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Hello everyone, my name is Alejandro and together with my partners

Jaime, Rodrigo and Tapia we are going to present our unusual trip.

On Sunday 9, we will leave Marovoay for Ilakaka in a two-legged journey.
First we will travel from Marovoay to Antananarivo, where we will spend
the night at the Hotel La Ribaudière. On Monday we will leave for Ilakaka.
Once there we will spend the night at the Vatomanga hotel, our hotel for
the next week as we will be in Ilakaka from Tuesday 11th to Tuesday 18th.
Our routine this week will start at 10am when after breakfast we will go to
work at the "Le Soleil levant Ilakaka" school. At this school we will help 10
teachers to adapt to their new school in ilakaka. As well as helping with
tasks related to the management and downloading of educational
materials as we will be helping to prepare for the opening of new classes
at the school.

Finally, you too can help this NGO to continue working and continue
creating projects to improve education through three ways: With money
through donations, as a specialized worker or as a volunteer. Where at
least you have to be 18 years old or be accompanied by an adult and be
able to speak English , Spanish and French.

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