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Quartic Trigonometric Bézier Curves and Shape Preserving Interpolation


Article in Journal of Computational Information Systems · February 2012


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3 authors, including:

Yuanpeng Zhu Jing Han

Central South University Central South University of Forestry and Technology


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Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914
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Quartic Trigonometric Bézier Curves and Shape

Preserving Interpolation Curves

Yuanpeng ZHU, Xuli HAN ∗, Jing HAN

School of Mathematical Sciences and Computing Technology, Central South University, Changsha
410083, China


In this paper, we firstly construct quartic trigonometric polynomial blending functions which possess
the properties analogous to the quintic Bernstein basis functions, and then we give a kind of quartic
trigonometric Bézier curves. Basing on the blending functions and using the geometrical information of
four adjacent interpolation points, we introduce shape parameters which are used to generate the quartic
trigonometric Bézier control points. We give the shape preserving conditions of the shape parameters.
Thereby, shape preserving quartic trigonometric interpolation spline curves with shape parameters are
constructed. For any shape parameters satisfying the shape preserving conditions, the obtained spline
curves are F 3 continuous. There is no need to solve a linear system, and the changes of a local shape
parameter will only affect two curve segments.

Keywords: Trigonometric Polynomial; Shape Preserving Interpolation; Shape Parameters

1 Introduction
Recently, in order to overcome the limitations of the NURBS methods in the applications of com-
puter aided geometric design (CAGD), many works have been presented on using trigonometric
polynomial to represent curves and surfaces [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. E.Mainar et al [6] constructed a
α-basis analogous to the quintic Bernstein basis for the space {1, t, cos t, sin t, t cos t, t sin t}, which
has shape parameters and is suitable for shape preserving design. By using an integral approach,
Chen et al [7] presented a C-Bézier basis for the space span {1, t, . . . , tn−2 , cos t, sin t}, which can
represent circular arc and polynomial curves of high order exactly.
Shape preserving interpolation has been a subject of great interest in CAGD. Basing on Bern-
stein basis, [8] and [9] gave a kind of shape preserving interpolation curves, respectively. However,
the smoothness of the obtained curves are at most C 2 continuous. From [10] and [11], we can
know that in order to construct a C 3 continuous shape preserving interpolation spline curves we
must at least use polynomial of degree 6. Yongjuan Pan et al [12] gave a kind of C 2 continu-
ous convexity-preserving interpolation trigonometric spline curves, which is constructed by using

Corresponding author.
Email addresses: (Yuanpeng ZHU), (Xuli HAN).

1553–9105 / Copyright © 2012 Binary Information Press

January 2012
906 Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914

trigonometric polynomial of degree 1. In [13] and [14], C 3 continuous shape preserving interpo-
lation trigonometric spline curves with shape parameters were constructed by using quadratic
trigonometric Bézier basis and cubic trigonometric Bézier basis, respectively. The changes of a
local shape parameter in [13] and [14] will affect four and three curve segments, respectively.
The purpose of this paper is to present new quartic trigonometric polynomial blending func-
tions, which are useful for constructing quartic trigonometric Bézier curves and can be applied
to construct F 3 continuous shape preserving interpolation spline curves with shape parameters.
The changes of a local shape parameter will only affect two curve segments.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the definition and properties of the
quartic trigonometric polynomial blending functions. Trigonometric Bézier curves are constructed
in this section. In section 3, quartic trigonometric parametric curve segments are shown. Shape
preserving interpolation spline curves with local shape parameters are constructed in section 4.
In section 5, several numerical examples are presented. Conclusion is given in section 6.

2 Quartic Trigonometric Bézier Curves

2.1 Quartic trigonometric polynomial blending functions
Definition 1 For t ∈ [0, π/2], the following six functions are defined as quartic trigonometric
polynomial blending functions:

 B0 (t) = (1 − sin t)4 ,

 B1 (t) = 4 sin t(1 − sin t)3 ,

 B (t) = (1 − sin t)2 (1 − cos t)(9 + 8 sin t + 3 cos t),

 B (t) = (1 − sin t)(1 − cos t)2
(9 + 3 sin t + 8 cos t),


 B4 (t) = 4 cos t(1 − cos t)3 ,

 B5 (t) = (1 − cos t)4 .

0.8 B0 B5

0.6 B2 B

B1 B4


0 0.5 1 1.5

Fig. 1: The curves of the blending functions

Fig. 1 shows the curves of the blending functions. From the definition of the blending functions,
we can know that the blending functions have the following properties analogous to that of the
quintic Bernstein basis functions:
Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914 907

(1) Nonnegativity: Bi (t) ≥ 0, i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

(2) Partition of unity: 5i=0 Bi (t) = 1.

(3) Symmetry: Bi (t) = B5−i (π/2 − t), for i = 0, 1, 2.

(4) Maximum: Each Bi (t) has one maximum value in [0, π/2].

2.2 Quartic trigonometric Bézier curves

Definition 2 Given points Vi (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in R2 or R3 , for t ∈ [0, π/2], then

B(t) = Bi (t)Vi (2)

is called a quartic trigonometric Bézier curve, and the points Vi (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are called
quartic trigonometric Bézier control points.

Fig. 2 shows quartic trigonometric Bézier curves (solid lines), α-Bézier curves (dotted lines)
generated by α-basis given in [6], C-Bézier curves (dash-dotted lines) generated by C-Bézier basis
presented in [7], and Bézier curves (dash lines). It can be seen that quartic trigonometric Bézier
curves are closer to the control polygon than the other curves. Therefore, quartic trigonometric
Bézier curves can better preserve the feature of the control polygon than the other curves.

V2 V3 V2 V5


V1 V4


V0 V5 V0 V3

(a) (b)

Fig. 2: Quartic trigonometric Bézier curves and the other curves

The quartic trigonometric Bézier curves have the following important geometric properties
analogous to that of the Bézier curves:

(1) Terminal properties: Straightforward computation, we have

 B(0) = V0 , B(π/2) = V5 ,
B ′ (0) = 4(V1 − V0 ), B ′ (π/2) = 4(V5 − V4 ),

 B ′′ (0) = 12(V − 2V + V ), B ′′ (π/2) = 12(V − 2V + V ).
0 1 2 3 4 5
908 Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914

(2) Symmetry: V0 , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 and V5 , V4 , V3 , V2 , V1 , V0 define the same quartic trigonomet-

ric Bézier curve, i.e., B(t; V0 , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 ) = T (π/2 − t; V5 , V4 , V3 , V2 , V1 , V0 ).

(3) Geometric invariance: Since the blending functions have the properties of partition of
unity, the shape of a quartic trigonometric Bézier curve is independent of the choice of

(4) Convex hull property: Since the blending functions have the properties properties of non-
negativity and partition of unity, the entire quartic trigonometric Bézier curve segment
must lie inside the control polygon spanned by V0 , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 .

(5) Variation diminishing property: Sánchez-Reyes [15] proofed that we can construct a nor-
malized totally positive B-basis (that is, the basis with optimal shape preserving properties)
of the space of trigonometric polynomials {1, sin t, cos t, ..., sin mt, cos mt} defined on an in-
terval of length < π. The curves generated by the normalized totally positive B-basis have
variation diminishing property. In this paper, each of the quartic trigonometric polynomial
blending functions constructed in the space {1, sin t, cos t, cos 2t, sin 3t, cos 3t, sin 4t, cos 4t}
has one maximum value in [0, π/2]. The quartic trigonometric Bézier curves lie between the
quintic Bézier curves and the controlling polygon. And the quartic trigonometric Bézier
curves are closer to the control polygon than the quintic Bézier curves, which indicates
that the trigonometric Bézier curves can preserve the feature of the control polygon better
than the quintic Bézier curves.

(6) Convexity-preserving property: The variation diminishing property means the convexity-
preserving property holds.

3 Quartic Trigonometric Parametric Curve Segments

Given the interpolation points Pi (i = 0, 1, 2, 3) and the quartic trigonometric Bézier control points
Vi (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), allowing for the continuity and the shape preserving property, we propose
the following terminal points requirements

B(0) = V0 = P1 ,
B ′ (0) = 4(V1 − V0 ) = α1 (P2 − P0 ),
B ′′ (0) = 12(V2 − 2V1 + V0 ) = α1 (P0 − 2P1 + P2 ),
B ′′ (π/2) = 12(V5 − 2V4 + V3 ) = α2 (P1 − 2P2 + P3 ),
B ′ (π/2) = 4(V5 − V4 ) = α2 (P3 − P1 ),
B(π/2) = V5 = P2 ,

where α1 , α2 ∈ [0, +∞). We call α1 , α2 as shape parameters.

From Eq. (3), by using the blending functions, we can generate the following curve segment

5 ∑
P (t, α1 , α2 ) = Bi (t)Vi = T Bi (t, α1 , α2 )Pi , 0≤t≤ , (4)
i=0 i=0
Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914 909

T B0 (t, α1 , α2 ) = − α41 B1 (t) − 5α1
B2 (t),
T B1 (t, α1 , α2 ) = B0 (t) + B1 (t) + (1 − α61 )B2 (t) + 7α 12
B3 (t) + α42 B4 (t),
T B2 (t, α1 , α2 ) = α1
B1 (t) + 7α12
B2 (t) + (1 − α62 )B3 (t) + B4 (t) + B5 (t),
T B3 (t, α1 , α2 ) = − 5α
B3 (t) − α42 B4 (t).

It is easy to proof that 3i=1 T Bi (t, α1 , α2 ) = 1.

4 Shape Preserving Interpolation Spline Curves

4.1 F 3 continuous parametric spline curves
Given interpolation points Pi ∈ Rd (d = 2, 3, i = 0, 1, · · ·, n), knot vector U = (u1 , u2 , · · · , un−1 ),
and shape parameters αi (i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1), where, u1 < u2 < · · · < un−1 , and αi ∈ [0, +∞).
For i = 1, 2, · · ·, n − 2, the ith quartic trigonometric parametric curve segment is

Pi (t, αi , αi+1 ) = T Bj (t, αi , αi+1 )Pi+j−1 , 0≤t≤ , (6)

where, T Bj (t, αi , αi+1 ) is given in Eq. (5). The corresponding quartic trigonometric parametric
spline curve composed by all of the trigonometric parametric curve segments are defined as follows
π u − ui
P (u) = Pi ( · , αi , αi+1 ), u ∈ [ui , ui+1 ], (7)
2 ∆u
where ∆ui = ui+1 − ui , and i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1.

Theorem 1 The spline curve P (u) has F 3 continuity at the inner knots ui , i = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1.

Proof Consider the continuity at the knot ui+1 . For u ∈ [ui , ui+1 ], t = π
· u−ui
, we have
1 k (k)
P (k)
(u) = ( π2 ∆ui
) Pi (t, αi , βi ), (k = 0, 1, 2, 3), Straightforward computation gives that

 P (u+ −
 i+1 ) = P (ui+1 ) = Pi+1 ,

 P (1) (u+ ) = ∆ui P (1) (u− ),
i+1 ∆ui+1 i+1

(2) + ∆u
P (ui+1 ) = ( ∆ui+1 i
) P (u−
2 (2)
i+1 ),

 P (3) (u+ ) = ( ∆ui )3 P (3) (u− ) − 4π(∆ui )2 (2) −
i+1 ∆ui+1 i+1 (∆ui+1 )3
P (ui+1 ).

From here, the theorem follows at the knot ui+1 . We can deal with other knots in the same way.

From Eq. (7) and Eq. (8), we can see that P (u) interpolates the interpolation points Pi (i =
1, 2, · · ·, n − 1). In order to construct an open curve P (u) interpolating all of the points Pi (i =
0, 1, 2, · · ·, n), we can add two control interpolation points P−1 , Pn+1 , two knots u0 , un , and two
shape parameters α0 , αn . For constructing a closed curve P (u) interpolating all of the points
Pi (i = 0, 1, 2, · · ·, n), we can add three interpolation points P−1 = Pn , Pn+1 = P0 , Pn+2 = P1 , three
knots u0 , un , un+1 , and three shape parameters α0 , αn , αn+1 .
910 Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914

4.2 The construction of shape preserving interpolation spline

−−−−→ −−−−→ −−−−→
Definition 3 For planar polygon ⟨Pi−1 Pi Pi+1 Pi+2 ⟩, if the vector Pi−1 Pi × Pi Pi+1 and Pi Pi+1 ×
Pi+1 Pi+2 have the opposite orientation, then we call the planar polygon ⟨Pi−1 Pi Pi+1 Pi+2 ⟩ has an
−−−−→ −−−−→ −−−−→ −−−−−→
inflexion on the edge Pi Pi+1 . And if the vector Pi−1 Pi × Pi Pi+1 and Pi Pi+1 × Pi+1 Pi+2 have the
same orientation, then we call the planar polygon ⟨Pi−1 Pi Pi+1 Pi+2 ⟩ is a planar convex polygon.

Definition 4 Given planar interpolation points P0 , P1 , · · ·, Pn , the quartic trigonometric para-

metric spline curve P (u) interpolates all of the points Pi (i = 0, 1, 2, ···, n), moreover, P (u) satisfies
the following two conditions:

(1) When planar triangle < Pi−1 Pi Pi+1 Pi+2 > is a planar convex triangle, the ith curve segment
Pi (u) of the curve P (u) is also convex;
(2) When planar triangle < Pi−1 Pi Pi+1 Pi+2 > has an inflexion on the edge Pi Pi+1 , the ith
curve segment Pi (u) of the curve P (u) has no more than an inflexion point.

Then, we called P (u) as planar shape preserving interpolation parametric spline curve.

Without loss of generality, we just consider how to choose the values of the shape parameters
α1 , α2 so that the quartic trigonometric parametric curve segments P1 (u) can be shape preserving.
Let b0 = P1 − P0 , b1 = P2 − P1 , b2 = P3 − P2 , from Eq. (3), by direct computing, we have
 −−→ −−→ α2

 V0 V1 × V1 V2 = 241 b0 × b1 ,

 − −→ −−→ 3α2
V1 V2 × V2 V3 = 721 b0 × b1 + α61 b0 × b1 − α72 1 α2
[7b0 × b1 + 5b0 × b2 + 10b1 × b2 ],
 −− → −− → 3α 2 (9)

 V 2 V 3 × V3 V4 = 2
b 1 × b2 + α 2
b 1 × b2 − α α
1 2
[7b 1 × b 2 + 5b 0 × b 2 + 10b 0 × b 1 ],

 −−→ −−→ α22
72 6 72
V3 V4 × V4 V5 = 24 b1 × b2 .
Let {
N1 = 7b0 × b1 + 5b0 × b2 + 10b1 × b2 ,
N2 = 7b1 × b2 + 5b0 × b2 + 10b0 × b1 ,
we have the following lemma.

Lemma 1 If the nonnegative shape parameters α1 , α2 satisfies the following conditions:

α1 |N2 | ≤ 12 |b1 × b2 | ,
α2 |N1 | ≤ 12 |b0 × b1 | ,
then, α61 b0 × b1 − α72
1 α2
N1 and b0 × b1 have the same orientation. Moreover, α2
6 1
b × b2 − α1 α2
and b1 × b2 have the same orientation too.

Proof In the conditions of the lemma, we have

α2 α1
N1 ≤ |b0 × b1 | , N2 ≤ |b0 × b1 | ,
12 12
therefore, b0 × b1 − α122 N1 and b0 × b1 have the same orientation, in addition, b1 × b2 − α1
12 2
b1 × b2 have the same orientation too. These mean the lemma holds.
Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914 911

Theorem 2 If the shape parameters α1 , α2 satisfy the conditions Eq. (11), then the quartic
trigonometric parametric curve segment P1 (u, α1 , α2 ) is shape preserving.

Proof We will proof the theorem in two cases.

V2 V3

V1 P1(t) V4
V2 b2
(V0)P1 P2(V5)

b0 P1(t)
b2 V3 P2(V5)


P0 P3 P0
(a) (b)

Fig. 3: (a) Convex polygon < P0 P1 P2 P3 > (b) Polygon < P0 P1 P2 P3 > with an inflexion

Case (1): Planar polygon < P0 P1 P2 P3 > is a convex polygon.

In the current case, it is obvious that b0 × b1 , b0 × b2 and b1 × b2 have the same orientation,
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
according to Eq. (9) and lemma 1, V0 V1 × V1 V 2 , V1 V2 × V2 V3 , V2 V3 × V3 V 4 , V3 V 4 × V4 V5 have
−−→ −−→
the same orientation. In addition, V1 V2 × V3 V4 = α1 α2 (2b0 × b1 + b0 × b2 + 2b1 × b2 )/36, thus
−−→ −−→
V1 V2 × V3 V4 and b0 × b1 must have the same orientation, which means that the control polygon
⟨V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 ⟩ must be convex, see Fig. 3(a). According to the convexity-preserving property
of the quartic trigonometric Bézier curves, we can see that the quartic trigonometric parametric
curve segment P1 (u, α1 , α2 ) is also convex. These mean the theorem holds.
Case (2): Planar triangle < P0 P1 P2 P3 > has an inflexion on the edge Pi Pi+1 .
In the current case, it is obvious that b0 ×b1 and b1 ×b2 have the opposite orientation, according
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
to Eq. (9) and lemma 1, V0 V1 × V1 V2 , V1 V2 × V2 V3 and V2 V3 × V3 V4 , V3 V4 × V4 V5 have the opposite
orientation. Thus, the control polygon ⟨V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 ⟩ only has an inflexion the edge V2 V3 , see
Fig. 3(b). According to the variation diminishing property of the quartic trigonometric Bézier
curves, we can see that the quartic trigonometric parametric curve segment P1 (u, α1 , α2 ) has no
more than one inflexion point. These mean the theorem holds.

According to Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, if we take the shape parameters αi , αi+1 in the curve
segments Pi (u) satisfying the corresponding conditions Eq. (11) respectively, we can obtain a F 3
continuous shape preserving quartic trigonometric interpolation spline curve P (u). The changes of
a local shape parameter αi will only affect two curve segments Pi−1 (t, αi−1 , ai ) and Pi (t, αi , ai+1 ).

5 Numerical Examples
Example 1. Planar open shape preserving interpolation curve. The interpolation points are taken
from [16].
912 Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914

(a) (b)

Fig. 4: (a) Planar open shape preserving interpolation curve (b) Planar closed shape preserving
interpolation curve

For the interpolation points taken from [16], we add two interpolation points P−1 = (0, 2), P8 =
(25, 0), and take the knot vector U = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and shape parameters αi = 0.18(i =
0, 1, . . . , 7) satisfying the conditions Eq. 11. Then we can generate a planar shape preserving
interpolation open curve P (u), which is shown in Fig. 4(a) (marked with solid lines). Change
the value of α2 into 0.05 , which also satisfies the conditions Eq. (11), we can adjust the shape
of the curve P (u) locally, see Fig. 4(a) (marked with dashed lines). In [13] and [14], the changes
of a local shape parameter will affect four and three curve segments, respectively. Therefore, we
can adjust the shape of the obtained curves more conveniently by using our method.
Example 2. Planar closed shape preserving interpolation curve. The interpolation points are
taken from [17].
For the interpolation points taken from [17], we add three interpolation points P−1 = P7 , P8 =
P0 , P9 = P1 , and take the knot vector U = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and shape parameters αi =
0.2(i = 0, 1, . . . , 8) satisfying the conditions Eq. (11), then we can generate a planar shape
preserving interpolation closed curve P (u), which is shown in Fig. 4(b) (marked with solid lines).
Changing the value of αi into 0.1 , which also satisfies the conditions Eq. ((11)), we can adjust
the shape of the curve P (u) integrally, see Fig. 4(b) (marked with dashed lines). By solving a
linear system, the method given in [17] can generate a planar convexity preserving interpolation
closed curve. There is no need to solve a linear system in our method.
Example 3. Wine glass modeling and pigeon modeling.

Fig. 5: Wine glass modeling and Pigeon modeling

Fig. 5 shows the wine glass modeling and pigeon modeling generated by using the shape
preserving quartic trigonometric interpolation spline curves given in this paper.
Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914 913

Example 4. Space shape preserving interpolation closed curves. The interpolation points are
taken from [18].


4 4


−2 0
0 −4
10 5 0 2 4 6 8
(a) (b)

Fig. 6: Space shape preserving interpolation closed curves

For the interpolation points taken from [18], we add three interpolation points P−1 = P11 , P12 =
P0 , P13 = P1 , and take the knot vector U = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) and shape param-
eters α0 = α4 = α6 = α10 = α12 = 0, α1 = α2 = α3 = α7 = α8 = α9 = 0.2, α5 = α11 = 0.5
satisfying the conditions Eq. (11), then we can generate a space shape preserving interpolation
closed curve P (u), which is shown in Fig. 6(a). Fig. 6(b) shows the planar curves generated by
projecting the space curve P (u) into the plane y − z. It can be seen that the space curve preserve
nice feature for the space interpolation points.

6 Conclusion
The quartic trigonometric polynomial blending functions constructed in this paper have the prop-
erties analogous to that of the quintic Bernstein basis functions. And the quartic trigonometric
Bézier curves are also analogous to the quintic Bézier curves. Specially, the quartic trigonometric
Bézier curves are closer to the control polygon than the quintic Bézier curves. Therefore, the
quartic trigonometric Bézier curves can better preserve the shape of the control polygon. For
any shape parameters satisfying the shape preserving conditions, the obtained shape preserving
quartic trigonometric interpolation spline curves are all F 3 continuous. There is no need to solve
a linear system, and the changes of a local shape parameter will only affect two curve segments.
Although the shape preserving property is discussed on planar curves, the numerical example
indicates that our method can be also applied to generate nice feature preserving space curves.

The authors thank the referees for their valuable advice. The research is supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10871208, No. 60970097).
914 Y. Zhu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 2 (2012) 905–914

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