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Unit-4 ( Gyaph Theory) -I

Agaph G-(V,E) consists of V, non emphy sel of

vehecs (nodes) and E,a set o cdges Each cdge
bA5 either Che Or two verhces a550cioted oith Tt
is colled end points
.Folke graph: Agraph in which the vertex set is having
fioite elements is called inite gtaph.
Ihinite graph: Agroph having infte number of veHees
is called infinite graph
Smple graph : Agraph in ohich each edge connects
too different verhices and ohere no
eboo edgges oonnect the s5me poir o
Ver hces is colled simple groph
*eithe single edge or no edge in graph.

Molk- graph: Agoph hoing mul kple edges blo the

Same pair of verhces .

Símple d mulhi

Loop- It is a single edge that is connech the

vtex to itself
Pseudo gaph : A graph that includes loops and
mulile edges is called 8 a pseuda
ie, pseudo graph loop t mulh-graph
Moltiplicl ty When thee are 'm edges blo the
poi of erices, then the moltplciky
of the pair of ver tex = m
Direched gsph o digraph : (v, E) consists of non.
Cmpty set of vehces()and a set
C diredted edoes (E)
In case of direched graph pair
ordered graph (U,v)
tepresents the direcled edqe starting from U and
teminates to verter V.
Dearee - The deqree of o vertex in an
9rsph is the no edçes incident oith
vertex or passing through the vetc.
In COse
of Loop, degtee ot verter is
coun bed
C (2)
b (2)


vertex oih o' degreeTsolohed
Vetex toilh degee >Pedank
,In degrec (dey- (v))
of dreced gtach, the indeqtee of vete V, s
In Case of

represented as deg- (v), is the no dges termnaking

at the vetor V.
. Out degree (deg +cu)
The out degiee is represen ted as deg t cv) is the no cdes
orignahing rom the verter V.
In case of loop, he in-degree and out -degyee the
yerfex oil! be one and one.


4,deg- (aj 4 4’ deg-(a) =2 de9 -(e) =2

deg r las 2 deg r (a) a4 deg () 2
deg -(b) 2 deg- (f) *o
deg- Cb) - 3
deg+(b) 1 deg t (f) -0
deg (b) - 2
deg ():3
deg - () =2
deg t c) 2
deq t co - 4
deg- Cd) s 3
deg - d) ! dcgr cd) 3
deg +(d) : 2
>Hand- shake Theorem
Direced graph G(V,E) oill Small E edges
2x nio cd ges sum of he degree of oll
le] Edeg - (v) s Sdeg t cv) ’ Directed

8 deg Cv) -’ Tndirected
) How many edgcs are having in
an ndirected
if its eges i0
verices with 6 degtee gaaph
Ans: 22 IOx6 60
Ce 60

-Complete graph : The complete graph on n' verticcs

repres ten d as Ka, the símple gaph
that contains exactly one edgc blw esch
pair of tuo
dishinct vertices.
cycle ( Cn): The cyole Cn ) n 3
consists ot nverhs
1,2,. n and edges
(n-1, n},{n,1} {,2}. {2, 3 f34}
- Wheels (wn): The oheel is obtain ed by
adding One
verter to the cycle Co n 3 and
ing this vertex uoiHh al| the 'n'
verices of Cn

sosr Hte gaph : Asimple graph G is called Biparite,
is vertex set V can be porhhoned into toD
disjoints sets V & Va Sch that every cdge in the
connechs the verter in y & he verer V
S0, that no edge in G connects eitho too verhces

h V and Vs

y: fa, b, c, d,c, f. g
salV fa, b,dy
V {c, e,fsg Yes, B-P
V- fa, b, c, d,d, t?

Va f f. e,d , b} No, B-P

v.fa, b, c,d, e,f)

y, fa,b, e, d}
V,£ c,f} Yes, B-P
Lno edgcs
Hae, it is compleke Bipartte
Degtee Sequence : The Degree seqvence of graph
is the
sequene of the degrecs of the veboe
of the grsph in a non- increasíng ordet.
D"s (4,3,3,2)
Asimple groph is cal
led reqular graph if all
vertices ct the graph have Same the
the degee is 'n' then it s dcgree and i
called n-regular.
(Reqular graph)
C(a) bta)

*Adjancey Marix
b cn

C 1I0J3x3
t G (VE) is a simple graph having 'n' vehes
Then Hhe adgencey matrix of the groph Lort to
yerhces s the nxn zero one matrix Such that

aj if Chj) cdqe lexist

other wise

Drao the graph of the


Incidence mahris: ket G (V.E) be an undirected graph.

Suppose thak 2,nare the verices and
4a Gm re the cdges of Then the incidence
mahir is of the order mx m and is given as

Lso mor phiom giaph ?


The simple graph, G (V,s 6) and Ga CV,sE)

iso morphic if thee is one to one aund
on to tonchion () tom V vertex set to V,
Vetex Set coith the property that a &b
adjacent in V, It and only if fla) and
f(b) is adjocent to G,a,b eb,
V, (3) (2)
M3 (3)

Ng (3) Vy (2)

flvs) Vs
Ve5 V:5
E5 E5

D(2,2;2,2, a) D (2,2,2, 2, 2)

’ They can be isomoyphic graphs, But mapping is reglicd

t(U4)> V

. The given t
1 graphs are is omorphiom
V(2) (2)

V"6 V6
E 7 dEd
D: (2,3, 2,3, 2,2)D(2,2,3,2, 3, 2)
Mappirg: flug Vy

Vu 00
Path : a seqvence of edges that
begins at avertex
Of a gra ph nd traves
from verter to vertex
along the cdges Of a graph
x: a’ d (re? pah)

a’C ’
a’ b Pa ths

) circuit of cycle : a path is called circuit, if it

beqins and terminates at the S•me ver tex.
tx: from above, tes t
’ b ’ d c a is called a cycle
length - n-o edges in the path
Here, it is 4:
) simple path or simple circUit : a pay h Cr circuit is
called simple, if it does not contain the
Hhe same
cdge ove than once- ( no repeat of cdges)
d) oalk;it s defined as alter nahng sequence oy
verhces and edges of the graph
(Here, edge is specfed)
ae2 d esC
a ej b Cy C
) dosed walk : Indicoles the walk that
and terminales at same Verkex. begins
4) thail : Used to represent a oalk that has
no repcated edges
Note: In loop ’ single edge
In cycle ’'n' no edqes

connec ted graph : An

undirected graph is called
connected graph, if there is a
path blo evcry pair of
the path ver hices o,
shongly connected - two path
should be tonneckl
a’ b and ba
possible. should be

weokly conneced - a’b but b’a


non- con nec ted


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