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Electronic Visitor Management

 Welcome to the EasyLobby Tutorial.
 This tutorial covers the major features of SVM10.0.
 After completing this tutorial you will be able to do
the following:
 Check in visitor by:  Check in Employee as a visitor
Scanning a business card
 Pre-register visitors
Reading a driver’s license
 Visitor Alerts
or manually entry
 Select and customize a badge
 Take a photo of the visitor template
 Capture the visitor’s signature  Add reasons for visits

 Print a Badge for the visitor  Check in and out a package

 Notify the employee of the visit  Loan Assets out

 Check out visitor  Select Security Settings

 Check in returning visitors  Run reports

Electronic Visitor Management
 Industry leading, award-winning
turnkey visitor management system
 Provides complete, fast, and secure
 electronic visitor registration,
 record keeping,
 visitor badges, and
 reporting
Electronic Visitor Management
 In twenty seconds or less,
 a visitor can be professionally checked-in
 a high-quality visitor badge automatically
EasyLobby Demonstration
 Check in visitor
 Business Card Scan
 Driver’s license read

 Manually enter visitor

 Print Badge
 Check out visitor
EasyLobby SVM Screen Layout

Visitor and
Package Views
The views you had open
when you closed
EasyLobby will be present
the next time you open
EasyLobby – Icons
Product and database, site,
station, operator names

visitor New Check
Visitor Employee
database visitor in Visitor Grid Lost &
Asset Watch Panic
Returning Grid Loan Found List Message
Email notification to Print
Visitor Form Form Photo
employee of visitor Badge
Visitor from Thumbs Current
Same Company Visitor Package
View Visitor
Form Form Report
Auto Check Asset loan
Dialer visitor Grid
Employee Merge
out Lost & Card
Found Grid Data
Package Visit
Grid History
EasyLobby – Visitor Views
 EasyLobby provides two views of your
visitor log
 Grid View
 Form View
Grid View
Grid View
 Shows visitor information in a
spreadsheet-like view
 Allows you to see all visitors at once
 Visitors still checked in are indicated
with a blue arrow in a green circle
 Visitors who have checked out are
indicated with a black arrow in a red
Form View
Form View
 Shows all information for the visitor.
 Access to visitor’s photo and/or
 Views may be restricted based on user
Checking in a Visitor
 When a visitor enters the building,
record the visit in EasyLobby.
 Visitor information can be recorded by:
 scanning a business card/Driver’s license,
 reading a Driver’s license, or
 by manually entering the information into
Scanning a Business Card
 Scan via ScanShell or CardScan 600cx
 The business card will automatically scan
when placed in the ScanShell (CardScan
must be set to enable auto scan).
 A visitor record is automatically created
with the information from the business
 Print the badge and the visitor is
automatically checked-in
Reading/Scanning a
Driver’s License
 You must have a Driver’s License
Reader/Scanner (Intelli-Check or ScanShell)
 Swipe or scan the Driver’s license through
the license device
 A visitor record is automatically created
with the information from the license
 Print the badge and the visitor is
automatically checked-in
Manually Checking in a Visitor
 Use the New Visitor Icon
 A visitor view appears
Manually Checking in a Visitor
 Enter the visitor’s name, Company,
Title, and choose the reason for the
visit, and the employee they are visiting
Manually Checking in a Visitor
 Choose a Category for the visitor
 Categories are added from the
EditCategories menu by an administrator
Manually Checking in a Visitor
 You may view the Badge before printing it
 Printing the Badge automatically checks in
the visitor
 You may also manually Check In the visitor
without printing a Badge
Manually Checking in a Visitor
 The visitor is checked in!
Notifying the Employee
 Use the Email Employee icon to notify
the employee that they have a visitor
 Must have MAPI compliant Email system on
computer or use built in mail component
 Use the Auto Dialer icon to auto dial the
phone number of the employee to tell
them they have a visitor
 Must have auto dialer and phone line set up on
the computer
Notifying the Employee
 Will automatically open a
preformatted email to the employee
notifying them of the visitor
 Email text can be modified
Taking the Visitor’s Photo
 Scan or manually enter the visitor
 Need camera attached to PC
 Use Take Photo button under the Photo
Taking the Visitor’s Photo
 The Photo Capture
window appears.
 To take a photo, click
the Capture Photo
 To load a photo from a
file, choose FileLoad
from the menu.
Taking the Visitor’s Photo
 Photo is now attached to visitor’s
 Print badge/check in as usual
Capturing the Visitor’s
 Scan or manually enter the visitor
 Need to be in the Full View for the
 Need Topaz signature capture
device attached to PC
 Use Get Signature button under the
Signature tab
Capturing the Visitor’s
 Get Signature dialog
 Have visitor sign pad, will show in white
 Accept or Decline signature
Capturing the Visitor’s
 Can associate a document that they
need to sign
 Signature is now attached to visitor’s
 Print badge/check in as usual
Checking in Returning Visitors
 Use the Returning Visitor Icon
 The Returning Visitor window appears
Checking in Returning Visitors
 Enter information for the returning
visitor and click Find
 Matching records are found – choose
the desired visitor and click OK
Checking in Returning Visitors
 A new record with all the visitor’s
information appears for the visitor
 Make any desired changes
 Print badge/check in the return visit
Checking in
an Employee as a visitor
 From the menu select VisitorVisit by Employee
 The Visit by Employee window appears
 Enter information and click Find
 Matching records are found – choose the
desired employee and click OK
Checking in
an Employee as a visitor
 A new record with the employee’s
information appears for the visit
 Make any desired changes
 Print badge/check in the visiting
Pre-registering Visitors
 Enter the new visitor as usual
 Select the Pre-Register button
Pre-registering Visitors
 The PreRegister screen appears
 Enter the arrival, & departure dates and
check in location
 Select OK
Pre-registering Visitors
 The visitor is now pre-registered
Checking in
Pre-registered Visitors
 To see a list of pre-registered visitors
choose VisitorsLookupPreregistered
Visitors from the menu
Checking in
Pre-registered Visitors
 The Pre-registered visitors are shown
on the Grid View
 Double click the desired visitor for the
Visitor view (sign-in, business card, or full)
 Print badge/check-in the visitor
Checking Out Visitors
 Ways to check out a visitor:
1) Manually
2) Quick check out
3) Bar code scanner
4) Driver’s license reader
Checking Out Visitors
1) Manually Check out a visitor
 Locate the visitor’s record and open in a
visitor view
 Select the Check Out button
 The visitor is checked out
Checking Out Visitors
2) Quick Check Out
 Use a badge template that shows the
visitor’s custom ID, which is automatically
assigned by EasyLobby
 Select the Quick Out button
 The Quick Out screen appears
Checking Out Visitors
 Enter the custom ID from the badge
 Select the Check Out button
 The visitor is checked out
Checking Out Visitors
3) Bar code scanner
 Use a badge template that shows the bar
code for the visitor’s custom ID
 Must have a bar code scanner
 Scan the bar code on the visitor badge
 The visitor is automatically checked out
Checking Out Visitors
4) Driver’s license reader
 Security setting for “Enable driver’s
license scan for check out” must be set
 Must have a driver’s license device
 Scan the driver’s license
 The visitor is automatically checked out
 In Self-registration visitors can:
 scan their business card,
 enter their information,
 take their own picture, and
 print their own badge
 Log into system as the Self-
Registration user (may need to add this user)
Visitor Alerts
 Visitor already checked in
 Usually indicates that the person did not check
out when they left from their previous visit.
 You may check out the previous check in, and/or
cancel or proceed with the check in.
Visitor Alerts
 Visitor matches a watch list entry
Visitor Alerts
 Visitor Alert
 If a visitor satisfies the conditions of an alert,
when checked in, the alert displays for the
Visitor Badges
 Over 200 badge templates, including
standard Avery labels
 Custom Badge Designer to make your
own badges
 Can be printed on any windows
compatible inkjet or laser printer or on
a DYMO Labelwriter
 Can print both or either visitor and
employee pictures on the badges
How to Select a Visitor Badge
 From the menu choose Edit Badge
Options Visitor
 The Edit Badge Options screen appears
How to Select a Visitor Badge

1) Select the printer

and type 5) Automatic
Preview of
2) Select the type the badge
of label

3) Select the label


4) Select a
7) Select 6) Apply the
OK changes
Using Categories to Customize
a Visitor Badge
 You can create a different badge for each
category of visitor
 Add the category
 Select the badge for the category
Using Categories to Customize
a Visitor Badge
 From the Edit menu, select Categories
 The Edit Category screen appears
 Insert new category
Using Categories to Customize
a Visitor Badge
 From the menu choose Edit Badge
Printing Visitor
 The Edit Visitor Badge screen appears
Using Categories to Customize
a Visitor Badge
1) Choose the Category

2) Choose the desired

badge template

3) Select the Options tab to

specify logo, and titles for
the badge category
Using Categories to Customize
a Visitor Badge
1) Enter desired values for
Custom Title, Second
Title, and logo

3) Click Apply and then OK to

accept changes
 Employee information can be imported into
EasyLobby or manually entered
 Employee photos can be taken at any time
or can be loaded from a disk or clipboard
 You may have one photo of the employee
and up to five photos associated with the
employee (i.e. husband)
 To see an employee record
 Double click on the employee name in
the visitor record –or-
 Choose EmployeeForm View from the
 The Employee screen appears

Use the binoculars to find

Use arrows to scroll
a particular employee
through employee records
Reason for Visit
 To see a reason record
 Double click on the Reason in the visitor
record –or-
 Choose EditReason from the menu
 The Reason screen appears
Reason for Visit

Select the Insert

button to add a
new reason
Package Management
 Packages are treated like visitors
 Checked in when they arrive
 Label printed for the package
 The employee is notified that a package
has arrived
 Checked out when they are picked up by
the employee
Package Management
 Two Package views
 Package View
 Grid View
Package Management
 Package View
 Shows information for a single package
 Select the Package icon
 or Packages, Detail View from the menu
Package Management
 Grid View
 Shows package information in a list
 Select the Package grid icon
 or Packages, Grid View from the menu
Asset Management
 Track Asset Loans by employees
 Checked out when they leave
 Label printed for the asset
 Checked in when they are returned by
the employee
Asset Management
 Two step process:
 Create the Asset
 Loan the Asset
Asset Management
 Create the Asset
 Select Asset-Edit Assets, from the menu
 Enter information about the asset
Asset Management
 Loan the Asset
 Select Asset-New Asset Loan, from the
menu or the Asset icon
 Enter information about the asset loan,
including the asset loaned
Lost & Found
 Track Lost & Found Items
 Checked in when they are found
 Checked out when they are claimed
Lost & Found
 Create the Lost & Found Item
 Select Lost & FoundNew Found Item or
the Lost & Found icon
 Enter information about the item
Security Settings
 To set the Security Settings, from the menu
select EditProgram Options (must be an
administrator or manager to access this setting)
 The Options window appears
 Select the desired site(s) and station(s)
 Choose the Security Tab
Security Settings
 Choose the desired settings (see manual for full
description of each setting)
 Report on
 Visitors
 Employee
 Reason (Event)
 Package
 Over 40 reports
 Report Wizard for custom reports
 To run a report, select FileReports from the menu
 Choose the type of
 Visitors
 Employee
 Reason (Event)
 Package
 Choose the report
 Select OK to run the
 Enter dates for report, if required
 Reports are organized by category
EasyLobby SVM 10.0
 Any Questions?
 Contact EasyLobby at:
 Phone: 866-607-7339 option 8
 Email:

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