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Read the following and answer questions (i) to (iv) (4marks)

A tissue is a cluster of cells, that are alike in structure and origin and work together to attain a specific
function. Different types of plant tissues include permanent and meristematic tissues.

Meristematic tissues assist in the major growth of the vegetation. Depending on the section where the
meristematic tissues are existing, they are categorized as intercalary, lateral and apical meristems.

Permanent tissues lose their ability to divide but are specialised to offer elasticity, flexibility and strength
to the plant. These tissues can be additionally categorised into:

1. Simple Permanent Tissue: They can be classified into sclerenchyma, collenchyma and
parenchyma based on their purpose.
2. Complex Permanent Tissue: These tissues include phloem and xylem.

(i) A long tree has several branches. The tissues that help in the sideways
conduction of water in the branch is

a) Collenchyma b) Parenchyma c) Xylem d) Phloem

(ii) The tissue which helps in increasing the girth or width of the plant is

a) meristematic tissue b) collenchyma c) parenchyma d) phloem

(iii) The difference between simple and complex permanent tissues


(iv) Pectin deposits are found in cell wall of _________________________________

While _________________________ deposits are found in cell wall of sclerenchyme

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