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Liverpool AquaFarm


Release: v1
Date: 9th October 2017
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
2 Design Precedents....................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 GrowUp Box .................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 InsPro Ltd ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Illy Push Button House..................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Patrick Bradley Cantilevered Office ................................................................................ 6
2.5 Square Roots..................................................................................................................... 8
3 Component Precedents ............................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Compact Furniture .......................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Entrance Doors ............................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Aquaculture System ....................................................................................................... 13
4 Materials ................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Aquaculture .................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Laboratory Space ............................................................................................................ 16
4.3 Meeting Space ................................................................................................................ 17
5 Design Proposal ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.1 Aquaculture System ....................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Laboratory Space ............................................................................................................ 20
5.3 Meeting Space ................................................................................................................ 21
5.4 Storage Container ........................................................................................................... 21
6 Power Requirements and Supply.............................................................................................. 22
7 Estimated Costs ........................................................................................................................ 23
8 Outputs...................................................................................................................................... 25
Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

1 Introduction

Liverpool AquaFarm aims to create a test bed for technologies and applications associated
with aquaculture, having the goal of creating a transportable, modular, autonomous system capable
of being deployed in a multitude of situations. The AquaFarm will be located at Princes Dock,
minutes from Liverpool city centre, to and provide applied research and community resources
whilst being capable of also providing fresh fish, seaweed and shellfish to certain specialist local

This design document presents a costed proposal for a proof-of-concept AquaFarm system
completely housed within a 40 foot (12.19m) shipping container, along with a supplementary 20
foot container providing additional storage space and roof area for solar panels. This combined
container design will include a bespoke aquaculture unit with accompanying laboratory and meeting
facilities focused around the demonstration of research opportunities into aquaculture and sensor

2 Design Precedents

Utilising a container to produce food has already been explored by small enterprises with
some success. However, these endeavours have focused on the social impacts and have used a
single or pair of containers to hold only their systems. The Liverpool AquaFarm is distinctive in
aiming to enclose a compact aquaculture system, adjoining laboratory and meeting facilities within
a single container with a focus based primarily around research opportunities and the public
outreach this offers.

Whilst there is no direct precedent for the all-inclusive design of Liverpool AquaFarm, there are
contemporary examples of containers being repurposed in the last few years for use as aquaculture
and hydroponics systems, as well as offices amongst a multitude of other uses.

2.1 GrowUp Box

GrowUp is a London based start-up and has established an aquaculture system on a

shopping centre rooftop in the district of Stratford. It was originally positioned in a Marlborough

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Playground as part of the Chelsea Fringe Festival. This gives an indication of the primary aim of the
system which, whilst capable of outputting 150kg of fish and 430kg of salad and herbs per annum,
is to be a community outreach project. This is further emphasised by the opportunities for
educational tours, workshops and volunteering.

Figure 1: GrowUp Box

The yield of the system is impressive, demonstrating that an aquaculture arrangement such as this is
capable of producing a saleable amount of product. The compact size of the system, essentially two
20 foot containers, is also something to follow. The location, on top of Stratford Centre shopping
centre, also demonstrates that it is possible to have an aquaculture system located in a highly
urbanised setting and capable of providing to fresh products to the immediate surroundings.

There are, however, issues with the design that would create issues if mimicked by Liverpool
AquaFarm. Critically, the split level does add to the aesthetics of the unit, but at the same time
decrease the security of the unit by using a glass upper section. This greenhouse also reduces the
mobility of the unit since, without any visible lifting points, it would need to be dismantled in the
event that relocating the system was required. As for the system itself, the fact that it relies upon a
single fish tank means that there is a limited amount of flexibility in the species of fish that can be
cultivated and the conditions in which they can be kept. Due to the research focus of GrowUp, it
would be a better option to use multiple tanks for either single species or single ages of fish.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Positives Negatives
Product yield Restricted mobility
Compact design Reduced security
Urban location Limited variety of fish stock

2.2 InsPro Ltd

Designed and manufactured by Whitecrate Ltd, Inspro took delivery of a modular

autonomous system similar in concept to the final vision of the Liverpool AquaFarm. The InsPro
system uses a number of containers to produce poultry feed, fish and greens in a system whose sole
input is food waste. This demonstrates that it is possible to have a multiple output system in place.
Looking at the design of the InsPro containers can help to inform the specification for the
AquaFarm design with a degree of similarity of the systems, especially within the aquaculture
container. One of the design renders also demonstrates that it is possible to have all three parts of
their system within a single shipping container, as well as a larger modular system across multiple

Figure 2: InsPro Ltd Container Render

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Figure 3: InsPro Flow Chart

2.3 Illy Push Button House

Designed by architect Adam Kalkin at the behest of the Illy Coffee Company, the push
button house was a temporary structure that was displayed in New York and Venice. Using
computer controlled hydraulics, a 20 foot shipping container would unfold in 90 seconds. The
unfolded container consisted of living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom and library spaces. The
primary use of the push button house was arguably as a marketing exercise for Illy as well as having
an element of community outreach. This community element was addressed through coffee classes,
dance and performance art shows, and coffee conversations.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Figure 4: Illy Push Button House - Unfolding

Figure 5: Illy Push Button House - Unfolded

The fact that the house managed to offer so many different types of space is something to observe,
even if these are not essential for the AquaFarm meeting area. It works as a good demonstration of
the variety of possibilities available within the design. The use of the hydraulic pistons to open and
close the sides of the container to create additional space is the most interesting element of the
design, and offers interesting possibilities for creating entrances and associated areas.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

These hydraulics also create an issue in the fact that this system is mechanically complex and more
labour intensive to produce compared to the doors already fitted as standard. Certainly, using
hydraulics would be no more effective than standard doors and could prevent entry if there is a
failure without an additional method of entering the container. As another minor point, the push
button home has created spaces that meet the minimum of what would expected. Such variety
means that whilst the space is used effectively, the efficiency of each space is low.

Positives Negatives
Compact furniture design Too much space variety
Hydraulically operated elements Overly mechanically complex

2.4 Patrick Bradley Cantilevered Office

Designed by PB Architects for a location in County Derry, Northern Ireland, this studio
maximised available site space by cantilevering over a steep gradient and was envisioned to be able
to blend into the surrounding environment. The container was constructed for a private client rather
than community outreach as with previous precedents.

The outdoor deck is definitely something that can be taken forwards into the container design, in
providing extra space that can be used during good weather. The design of the deck here is
something striking that would add to the design aesthetics, although a full roof covering would be
preferred over slats as used here. The exterior cladding is much more aesthetically pleasing than a
container without a facade covering, and taking something similar (such as corten steel) would
make the final design more striking. Following the ‘zeitgeist’ and including a green roof is an
environmentally friendly feature that could be considered, but it is more likely that the design will
use this space for photovoltaic panels.

Whilst the sliding doors leading onto the deck are something that can be taken forwards as a good
entrance into the container, the use of large glass windows, as with the GrowUp Box, present a
security risk, especially when the container will most likely not be seeing continual use and is in a
low traffic location. Whilst the cantilevered element of the design definitely adds to the aesthetic
appeal, it is probably safe to assume that there is some form of anchorage on the near end to resist

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

the rotational forces. Whilst necessary in this case, in all likelihood the container is in a permanent,
static condition, which is against the design requirements of the Liverpool AquaFarm container.

Figure 6: PB Office - Render

Positives Negatives
Striking outdoor deck design Large glass window allows light but reduces security
Exterior cladding adds to aesthetics and design Cantilever design implies that the structure is
impact permanent and static
Green roof strengthens environmental appeal

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

2.5 Square Roots

Located in Brooklyn, New York, and sponsored by a number of initiatives, including one led
by the younger brother of Elon Musk, Square Roots has taken an entrepreneurial approach to
providing fresh produce. Each entrepreneur is provided with training to run 1 of 10 vertical farming
containers for a year. These are free to produce in whatever form the entrepreneurs see fit in
creating profit from selling the produce. Each 45 foot (13.5m) container has a potential weekly
yield of 22.67kg.

Figure 7: Square Roots Exterior

Located in immediate proximity to a number of restaurants, there is thus a local demand for the
produce available at minimal transport cost. Since each container is allocated to a single
entrepreneur, this ensures a variety of different produce, where it is possible to rapidly work on a
number of different production iterations to arrive at best practice. Each container is continually
monitored by sensor systems which can be accessed at any time by the entrepreneur using a phone
app. The annual rotation of container ownership makes the entire project agile and adaptable to
market conditions. With each container having most of the equipment built into the design, Square
Roots can and is intended to be easily scalable.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Figure 8: Square Roots Interior

One of the issues with the annual changeover of container ownership is that, whilst it does create an
alumni network, there is a lack of experienced growers. Best practice is available only through
documentation or by alumni who may or may not be continuing to produce in a different location.
No mention is made regarding the sources of power and water for the system, meaning that these
containers may need to be connected to local systems, reducing the system’s autonomy. The vertical
farming system used by Square Roots was developed by external companies, leading to questions
about flexibility in being able to modify the containers or trying different configurations.

Positives Negatives
Use of remote sensor monitoring Annual turnover of entrepreneur staff
Agile in products and quick to iterate Questionable autonomy
Growth of alumni and knowledge network Iterations limited to products and not to the system

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

3 Component Precedents

The requirement for the entire design to be as compact as possible creates the need to use
components that are both functional and maximise the use of space available. Exploring existing
methods of maximising space helped to inform the ways this could be achieved with the AquaFarm.

3.1 Compact Furniture

The meeting area will have the highest level of footfall, and will be expected to house four
people around a meeting table, along with expected tea/coffee making facilities. Inspiration has
come from uses where compact design has become a necessity, for example canal boats, caravans
and high-density accommodation, such as in Hong Kong and Japan.

 Table(s)
Providing a table to sit around during breaks and meetings is an important element to
consider. With the lack of space available in the meeting area a standard fixed table is not an option.
There are various alternatives for tables that can reduce in size for storage when not in use. Four
possible options exist for the compact space: folding trestle, folding, drop leaf and twist-lock tables.

Folding trestle tables are regularly used during temporary events and so are readily available. The
legs of these tables fold underneath the top and the entire element is generally light and can easily
be carried by a single person.

Folding tables are available for home use. The sides of the top can drop and make the table thin
enough to sit alongside a standard kitchen counter. It may or may not be on wheels, or have space
underneath the non-folding section for the storage of folding chairs.

Drop leaf tables are similar to folding ones. Instead of the legs collapsing, the top folds down to sit
vertically. This type of table is much heavier than folding options and is moved around by wheels at
the base of the legs. Since it relies on the table top dropping, rather than the legs folding, these have
a much larger footprint than a trestle table.

Twist-lock tables can be found in compact and multi-use spaces such as those found in caravans and
canal boats. They can be completely dismantled consisting of a single central leg, table top and base

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

in the floor. The size of these tables is smaller than the other options, but when dismantled they take
up much less space with the individual elements easily handled; and possibly even hung from walls
when not needed, freeing up floor space.

Figure 9: Possible Tables (Clockwise from Top Left: Folding Trestle, Folding, Twist-Lock
and Drop-Leaf)

 Chairs
The meeting area has been envisioned to be capable of seating four persons around a table.
As with the table, there is a need to make the chairs as compact as possible when not in use, and not
to disrupt movement through the meeting area. Naturally, there must also be a degree of comfort to
the seating. Two major options are available: to use stackable or foldable chairs.

Stackable chairs can offer greater comfort than folding ones with the option to fit arms and have
greater cushioning. To counter this they are not as compact when being compared in smaller

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

numbers. But by minimising the number of joints, the chair is of sturdier construction, and due to
the reduced complexity is cheaper assuming the same quality materials are used.

Folding chairs are generally not cushioned and cannot have arms attached. They take up much less
space than stackable chairs and are lighter. Because of these features they are less risky to users
when being carried. Usual construction materials are wood, plastics and steel. The basic models of
folding chairs are going to be cheaper than stackable options, but this comes at the cost of reduced
durability and comfort.

Figure 10: Possible Chairs (Stackable and Foldable)

3.2 Entrance Doors

With the existing container doors being used as a service entrance directly into the
aquaculture section of the container, there is a great deal of freedom regarding what sort of shape
the main access to the container should be.

The doors will be mainly glass to allow more light to enter the area and improve user comfort. The
low security of using glass doors will need to be offset by hardening features such as metal shutters.
No matter which kind of door is used in the design, modifications will most likely need to be made
in order to fit the dimensions of the container.

 Standard
A single or set of double doors can be used for the main entrance to the AquaFarm. They can
be easily fitted and are readily available. With the double door configuration the entire entrance

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

could be opened on the proviso that these are hung to swing outwards. The doors could be fully
glass or comprise another material with or without a window fitting.

 Sliding
Sliding doors would have a minimum footprint and could allow half of the entrance to be
open. The doors would be fully glass, although this could be changed to another material at the cost
of permitting light into the meeting area and the openness this creates. Installation of this type of
door has already been undertaken with projects by Whitecrate Ltd and others, and presents a middle
option of complexity.

 Folding (French)
Folding doors would permit almost the entire entrance space to be used, and could be
opened either partially or completely depending on the circumstances. But they are mechanically
complex when compared to standard or sliding doors, and by extension more expensive.
Additionally, whilst examples can be found of containers that have had folding doors fitted along
their sides, there are none that can be found with folding doors fitted to their ends. This would
suggest that it is not the most efficient option available.

Figure 11: Possible Doors (Left to right: Standard, Sliding, Folding)

3.3 Aquaculture System

Based upon systems already in use at the University of Liverpool and the University of
Swansea, the aquaculture system has been designed specifically to be compact enough to take up a
minimum of space without compromising on the flexibility for exploiting research opportunities.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

4 Materials

Material considerations for the design have been led by the requirements of the different
areas of the container. As the conditions of each section are distinctive, the types of suitable material
are different.
By looking at the alternative conditions of each section, a series of required properties can be
deduced. This then leads to an informed decision as to which materials should be used for the
various elements and furniture, along with the possible cost implications.

4.1 Aquaculture

The environment of the aquaculture is designed to match the needs of the fish species,
namely trout, leading to the most demanding conditions in the design. This has meant looking at
materials that are highly durable and long-lasting. Seaweed and shellfish will also be cultivated
alongside the fish as three complementary aquaculture products in one combined integrated
container system.

 Conditions

 Lower ambient temperature (10-15°C)

The lower temperature range is the preferred environment for the cultivation of trout. Whilst
this decrease is unlikely to have any effect on the materials themselves, it will influence the
comfort of the space.

 High salt content in the air

With the trout being cultivated in brackish water tanks, it is to be expected that the ambient
air will have a high salt content. This increases the risk and speed of corrosion of materials

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

 Possibility of brackish water splashes

The presence of the brackish water in open tanks leads to the hazard that water may be
splashed out of the tanks onto other parts. As with the already high salt content in the
surrounding air, this will further increase the risk of corrosion.

 Material Requirements

 Durable and resistant to salt corrosion

 Water resistant in the event of splashes

 Strong enough to carry the load imposed by the fish tanks

 Possible Material Options

 Galvanised steel
A zinc layer separating the steel and surrounding environment reacts with the salt and other
chemicals in the air to form a protective layer and prevent corrosion of the underlying steel.
The lifetime of elements made of galvanised steel can be increased by regular painting or
the introduction of sacrificial anodes.

 Stainless steel
The addition of chromium to alloyed steel creates a highly corrosion resistant material
thanks to the formation of an inert chromium oxide layer. It is highly recyclable and, in the
right conditions, more durable than galvanised steel.

 Plastics
Plastics are, for the most part, very resistant to salt corrosion. This material option is already
used for water containment as solid components and flexible sheeting, whilst netting is used
in fishing. Plastic will play a large role in the aquaculture’s piping, casings and water tanks,
but for larger parts it is more economical to use steel.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

4.2 Laboratory Space

With the laboratory space being used for analysis and dissection of the harvested trout,
seaweed and shellfish the emphasis of any material selections here must focus on user safety. This
means that materials must be sterile and easily cleanable.

 Conditions

 High risk of contamination from dissections

With the laboratory being used for the dissection of trout and the analysis of this fish species
along with seaweed and shellfish, there is a risk that surfaces might become contaminated
with bacteria from the dissections or from improper cleaning.

 Extended use by staff during analysis

When being used for analysis work, the laboratory space will most likely be used for
reasonable periods of time. A degree of comfort is expected for people using the space to
work and should be taken into consideration.

 Material Requirements

 Easily cleanable

 Sterile

 High contrast

 Possible Material Options

 Plastics
The easily cleanable and sterile properties of plastics are known and taken advantage of
regularly. Plastic tupperware is used to hold food and various plastics are used for medical

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

 Stainless Steel
As with plastics, stainless steel is used regularly in the culinary and medical sectors. It is
also easily cleanable and sterile. Although it is more expensive to procure than plastics, it is
much more durable and tough, thus giving it a longer lifespan.

4.3 Meeting Space

The meeting space will be the first area that people enter in the container, and similar to the
laboratory space, will see people seated for lengths of time. This leads to a focus on the comfort of
users whilst also recognising that it is the smallest of the three spaces, and so must also be compact
and practical.

 Conditions

 Comfortable
The meeting space will be used for meetings and as a relaxation area away from the
aquaculture and laboratory. There must then be a degree of comfort afforded by the
materials and furniture that is selected for use.

 Minimal Space
The meeting space is the mostly densely packed area of the container with space needed for
a sink and counter, meeting table and four seats. All of this furniture must fit into the space
whilst remaining useable and not hindering access to other areas.

 Material Requirements

 Hard Wearing

 Aesthetics

 Comfortable

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

 Possible Material Options

 Plastics
Plastic furniture is easily cleanable and durable with a long working life. If designed well,
plastic seating can also be comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

 Wood
Various woods have been used to produce furniture and are readily available in a large
number of different shapes and finishes. Wooden furniture is pleasing to the eye, and whilst
durable as standard, using protective layers such as varnish or laminate can add to toughness
and ease of cleaning.

 Fabrics
Used alone for seating or in combination with other materials, fabrics present a good option
for aesthetics and comfort. Although fabrics are more prone to staining than other materials,
contract quality fabrics can be very durable and tough.

5 Design Proposal

As an initial proof-of-concept, this Liverpool AquaFarm design encompasses a bespoke

aquaculture system and accompanying facilities. The main 40 foot unit contains the aquaculture
system, laboratory for basic analysis and a small meeting area. A secondary 20 foot container is
attached to the aquaculture system, to provide additional storage space and to house a diesel
generator and batteries. PV panels placed on the roof of both containers are south facing to provide
renewable energy and help the facility be as autonomous as possible. Exterior decking provides
extra space in agreeable weather, and there is the possibility in the future of hanging an awning
from the containers. Daylight enters the laboratory and meeting spaces through skylights in the
ceiling. 75mm of insulation is fitted to the walls, ceiling and floor of the main container for user

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

The main container can be entered from either the meeting room using a pair of sliding glass doors
secured with a metal shutter, or through a service entrance for the large aquaculture area using
standard container doors. The entrance to the storage container is next to the service doors.

Figure 12: Isometric View – of Combined Container Design

Figure 13: Plan View – of Combined Container Design

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

5.1 Aquaculture System

The aquaculture system for this container has been modelled on the separate systems already
in place at the University of Liverpool, and modified to be as compact as possible.

The system consists of three fish tanks of 1.2m diameter by 1m depth for the growth of trout,
alongside a pair of racks for smaller tanks of seaweed and shellfish. Water will initially be drawn
from the dock itself, but will afterwards cycle through an inbuilt filtration system. This section of
the container will have an air cooling unit to maintain an ambient temperature of 10-15°C, with this
fitted to the ceiling space above the walkway.

Figure 14: Aquaculture Space – in 40 foot container

5.2 Laboratory Space

The laboratory area directly adjacent to the large aquaculture space fulfils the requirements
of basic research facilities. There are a pair of stations for basic water analysis, necroscopy and
microscopy, with storage cupboards and an under-counter fridge for keeping samples refrigerated
when necessary.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

5.3 Meeting Space

Due to the layout requirements of the aquaculture system and laboratory, the available space
for a meeting area calls for compact and functional design to make best use of what is available.
There is capacity for a meeting table with seating for four and basic tea/coffee making facilities.

Figure 15: Laboratory and Meeting Spaces – in 40 foot container

5.4 Storage Container

The shorter storage container attached to the main unit has been included on this proof-of-
concept due to the compact nature of the main container. In future expansions where each container
becomes an individual module, the additional space will reduce the need for a dedicated storage

This storage container would have its roof space used for PV panels. The interior would have steel
racking to maximise the use of the available space. A 5kW generator is in place to supplement the
solar energy when required, along with batteries for when there is an excess of solar power
generation. On the wall and matching with the air conditioning unit in the aquaculture section is the
condenser unit.

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Figure 16: Supplementary Storage Container

6 Power Requirements and Supply

The majority of the power demand will come from the aquaculture system, with the
laboratory fridge being the other consistent draw on the system. During periods of occupancy,
additional demands will be placed on the system from lighting of the laboratory and meeting spaces,
alongside heating and kettle needs for occupant comfort.
Power generation will be provided by photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the container.
Overnight power will come from a battery supply storing excess from the panels. In addition,
battery top-up and any power required additional to that provided by the PV panels will come from
a generator running on low-carbon fuels.

Approximate Permanent Power Requirements

Input kW Output kW
PV Panels1 3.36 Aquaculture Pumps 2.00
Air Blower 0.50
Diesel Generator 5.00 Sensors 0.01
Laboratory Fridge2 0.01
Aquaculture LED Lighting 1.00

1 Maximum assumed output based on 12x JA Solar 280W panels over 20m 2
2 Assumed 110 kWh/yr

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

7 Estimated Costs

The costs for the various components and of design are based on approximate information,
and it is fully expected that the final costs will be somewhat similar to these.

Item Cost (£)

Unit 1 – Main 40 foot container
40 foot High Cube Decommissioned Refrigerated 8,000
Container Shell

Fit-out Costs
2x Internal partition w/ doors (1x insulated, 1x 3,000
polycarbonate – steel frame w/ polycarb infill)
1x slider door to one end (2 pane) with shutter 1,800
4.5m of floor covering (Polyflor) 700
4.5m of wall and ceiling covering (plywood or 700
white PVC)
Electric distribution to whole unit 1,200
(Est. 5 - 10 DSSO)
Water distribution 1,200
Lighting - Basic IP spec strip lights in production 800
area. Standard spec strip lights in office and lab.
Air-conditioning unit to production space 4,000
Wall panel heater each in lab and office 500
Simple sink and base unit (600 x 1200mm) 1,500
2x Roof skylights (nominally 600 x 600mm) 3,000

Fit-Out Sub-Total 18,400

External Works

External paint 3,000

Exterior Decking 20m2 1,000
Delivery and installation to Clarence Graving Dock 1,000

External Works Sub-Total 5,000

Unit 1 Subdivision of Costs 31,400

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

Unit 1 Possible Add-On Extras

Solar array for roof (~3kW)

Pergola / canopy to cover decked area
2 x Ø600mm circular portholes to side walls with

Unit 2 – 20 foot Storage container

20 foot High Cube container 4,000
External paint 2,000
Electric inlet – Interior lighting IP strips 1,000

Unit 2 Sub-Total 7,000

Total Estimate of Combined Containers 1 and 2 £38,400

Liverpool AquaFarm – Combined Container Design

8 Outputs

This container design is meant firstly to demonstrate the feasibility of the system as a whole,
and the possibilities that this creates primarily for research and associated public outreach. It is
designed to act as a proof-of-concept for a multiple container system that will be self-sufficient and
located on the Princes Dock site, and to demonstrate that such a system can work effectively in a
limited urban space.

Outcomes showcased from this Liverpool AquaFarm will be:

 Research and technology applications in use

 Sustainable products for the local community

 Proof-of-concept for a larger operational system

 Highly mobile demonstration combined container design

 Demonstration of the integration of aquaculture with smart sensors

The design proposed here has been produced taking cognisance of the ease and speed with how
quickly it can be produced once funding has been secured. It is expected that the container will be
in place on Princes Dock, Liverpool, for the International Festival of Business in 2018.


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