Devoir 6e CLMJG

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Ministère de l’Education Nationale Name :

Collège et Lycée Mère Jean Gabriel Date :

Département d’Anglais Level :


I – Re-order the letters to make words from the days, the months, the seasons (5pts)

- Emovnreb :…………..……………. Snrigp :…………...………………………

- Ubyfrea :………………………….. Nirewt :…………………………………..
- Autdyhsr :………………………… Utgasu :…………....……………………..
- Unamtu :………………………….. Sdyewdean :……………..………………
- Amy :……………...……………… Ejnu :…………………………………….

II – Complete the following dialogue on self-introductions (5pts)

- Paul : ……………. morning ! How ……………. you today ?

- Tom : Hello ! I …………… fine, thank ……………….., and you ?
- Paul : Fine; thanks. ................ is your name ? I am Paul.
- Tom : Nice to ...................... you Paul! Where do you .....................?
- Paul : I live ……………. Sogatol. Bye-bye and ................ you later!
- Tom : So ……………………. !

III – Write in English (5pts)

- 9th :…………………………….…….. 15 :……………………….…………..

- 1st :…………………………………… 8 :…………………………………….
- 13th :……………………..…….…….. 2 :…………………………………….
- 12th :…………………..……………... 20 :………………………..………….
- 5th :…………………….…………….. 0 :…………………………………….

IV – Complete the following table (4pts)

Good Luck !

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