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Topic One About me

Lesson 01
I like collecting coins.
What about you?

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(2 mins)
Warm up
Look and read.
Hi there! Nice to meet
I’m Stacy and
you! My name is Jerry! Hello, My name
this is my best
I’m from Shenzhen. I’m Lynn. is Will.
How are you? friend Penny. Hello!
Would you like to
You can call me
meet my friends? Grandpa John.

TI: Introduce the characters to S.
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(2 mins)

What does Jerry

like doing? What
about Stacy?

Open video file Junior Free Talk II – Lesson 1

TI: Have S watch the video and answer the questions. 3
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(3 mins)
Let’s talk
Role play.
1 I like collecting coins.
What about you?
2 I like collecting
coins, too! How many 3 I have 39 different
coins do you have? coins. What about you?
4 I have 31 coins.

collect v.收集
coin n.硬币

TI: Role play with S twice. 4
Let’s talk (2 mins)
Look and answer.

Bill Hobbies:
This is Will. He likes making
model planes(飞机模型).

1. What about Bill?

2. What about you?

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TI: Have S answer the questions. Edit the answers. 5
Let’s talk (2 mins)
Look and answer.

Bill 1. How many model planes
does Will have?
Will has … different
model planes(飞机模型).

2. How many shells

does Bill have?

3. What about you?

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TI: Have S answer the questions. Edit the answers. 6
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Let’s talk (3 mins)

Role play.

I like making crafts in my

free time. What about you?

Me too! But I’m still new to this. I don’t

know how to make a paper lantern.

Me either. Maybe we
can learn together.

craft n.手工
Good idea!
lantern n.灯笼

TI: Role play with S twice. 7
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(2 mins)
Let’s talk
Read and answer.

Lynn likes cooking.

What about Penny?
Penny likes cooking, too.

Lynn doesn’t like math.

What about Will?
Will doesn’t like math, either.

too 也(肯定)
either 也(否定)

TI: Have S read the examples. 8
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(3 mins)
Let’s talk
Read and answer.

Will doesn’t like playing football.

What about Penny?

Penny likes collecting colorful ties.

What about Will?

Lynn doesn’t like rainy days.

What about Will?

TI: Have S answer the questions. Find the answers on the next page. 9
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Let’s talk

Will doesn’t like playing football.

What about Penny?
Penny doesn’t like playing football, either.

Penny likes collecting colorful ties.

What about Will?
Will likes collecting colorful ties, too.

Lynn doesn’t like rainy days.

What about Will?
Will doesn’t like rainy days, either.

TI: Check the answers with S. 10
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(3 mins)
Let’s talk
Talk about yourself. 聊聊你自己。

John: In my free time, I like collecting stamps and playing chess.

What about you? Do you like playing chess, too?
You: …
John: What do you like doing then?
You: I like … I can … I usually … But I don’t like …
What about you?
John: I don’t like it, either! I think it’s boring.

TI: Role play the dialog with S and have S talk about himself / herself. 11
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(3 mins)
Use the hints to talk about the picture. 根据提示聊聊这张图。

hobbies? ? ? What are

爱好 they
I can make Me too!
emotions? lanterns. What
情绪 can they

relationships? What
人物关系 holiday
? ? is it?

TI: Encourage S to talk as much as possible. Elicit answers. 12
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(1 min)
Let’s review

Words 单词 Sentences 句子
collect v.收集 • What’s your hobby?
coin n.硬币
• I like … What about you?
craft n.手工
• Me too.
lantern n.灯笼
• I don’t … What about you?
too 也(肯定)
• Me either.
either 也(否定)

TI: Review the words and sentences with S. 13
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After class
Everyone is different.
Lynn loves skating.
We have different hobbies.
We like different things.
Differences make us unique.
Will likes playing volleyball.
Jerry likes performing on stage. 让我们变得独特。

TI: Read the sentences to S. 14
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See you
next lesson!

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