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20 SCALA DE SOL f MENO egarenonic muon wexooica "8 SCALA DI SOL # MINORE MELODICA Pererey socoae aacones VIEJA NAPOLI Fiona cesses see VECCHIA NAPOLI OLD NAPLES Calmo cantabile , us) a Bre Fie a Ret i ‘ao sor —agega te mn icp HB hi erin nt slaps om ae eine no w pds es quire ue insane intra ala pnts | play bd Get perdne AT SPEGTMH yee ce Be oat g on pI RE b MAGGIORE scaLA Db mason scace ESCALA DE RE b MAYOR Lento e legato Tarereseseria: | Tleey GlocHT DI MARIONETTE = MARIONNETTES AT PLAY JUEGOS DE MARIONETAS Allegretto moderato ares ea tt ears. on SCALA DI st b MINORE nb MELODIC MINOR ESCALA DE, St b MENOR MELODICA SCALE MELODICA Lento ¢ legato it pense cs caseese tastes REQUERDOS DE HUNGRIA oer os HUNGARIAN MEMORIES RICORDI D'UNGHERIA ‘Vivo all’ungherese ' 4 4 2 PES { 1 fost sates P ite | 2 thm | ene 3 SCALA CROMATICA ALA CHROMATIC SCALE ESCALA CROMATICA Lento e legato STUDIO CROMATICO CHROMATIC STUDY ESTUDIO CROMATICO Allegretto E me Lb ipt dese Sou HASH Mote abd 22h gt ye tet Peart ta s|¢e0 ga 37 |i as tt 7 203 | ewe m4 CAPITOLO XVI CONTRABBASSI @)8i trovano nella prima 6 Ia (lato del mantic) dis ‘esti come i basi fonda rmentali a distansa di quin- trovano alls Alistansa di una terea mage ‘tore suparre, © so00 frost nella stew Tinea Aagonate )T contrabbass_ si scrivono nella stesen estensione det Tbsesi fondamental «pet listingueli da questi w- tim, "si indicano con ‘un trating posto totto 1 na meri dell ditepyistura. BSERCIZI PER LO SPO. STAMENTO DELLO STES- SO DITO DA UN BASSO AL RELATIVO CONTRABBAS- 50, 204 3? COUNTERBASSES 1) Theduatons on the frat row fn filth Like the Fundam. ental bose. 1b) The Counderbasser are the Major Thirds ofthe Fundar mentale in He same row. ) The Counterbases ore writ en im the same say asthe Fundamentel bases but are Alitingwshed from them. by 2 omall line being placed beneath the fingering. Seinen Searot ors COUNTERBASS. 8 2528 as25 ge28 5 CHAPTER XVI CAPITULO XVI CONTRABAJOS a) En In primicen hilers de Pandemenn! Boome otoces el lado del fuello Bojer Fondanetane fe encuentran, los contra: ——] Contaham Bajon San notas oe halla wy — une distancia de guint “P| crigaenreee oe a Seiten Fs br fan a) © Pian aeame er |G) ‘er ® aise comiajes a coc @ fsrensct |@@ heen soe es (Oo frm |@ Eto bseemmie |\S Gp) endo al peofener ia. libertad de ® ‘Sige Mone aap ma Pee rine |) Bagels, PARA IS ore mee (oy ae DIENTES. @®@ 2e Se eel 205 ESERCIZIO PREPARATO- TIO ALLE SCALE MAG. Glort. PREPARATORY EXER. | crsk FoR THE MAJOR ‘SCALES. ® aga eae gash © ®@ a ee oF RIO. DE. TAS EACALAS IG Mvorts © i eee |@e] ill ® 9% SCALE MAGGIORI MAJOR SCALES ESCALAS MAYORES: SCALA DI Dow © MAI0R Sane Oe ESCALA DE DO Mtavor ORT con gaugetacaias at ¢ # SALE MAGOIORI ow 5 BAEAIAS MAVORES dp ln MAJOR SCALES wih ESCALAS MAVORES con los b FAMAGG, REMAGG, 5 3 424 2e2s2en5 = ee TAMAGG.2 ssa 24 2a242e085 5 MIDMAGGs s2e2 42 52424852 x 3 BS. Tease gee LADMAGG.5 5 9424232428 Bre REDMAGG. ss p24 FARMAGG. 5 spa zaz czy? TS. Trassgeetee SE FOR | RIERCICIO. PREPARATORIO. & ESERCIZIO PREPARATORIO AL- | PREPARATORY BXBRCISE Fi EIERCICIO PREPARATORIO, LB SCALE MINORI MELODICHE. | MELODIC MINOR SCALES ESCALAS SCALE MELODIC MINOR sn MINORI MELODICHE SCALES MENORES MELODI SCALA DI LA MINORE MELODICA 4 -MBLODIO MINOR SCALE. SCALA DE LA MENOR SMELODICA Susie sa 3 ang BS : Boon jb SCALE MINORI MELODICHE con j SCALE MINORE MELODICHE. Sata Manon MeueRe ef Uinlote MINOR SCALES exh by ESCALAS MENORES MELODICNS cn lo # ESCALAS MENORES MEI MT MIN REMIN yoy pte sgeegs 2a Fosas Ny ‘sat Ee festttasesezs DOMIN. se 424 3 petsateis, as SCALE HARMONIC MINOR ESCALAS ‘MINORI ARMONICHE ‘SCALES MENORES ARMONICAS SCALA DI LA MINORE ARMONICA 4 HARMONIC MINOR SCALE ESCALA DE LA MENOR ARMONICA ‘Per oompletare diamo il modello dalle scale minor ar- ‘moniehe. To condude, we give an ezample of the Harmonie Minor scale, Pare completar damos el modelo de las esalas meno- ESERCIZIO PREPARATORIO AL. | PREPARATORY EXERCISE FOR | BJERCICIO PREPARATORIO A LA SCALA CROMATICA. (CHROMATIC SCALE LA ESCALA CROMATICA faded 208 Wisges 2 "ass3 2 Vs siquamecds: SCALA CROMATICA, CHROMATIC SCALE ESCALA CROMATICA BS ep sep egsceeeas ” ESERCIZ CON LIMPIEGO DEL ) BXBROISES USING FUNDAMEN. | EJERCICIOS CON EMPLEO DE BASS FONDAMENTALL E DEI | T4L BASSES AND COUNTER. | LOS BAIOS FUNDAMENTALES Y CONTRABBASSL BASSES | Dl Los CONTRABATOS 20% 210 211 212: 213 ssn SUT RIVOLTL 2 | 2xeecisns oy 1 i magsion - Major o Ali mai Mair sat Aoi mayor INVERSIONS RJERCICIOS SOBRE. INVERSIO- NES. 39 =e ¢ $ Accordtminori~ Minor chords - Acordes menors 20 2 a a Seine - Ae 1 nis « Doi ds deni dni a 3 Sept fen apa oc 1 Sine Diminished sme cards - nena de 7 dina E25 is ain ci daria | 3 Ee ales cut wane ‘Wr te thom of te Ltn nme by | mat orgs a man immer oe sea Me member Bot tas cm only be dine | Se SS Dae oy eta teat el & tins minnie mediante | wih ta Dimi Swat ow by wing | fae inde med ap di faigpes oe lin pie flange. | te fut oe po Kanu ESERCIZI RECAPITULATORY EJERCICIOS RIASSUNTIVI EXERCISES DE RECAPITULACION a a“ 223 224 225 “l Be ees 2 —— ee ami logat = Leys Bets” Baloo yg “ eyte shnts vores sion = au a ‘Accord ant « 232 = af ? ant wuccei - Secto bss — Bajo preon ; au a 2a = 101 SCALE MAGGIORE MAJOR SCALES ESCALAS MAYorES (A MANI UNITE) (For TWO HANDS) (A DOS MANos) Seale com i Sale with # - Kealan con lon Do MAGG, shee, \ RE _MAGG. LA Mace, (Pere | MI Mace, aetgd ooh sal SI mace. Petits 83 t3 be yiaca7t ge csasle FAg MAGG. , e207. 102 Seale con ib - Sealer with b - Rscalas con tos b f FA MAGG. SIb MAGG. 2 Vaiisies sssz34 2g2e8 ao geneae MIb MAGG. | 21 SOLb MAGG. ~“ ; eae 18a Pere! 922002 os, o_goecegs ga tees Ene 105 (a MANE. UNITE) LES MENORES MELODICAS (FoR Tivo HANDS) fale con Soles with f= acta can oe LA MIN. (A Dos MaNos) Tis Be ters a|eavrras 104 Seale con i b - Sealer with b - Kacalan con ton b RE MIN, ete Blt a ; Agee 4, poi o Bh { perrre sg erry) lee 27hs sezaels SI> MIN. pos s4zag Mb MIN. |, ey oe if , ie, CAPITOLO XVII GLI ARPEGGI anrecor PER LA MANO DE. mh TPE sone deg arpesi sla 6 Cenk presets, dat Ia peons ‘tages dlls diiccpartes Ee cemigae per stare un forma Yctca mle segue SRRRPECGI D1 UWOTTAVA su. 2a PARSAGGIO DEL POLLICE icp lenaments, con sano ie Fanionade il cinieiars ts Enealstumnte ang Wy pen terra pit volte Feserct a knbeed! DP UWOTTAVA. con PAss\0Gr DEI, POLICE Eneue ope hata © le fs, une is dicerstara mus ota rete Taccomsdlamo & matsina atten thio nepamagal del Toe 9 ito toto la prepatasone (eC Sit pag afin "soon ‘na portamento o kureoG DI DUE oftavE iegue coe alla etre ree date ojAbtgoar 4 Mant UNITE Non nina lo stad dol arpeg- fis man ante ss ton guano ano ben muperste ein pr State all loro" escuones smal spate. MB, - Per otae une ite diapers 1 aye lo ean ie sted pans anh eepern me 8 ‘wrest pronadean DO MAGG, GERALD op 105 CHAPTER XVII CAPITULO XVII ARPEGGIOS ARPBOGIOS FOR THE RIGHT. hanb Owing t the positon of the keyboard. laying of axpeprio presente a certain ‘amcint of diiculty. We make the Jollowingsuppations for study: ARPEOGIOS OF AN ocTaVE WITHOUT UsIN' THE THUMB Play slowly with legato, puting the fingers indicated directly on the notes. Repeat several times D)ARPEGGIOS OF AN OCTAVE Use THe THUMB Play slowiy with legto, using the Fingering indicated. im. the Bracks We would advise clow atention to (he passing of the fiat and thind fingers. Make use of the preparatory material (see Chapter XT page 53) to obtain pore legate paying, ©) ARPEGGIOS OF TWO OCTAVES Play a8 divectad in (), &) ARPEOGIOS FOR TWO HANDS Do net commence playing of arp: opion with 0eo hands if you are not copable of playing them separately penis have een seriten fr ah and pmauty, phan alone, Ufand son, Soot i hras ARPEGIOS ARPEGIOS PARA 1A MANO DE. RECHA a ejecuciin de lox arpegion en al fcoreén presenta leans dificult des, aconsejando, por tanto. empezar estudio en ln forma que a cont: ‘nuaciin indicatnow 4) ARPEGIOS DE UNA. ocTAVA SIN. PASO DEL PULGAR Ejecutar despacio ligand bien los sennlos de Tos jercicios siguientes, Fepitiéadolos” basta domination a Ia perfeecicn, 6) ARPEGIOS DB UNA’ OcTAVA. (CON PASO DEL PULGAR Bjecutar siompre daspacio.y liga ‘do con Ta digltacin indieada entre ppaéntess. Hecomendames Ia mayor Atecin en, lo paeajes del peimiero ¥ tecer don ‘atin Tn. pe baracton (ver Cap. XIE pig. 82) para. coniaguir qe lo sonidos que ‘lem perfectamente hades ©) ARPEGIOS DE DOS OCTAVAS jecutarloa como. se ha indicadh fen al partado ant a ARPRGIOS A) DOS MANOS No iniiar el estudio de lov arpe- fos a dos manos hasta que pri= imeramente lo tengamos bien ext lado con las manos eeparadas. silent eit fs eos ‘Wane que ss savucieprmeramente ay mas forecast e208 106 anrecot wut rongurra cont? SOL MAGG., qh IN RRYS with $ MIMI, 5 ty gai tesb be 4a S p st MAGG. 4a3t FAR MAGG. ‘agtis BT p 138383355 eperiers [paeaoe react fe TONALaTA Anoxaci0s Anreoi0s ig TON a afectnce wr a Roan RE MIN, VEE a sg 8s SOL MIN. 4 Lab Mace. G2? @ 108 CAPITOLO XVII CHAPTER XVIII CAPITULO XVIII ACORDES FORMACION. DE LO8 ACORDES MAYOR. ¥ DE SUS. INVERSIONES ACCORDI cHorRDS FORMAZIONE, i FORMING DEGLI ACCORD! MAGGIORE OF THE MAJOR CHORDS E LORO RIVOLTI AND THEIR INVERSIONS Waeconlo maggiore & formato dal ssuoao.fondamentale dalla” 20a Yeatone di una terza’maggiore © di | fim quints gusta, | Major Fin chord is made of is | BI scorde pert. mayor eat, for- ae beat ‘mado de un sonido fundamental, de Fundamental, he Major Third ond | ere mayr Ye une gine sta, "aperpuertan Cada acorde ae puede sjeeutar en tres pmiciones distintas Omi secorio pub euere cto in | All hots an pled i tre | ferent positions te diverse posision! MAJOR CHORDS ACORDES MAYORES Y SUS COR. ACCORDI MAGGIORE AND RBLATIVE INVERSIONS | RESPONDLENTES INVERSIONES © RELATIVE RIVOLTI wes aidtn | Hue aati TTT PTE ss oe ae | th te om be | ato sal [Ve V grado della sala | rt fourth and /Wth depres of all | do sobre el TY 7 V grado de le gn tonaltd magior, Major scales fecala de ead tonalidad’ mayor. ewe. 19 1 MINORT Mv s ‘ACCORD! INOR CHORDS ACORDES MENORES eeonlo minore ® formato dal suono | The Afinor feumatale, da una terz8 minor @ stord iv made of ie) Bh We |B werde persto menor wt fom Frndommiel ‘ih its dian oni | 38 toe le hares Sm Fil, feces ‘menor yd ata giiaha a Qo warn ad mere ei in| AB hrs em Be lp ite on ita usta Cada corde se puede ejeutar ea tn dvertposizion diferent positions ‘rn pescionee distntas, 1, Peatone 1. Posicone ML Penaiooe 1. Peaion 1 Ponti M1, Poti 1 Poationee 1 Posie UL Poston ‘ovo fondarentale , Riole TL vole Chon fordanenat 1 Ineren brea ACCORDI MINORT | ‘MINOR CHORDS ACORDES MENORES Y SUS COR- E RELATIVE RIVOLTL AND RELATIVE INVERSIONS | RESPONDIENTES INVERSIONES : tin on Hay oo | mics sel em edo eo ia ala meno: anon ste o 11 7 ¥ ele Le temo esercizio casere appli- The same exercise cam be applied sto ea anaes | he Bir ee Ne “Natural: Porat, fourth and ith depres. ‘Katnice saben ot Hy IV gem Poses {ome tant et sais coe at 7 amie AOS Sa ge rosie

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