Lecture 3 - Carbohydrate (2) (1) - Tagged

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Part 2
Classi1ca3ons of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are compounds that compose of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Starches, sugars and dietary
9bre are made and stored in plants

monosaccharides Fructose


Simple CHO


Classi9ca;ons of
CHO Maltose




Complex CHO


Cellulose (9ber)
How essential is carbohydrate?

• You need a daily supply of CHO as a source of glucose.

• CHO is involved in the synthesis of various metabolically active
complexes, such as:
• Glycoprotein, components of cellular membrane
• Glycolipids, receptors on neurons cells and synaptic transmission

• Mucopolysaccharides have important role in water- holding or

binding properties in many sites of the body:
• Basement membrane
• Intracellular cement
• Integral part of car;lage, tendon, skin and synovial Huid
Adverse effects of low carbohydrate

• Loss of large amounts of both sodium and water

• Loss of potassium

• Weakness, fatigue, and dehydration

• Breakdown of muscle

• Fat oxidation is hindered leads to accumulation of

• Ketosis cause acid-base imbalance
Requirement of carbohydrate intake

• 50-60 % of total Kcal

• Should come from complex carbohydrate,
most of this would be starch with its
accompanying fiber, fruits, vegetable and milk
• Fiber is not counted in computing energy,
they don’t contribute to energy as much as
starch and sugar
The simple carbohydrates:

• A monosaccharide
• Commonly known as blood sugar
• serves as an essen;al energy source
for all the body’s ac;vi;es
• one of the two sugars in every
disaccharide and the unit from which
the polysaccharides are made almost
• The sweetest of the sugars (A monosaccharide).
• Also known as laevulose or fruit sugar
• Occurs in many fruits and makes up one third of the
sugar in honey.
• Insulin not needed to allow fructose to be
transported into cells.
• Less likely to be cariogenic (causing tooth decay)
• Low acid produc;on in mouth

• This monosaccharide occur as a result of diges;on of lactose

• Has been linked to development of cataracts.
• Gene;c defects of galactose metabolism known as
galactosemia which lead to access amount of galactose in
• In galactosemia the concentra;on of galactose-1-
phosphate uridyl transferase is very low
• If it is intake not restricted will cause mental retarda;on

• The disaccharide maltose consists of two

glucose units.
• Produced whenever starch breaks down and
carbohydrate digestion.
• Also occurs during the fermentation process
that yields alcohol.
• Maltose is only a minor constituent of a few
foods, most notably barley.

• Most common disaccharide

• Fructose and glucose together form sucrose.
• To make table sugar, sucrose is refined from
the juices of sugarcane and sugar beets, then
granulated. Depending on the extent to which
it is refined, the product becomes the familiar
brown, white, and powdered sugars available
at grocery stores.
• The combination of galactose and glucose makes the
disaccharide lactose
• Lactase convert lactose into glucose and galactose
• Milk our only source of lactose, also our most dependable
source of calcium
• Lactase activity is high at birth, decline to low levels during
childhood, and remains low at adulthood.
• Lactase deficiency may also arise as secondary condition,
resulting from damage to intestinal mucosa by HIV of parasitic

• Low level of lactase associated with milk and their product

intolerance (lactose intolerance)
• People with lactose intolerance experience lot of discomfort it they
eat dairy product. They can eat fermented dairy products, such as
cheese and yogurt, the fermentative microorganism convert the
original lactose into lactic acid.
• The intolerance occurred later in childhood, this is why infants have
appropriate levels of enzymes to thrive solely on milk.

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