3rd Conditional

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Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.


If… 3rd conditional

There are many situations where we say to ourselves, if only I had done that.

eg: "If I had filled up at the last services, we wouldn't have run out of petrol."

The above sentence actually means:

I didn't fill up at the last services so we ran out of petrol. That’s life!

This sentence is formed using the following construction:

If + had + past participle, would + have + past participle.

Read the following situations and write a sentence using If .....

1. To fix the windshield, the mechanic used bolts that were too short,
so the windshield fell out during the flight.


2. The Boeing 747 took the wrong taxi way due to the marginal weather


3. GulfAir 723 missed its slot due to a communication problem with the ground


4. The pilot didn't hear the instruction due to interference on the radio


5. The fuel gauge wasn't checked so the reading was inaccurate and the
plane ran out of fuel.


6. The passenger suffered a heart attack so the plane had to divert to the
nearest airport.


© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.uk

7. The flight was delayed because there was a security alert at the airport.


8. The engine failed because there was a bird strike.


9. The flight didn't take off on time because there was a strike by ATC.


10. The pilot got lost due to foggy conditions


© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.uk


1. If the mechanic had used longer bolts, the windshield wouldn’t have fallen

2. If the weather hadn’t been bad, the Boeing 747 wouldn’t have taken the
wrong taxiway.

3. If there hadn’t been a communication problem, GulfAir 723 wouldn’t have

missed its slot.

4. If there hadn’t been interference on the radio, the pilot would have heard
the instruction.

5. If the fuel gauge had been checked, the plane wouldn’t have run out of fuel.

6. If the passenger hadn’t suffered a heart attack, the plane wouldn’t have had
to divert.

7. If there hadn’t been a security alert, the plane wouldn’t have been delayed.

8. If there hadn’t been a bird strike, the engine wouldn’t have failed.

9. If there hadn’t been a strike by ATC, the flight would have taken off on time.

10. If it hadn’t been foggy, the pilot wouldn’t have got lost.

© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

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