7B.2 IvyLearn - Last Homework Polls and Margin of Error - 2HH-Fall 2023-Quantitative Reasoning

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7B.2 IvyLearn: Last homework polls and margin of error Last A empt Details:
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Due Dec 9 at 11:59pm Points 20 Ques ons 7 Time Limit None Time: 8 minutes
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Kept Score: 17 out of 20
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Sec on 17 looks at error within the surveys. With these problems, we will read the results from a survey, then apply a margin
of error to the percentage (add and subtract the value). Finally, we will write a sentence about the results.

Example: A survey of Ivy Tech students shows that 78% of people will use quan ta ve reasoning a er this class finishes. If the
margin of error is ± 3.2%, find the 95% confidence interval and write a sentence about what this means.

Confidence interval is the margin of error added to the percentage, then subtracted to the percentage:

78 – 3.2 = 74.8 lower end 78 + 3.2 = 81.2 upper end 95% confidence interval = 74.8 % to 81.2 %

All sentences are the same. Each blank is replaced with the problem you are currently working on. For this ques on:

I am 95% confident that _______ to _______ % of people will _______________________________________________.

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LATEST A empt 1 8 minutes 17 out of 20

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Score for this a empt: 17 out of 20

Submi ed Nov 29 at 11:36am
This a empt took 8 minutes.

Ques on 1 4 / 4 pts

A 2015 Gallup poll of 1,627 adults found that only 22% felt fully engaged with their
mortgage provider.

What is the sample size?


The margin of error for this data set is 2.5%. What is the 95% confidence interval using only
1 decimal?

(Example answer: 32.6 to 42.9)

19.5 to 24.5

Answer 1:


Answer 2:

19.5 to 24.5

Ques on 2 1 / 1 pts

Using the previous problem about mortgage providers, complete the sentence below for
the interpreta on of the 95% confidence interval.

I am 95% confident that 19.5 to 24.5 percent of people felt

fully engaged with the mortgage provider.

Answer 1:


Answer 2:


Ques on 3 4 / 4 pts

A recent poll of 1001 Americans age 18 and over conducted in May of 2013 found that
80% of the respondents “strongly agree” that K-12 schools should teach cri cal thinking to

What is the sample size?


For this survey, the margin of error is measured to be 3.2%. What is the 95% confidence
interval using only 1 decimal?

(Example answer: 32.6 to 42.9)

76.8 to 83.2

Answer 1:


Answer 2:

76.8 to 83.2

Ques on 4 1 / 1 pts

Using the previous problem, complete the sentence below for the interpreta on of the 95%
confidence interval.

I am 95% confident that 76.8 to 83.2 percent of people

strongly agree that K-12 schools should teach cri cal thinking to school children.

Answer 1:


Answer 2:


Ques on 5 4 / 4 pts

If a survey of a movie shows that 50% of all people who like the movie, enjoyed the official
movie soundtrack too. If a total of 3850 people were asked, find the data of the survey.

What is the sample size?


If the margin of error for this survey is 1.6%, what is the 95% confidence interval using only
1 decimal?

(Example answer: 32.6 to 42.9)

48.4 to 51.6

Answer 1:


Answer 2:

48.4 to 51.6

Ques on 6 3 / 3 pts

Using the previous problem, complete the sentence below for the interpreta on of the 95%
confidence interval.

I am 95% confident that 48.4% to 51.6% of people liked the move and the soundtrack .

Answer 1:

95% confident

Answer 2:


Answer 3:


Answer 4:

liked the move and the soundtrack

Ques on 7 0 / 3 pts

A recent poll shows the approval ra ng of the president (Trump) as 42.6%. If the margin of
error is 8%, what can be concluded about his approval ra ng?

A minority of people approve of Trump since it is below 50%.

The margin of error is low enough that a majority do no approve of Trump.

The 95% margin of error shows that a majority approve of Trump.

Unable to determine if the majority approves or disapproves..

Quiz Score: 17 out of 20

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