GAD Mandates, Preparation of GAD Plan, and Budget

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GAD Mandates

and Legal Basis

Policies and Imperatives for
GAD Planning and Budgeting

Mandates or legal basis:

• RA 7192 – Women in
Development and Nation
Building Act
• General Appropriations Act
Joint Circular 2004-1
• RA 9710 – Magna Carta of
Women Act of 2009

• DBM, NEDA and PCW Joint

Circular 2012-1


Joint Memorandum Circular

• CMO No. 01, series of 2015

RA 7192 – Women in Development
and Nation Building Act
All government departments shall ensure
that women benefit equally and participates
directly in the development programs and
projects... Specifically those funded under
official foreign development assistance, to
ensure the full participation and involvement
of women in the development process.
General Appropriations Act
Section 28 of the 1998 General Appropriations Act
(RA 8522) and the Local Budget Memo No. 28 dated 15
June 1997 are the legal basis of the GAD budget.

They direct all government agencies to formulate

GAD plan, the cost of which shall not be less than 5% of
their yearly budget.

All departments including their attached agencies,

offices, bureaus, SUCs, GOCCs, LGUs and other
instrumentalities shall formulate a GAD plan designed
to empower women and address gender issues.
Circular No. 2004-1
Agencies shall formulate their annual GAD budget
within the context of their mandated plans and
programs... Geared towards the achievement of the
desired outcomes and goals as idenfitified in the
Framework Plan for Women (FPW), Philippine Plan for
Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD), the Beijing
Platform for Action (BPfA) and the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
Women (CEDAW) shall serve as key documents to guide
the preparation of the agency annual GAD plan and
RA 9710 - Magna Carta of Women (MCW)
All government departments, including their
attached agencies, offices, bureaus, state
universities and colleges, government - owned
and controlled corporations, local government
units and all other government instrumentalities
shall adopt gender mainstreaming as a strategy
to promote women’s human rights and eliminate
gender discrimination in their systems,
structures, policies, programs, processes and
Magna Carta of Women

- protection from all forms of violence,

- protection and security in times of disasters,
calamities and other crisis situation,

- equal assess and elimination of discrimination

against women in education, scholarship and
- revising educational materials and curriculum
to remove gender stereotypes and images;
- outlawing the expulsion, non-readmission, prohibit
enrolment and other related discrimination against
women student and faculty due to pregnancy
outside of marriage.
Coverage of the MCW-IRR

- National Government Agencies

- Government bodies, instrumentalities, including
Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations
- Local Government Units
- Private and State Universities and Colleges
- Private and Public Schools
- Equivalent units in the autonomous regions
- Private entities

Memorandum Circular 2012-1
Guidelines for the Preparation of the
Annual Gender and Development (GAD)
Plan and Budget and Accomplishment
Report to Implement the Magna Carta of
Memorandum Circular 2013-1

CMO No. 01, series of 2015

Establishing the Policies and

Guidelines on Gender and
Development in the Commission
on Higher Education and Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs)
Planning and

What is gender mainstreaming?

- a set of process and strategies that calls for
government to recognize gender issues on a
sustained basis.

- a strategy to integrate women’s and men’s

concerns and experiences into the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
policies, programs and projects in all
political, economic and social agenda.
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
1. Concientization
- gender mainstreaming is a transformative
process which begins with raising
consciousness about women’s subordinative
and differential roles that male and female play
because of gender role definitions.

- a realization that most if not all of women’s

personal problems are cause by
institutionalized patterns of discrimination
and marginalization, and not by personal
GAD Orientation Program
for the Internal Clients

Faculty and Staff Members Students

GAD Orientation Program
for the External

Pililla, Rizal Tanay, Rizal Taytay, Rizal

Livelihood and
Skills Training
Program with
Sisters of The
Poor in
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
2. Advocacy
- The process of creating support, strengthening
that support through consensus building,
fostering a favorable climate and a supportive
or enabling environment.

Methods of Action:
a. Start with recognizing that GAD concerns are
widespread issues that need to be addressed
by oneself, the organization and the
community. You cannot be an advocate if you
do not believe in the issue.
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
Methods of Action:

b. Apply GAD principles in your own household,

in your organization and in the community;

c. Plan for the conduct of GAD assesment using

GAD Analysis Tool;

d. Use the result of the GAD analytical tool as

take-off point of the GAD advocacy; and

e. Prepare the advocacy plan.

Women’s Day/Month Celebration
Observance of the 18 - day
Campaign to End Violence Against
Women Celebration
GAD Advocacy Programs and
Activities for Students

Participated by the
constituents of the
Academic and Skills Competition

On the Spot
Slogan Making
On the Spot
Poetry and
On the Spot

Encouraging more female students to participate in

various GAD PPAs that are of critical significance
to their self-reliance and development.
Facilities and Materials

The Regional GAD Resource Center

housed in URS Morong
Gender - related
reading materials
for information
and advocacy
Books, Pamphlets,
Video Tapes and
Information Kit

GAD Bulletin Board

of Information
Provide supplemental
care for young children
with early childhood
enrichment program,
social play, arts
appreciation and other
creative activities
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
3. Capability Building
- activities that enable the individual GAD
advocate/focal point to develop specializations
that will help her/him facilitate the attainment of
gender equity.

Training themes include:

a. Personal Effectiveness;
b. Leadership Training;
c. Interpersonal Communication;
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
Training themes include:
d. Gender Sensitivity Training;

e. Gender Mainstreaming;

f. Gender-Responsive Planning, Budgeting,

Monitoring and Evaluation;
g. Gender Analysis and Related Tools
- HGDG, GMEF and GERL ka ba?
h. others
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
4. Capacity Building
- activities that enable the organization to
address gender issues and concerns in all
aspects of its work.

5. Operationalization
- Explicit integration of GAD concerns in all
aspects of the organization and phases of
the project cycle
- GAD multi-sectoral team
Six Processes of Gender Mainstreaming:
- Alliance building and trainers’ pool

- Resource mobilization, recognition and

rewarding of good/best practices

6. Institutionalization
- To pursue gender mainstreaming as a
strategy to implement the MCW, LGUs/
agencies shall ensure that the following
mechanisms and processes are in place:
Institutionalization includes the following:
a. Creation and strengthening of the
GAD Focal Point System (GFPS)
b. Establishment and maintenance
of GAD database
c. GAD Planning and budgeting (allocate
adequate budget and sufficient logistics)
d. Mainstreaming gender perspective
in local development plans
e. Formulation/enhancement and implementation
of the GAD Code/ CODI, etc.
f. Conduct of gender audit for continuous
PCW (Philippine Commission on
Women) Memo Circular 2011-01

Guidelines for the Creation,

Strengthening and Institutionalization
of the Gender and Development (GAD)
Focal Point System
(Based on Sec. 37-C of MCW, IRR)
General Guidelines
1. The GAD Focal Point System (FPS) is the
mechanism for catalizing and accelerating gender
mainstreaming in the agency towards gender
equality and women’s empowerment.

2. Heads of agencies shall issue appropriate

directives to institutionalize the creation of
the GFPS in their respective agencies.

3. Agencies with existing GFPS or similar

mechanisms shall reconstitute and strengthen
the said mechanisms.
General Guidelines
4. Agencies shall conduct periodic monitoring
and evaluation of their GFPS and take
measures to address issues hindering the
performance of their functions.

5. Funds shall be allocated for PPAs to support

the organization, management and operations
of the GFPS.
General Rules and Functions

1. Lead in gender mainstreaming in the agency.

2. Lead the preparation of GAD Plan and Budget

and consolidation of GAD Accomplishment
3. Assist in the formulation of or recommend new
policies to support GAD.

4. Lead in setting up appropriate systems and

General Rules and Functions
5. Coordinate with other offices on gender
6. Lead in monitoring implementation of GAD
policies and GAD Plans and Budget.

7. Take measure to involve women or women’s

group in development planning cycle,
especially the marginalized groups.
8. Recommend capability development programs
and ensure that agency personnel are
capacitated on GAD.
GAD Focal Point System Composition
Department Secretary;
Bureau Directors; Chair
of Commissions, etc

Existing Agency EXECOM

or highest policy making
body to be headed by the
USEC OR Equivalent
positions as may be
designated by the agency

Planning, Finance, HRD,

Senior technical Officers
from operations units, Stat
or MIS (may be modified
in the Regional and SUC

May follow the structure of

mother agency or at least
have a TWG headed by the
Director or equivalent
URS GAD Focal Point System Organizational Structure

University President

Vice President for Vice President, Research Development, Vice President for
Admin and Finance Extension and Production Academic Affairs

Campus and Office

Finance, Budget, Planning
Head, University Gender and Directors, Deans, Prog. Heads
HRM and other Offices Development (GAD) Committee and Coordinators


Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
and and and and and and and and and and
Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members
Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committeee
Angono Antipolo Binangonan Cainta Cardona Morong Pililla Rodriguez Tanay Taytay
Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus Campus

Faculty, Staff, Students, Partner Agencies and other Clients

Roles and Functions of the URS
GAD Focal Point System

The University President serves as the Chairperson of the

GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) shall:

a. Issue policies or other directives that support GAD main-

streaming in the plans, programs, projects and activities,
budget, systems and procedures of the university
including the creation, strengthening, modification or
reconstitution of the GFPS; and

b. Approve the GAD plan, program and budget of the

university as duly endorsed by the Vice Presidents for
RDEP, AF and AA as the Executive Committee, with the
assistance of the Technical Working Group, and ensure its
implementation through the GAD Focal Point Persons.
Roles and Functions of the URS
GAD Focal Point System

The Executive Committee which compose of the VPRDEP

in coordination to the VPAA and VPAF shall:

a. Provide direction and give policy advice to the university

president to support and strengthen the GFPS and the
gender mainstreaming activities;

b. Direct the identification of GAD strategies, programs,

activities and projects based on the results of the gender
audit, gender analysis and according to the identified
priorities of the agency in response to the gender issues
faced by its clients, faculty, staff and students.
Roles and Functions of the URS
GAD Focal Point System

c. Ensure the timely submission of the agency GAD plan

and budget, accomplishment report and other related
reports to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)
and Department of Budget and Management (DBM);

d. Ensure the effectiveness and efficient implementation of

the university GAD programs, projects and activities and
the judicious utilization of the GAD budget;

e. Build and strengthen the partnership of the university with

PCW, GAD experts, advocates, women’s groups and
other stakeholders in pursuit of gender mainstreaming;
Roles and Functions of the URS
GAD Focal Point System

f. Recommend approval of agency GAD plans and budget

and accomplishment report; and

g. Recommend awards or recognition to outstanding

institutional GAD programs, projects and activities
and/or GAD focal point/Committee members.

The Technical Working Group (TWG) which compose of

the campus directors, college deans, office directors, unit
heads and program coordinators and others shall:
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure

a. Facilitate the implementation of the gender

mainstreaming efforts of the university through
GAD planning and budgeting process;

b. Work together on the development and

implementation of an appropriate capacity
development program on gender equality and
women empowerment for its faculty members
and staff as requested or deemed necessary;

c. Ensure cooperation and participation of faculty

members, staff and students to gender-related
programs, projects and activities;
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure

The GAD Committee or GAD Focal Persons which compose

of the head of the university GAD center with campus GAD
coordinators and members shall:

a. Formulate the university GAD plan and budget in

response to the gender gaps and issues faced by their
clients and constituencies, female and male faculty
member, employees and students following the conduct of
gender audit, gender analysis, and / or review of sex-
disaggregated data;

b. Assist in the capacity development of and provide technical

assistance on GAD to the university key officials, directors,
deans, heads, coordinators and other partners/stakeholders
as needed;
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure

c. Coordinate with the different campuses through the campus

GAD coordinators and members and ensure their
meaningful participation in GAD strategic and annual
planning exercises;
d. Lead the conduct of advocacy activities, seminar
workshops and trainings on GAD and the development of
IEC materials to ensure critical support of the university
key officials, faculty members, staff, students and relevant
stakeholders to the activities of the GFPS;
e. Facilitate the conduct of capability building activities related
to GAD curriculum integration and the use of gender-fair
language, ensure also that gender stereotypes and
images in educational materials and curricula are
adequately and appropriately revised;
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure
f. Monitor the implementation of GAD - related programs,
projects and activities in different campuses and suggest
corrective measures to improve implementation of GAD
PPAs and GFPS or GAD Committee initiatives;

g. Prepare and consolidate the university GAD

accomplishment report; and

h. Provide regular updates and recommendations to the

university president or executive committee on the
activities of the GFPS and the progress of the university
GAD mainstreaming activities based on feedback and
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure

The Secretariat which compose of the staff/

personnel from the GAD Center, HRM and
other offices shall:

a. Ensure meetings are effectively organized and


b. Maintain effective records and administration;

c. Prepare, coordinate, send and follow-up letters

and relevant documents to different
Roles and Functions of the URS GAD Focal
Point System Organizational7 Structure

d. Assist on the gender-related programs, projects and

activities implemented by the committee;

e. Serve as the information and reference point for the

committee and clients;

f. Provide support in the operation of the GAD Center,

keep records systematically including relevant
documents, minutes of the meetings and decisions
made by the GAD Committee or GAD Focal Persons;

g. Prepare annual report and related documents.

What is GAD Planning/
What is GAD Planning/
Gender-Responsive Planning?

It is the process of incorporating

(identifying and addressing) gender
… in the Planning Process by

1. generating sex-disaggregated data

Summary of Faculty Profile (Academic Position)
Position Tanay Morong Rodriguez Antipolo Binango- Pililla

University 1 1
Professor 9 11 1 1 1 23
Associate 19 54 1 2 7 83
Professor I-V
Assistant 28 118 13 6 16 15 196
Guidance 1 1
Instructor 28 50 26 11 24 15 154
Total 84 235 41 20 40 38 45855
Summary of Faculty Profile (Academic Position) with Sex
Disaggregated Data

URS Tanay URS Morong URS Rodriguez Total

Academic Position

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

University 1 1

Professor I-IV 3 6 3 8 1 6 15
Associate 4 15 16 38 1 16 69
Professor I-V
Assistant 7 21 26 92 4 9 37 122
Professor I -IV
Instructor I-III 8 20 24 26 6 20 38 66
Collected the Sex- Disaggregated Data of URS Faculty Members
and Staff according to Civil Status, Age, Nature of Appointment,
Educational Attainment, Rank and Appointment

Sample Data Collected

Sex - Disaggregated Data of Non-Teaching Personnel

in URS Morong According to Age
Sex - Disaggregated Data of COS Faculty
Members According to Age
Sex - Disaggregated Data of COE Faculty
Members According to Age
Sex - Disaggregated Data of CoEng
Faculty Members According to Age
Sex - Disaggregated Data of CIT
Faculty Members According to Age
What is GAD Planning/
Gender-Responsive Planning?
… in the Planning Process by

2. analyzing the situation with gender

- being aware of personal and work
environment values
- understanding how these values
influence your work and decisions
- being sensitive to gender issues
- involving men and women in the
planning process
What is GAD Planning/
Gender-Responsive Planning?

… in the Planning Process by

3. specifically identifying the gender


Gender issues - gender linked beliefs

(ideas, attitudes and behavior), systems,
processes, conditions and situations that
BLOCK an individual’s (man or woman)
attainment of full potentials or a satisfying
What is GAD Planning/
Gender-Responsive Planning?

… in the Planning Process by

4. addressing gender issues in the plan

- formulating gender-responsive
programs and projects
- formulating gender-responsive
- allocating funds

… in the Plan (Documents)

Steps in Formulating the GAD Plan

1. Set the agency GAD agenda

2. Identify appropriate PAPs to address

priority gender issues
3. Apply the Harmonized GAD Guidelines

4. Fill-out the revised GAD Plan and

Budget and GAD Accomplishment
Report Templates

1. Priority gender issues may be derived

- Review of national GAD policies and plans
- Result of the conduct of gender analysis
- Results of program and project evaluations
- Review of GAD fund audit results and
remaining issues identified in the GAD
Accomplishment Reports
2. Identify appropriate PAPs to address
priority gender issues and may be:

Client-focused GAD Activities are activities

that seek to address the gender issues of
the agency’s clients or contribute in
responding to the gender issue of the sector

Organization-focused activities may seek to:

a.) create the organizational environment
for implementing gender-responsive policies,
programs and projects; b.) address the gap
in knowledge, skills and attitudes of key
personnel on gender mainstreaming; and c.)
address the gender issues of employees in
the workplace, subject to the mandate of the
3. Apply the Harmonized GAD Guidelines
in assessing gender responsiveness of
major programs and projects

4. Fill-out the Revised GAD PB and

GAD AR templates: annex a and b
of JC 2013-01

Circular 2012-1
Annex A

Guide in Completing
the GAD Plan and
Budget Template
FY 20____
Agency/Bureau/Office:__________________________ Department (Central
Total GAA of Agency:__________________________ Agency):___________

Gender Cause of GAD Result Relevant GAD Output GAD Source of Responsi
Issue Gender Statement/ Agency Activity Performance Budget Budget ble Unit
and/or GAD Issue GAD MFO/ (5) Indicators (7) (8) (9)
Mandate (2) Objectives PAP and Targets
(1) (3) (4) (6)


Prepared by: Approved by: Date:

Chairperson, GAD FP System Head of Agency Day/Month/year
FY 20____
Agency/Bureau/Office:__________________________ Department (Central
Total GAA of Agency:__________________________ Agency):___________

Gender Cause of GAD Result Relevant GAD Output GAD Source of Responsi
Issue Gender Statement/ Agency Activity Performance Budget Budget ble Unit
and/or GAD Issue GAD MFO/ (5) Indicators (7) (8) (9)
Mandate (2) Objectives PAP and Targets
(1) (3) (4) (6)
Organization -


Prepared by: Approved by: Date:

Chairperson Head of Agency Day/Month/year
GAD Focal Point Committee
Gender Issue Cause of GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output Performance
and/or GAD the Gender Statement/ Agency (5) Indicator
Mandate Issue GAD MFO/PAP and Target
(1) (2) Objective/ (4) (6)

Lack of Lack of GAD core Plans/ Conduct of meetings with 10 meetings with the
capacity of messages and Policies/ the different Technical Panels Technical Panels and
the Technical
of gender gender fair Standards and Technical Committees of Technical Committees
Panels and
fair language Technical language /Programs the different disciplines for conducted
and GAD Committees integrated in for Higher revision of curriculum
core on curriculum selected Education Public Consultation re
messages in revision on curriculum (The meetings may include
gender proposed CMO
the orientation on GAD,
curriculum ing integrating gender-fair
language in curriculum, etc. CHED Memo Order (CMO)
for the members of the on gender-fair language and
Technical Panels and GAD integration in the
Technical Committees) curriculum issued and

Issuance of CMO on gender- Public Orientation re

fair language and GAD approved CMO
integration in the curriculum
Implementation of GAD
Integration in the
curriculum of 50 SUCs and
200 PHEIs within one year
Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output Performance
and/or GAD Gender Issues Statement/ GAD Agency (5) Indicator
Mandate (2) Objective/ MFO/PAP and Target
(1) (3) (4) (6)


The need to Lack of Increased Extension Conduct of 2 symposia/

increase opportunity awareness of Services Symposium/ Fora conducted in
awareness on on raising students, Forum on Anti- the partner
violence awareness of faculty and VAW laws communities with
against women students, staff on VAW among students, 100 participants by
(VAW) and faculty and and other their parents 3rd quarter of 2014
other gender- staff on VAW gender-related and the people
related issues and other issues and in the 1 Symposium/
and concerns gender- concerns community Forum conducted
related issues (Anti-VAWC Act, with 200 students
and concerns RPRH Law, Anti- and 200 parents as
Trafficking Law, participants by end
Anti-Rape Law, of 2014
Harassment Law,
Solo Parent Act,
Anti-Hazing Law
and others)
Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output Performance
and/or GAD Gender Issues Statement/ GAD Agency (5) Indicator
Mandate (2) Objective/ MFO/PAP and Target
(1) (3) (4) (6)

Weak monitoring Lack of Compliance of Plans/ Policy issuance At least one policy on
of compliance of mechanism to SUCs and PHEIs Policies/ reiterating the sexual harassment issued
SUCs and PHEIs monitor on RA 7877 Standards/ creation of CODI by CHED reiterating the
on RA 7877 reported cases regularly Programs in every SUC and compliance of education
of sexual monitored for Higher PHEI including and training institutions to
harassment in Education monitoring of the provisions of RA 7877
SUCs and PHEIs Reported cases compliance to updated database on SH
on sexual the CODI policy cases
harassment issued by CHED
properly in 2011
addressed/handl Approximately 912 HEIS
ed by functional Updating of monitored and evaluated
CODI SUCs/PHEIs data for CODI compliance40% of
on CODI based all HEIs in the country (40-
SUCs and PHEIs on the results of 50% of total HEIs within
with functional the compliance each region) have
CODI monitoring established and functional
conducted by CODI
Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output
and/or GAD Gender Issues Statement/ GAD Agency (5) Performance
Mandate (2) Objective/ MFO/PAP Indicator
(1) (3) (4) and Target


Limited Members of the GAD Focal Point Staff Issuance of admin Admin Order
GAD Focal Point System able to Development orders to strengthening GAD
capacities of
agency focal and Technical lead gender reconstitute and FP issued by Q1 of
point mechanism Working Group mainstreaming strengthen the 2014.
to advance lack the efforts of the GAD Focal Point
gender necessary organization. GPFS
mainstreaming competencies with enhanced Continuing 2 deepening
and skills to capacities to systematic sessions on GAD
initiate and formulate, capability building conducted for the
sustain gender implement and for members of the member of GAD FP
mainstreaming. monitor GAD PB. GFP and TWG and TWG
implementation Preparation of Agency FY 2014
of PCW Circular 2014 GAD Plan and GAD PB approved
2011-01 on GAD Budget and 2012 and endorsed
Focal Point Accomplishment
System Report
Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output
and/or GAD Gender Issues Statement/ GAD Agency (5) Performance
Mandate (2) Objective/ MFO/PAP Indicator
(1) (3) (4) and Target

Organizational- Limited or lack Increased Higher Preparation of -100% completion

Focused of top level awareness on GM Education communication and of communication
support and and identified top- Services training plan for top and training plan
Uneven level of champion for level GAD level officials. -Communication
appreciation of GAD issues champions and training plan
GAD within the manifested by Conduct of adopted by
organization low priority to orientation sessions management
especially among implement GAD and briefings -4 orientation
top level officials related sessions conducted
programs. by the end of 2014

Inadequate Productivity of Employees with Setting-up of Day Day care and

support services employees General Admin Care facility lactation room
young children and and Support
for employees affected due to lactating mothers fully functional by
with young filial obligations, Services Provision of second semester
provided with
children and affecting private, clean and lactation room with of 2014
breastfeeding promotion of well ventilated wash room,
mothers (affecting women to facility (for refrigerator and
productivity, higher positions childcare and sofa set
especially among or from lactation)
women non participating in
implementation capability
of RA 10028) enhancement
Your Guide
Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate

The gender issue to be addressed should result from the review of sex disaggregated
data or analysis of relevant information that surface the unequal situation of women and
men. The issue could be client-focused or organization-focused ;

A client-focused gender issue refers to concerns arising from the unequal status of
women and men stakeholders of a particular agency including the extent of their
disparity over benefits from and contribution to a policy/program and/or project of the

organization-focused gender issue points to the gap/s in the capacity of the organization
to integrate a gender dimension in its programs, systems or structure

The agency, SUC, or LGUs may directly cite a specific mandate that it needs to
implement, (e.g. based on a specific provision of the Magna Carta of Women)
Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate


Lack of integration of gender fair language and GAD core

messages in the curriculum

Need to increase awareness of students, parents and people in

partner communities on violence against women (VAW) and
other gender-related issues and concerns

Weak monitoring of compliance of SUCs and PHEIs on RA 7877

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate


Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance

gender mainstreaming

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization

especially among top level officials

Inadequate support services for employees with young children

and breastfeeding mothers (affecting productivity, especially
among women non implementation of RA 10028)
Cause of the Gender Issue

It is important to establish the cause (what and the why

of the issue) of the issue to ensure that the GAD
program or activity will directly address the gender issue
leading to its gradual or complete elimination
Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate Cause of the Gender Issue
(1) (2)


Lack of integration of gender fair language Lack of capacity of the Technical Panels and
and GAD core messages in the curriculum Technical Committees on curriculum revision on
gender mainstreaming

Lack of opportunity on raising awareness of

Need to increase awareness of students,
students, parents and people in partner
parents and people in partner communities
communities on VAW and other gender-related
on violence against women (VAW) and other
issues and concerns
gender-related issues and concerns

Weak monitoring of compliance of SUCs and Lack of mechanism to monitor reported cases of
PHEIs on RA 7877 sexual harassment in SUCs and PHEIs
Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate Cause of the Gender Issue
(1) (2)

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical
Working Group lack the necessary competencies and
skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming.
Limited capacities of agency focal point Non-implementation of PCW Circular 2011-01 on GAD
mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming Focal Point System

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the Limited or lack of top level support and champion for
organization especially among top level officials GAD issues manifested by low priority to implement
GAD related programs.

Inadequate support services for employees with Productivity of employees affected due to filial
young children and breastfeeding mothers obligations, affecting promotion of women to higher
(affecting productivity, especially among women positions or from participating in capability
non implementation of RA 10028) enhancement sessions.
GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/

Both the GAD objective and the GAD activity should respond to the gender issue
including its cause or the specific GAD mandates relevant to the

The GAD Result Statement/Objective Column clarifies and spells out the result
that the agency intends to achieve.

It may also be the intended outcome of the GAD mandate the agency
intends to implement (e.g. improved provision of gender-responsive PPAs for the
clients of the organization)
Gender Issue and/or GAD Cause of the Gender Issue GAD Result Statement/ GAD
Mandate (2) Objective/
(1) (3)

Lack of integration of gender Lack of capacity of the GAD core messages and gender fair
fair language and GAD core Technical Panels and Technical language integrated in selected
messages in the curriculum Committees on curriculum curriculum
revision on gender
Need to increase awareness of
students, parents and people Increased awareness of students,
Lack of opportunity on raising
in partner communities on parents and people in partner
awareness of students, parents
violence against women (VAW) communities on VAW and other
and people in partner
and other gender-related gender-related issues and concerns
communities on VAW and
issues and concerns
other gender-related issues
and concerns
- Compliance of SUCs and PHEIs on RA
Weak monitoring of Lack of mechanism to monitor 7877 regularly monitored
compliance of SUCs and PHEIs reported cases of sexual - Reported cases on sexual harassment
on RA 7877 harassment in SUCs and PHEIs properly addressed/handled by
functional CODI
- SUCs and PHEIs with functional CODI
Gender Issue and/or GAD Cause of the Gender Issue GAD Result Statement/ GAD
Mandate (2) Objective/
(1) (3)
Organizational-Focused Members of the GAD Focal Point GAD Focal Point System able to
and Technical Working Group lack lead gender mainstreaming
the necessary competencies and efforts of the organization.
Limited capacities of agency focal
skills to initiate and sustain GPFS with enhanced capacities
point mechanism to advance gender
gender mainstreaming. Non- to formulate, implement and
implementation of PCW Circular monitor GAD PB.
2011-01 on GAD Focal Point

Limited or lack of top level Increased awareness on GM

Uneven level of appreciation of and identified top-level GAD
GAD within the organization support and champion for GAD
issues manifested by low priority champions
especially among top level officials
to implement GAD related
Employees with young children
Inadequate support services for Productivity of employees and lactating mothers provided
employees with young children and affected due to filial obligations, with private, clean and well
breastfeeding mothers (affecting affecting promotion of women to ventilated facility (for childcare
productivity, especially among higher positions or from and lactation)
women non implementation of RA participating in capability
10028) enhancement sessions.
Relevant Agency MFO/PAP
This column indicates the major final output of the agency that
can be integrated with gender perspective to respond to the
gender issues and/or implement the specific GAD mandate/s
identified in Column 1.

This ensures that gender perspective is mainstreamed in the

agency's mandates.
Examples: Plans/Policies/Standard Programs, Research/
Extension and Production Services, Staff Dev’t,
Higher Education Services, General Admin and
Support Services, etc.
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Statement/ Relevant Agency
and/or GAD Issue GAD Objective/ MFO/PAP
Mandate (2) (3) (4)

Client-Focused Plans/Policies/
Lack of capacity of the GAD core messages and gender
Technical Panels and Technical
Lack of integration of fair language integrated in
Committees on curriculum selected curriculum Programs for
gender fair language and
GAD core messages in
revision on gender Higher Education
the curriculum
Increased awareness of students,
Need to increase Lack of opportunity on raising parents and people in partner
awareness of students, awareness of students, parents communities on VAW and other Extension
parents and people in and people in partner gender-related issues and Services
partner communities on communities on VAW and concerns
violence against women other gender-related issues
(VAW) and other gender- and concerns
related issues and
-Compliance of SUCs and PHEIs on
RA 7877 regularly monitored Plans/Policies/
Weak monitoring of Standards/
Lack of mechanism to monitor -Reported cases on sexual
compliance of SUCs and
reported cases of sexual harassment properly Programs for
PHEIs on RA 7877
harassment in SUCs and PHEIs addressed/handled by functional
CODI Higher Education
-SUCs and PHEIs with functional
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant Agency
GAD Mandate Issue Statement/ GAD MFO/PAP
(1) (2) Objective/ (4)

Organizational-Focused Members of the GAD Focal Point GAD Focal Point System able Staff Development
and Technical Working Group to lead gender
Limited capacities of agency lack the necessary mainstreaming efforts of the
ocal point mechanism to competencies and skills to organization. GPFS with
advance gender mainstreaming initiate and sustain gender enhanced capacities to
mainstreaming. Non- formulate, implement and
implementation of PCW Circular monitor GAD PB.
2011-01 on GAD Focal Point

Limited or lack of top level Increased awareness on GM Higher Education

Uneven level of appreciation of
support and champion for GAD and identified top-level GAD Services
GAD within the organization
issues manifested by low champions
especially among top level
officials priority to implement GAD
related programs.
General Admin and
nadequate support services Employees with young Support Services
Productivity of employees children and lactating
or employees with young affected due to filial obligations,
children and breastfeeding mothers provided with
affecting promotion of women private, clean and well
mothers (affecting to higher positions or from
productivity, especially among ventilated facility (for
participating in capability childcare and lactation)
women non implementation of enhancement sessions.
RA 10028)
GAD Activity

Client-focused GAD activities are activities that seek to address the

gender issues of the agency’s clients or contribute in responding to the
gender issues of the sector.

Organization-focused activities may seek to: a) create the organizational

environment for implementing gender-responsive policies, programs and
projects; b) address the gap in knowledge, skills and attitudes of key
personnel on gender mainstreaming; and c) address the gender issues of
employees in the workplace.
Gender Issue and/or GAD Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity
Mandate Issues (2) Statement/ GAD Agency (5)
(1) Objective/ MFO/PAP
(3) (4)


Lack of integration of Lack of capacity of the GAD core messages Plans/Polic Conduct of meetings with
gender fair language and Technical Panels and and gender fair ies/ the different Technical
GAD core messages in the Technical Committees language integrated in Standards/ Panels and Technical
curriculum on curriculum revision selected curriculum Programs Committees of the different
on gender for Higher disciplines for revision of
mainstreaming Education curriculum

(The meetings may include

orientation on GAD,
integrating gender-fair
language in curriculum, etc
for the members of the
Technical Panels and
Technical Committees)

Issuance of CMO on gender-

fair language and GAD
integration in the curriculum
Gender Issue and/or GAD Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity
Mandate Issues (2) Statement/ GAD Agency (5)
(1) Objective/ MFO/PAP
(3) (4)
Need to increase Lack of opportunity on Increased awareness Extension Conduct of
awareness of students, raising awareness of of students, parents Services Symposium/Forum on Anti-
parents and people in students, parents and and people in partner VAW laws among students,
partner communities on people in partner communities on VAW their parents and the people
violence against women communities on VAW and other gender- in the community (Anti-
(VAW) and other gender- and other gender- related issues and VAWC Act, RPRH Law, Anti-
related issues and related issues and concerns Trafficking Law, Anti-Rape
concerns concerns Law, Anti-Sexual Harassment
Law, Solo Parent Act, Anti-
Hazing Law and others)

Compliance of SUCs
Weak monitoring of Lack of mechanism to and PHEIs on RA 7877 Plans/ Policy issuance reiterating
compliance of SUCs and monitor reported regularly monitored Policies/ the creation of CODI in every
PHEIs on RA 7877 cases of sexual Standards/ SUC and PHEI including
harassment in SUCs monitoring of compliance to
Reported cases on Programs
and PHEIs the CODI policy issued by
sexual harassment for Higher
CHED in 2011
properly Education
addressed/handled by
functional CODI Updating of SUCs/PHEIs data
on CODI based on the results
of the compliance
SUCs and PHEIs with monitoring conducted by
functional CODI CHED
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity
and/or GAD Issues (2) Statement/ GAD Agency (5)
Mandate Objective/ MFO/PAP
(1) (3) (4)
Organizational- Members of the GAD GAD Focal Point Staff -Issuance of admin orders to
Focused Focal Point and System able to lead Development reconstitute and strengthen the
Limited capacities of Technical Working gender
GAD Focal Point
agency focal point Group lack the mainstreaming efforts
mechanism to advance necessary competencies of the organization. -Continuing systematic capability
gender mainstreaming and skills to initiate GPFS with enhanced building for members of the GFP
and sustain gender capacities to and TWG
mainstreaming. Non- formulate, implement -Preparation of 2014 GAD Plan and
implementation of PCW and monitor GAD PB. Budget and 2012 Accomplishment
Circular 2011-01 on GAD
Focal Point System

Limited or lack of top Increased awareness Higher Education -Preparation of communication

Uneven level of level support and on GM and identified
appreciation of GAD Services and training plan for top level
champion for GAD top-level GAD
within the organization issues manifested by champions officials.
especially among top low priority to -Conduct of orientation sessions
level officials implement GAD related and briefings for top level

Inadequate support Productivity of Employees with

employees affected due young children and General Admin
services for employees and Support -Setting-up of Day Care facility
to filial obligations, lactating mothers
with young children Services -Provision of lactation room with
and breastfeeding affecting promotion of provided with private,
women to higher clean and well wash room, refrigerator and
mothers (affecting
productivity, especially positions or from ventilated facility (for sofa set
among women non participating in childcare and
implementation of RA capability enhancement lactation)
Output Performance Indicator
and Target
Indicators are quantitative or qualitative means to measure achievement
of the results of the proposed activity and how they contribute to the
realization of the GAD objective.

Quantitative indicators are measures or evidence that can be counted

such as, but not limited to, number, frequency, percentile, and ratio.

Qualitative indicators are measures of an individual or group’s judgment

and/ or perception of congruence of established standards, the presence
or absence of specific conditions, the quality of something, or the opinion
about something (e.g. the client’s opinion of the timeliness of service).
(RBM Tools at CIDA)
Output Performance Indicator
and Target
The target is an important consideration in budgeting that
specifies what the agency’s GAD plan and budget intends to
achieve within one year in relation to the GAD result or
objective. The target should be realistic and attainable
within the implementing period. Monitoring and evaluating
the GAD plan and budget will largely be based on attainment
of targets and performance indicators.
GAD Budget

The GAD budget is the cost of implementing the GAD plan. For
more realistic budgeting, the cost of implementing each
activity should be estimated by object of expenditure.

For example, if the agency conducts one GST, it should cost the
board and lodging (if training is live-in) or food for x number of
persons for x number of days, professional fee for resource
persons, supplies and materials, travel expenses,
communication costs for coordinating the training, among
others. It is possible that certain activities, such as nomination
of women to third level positions, do not have direct cost
GAD Budget

The GAD budget may be drawn from the agency’s (CO),

(MOOE) and/or (PS) – based on the agency’s approved
general appropriations.

All agencies shall allocate at least five percent (5%) of their

annual budget appropriations to support their respective GAD
PPAs. This “allocation” shall not act as a budget ceiling for GAD
PPAs but shall be utilized to influence the 95% of the agency’s
GAD Budget
To be able to impute the cost of gender mainstreaming in a flagship or regular
program of an agency, it may assess the program or project using the
Harmonized GAD Guidelines.

The program or project should be assessed at two levels: 1) the design of the
project or program, using the original/revised design documents; and 2) at the
project/program implementation, management, and monitoring and
evaluation (PIMME).

For guidance to the assessment of the design, the agency can use the generic
checklist (Box 7a) or a relevant sector-specific checklist. For the PIMME, use
Boxes 16 and 17 found in the “GAD Checklists for Project Implementation and
Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation.” Depending on the HGDG
score, the agency may use the rating in Table 1 of the JC 2012-01 to estimate
the cost that may be attributed to the GAD budget.
Source of Budget

•General Appropriations Act (GAA) of the agency;

•Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of legislators;

•Complementation with LGUs and other government offices;
•Official Development Assistance (ODA);
•Corporate Operating Budget (COB) and;
•Partnership with private sector, NGOs, and CSOs, among others.
Sources of the GAD Budget

1. At least 5% of total agency budget under

GAA shall be used to fund GAD PPAs

2. IRA of LGUs

3. Official Development Assistance (ODA)

What cost items can the
GAD Budget support
1. Personnel Services – salaries of workers
directly engaged in gender-responsive
programs and projects

2. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses –

i.e., cost of managing a women’s crisis shelter,
a non-traditional occupations, training of field
workers in GAD, TEV, GST, GRP, supplies and
materials for GAD bulletin and GAD related
What cost items can the
GAD Budget support
3. Capital Outlay – i.e., constructing of and
providing equipment for women’s shelter
and training center for women.

Who should prepare the GAD Budget?

- Budget Officer
- GAD Focal Points
- Planning Officer
Responsible Unit/Office
This column specifies the unit or office tasked to implement a
particular GAD activity.

The responsible unit shall have a direct knowledge or

involvement in GAD PPAs and shall periodically report the
progress of implementing its assigned tasks to the agency’s
GAD Focal Point System.
Guide in Completing the GAD
Accomplishment Report
Preparation of
GAD Accomplishment Report

• Submitted together with GPB

• Prescribed template for GAD AR
• Agencies submit 2 copies of
FY ____
Agency/Bureau/Office: ____________ Department (Central Agency) _______________
Total GAA of Agency: _____________

Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Output Actual Total Actual Variance/
and/or GAD Gender Issue Statement/ Agency Activity Performance Result Agency Cost/Exp Remarks
Mandate (2) GAD Objective/ MFO/ (5) Indicator and (outputs Approve enditure (10)
(1) (3) PPA Target and d Budget (9)
(4) (6) outcomes) (8)




Prepared by: Approved by: Date

Chairperson, GAD Focal Point Head of Agency Day/Mo/Year
Schedule to be observed in GAD planning and budgeting
for NGAs

September (2 years before budget year):

PCW issues notification letters to all
line Departments

Line departments or central agencies issue notification letters
to all their attached agencies, bureaus and regional offices;
agencies formulate their annual GAD plans and budgets

Attached agencies, bureaus and regional
offices submit their annual GPBs and ARs
Schedule to be observed in GAD
planning and budgeting for NGAs
Central agencies with field and regional offices,
bureaus and attached agencies review all GPBs and GAD ARs

January (1 year before budget year):

Submission of reviewed GPBs and ARs to PCW.

PCW reviews all submitted GPBs vis-à-vis GAD ARs.

Central agencies submit revised GPBs to PCW for
approval and endorsement
Submission, review and endorsement of
Agency GAD Plans and Budgets
• Regional offices of national agencies will submit their GPBs to
their central office. In the case of SUCs, they will submit their
GAD PB to CHED RO for review and transmittal to CHED CO
• The central office reviews submissions, forwards these to their
mother agency for transmittal to, review and endorsement of
• The agency GFPS reviews all submitted GPBs
• PCW acknowledges GPBs within two (2) working days, and
reviews it within 15 days. Agencies are given 30 days to revise
and resubmit enhanced GPB
• Agencies shall submit their PCW-endorsed GPB and AR to DBM
in accordance with the budget call
Expenses that CAN
and CANNOT be
to the GAD Budget
Expenses that CAN be charged
to the GAD budget

 PAPs included in the PCW-endorsed

GAD plan, including relevant expenses
such as supplies, travel, food, board and
lodging, professional fees among others;
 Capacity development on GAD;

 Activities related to the establishment

and strengthening of enabling
mechanisms that support the GAD efforts
of agencies (e.g. GAD Focal Point
System, VAW desks, among others);
Expenses that CAN be charged
to the GAD budget
 Consultations conducted by agencies to
gather inputs for and/or to disseminate
the GAD plan and budget;

 Payment of professional fees, honoraria

and other services for gender experts
or gender specialists engaged by
agencies for GAD-related trainings and
activities; and

 IEC activities (development, printing

and dissemination) that support the
GAD PAPs and objectives of the agency.
Expenses that CAN be charged
to the GAD budget

 Salaries of agency personnel assigned to

plan, implement and monitor GAD PAPs
on a full-time basis, following
government rules in hiring and creating
 Salaries of police women and men
assigned to women’s desks;

 Consultations conducted by agencies to

gather inputs for and/or to disseminate the
11 GAD plan and budget
Expenses that CAN be charged
to the GAD budget

 Agencies may cost the time spent by GFPS

members and of agency personnel doing
GAD -related work (e.g. auditors doing
audit of GAD funds) and charge this to the
GAD budget. Overtime work rendered in
doing GAD related PAPs may be
compensated through a compensatory
time off (CTO), following government
accounting and auditing rules and

Expenses that CAN be charged
to the GAD budget

 Agency programs to address women’s

practical and strategic needs (e.g.
daycare center, breastfeeding rooms,
crisis or counseling rooms for abused

 IEC activities (development, printing and

dissemination) that support the GAD PAPs
and objectives of the agency.

Expenses that CANNOT be
charged to the GAD budget

PAPs that are not in the agency’s

PCW-endorsed GAD plan;

 Personal services of women employees

UNLESS they are working full time or part
time on GAD PAPs;

 Honoraria for agency GAD Focal Point

System members or other employees
working on their agency GAD-programs;
Expenses that CANNOT be
charged to the GAD budget

 Salaries of casual or emergency

employees UNLESS they are hired to
assist in GAD related PAPs;

 Provision for contingency funds

or "other services" of PAPs;

 Car-pooling, gas masks for traffic/

environment enforcers, among others;

Expenses that CANNOT be
charged to the GAD budget

 The following expenses may NOT be

charged to the GAD budget UNLESS they
are justified as clearly addressing a
specific gender issue:

 Physical, mental and health fitness

including purchase of equipment and
information dissemination materials;

 Social, rest and recreation activities;

Expenses that CANNOT be
charged to the GAD budget
 The following expenses may NOT be charged
to the GAD budget UNLESS they are justified
as clearly addressing a specific gender issue:

 Religious activities and implementation of

cultural projects; and
 Construction expenses
 Purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and
vehicles for the general use of the agency.

PCW shall endorse GPBs if:

• They are part of the consolidated agency GPBs

• Additional information or comments are
responded and accepted within set time frames
• They are accompanied by GAD accomplishment

DBM shall return to the submitting agency GAD

plans and budgets that do not have PCW’s
GAD Fund Audit

COA to issue guidelines on

GAD funds audit and to conduct
actual audit of GAD funds
Gender Concepts
I’m awake, alert, alive
with gender concepts (2x)

I’m awake, alert, alive (3)

… with gender concepts!



Thank you!
Presented by:

Wilhelmina P. Masinsin, Ph.D., R.Pm.

Head, GAD Center, University of Rizal System
Coordinator, CALABARZON GAD Resource Center
Certified Member, GAD Resource Pool
Philippine Commission on Women

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