Animal Tissues Notes 2 MUSCULAR TISSUE

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Animal Tissues Notes 2 MUSCULAR TISSUE


o It consists of elongated cells, which are also known as muscle

o It helps in movement of body structure.
o They contain special proteins called contractile proteins, which
contract and relax to cause movement in the body.

o The cells are long, cylindrical, unbranched and multinucleate
(having many nuclei).
o These muscles are called voluntary muscles, because they show
movement when we want.
o These muscles are also called skeletal muscles.
o They are mostly attached to bones and help in body movement.
o These muscles show alternate light and dark bands or striations
when observed under the microscope, due to this reason they are
also called striated muscles.


o The cells are long with pointed ends (spindle-shaped) and

uninucleate (having a single nucleus).
o They are also called unstriated muscles.
o They are under the control of involuntary muscles.
o The movement of food in the alimentary canal or the contraction
and relaxation of blood vessels are involuntary movements.
o They are also found in the iris of the eye, in ureters and in the
bronchi of the lungs.

o The muscles of the heart are involuntary in nature and called

cardiac muscles.
o The cells are cylindrical in shape, branched and uninucleate.
o The heart muscles show rhythmic contraction and relaxation
throughout life.

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