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(fur '\ lcL I 202~)

Test -10
Physics 1,1fN h,:in1ca! p,0 pcrt1es CJf rlu1d... 1twrmnl Properhes of Matter
Chemistry The p-B1ock F.Jements organic Chemtsuy: Some Basic Pr1nc1ptes g 1 echn1ques
Botany Mineral Nutnuon. Photosynthesis m Higher Plants
Zoology Animal Kingdo m-General Accoun t & Non chordates· Basis of class1ncat1on Details of Phylum
Porifera and Cnldarla

Use Blue/Black ba!lpomt pen only 10 darken the appropnate circle.
111 Mark should be dark and should :ornplelely fill the circle
(m) Dark only one circle for each entry
(1v D:1rk thP. c1rcl~ in lhe s1 "lee provided unly
(vJ Rough work must nol be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white•fluld or any other rubbing
materia l on Answer sheet
(vi) Each question carnes .4 mark~ F• every wrong response 1 mark shall be deducted lrom tot~I score

Choose the con-ect answer. -

According to W1en·s displacement law the Choose the rorrecl lilalement among the
re/alien between and absolute temperature T following
follows 11 Colour of black body depends
.1 n the
(1) Parabolic vanauon wavelength of rvd1at1on em1lled by 11
(2) Lmear var1alion (2) A black body does not mean tha1 its colour 5
(3) Rectangular hypcrbohc variation black
t4) Cubic vanat1on ~I Good absorbers are bad reflectors
2 For non-black bodies the range of values of
(4 I All of these
em1ss1V1ty ·o· !s
1<e<O 5 The lemperature grad1er1t 1n a rod of 1 rn long 1s
(1) -1 ._ e < 1 12)
100"Clm If the lemperature al hotter end is 30 C,
(3) 1 < e < 2 (4) O<c<1
then lhe temperature of colder end 1s
3. The rate of heal transfer 1~ fastest for
Ill 40'C
(1) Conduchon
121 - 70'C
12) Convection
(3 ) --40 ' C
(3) Radiation
(4) Both conductmn and ,..011vect10 141 70' C
y R
13) B nv (.4 1 mis

4) e ;,tt1 ' "Jd decreases 14 Wh1ct1 f :he I lowing are most compre~s1ble

Whte» -,!' ttio reg on repres t· he phase .:t1ange 111 Sohds (2, L!QUI S

ro Uio foltowmg ra ., (3 Ga< 14) Buth(1 andl2

15. The angle of contact does not depend upon
(1I Temperature
(2) Soluble 1mpunty
(3 Cohesive force
{4) The 1nclmauon of surface in contact
um• 16. The difference of absolute pressure and
(') (8) 2) (b)
atmospheric pressure is called
3) (C) 4) Both(a)and(c)
(1) Barometric pressure :2) Gauge pressure
8 1
00 g of water at 2oec s poured o,., a large bloci<
(3) Hydrostatic pressure (4) None of these
or ice at o C T ne mass of ice that melts 1s
.,Yf A liquid drop of mass m and radius r is falling
!C. = ' cal1g·c. C icallg'C L, = BO caUgJ from great heighL f1s terminal velocity ,s
proportional to (neglect buoyant force)
(1) 20g 12) 25 g
(3J 30 g (4) 35g (') m
....9. Ear i;!in anisotropic solid rf .r:. a,.. ¼..tepresent the
mean coefficien! of linear expansion along three (31 ; (4) m
muwally perpendicutar· d.,rections, then coefficient r'
of \lolumetric e,cpans1on can be wrillen as 18. If waler is flowing in a p;pe with speed 2 mis Lhen.
its kinetic energy per unrt value is
(1) Ja.<tc: ~a J f2) a.+ a.,.+ r.t.r
(1) 500 Jim' 2) 1000 Jim'
(3) cua,~az{l.l..,.a.i<l.l (4) u.ay(J.z
(3) 1500 Jim' (4) 2000 Jim'
y Fre-ezing P')•fll ,,., a th":"l"mome!er is marlred as
10 X and bo Ing po nt as 11o•x. Find the value
i9. A spherical obJect faning in air art,=uns a terminal
speed of 10 m s-1 Terminal speed of this object
of ~rr.perature so~c
on th,s thermometer
when 11 falls 1n vacuum will be
_!.;.) 60 X 121 so·x (1) 10ms'
l) 70 X (4, 80 X (2) More than 10 m S"
11 f ,., o &pher cal body Viscous drag force 1s y1ven
(3) Less than 10 ms
by (symbols ha\le usual meaning)
(4) There 1s no terminal speed in 1h1s sttuat,on
(1) 8• 11V (2) 4,"N
Ji{ Water is nowmg througn a pipe of vnnable cross-
(3) 6,vv (4) 6 0 ,v
seclion. Al some point pipe becomes narrow and
ft V1sco!;1ty of ga&es wt~ ncrease 111 temperature area o' cross.section 1s halved. The speed of
1)1 Decreases water1s
12) Increases
( ! ) UnchAnged 2) Becomes 1 times
fl, Rema1~s unchanged 2
M) Either dec,easec;. 0t remains uncharged .. (3) ·Pecomes 2 umes (4) Becomes 4 times

o,tno~hlly •11 TY,s1 Cod S ·1
c;)>1'.len ly
4 Conversion ol mass Into energy

,yr, ,
l.-21 The veloc1ly of water 10 a river ts 5 mis ttl lhE'
-.u fa-.e. Tho nver Is 5 m deep. then the vlscou5
orce per uril area between honzonta1 layers of
(2) , ,5
(3) , water 1s (given thal viscos1ly of waler Is 10
(OJ ' 0 (2) 4 x 10 Nm
11 2 'II 10 N rn
. / Tho action cf towel 1n soaking up moIs1ure from a
body 1s due· to phenomenon of
J21' 10· N m· {4) 5 • 10-' Nm


J-4 Weakest - 1 effect among the following groups s

(1) -NO. (2) -CN
1~ Which among the lo1tow1ng groups shows +R
eflect when attached to a conjugated system?
1) -CHO (2) -CN
, -NH ~-NO,
(3) -COOH -1-"'-F 31 Correct option regarding indu ctive etfect is
25. In sulphur est!mat1on 0.32 g of an organic \ • ) Permanent effect involving d1sptacemenl of
compound gave 0.466 g of Banum sulphate . The
percentage of sulphur 1n tt,e organic compound IS (2) Permanent effect involving displacement ol
(MW of BaSO.i :. 233 g/mol)
(11 10% (2) 20% [3} Temporary effecl involving dlsplacernont of
T3J 1s0.;- c•) 2s• o-etecltons
41 Temporary effec\ 1nvol\11ng dlsp1acemenl of
26. On rusing an organic compound con1a1n1ng N S
r: electrons
with sodium metal. 1he sodium fusion extra 1 w II
:p Wh ch pair of compounds are not funct10na\
iroup isomers?
(2) Na,SO4
11) NaSCN
(3) Na,N (4) NaNC C,{lA./"-.._ ~OH
27.. from a11illnc-wo.tcr mixture is separated b) 0 0
J>-1 Simple distlllation 12 @-H-o-H H-H-o-@
(2} Fractional disllllaUon
(3) Disl!Uation under reduced pressure
(4) Steam dlslilla11on
(3 / ' - /' y H
28. Most stable carbt>Cc:ltiOn among lhe following ts

(1) CH, (2) 0 - C H (4)~

(3) CH , CH 2 (4) 0 c H . 33 Which of the following can not acl as an
29. Wht ch or the following does not show catenaoon' El
_j)1 Cl (2) AICb

- -
(1) s, (2) Ge (i)
(3) CH, (4) NH,
t3) Sn (4) Pb
, I
n gt y "'4R od

H H {4 H of 11 te
CH @ R,,;,O;
Hype cnrijL ga11an ,at h wn y (4 I (CH J S1CI
40 Numbe re ting truc!ures ol CO 1s
111 CH CH (2 CH CH
<' 5 2) 4

J)(CH CH, (4 CH L CH (3 2 4) l
I _>1 The prOO\JI,. A in the qrven rear:tion 1s
Na a..o .cHCI • Sli 0 2N
;%, The correc1 IUPAC nam nf
(2 1 B.t-
.J,>f HBO
(3) NaBO 41 BCI
OH 42 Which am 1 the following 1s :1 nelitral oxide?

J,>{Peni-2-en--4..ol (1 en 2) co
1 2) (31 B 0 (4) Al.-0
(3) Penl-2-en-2-ol _it3 Inorganic graph:te 1s

(4) Pent-3-en-2-ol
_.ef B,H, (2) 8JN He
(3) BN (4) BF,
37 Heterocycl, aromal•c compound among the
fo\b•,nglS 44. The leas: eel. u, cgative group-13 element 1s

c1TU N
(3) Ga

•s. In diamond ca!"bon a1om s have

(2) Al
(4) In

(1) ap2 hybnd ,sation ooly
NH, {2 ) sp hybnd 1saLon only
(3) Bolh spJ and sp hybndism,on
(4 ) ~ ~ (41 sp hybnd1sc1t,on only

Wh ¢{ the followmg factors are not dependent
The mos, bundanl enzyme 1 the world is
'.)(I ltie qenet c pred1sp051bon of a plant?
A RuB sCO (2) PEPcase
(4 MOP -educlasc (' Sue leaves
ATP y, th ~t:

47 Which ,i 1t1e wrong sta1erne11I ,. r I ghl as

2 Age I ca't'el
fartOf lfec11ng phnlosvnlhP ' 1:\) 1,,,l) 1,.on :enlr<.11ton of atmo;ph.lrO

(1) L1uht SHI ~IIOf1 oc urs al O of full 1un gM 4 Numher of r,,e-.op..,.yll 1.e!b
49 -Nt,1ch ct lhe f0Uow1ng pro t1ss1•s s absent 111 c.
p r.''S
L ).ut-. I ct1Qll
) llghl rea
) .,. .. ye,
1 plants
('.\) A 3-carbon at id


Joner.it1>d 1n \ho hundlf'


tnll opt1yll ot SI If .h
(4) Glw i•,t•
Which cmimo Jc d 1, 1111 n ,n donor of tlie ammo
gioup dunng trnnsam111a11on
sheath (,ells
(4) The f1rst stablP. produ 1Is ,llw.1y mallc acid {,) Glulamic .J<,;1d

y{ Mow many lum" of C11lvIn cycle arc required for )7(1,c iiCtd
synthesis of 6 moleculEi!. of ghJcoso? (3) Asparag1M
(1) 6 -12-1 36 (4) Glutammo
(4) 24 59 The coenzyme required !or cdud1ve .1m1m1t1on of
(3) 12
u~ketoglutalic ~r:1d by Q\utnmate dehydrogenAse
52. The fm;t product of C• pathway lb

(11 3-PGA (21 OM IS

(2) NAOP
(4) Pyruvate (1) NAO
(31 RuBP
14) FAD
53 The protons Iha\ are produced due to spllUmg of (3) NADPH
water accumulate _.&&:- How many ulectrons are: required for fixation of

(1) In the stroma of chloroplast

one molecule of atmospheric nitrogen?

(2) In the lumen of 1hylako1d (1) 4 )Zf 8

(3) In the lntermembrane space of chloroplast (3) 16 !• 2

Rf' zobwm s 3SSOC a1ed w th the roots of ell of
(4) On the s1roma side of thylako1d membrane
lhe followmg "xcept
54 For electron transfer
dunng non-cychc
( 1) Atfall.i (2) Garden pea
photophosphorylat1on atl the foltow1ng statements
are true. except pi A/nus 4) Lenul

(1) It follows oz-scheme

62 Pick \he odd one ·N r t microbes Involved m the

(2) NADP' is rAdUC'!'d to NAOPH + H process of n1tr1hca1I011

( 1) NiJrosomonas (2) Pseudomonas
(3) H star1s with PS r
(4) Elec1rons from PS I and PS II are {J) Mlrococcus .<: 1 NJlrCJbcicltu
s/mullaneously excited 83. Brown spols around ctllorol!c veins ore observed
The color of chlorophyll b In lhe chromatogram 1s due lo toxicity of
(1) Bright oi blue gree1 ( 1) Sodium (2) Carbon

(2) Yellow Jar Manganese (4) Oxygen

}iiJ( Yellow green Necrosis 1s

(4) Yellow to yellow-orange (1) Yellowing of leaves
.---56". Which of the following stalements Is not true for (2) Formalmn of mosaics on sIem
dark reaction? {3) Appearance of chlorot1c veins
(1) It occurs 1n stroma of chloroplast ..{4f'Dealh of tissue
(2) II involves trapping of sunhght 65. Copper 1s absorbed by planls In the form of
Synthesis of sugar takes place 1n u 111 cu l2l cu>-
{4) 11 1
s dependent on the produr.ts of light 14) Cu 2 •
react on
01 nightly T st ~O YMR • e
w llllll\ t, IY 1, 1Jr n I
II win
'fl I II
/Or uppurllll!j
(2 le m ,r1µroduc.uon of p1ar11
(3 Iron yr In lfl Jbsenc OI ')1 "'' 1 • • pl
(4' N1 el curnplPlf 1he1r Ille eye/
67 A11 lem, 1 aqu111 d to ,, r n It llol (3} Oehclancy of ;m element carmol be mr I by
dolivdrogona o onz~mei, f\t1pply1ng somu othor elom, nt
111 Zn 12) K {•l) The ,,tprmnl must bo d1r~Uy nvolved ,n Iha
(J) C • 4) Fe motabol1sm of thB plan!

pq Chord.ttt•s differ 'rom ell non..c:hord;1tes 1n havmg Which of the lollowmg 1., not o chara1..ter ,,t
members of the phylum P1.mfera?
• 1,.t-) Notochord
(2) Bilateral symmetry
_y·) They are generally manne and m s,Uy rd1l,,1! y
(3) True coelom
{2) D1gesllon 1s in1racellular
(4 Segmented bOdy
(3) Sexes are not separate
,t() Collar cells are Cound 1n the organisms belonging
(4) Primitive multicellular animals
to the phylum
All of the following are coelenterates, except
l,) 01arynetm1nthes )?} Porifera
(2) Sea anemone
f3) Coelenterata 14) Ctenophora
J1. Setect the odd one among lhe following.
Nematocy;;t Is a/an
(1) Sycon (2) Spong,rra
(1) _Cell ).2r Group of cells
(3) Euspangia jA'f Adamsia
(3) Organ (4) Panofacell
4 Which ol the following 1s incorrect w.r.L Obe/ia?
Medusa of coelenterates is not
(i) 11 shows diploblasty (1) Sexually reproducing
t2) It shows metagenesis ..R[ Urnbrella•shaped ·
% II has porous body (3) Free swifTlin ng
i4 I; has tNO forms-PD'yp and medusa --t4f Sessile •
'"6 Read !he given statements and select the correct /8 Which of lhe following are characlenzed by
optior porous bodies?
Statement A: Metarneric segn anta1ion s sef!n ;n Poriferans (2\ Coelente .ite.
earthworm (3) Ann•llds t'P Molluscs
Statr-ment 8 , Notochord 1s endodermally denved In which type of coelom IT·t"'sode1rn 1s prt1-sen1 dS
rod..f1ke s1ructJre formed on Iha dorsal side dtiring sc<1\lered pouches 1n between lhe ecmderm and
en· b1yon1c development in some animals endodenn7
(1) Both htatements ore :orrect fa1 Pseudocoelom
(2) Both statements are ,ncouect (2) Sch1zocoelnin

vO) Only sta1emen A 1 ·or•ec:1 (3) Acoelom

14 J Only slatemenl B st orre t i..41 Haemococlcm

Modic I 2024


r3) MetamorphO::ilS

r.Aelrt lBS.,
rneduse and r
knnwn a~
))t Me1agbn0r1•
{4} Matamerism
Which of the following features Is not present In
orodu ec:.

1 :1pongtl/a
rtn1ghtly ~Hi 10
Bat Ii sponqtt 1s lne 11am q1veri ,
M 1ridr
4 J ::,yco
,,a?in which of the following. water canal :,y !em 1s

animals belonging lo the phylum Coelont&rata?
..)-tl Ponferans (2) Echinoderms
(1) Cn1doblasls are used for anchorage. defence (4) Aschelminlhos
(3) Platyhelminthes
and for \he capture of prey.
Sponge found 1n nver water 1s
.-,{2) All cnidarians have calcium carbonme
(1 I Sycon (2) Gorgonia
(3) E'.11spongia (4) Spong1/le
t3) Coelanlerates have a central gastrovascular
cavlly. Medusa form Is found in the Hfe history of

(4) l hey are aquatic, mostly manne sessile or vtl' Aural/a (2) Hydra
free swimming. (3) Starlish (4) Sycon
f i Which of the following is not applicable to Hydra? The water current in the body of the sponge 1s
mainlained by
(1 l Radial symmetry
r 1) Nematocyst (2) CIiiated cells
l2) Tissue level of organisation
,....r-t) Choanocytes (4) Cmdocytes
(3) Presence of mesoglea between ectoderm are
endoderm Stmgmg capsules are found m

...{4')Both polyp and medusa body rorms are (1) Sycon (2) Spong1lla
present _µr Sea fan (4 l Bath sponge
(!)· Choose the correct match. {Pf Whlch or the rol\uwing is not correcl for sponges·,
(1) Pl1Ysalia - Sea anemone ll) Internal ferllhsalion
(2) MeandrinB - Sea P.en _..(2'} External fertillsalion
(3) Gorgonia - sea fan (3) Indirect development
(4) Adatnsfa - Portuguese man-of-war (4) Hermaphroditism

a a


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