Chapter 1

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The Great Bath was found in: a) Harappa b) Mohenjo-daro c) Lothal d) Kalibangan

The Harappan script is: a) Hieroglyphic b) Alphabetic c) Pictographic d) Undeciphered

The economy of the Harappan Civilization relied significantly on: a) Agriculture b) Trade and
commerce c) Fishing d) Metalworking

Which of these was NOT a feature of Harappan cities? A) Well-planned streets and drainage b)
Citadel and Lower Town c) Ziggurat d) Great Granary

decline of the Harappan Civilization might have been due to: a) Natural disasters b) Aryan invasion c)
Decline in trade d) All of the above

Harappan Civilization was located along which river? A) Nile b) Tigris c) Indus d) Euphrates

Harappan Civilization had a standardized system of: a) Religion b) Writing c) Trade d) Warfare

The discovery of Harappan Civilization sites began in the: a) 19 th century b) 20th century c) 21st
century d) 18th century

Harappan seals were made primarily from: a) Stone b) Copper c) Clay d) Gold

The Harappan city which had a dockyard was: a) Mohenjo-daro b) Harappa c) Lothal d) Kalibangan

The Harappan Civilization is also known as the: a) Mesopotamian Civilization b) Egyptian Civilization
c) Indus Valley Civilization d) Chinese Civilization

The city planning of Harappan cities included: a) Circular houses b) Unplanned streets c) Grid-like
streets and drainage d) Pyramid structures

The artifact known as the ‘Dancing Girl’ was found in: a) Harappa b) Mohenjo-daro c) Lothal d)

The Harappans had extensive trade with: a) Mesopotamia b) Greece c) Rome d) China

Harappan pottery was known for: a) Intricate designs and shapes b) Use of metal alloys c) Large sizes
d) Lack of variety

The Harappan Civilization extended from: a) 3000 BCE to 1500 BCE b) 2500 BCE to 1700 BCE c) 3300
BCE to 1300 BCE d) 2000 BCE to 1000 BCE

The citadel at Harappa contained: a) Temples and public buildings b) Residential houses c) Burial
grounds d) Markets and bazaars

The discovery of the Harappan Civilization was attributed to: a) Alexander the Great b)
Archaeologists in the 19th and 20th centuries c) British colonial rulers d) Indian kingsThe decline of the
Harappan Civilization was likely due to: a) Foreign invasions b) Ecological factors c) Internal conflicts
d) All of the aboveThe measurement system of the Harappans was based on: a) Metric units b)
Imperial units c) A standard unit called the “cubit” d) Weight-based measurementsDholavira, a
Harappan site, is known for its: a) Great Bath b) Sophisticated water conservation system c) Ziggurat
d) Citadel structureThe Harappans primarily domesticated: a) Horses b) Cows c) Elephants d) All of
the aboveThe undeciphered script of the Harappans remains a mystery due to: a) Lack of surviving
texts b) Complexity and limited bilingual inscriptions c) Lack of interest among scholars d)
Destruction of artifactsThe Harappan Civilization engaged in trade for items like: a) Precious metals
and gemstones b) Pottery and ceramics c) Agricultural produce d) All of the aboveThe decline of the
Harappan Civilization is believed to have occurred around: a) 2000 BCE b) 1500 BCE c) 1000 BCE d)
500 BCE

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