock
This lesson will serves as a stepping stone in becoming a better communicator. We will
discuss the different models of communication that will help you flourish your
communication skills and various strategies to overcome the communication barriers.


1. Shannon-Weaver Model

It is known as the mother of all communication models, this model depicts communication as a

linear or one way process consisting of five elements;

1. Source- producer of message

2. Transmitter- encoder of message into signal
3. Channel- signals adapted for transmission
4. Receiver- decoder of the message from the signal
5. Destination- receiver of the message

This model, however, has been criticized for missing one

essential element in the communication process. Which is the
“FEEDBACK”. Without feedback, the speaker will not know
whether the receiver understand the message or not. Below is the
picture of Shannon-Weaver model.

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Oral Communication in Context

Fig 1. Shannon-Weaver Model

2. Transaction Model

Two- way process of communication.

Unlike the Shannon-Weaver model, which is

one-way. The transaction model is a two-way
process with the inclusion of feedback as one
element. Which means, you would know if the
other person understood your message.

Fig 2. Transaction Model

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Oral Communication in Context

There are instances when miscommunication and misunderstanding occur because of a

certain Barriers. To become an effective communicator, you should recognize, these barriers that

hinder the communication process. This will enable you to

control the situation, reset conditions, and start anew. The table

below presents some barriers to effective communication with

corresponding solutions.

Emotional barriers are mental walls that keep you from

openly communicating your thoughts and feelings to others.

 To resolve these kind of emotions, politely ask the

other person to give you a moment so you can relax or calm


Use of jargon are the use of unfamiliar words that breaks

the communication.

 To avoid communication breakdown due to lack of

clarity, adjust your language; use layman’s term.

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Oral Communication in Context

Lack of Confidence can be a major barrier to effective

communication. Shyness, can hinder your ability to make your

needs and opinions known.

 Look for opportunities in your school or community that

will help you find your strengths and improve your abilities.

Environmental noise is a noise that physically disrupts

communication, such as very loud speakers or unnecessary

 Recognize that noise is a common barrier. Make some

adjustments by looking for a quiet place area where you can
resume the conversation or ask the someone to minimize the

You nailed it! You are now in the part where we are going
to check your understanding of the lesson.

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Oral Communication in Context

Activity 1A:
Directions: Study the diagram below and answer the questions below. It represents the Schramm
model (Schramm (19954) modified Shannon-Weaver Model). (20 points)

1. What has Schramm added to the Shannon-Weaver model?

2. Is the modified version of Shannon-Weaver model more comprehensive? Why do you think
3. How is it different or similar to the Transaction model?
4. What do you think is the most comprehensive communication model? Why?

Activity 1B:
Directions: Choose a favorite movie scene, TV series, or musical play that shows one or two
barriers of communication. For at least ten (10) sentences, explain how the characters overcome
those barriers. (20 points)

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Oral Communication in Context


Answer the question below in ten (10) sentences:

Why is it important to know how to overcome the barriers of communication?


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