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Appetite Suppressant Therapy

Transformations offers behavioral therapy using a

regimen of medication coupled with nutritional and
physical activity counselling. The use of prescription
appetite suppressants can create a window of time
where instituting actual regular healthy diet habits can
become more achievable. Throughout the treatment,
patients are provided with an individual diet plan and
exercise regimen which includes weekly meal planning
and exercise routines designed by Transformations'
weight Loss Coaches.

Medication consists of three combined medications.

(Phentermine HCl 37.5mg, Chromium Picolinate
200mg, and Furosemide 20mg)

Phentermine HCl 37.5mg (Adipex)

Phentermine is structurally similar to amphetamine
and modulates noradrenergic neurotransmission to
decrease appetite; however, it has little or no effect on
dopaminergic neurotransmission, which decreases its
potential for abuse. The use of phentermine as a single
agent is usually limited by an intolerance to its
stimulatory activity.

How Phentermine Works

This weight loss drug is classified as anorectic— an
agent that diminishes a person's appetite.
Phentermine stimulates the release of brain chemicals
that will manipulate your mind to curb your appetite,
so you feel full and eat less. Your calorie intake can be
minimized by the drug's ability to reduce the
absorption of things like starch and fat by the body, so
they are not metabolized. The slimming drug is used
alongside a diet and exercise program specifically
designed for you by your doctor to keep the pounds
off. The diet pill should also be an addition to an overall
weight-loss plan if you're several pounds above your
normal target weight, says the Mayo Clinic.

According to the National Library of Medicine,

phentermine's primary mode of action is that of a
sympathomimetic amine, meaning that it increases the
body's release of catecholamines, specifically,
epinephrine and norepinephrine, and possibly
dopamine, as well. These catecholamines cause a
decrease in appetite and an increase in energy
expenditure by their influence on a variety of
neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Quite simply,
when you are taking phentermine, you tend to feel less
hungry but more energetic and alert. Increased energy
expenditure will burn more calories. Weight loss
results from a combination of these influences.

How much weight you will lose varies from person to

person and depends on a number of factors: the diet
that you follow, the drug dosage taken, your starting
weight, your gender and any number of other genetic
and environmental variables. Most Transformations
patients that follow the Transformations Diet and
Exercise plan lose between 1-4 pounds per week on
our medication regimen.

Topiramate (Topamax)
Topamax is the brand name of a generic medication
called topiramate. It’s an anticonvulsant medication
that’s used to treat conditions like epilepsy, migraine
headaches, and alcohol use disorder. Topamax is great
for treating conditions like this, but many people who
take it will experience weight loss as a main side effect.
How Does it Work
Topamax causes weight loss because it affects the
appetite. People who take it and have a reduced
appetite may feel hungry less often and eat less
because of this. Studies have shown that Topamax may
also speed up metabolism, which means that the body
would be digesting food quicker than normal.

Chromium Picolinate
Chromium is a mineral that exists in several forms.
This safe form, trivalent chromium, is typically
considered essential, meaning that it must be obtained
from the diet. Chromium Picolinate serves several
important functions in the body. It is part of a
molecule called chromodulin, which helps the
hormone insulin perform its actions in the body.

Insulin, a molecule released by the pancreas, is

important in your body’s processing of carbs, fat and
protein. Interestingly, the absorption of chromium in
the intestines is very low, with less than 2.5% of
ingested chromium being absorbed. However,
chromium picolinate is an alternate form of chromium
that is absorbed better. Chromium picolinate is the
mineral chromium attached to three molecules of
picolinic acid.

In healthy people, the hormone insulin has an

important role in signaling the body to bring blood
sugar into the cells of the body. In people with
diabetes, there are problems with the body’s normal
response to insulin. Several studies have indicated
that taking chromium supplements can improve blood
sugar for those with diabetes. Studies show that 16
weeks of 200 µg/day of chromium was able to lower
blood sugar and insulin while improving the body’s
response to insulin. Other research has shown that
those with higher blood sugar and lower insulin
sensitivity may respond better to chromium

In an 8-week study, 1,000 µg/day of chromium (in the

form of chromium picolinate) reduced food intake,
hunger and cravings in healthy overweight women.
The researchers reported that the effects of
chromium on the brain may have produced these
effects. Other research has examined people with
binge-eating disorder or depression, as these groups
could potentially benefit the most from suppressing
cravings or hunger. An 8-week study assigned 113
people with depression to receive either 600 µg/day of
chromium in the form of chromium picolinate or a
placebo. The researchers found that appetite and
cravings were reduced with chromium picolinate
supplements, compared to the placebo. Additionally, a
small study observed possible benefits in people
suffering from binge-eating disorder. Specifically,
doses of 600 to 1,000 µg/day may have led to
reductions in the frequency of binge eating episodes
and symptoms of depression.

Furosemide (Lasix)
Getting rid of excess moisture - the way to good health
and weight loss! For this purpose, special drinks and
enemas are used, but Furosemide (Lasix) is the best
choice. The drug is a diuretic, that is, it belongs to the
diuretic group (it increases the rate of urine
formation). As soon as the body leaves excess
moisture, hips, buttocks and waist are pulled up - the
so-called "problematic" places. Diuretics help to
quickly and effectively cope with the removal of water
from the cells. This is the best method of express
slimming for the lazy and busy. The main active
substance of the diuretic is furosemide (40mg).

Diuretic is not a miracle cure, permanently rid of old

fatty deposits. This takes more than one month, and
regular weight loss on a diuretic is undesirable.
Specialists recommend using the method only in
emergency situations.

Furosemide (Lasix) as a remedy for weight loss is ideal

for strong health. Before applying "shock therapy" you
should perform a complete examination of the body.
This will help to avoid the negative consequences of
rapid weight loss.

After a single dose of a diuretic, it is advisable to listen

to the body. Since the drug affects all organs and
systems, even a slight violation of the rhythm of the
heart, problems with sleep and constant fatigue should
serve as an excuse for refusing "diuretic" weight loss.

Working on losing weight with a diuretic, you need to

exclude salt from the diet, otherwise dehydration may
occur. In this case, the amount of water consumed per
day (tea and juice does not count) should be 2-3 liters.

Since along with kilograms and volumes during the

intake of a diuretic, valuable substances are excreted
from the body, the vitamin complex should be used in
parallel. So it will be possible to replenish supplies of
calcium, potassium, etc.


Diet Medication
Phentermine HCL 37.5mg, Chromium Picolinate 200mg,
Furosemide HCL 40

30 Day Prescription
Includes consultation with weight loss coach and

60 Day Prescription
Includes consultation with weight loss coach and

Diet Medication XL
Phentermine HCL 37.5mg, Topiramate 50mg, Chromium
Picolinate 200mg, Furosemide HCL 40

30 Day Prescription
Includes consultation with weight loss coach and

60 Day Prescription
Includes consultation with weight loss coach and

For more information call 1-833-diet-mds

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