LIN2320 W2024 Syllabus McMullin

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LIN 2320 (uOttawa, W2024) Kevin McMullin

LIN 2320 (WINTER 2024)


Time/Location: Tuesdays, 2:30pm-3:50pm, MRT 212
Fridays, 4:00pm-5:20pm, CBY B205
Textbook: Kennedy, Robert. (2017). Phonology: A Coursebook. Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge, UK.


Instructor: Kevin McMullin
Office hours: TBA and by appointment

TA info

This course provides an introduction to contemporary phonological theory, focusing on
argumentation and the nature of theoretical problems, with presentation of a wide range of
phenomena in English and other languages.
(Prerequisite: LIN1315)

Version date: Jan. 12, 2024 1

LIN 2320 (uOttawa, W2024) Kevin McMullin

• Problem sets (x5): 50% (10% each)
• Midterm: 20%
• Final exam (cumulative): 30%

Note: Midterm and final exam are take-home and open-book.

COURSE SCHEDULE (subject to minor changes):

Week Date Topic Readings Assignments

1 January 12 Review of alternations and rules Ch. 1,2
2 16 More alternations and rules Ch. 3
19 Even more alternations and rules HW1 assigned
3 23 Non-adjacency in phonology Ch. 4
26 (continued) HW1 due
4 30 Phonemic analysis Ch. 5
February 2 Features and natural classes Ch. 6 HW2 assigned
5 6 Ordering and opacity Ch. 7
9 Ordering and opacity (continued) HW2 due
6 13 Ordering and opacity (continued)
16 Midterm
Reading week (February 18-24)
7 27 Syllables Ch. 8
March 1 Syllables (continued) HW3 assigned
8 5 Tone Ch. 9
8 (continued) HW3 due
9 12 Stress Ch. 10
15 (continued) HW4 assigned
10 19 Optimality Theory Ch. 12
22 Markedness and Faithfulness HW4 due
11 26 More OT HW5 assigned
29 Holiday
12 April 2 Even more OT
5 Wrap-up and review HW5 due

Final exam date TBD

Version date: Jan. 12, 2024 2

LIN 2320 (uOttawa, W2024) Kevin McMullin


All evaluations are subject to the University of Ottawa’s Academic Fraud regulations, available

Please have your textbook available during class. The book provides rich datasets that we will
be analyzing in detail, and it will help to have them directly in front of you while we discuss the

Please read the assigned textbook sections before the lecture for which they are listed above.

All homework assignments will be posted on Brightspace one week before they are due, and
will be turned in online. Late homework will not ordinarily be accepted for credit, but may be
accepted under special circumstances (at the instructor’s discretion).

Attendance at DGDs is not required, but it is your responsibility to take advantage of the
opportunities provided to you for learning the material and succeeding in this course. If you
need to miss a DGD (or lecture), make sure to get the relevant notes from a classmate.

If you need to miss an exam, please notify your instructor immediately (within 24 hours). Make-
up exams will only be considered under extraordinary circumstances, and may require formal
documentation (e.g., a certified medical certificate, etc.)

Students who require accommodations or academic support because of any condition that
affects their ability to learn are invited to register with ACCESS SERVICES:

Version date: Jan. 12, 2024 3

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