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Multidiscplinary Modeling and Design

of a Space System
John T. Tester, David G. Robinson
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433

Abstract 1. System mass (SM)

2. Optical mean tracking error (MTE)
A concurrent engineering approach is applied t o the 3. Inverse of the light intensity upon the tletcct.or
design of a la.rge flexible space structure. A full sys- (IW model is developed using bond graphs incorpo- 4. Signal-to-noise ratio of light inknsity at the
rating orbital and ballistic dynamics, controls, optics tor (IVR)
and vibra.tion a.nalyses. Design of experiments tech-
niques used to analyze the entire system and de- MTE is simply the misalignment of the satellite’s
t,eriiiine the optimum set of design parameters . optical axis with respect to the target missile location.
I. DESIGN OBJECTIVE The ILI is the inverse of the light image intsensity
The goal of this effort was to apply the systems produced on the satellite’s detector plate. The I V l t
engineering pa.ra.digm to the modeling and design of is an attempt to capture the “blurriness” of a n I I i l i l g e
a. la.rge flexible space structure [2]. The objective of by dividing the intensity of the light image h j Llic
t,he design effort involved the simultaneous design of variance of the ray trace positions on tlic detector
the control algorithm, structural characteristics and plate for each time increment.
opt,ic.iI,l geoii1et.r.y. Tlie system size and mass were 11. SYSTEM MODELING
limited by current space shuttle caapabilities. The The behavior of the satellite was siiniilated liy cre-
sat.ellik was required to track the missile plume of an
ating and manipulating a computer model of the coiii-
ICBM with minimum line of site error and transmit plete system. The system model was actually coni-
tlie position da.ta to earth. posed of six sub-models, all of which were int#ricately
’l’lic first phase of the design effort involved the se- coupled and simultaneously exercised throughout, the
lect,ion of a preliminary configuration and the identifi- design process. These models simulated the sat.ellik
cation of performance objectives and measures upon flexible structure, the optical imaging system, t.lie 1110-
which to decisions. Preliminary design results mentum wheel controlling subsystem, the t,ai
suggested a cassegrainain optical system mounted in bit and the satellite orbit chara.cterist.ics. Encli s i i h -
a. large tetrahedron support structure. Control was model was developed a.t two levels. Very d ~ t ~ i ~ i l d
t.o hc provided via momentum wheels. System engi- models were developed using eit.lier soft.wnrc rle\.el-
neering t.echniques were used to form specific perfor- oped by the engineering tea.m or csisting soft.\vai.c
nji>.iic(:objcct,ives and measures. This problem defi- packages such as NASTRAN. In parallel with 1.liese
nition process identified the design variables required efforts, reduced order models were developcd using
for the si1bsystem and system simulation models. bond graphs. This second effort was of t.renientlous
To accomplish the requirements listed above, the benefit during the design process. Increased coiiiiiiii-
follou~ingobjectives were established: nication among team members resiilted along wit11
1 .Minimize inass increased efficiency of analysis a.s a result, of iisiiig a
2. R4 mi z e i in a ge quality common modeling language. T l i e cfl‘ect, ol‘ tlcvelol>-
3.R4ininiize blurring ing bond graph models for the s u b s y s k m s was t.lie
4.Rlasiinize power to detector plate relatively easy development of a model of t.lic ci1t.ii.e
5.A4 i 11i mi ze t ra.cking error system. The bond graph software !LNl’OR,‘I’ [5] was
used to build and exercise the resulting s y s k m itiotlel.
‘ 1 7 1 as\ociat
~ cd performance measures were defined: This model is depicted in its entire1.y iii t.lie figiirc

CH3051-0/91/0000-0446 $1.00 0 1991 IEEE

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below. Each of the subsystem models are briefly dis- Satellite Rigid Body Rotation Model- The satellite’s
cussed i n the following. rotation about its center of mass was modeled inde-
pendently of the vibrations and the orbital model.
Structural Model - A structure was necessary to con- The bond graph, located lower-center in the figure be-
nect the optical subsystem to the controllers. This low, has no linear, translational mass inertance; only
structrire was a flexible beam tetrahedron assembly. rotational mass inertia is necessary for the applica-
The structure had mass and inertia, as did the op- tion of momentum wheel controllers.
tical system and the momentum wheel controllers.
Torque inputs to the frame were transmitted to the Satellite Orbital Model - The satellite orbit(a1 inodel
optical system to keep it aligned with the missile im- is used t o provide the position of the satellite i n in-
age; unfortunantly, these inputs also produce struc- ertial space. The only force acting on the satellite
tural vibrations in the beams. These vibrations dis- is that of gravity (Note: the torque input from the
place the optical system, thus misaligning the image momentum wheel controllers changes the orientation
on the optical axis. The vibration was modeled us- of the satellite, not the orbit position). The model
ing modal analysis techniques and implemented using requires an initial condition for the orbital altitude:
hond graphs. The structural vibrations/modal bond anywhere from low-earth to geosynchronoiis orbit.
graph is the dominant portion of the upper-right por- The bond graph is located above t,he hallistic mis-
tion of the figure. sile portion of the bond graph.

Opt.ical Rlodcl - Much of the total system perfor- Controls Model- The satellite attitude was cont3rolled
iiiaiicc i l l formation was obtained through the optical via three momentum wheel controllers. h4omentuln
sii1,systein model. The purpose of this system was wheels provide the torque input to the system to pro-
to focus Ilie light of the missile image onto an image duce rotation of the satellite about its physical, prin-
plane, where a. light-sensitive detector plate was lo- cipal axes. This motion allows the satellite’s telescope
cat.ed. ‘The optical simulation utilized exact ray trac- to remain centered on the target image during the
ing t.echniques [l], and is a FORTRAN subroutine missile launch. The momentum wheels were modeled
wit.hin t.hc bond graph (labeled O P T in the figure). as three rigid rotating masses, attached to each of the
A t,arget missile is represented as a moving point satellite’s base spars. The controls model is not a sin-
source of light. A perfect image occurs when all the gle bond graph; instead, it is represented by the threc
(.raced rays converge to a single point on the detector. torque inputs and connections off each 0-junct.ion i n
I f tlerociis or off-axis abberations occur, the rays will the rigid body rotation model.
not, convcrgc, yielding a scatter of points on the two-
tlimcnsional detector plate. The positions of these System Model- The subsystem models were iiite-
point,s at, a given instant of time are captured in the grated into a single system model. This system in-
simiilation for the calculation of MTE. cluded not only the satellite’s subsystems, but that
A second aspect of the optical model was the mea- of its orbit and the missile ballistic niodel as well.
surcment. of the light intensity sensed on the detector The development of the system model had a num-
plat,e. The light intensity, used to estimate ILI, ber of benefits. First, the development process itself
\t‘iis niat.lieinatically calculated in a part of the opti- increased communication flow a.mong tea.m members.
cal motlcl sepa.ra.t,efrom the ray tracing portion. IVR A common language was availa.ble which incrcasetl er-
iisctl ray tra.ce and image intensity results in its ficiency; engineers were discussing int.eract,ioil i n tlis-
c;ilciilat ion. cipline neutral terms (power a.nd flow rat.lier t # l i a i i
loads, temperature, velocit,y or current). This L’C-
Alissilc Model - The missile dynamics model suiting system model a.llowed the engineers t.o;e
siiiiiilat.cs t.he launch ofa two stage Titan I11 mis- an objective view of importance of their subsyst,eni
sile. T h e simulation starts at launch and ends at modeling and design efforts on the overall s y s h i i de-
second s h g e burnout as only the boost portion of sign effort. ‘Extraneous’ modeling and ana.lysis were
t,he missile launch is of interest. This model is based greatly reduced. Bond graphs allows the system en-
on t,he assumption of only two forces acting on the gineer to literally see where these manipula.tions take
missile: gra.vity and thrust and uses bond graphs to place and investigate the subsystems intera.ct,ions i n
iniplement free body dynamics principles. The mis- a logical manner. Synergistic effects are captured t,o
sile honti graph is in the lower-left portion of figure an extent not possible when modeling at the siihsys-
11el o\\, . tem level and the result is that opt,imizat,ion can be
accomplished a t the system level.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Tennessee Technological University. Downloaded on April 07,2022 at 15:32:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ameter. These variables were optimal for the system
I Design Variables I Optimum I performance at values close to their minimums.
I Orbit radius I 9.723.840 meters I The above activity concluded one complete design
Settlin,g time I 1 second iteration for the satellite. Clearly, more refinement
Beam diameter I 5 centimeters is in order, following along the same procedure of
Primary mirror diameter 1.5352 meters simulation, data collection, optimization and results
Performance Measures O D t i m u m analysis. Many assumptions were made during the
research that were not mentioned in this article. For
AlTE -.39158
example, all performance measures were equally con-
ILI -.8003774
sidered in the optimization process; yet, in an orbital
IVR 2.0269969 system, mass is clearly of top priority early in the
SA4 -.7119192 design process.
Obviously, more detailed analysis and modeling
will have t o be accomplished, but a strong framework
111. O P T I M I Z A T I O N has been established to support future efforts.
A methodical approach was needed to arrive a t the
optimal values for the system design. A design of ex- V. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
periemen ts (DOE) technique involving response sur- The authors would like t o thank the students a n d fac-
face methodology (RSM) was selected. The system ulty of the AFIT System Engineering graduate pro-
compr~tersimulation had 4 design variables. These gram who also participated in this research: Capt,ain
were determined after examining the original 23 vari- Brian Cassiday, Captain Steve Gaines, Captain L a r r y
ables, 4 performance measures, and the interaction Gatschet, Captain Mario Moya, Dr. Brad Lielist, a n d
matrices produced from an interpretive structural Dr. Curt Spenny.
modeling analysis [3]. The RSM central composite
design required 25 variable value settings for the data References
collection process. This data was fitted t o a sec-
ond order, multiresponse, empirical math model us-
[l] Briggs, Hugh C. and others. Integrated Con-
ing A NOVA techiniques. Lastly, the empirical model t rol/St m ct ures/Op t ics D y n a m a c Pe rjo rm n n ce
was simultaneously optimized over the design space Modeling of a Segmented Reflector Telescope.
through the use of a statistical distance function [4]. Prepublished report. Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
The bond graph system model allowed the system- Pasadena, CA. No date.
a t i c change of variables values. The basic system
model i n ENPORT stayed the same; only the values [2] Cassiday, B. K., Gaines 11, S. O., Gat,schet,
w i t h i n its framework were altered for each simulation L. L., Moya, M. N., and Tester, J . T. M i / / -
run. tidisciplinary Modeling and Desagn os a S p c e
Structure. MS Thesis, AFIT/GSE/ENY/SlD-l.
IV. R E S U L T S School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of
The optimal design settings and performance re- Technology (AU), Wright-Patterson AFB OH,
sults are listed in the above table. The performance December 1991.
results are listed in unitless values, since the opti-
miza t,ion process used standardized design variable [3] Hill, Douglas J . and Warfield, John N. Unzfied
Program Planning IEEE Trans. Systems, M a n ,
settings and outputs.
and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-2 No 5 November
The relatively low earth orbit reflects the need for
the shortmestpractical distance between the missile
a n d the sat,ellit,e. This need is due to the maximiza- [4] Khuri, A. I., and Conlon, M., “Simultaneous 01,-
t,ion of light incident upon the detector plate. The timization of Multiple Responses Represented by
earlier regression analysis proved the time response Polynomial Regression Functions,’’ Technomet-
was a significant factor only in the MTE. Similarly, rics, Vol 23, No. 4, Nov 1981.
the beam diameter was a significant factor in only
the syst.em mass, which was also minimized. These [5] ROSENCODE Associates, Inc., The ENPORT
two isolated design variables were therefore driven to Quick Guide. Copyright (c) 1987, by ROSEN-
t,lieir minimum values. The only two design variables CODE Associates, Inc.
which truely coupled in the optimization process were
t,lierefore the orbit radius and the primary mirror di-


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i I

Figure 1: Total System Model


Authorized licensed use limited to: Tennessee Technological University. Downloaded on April 07,2022 at 15:32:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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