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(A) Foree, Work, Power and Energy

1) Tuning forces concept; monment of a tforee; forces in
examples and cquilibrium; centre ol pruvity, (discussions usng snple
sinyple direet problenis).
Scope of
syllabus Elementary introduetiom of translational and

18 called torque and its C.GS. and S.l. rotatiomal motions; nonent (turning ellect) of a force, also
units: comnn
anticlockwise mounents; conditions for a examples- door, steering whcel, bicyele pedal, clc; clockwisc and
its verification
body to be in
equilibrim (translationnl and rotationa): principle ol moments and
47 using a metre rule suspended by two spring balanees witlh slotted
problems; centre of gravity (qualitative only) with exumples of some weights hangin from it; simple nmunerical
regular bolies and irregular lamina.
69 (ii) Uniform circular motion.
Scope of syllabus As -

example of constant speed, though acceleration (loree) is
and centripetal force. present. Difference between centrifuga
102 In class IX, we have read that a force when
applied on a rigid body can cause only the motion
in it, while when applied on a
132 non-rigid body can cause both the
change in its size or shape and
the motion in it. In mathematical form, force
applied on a body is defined as the rate of change in
147 its linear momentum i.e., = = d(mv)
dt dt
Or F = ma (if mass m is constant). The force is a
vector quantity and its S.I. unit is newton (symbol N) or
kilogram-force (symbol kgf) where
1 kgf =
g N if g is the acceleration due to gravity (= 9-8 m s2 on average).

1.1 TRANSLATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL called the linear or translational motion, For
MOTIONS example in Fig. 1.1, on pushing a ball lying on
229 A rigid body when acted upon by a force, can a floor, it begins to move.
have two kinds of motion (2) Rotational motion
linear or translational motion, and
If the body i pivoted ht a point and the force
(2)rotational motion is applied on the body at a (suitable pointa it
rotates the body about passing through
282 (1) Linear or translational motion the axis
the pivoted point, This is the turning effect of the
When a force acts on a stationary rigid body
force and the motion of body is wheeltheis
which is free to move, the body starts moving in rotational motion) For example, if acalled
a straight path in the direction of force. This is
307 Pivoted at its centre and a force is applied
Ball tangentiallyon its rim as
314 shown in Fig. 1.2, the Wheel

322 F
Direction of wheel rotates about its Pivot
motion centre. Similarly when a
Translational motion force is applied normally
Fig. 1.1 1.2 Rotational motion
on the handle of a door, Fig.
through the
force about the axis passing
ne Moment of
aoor begins to rotate about an axis passing
through the hinges on which the door rests. point O
= Force x


of force from

Consider a body which is turning efect on

Note : For producing
the force is applied

pivoted at apoint O. If a /0- 90 body by a given forre,

which the perpendicular
force F is applied horizontallyPIVOT the hody at a point for the axis
on the body with its line of distance ofline_of
action of the force from
that the given force may
action in the direction AP as rotation is maximum so
of to turn-the body
shown in Fig. 1.3, the force is Fig. 1.3 Moment provide the maximum torque
unable to produce linear of a force
Units of moment offorce
motion of the body in its
Unit of moment of force
direction because the body is not free to move,
= unit of force x unit of distance
but this force turns (or rotates) the body about the
newton and that of
vertical axis passing through the point 0, in the The S.I. unit of force is
direction shown by the arrow in Fig. 1.3 (i.e., the distance is metre, so the
S.I. unit of moment
This is abbreviated
force rotates the body anticlockwise). of force is newton x metre.
Factors affecting the turning of a body as N m.*
force is
On a body, the turning effect of a force The C.G.S. unit of moment of
dyne x cm.
depends on the following two factors:
But if force is measured in gravitational unit,
0) jhe magnitude ofthe force applied, and then the unit of moment of force in S.I. system
t h e perpendicular distanceof line of action is kgf x m and in C.G.S. system, the
unit is
the force from (or
of the _axis of rotation gf x cm.
pivoted point). related follows
These units are as
Indeed, the turning effect on the body depends
on the product of both the above stated factors. V 1 N m 10 dyne x 10 cm
This product is called the moment of force Aor = 10' dyne cm
torque). Thus, the body rotates due to the moment 1 kgf x m = 98 N m

of force (or torque) about the pivoted point. In and gf x cm =

=980 dyne cm

other words,
Clockwise and anticlockwise moments :
The turning effect on the body about an axis is
Conventionally, if the effect on
the body is to turm
due to the moment of force (or torque) applied it anticlockwise, moment of force is called the
on the body anticlockwise moment and it is takenpositive,
Measurement of moment of force (or torque) while if the effect on the body is to turn it
clockwise, the moment of force is called the
The moment of a force (or torque) is equal to clockwise moment and it is taken negative.
the force and EANISE_moment and it is taken
the product of the magnitudeof The moment of force is avector quantity.) The
the perpendicularedistance.of the line of action direction of anticlockwise moment is along the
offorce from the dkts of rotation. l wo
axis of rotation outwards, while of clockwise
In Fig. 1.3, the line of action of force F is moment is along the axis of rotation inwards.
shown by the dotted line AP and the The unit N m of moment of force (or torque) is not written joule (J).
Derpendicular drawn from the pivoted point O on However the unit N m for work or energy is written joule (J) because
OP. torque is a vector, while work or energy is a sealar quantity.
the line of action of force is Therefore,
On applying a force on a
pivoted body, its B
direction ofrotation depends FRAME : HINGE
(a)thé point of (fixed in wall)
application_of the force, and (b) the direction of Q
force. Thus the direction of rotation of HANDLE
a body can HINGE
changed by two ways
(1) By changing the point of
application of
forceFig. 1.4(a) shows the anticlockwise D
Fig. 1.5 Opening of a door
and clockwise moments
produced in a disc
pivoted at its centre by changing the point (2) The upper circular stone of a (hand flour
of application of the force F from grinder is provided with a handle near ius gim
A point to
(i.e., at the( maximum distance from the
point B.
centre) so that it can easily be rotated about.
the iron pivot at its centre by applying a
small force at the handle.
(3) For turning-a steering wheel, a force is
ANTICLOCKWISE CLOCKWIiSE applied tangentially )on the rim of the wheel
(POSITIVE) (NEGATIVE) (Fig. 1.6).The sense of rotation of wheel is
(a) By changing the point of application of force
changed by changing the point of application
AXLE of force without changing the direction of
force) In Fig. 1.6 (a), when force F is applied
at the point A of the wheel, the wheel rotates


ANTICLOKWISE CLOCKWISE anticlockwise;-while in Fig. 1.6 (b), the wheel

(6) By changing the direction of force rotates clockwise when the force in same
Fig. 1.4 Anticlockwise and clockwise moments direction is applied at the point B of t
(2) By changing the direction of force 3
Fig. 1.4(b) shows the anticlockwise and F

clockwise moments_produced on a pivoted

axle by changing the direction of force F at
the free end of the axle. (a) ANTICLOCKWISE (b) CLOCKWISE
Common examples of moment of force ROTATION ROTATION
Fig. 1.6 Sense of rotation changed by the change
(1) To open or shut a door, we apply a force (push
of point of application offorce
or pull) F normal io the door at its handle P
which is provided at the maximum distance In a bicycle, to turn the rear wheel
from the hinges as shown in Fig. 1.5. anticlockwise, a small force is applied on the
We can notice that if we apply the force at a foot pedal of a toothed wheel ofsize bigger
point Q (near the hinge R), much greater force than the rear wheel so that the pependicular
is required to open the door and if the force distance of the point of application of force
is applied at the hinge R, we will not be able F
to open the door howsoever large the force FOOT
may be (because for the force at R, torque
be zero). Thus the handle P is provided
near the free end of the doorso that.a smaller,
/force at a larger perpendicular distance from AXLE AXLE
the hinges produces.the. moment of force
Fig. 1.7 Turning of toothed wheel ofa bicycle
required to open or shut the door.
from the axle of wheel is large (Fig. 1.7). along the same line, form a couple. A coupleis
The toothed wheel is
joined to the rear wheel always needed to produce a rotation) For example,
by a chain through their tooth. when open a door,
the rotation of door is
5) A spanner used to tighten or loosen a nut, has produced by a couple consisting of two forces
ng to produce alarge monmenDakhY thel force whieh we exert at the handle of the

opposite force of
force by small force applied normally at the door, and t ) an equal
a and
end of its handle as shown in Fig. 1.8. The reaction at the hinge.
spanner is turned anticlockwise to loosen the Some times we require a larger turning effect,
nut by applying the force in the direction then two forces, equal in magnitude and opposite
shown in Fig. 1.8, while it is turned clockwise in directions, are applied on the body explicifly
to tighten the nut by applying the force in a such that both the forces turn the body in the
direction opposite to that shown in 1.8. same direction.
HANDLE Example : To open the nut of a car wheel,
NUT we apply equal forces, each F, at the two ends
of the wrench's arm in opposite directions as
Fig. 1.8 Spanner (wrench) used to loosen a nut shown in Fig. 1.9.

(6) A jack screw used to lift a

heavy load such
as a vehicle, has a long arm so
that a less
effort is needed to rotate it- so as to raise or ***

lower the jack. A NUT-
Conclusion : From the above examples, wee (a) Car wrench (b) Wrench
conclude that the turning of a body about an axis Fig. 1.9 Opening the nut ofa car wheelby a wrench
depends not only on the magnitude of force, but
it also depends on the perpendicular distance of Similarly while turning a water tap (Fig. 1.10),
the line of action of the applied force from the ightening the cap of an inkpot (Fig. 1.11),
axis of rotation. Larger the perpendicular distance, /turning the key in the hole of a lock (Fig. 1.12),
less is the force needed to turn the body. winding a clock (or a watch) with the key,
turning the steering of a car (Fig. 1.13), driving
A single force applied on a pivoted body
alone does not cause rotation of the body.
Actually the rotation is always produced by a
pair of forces.
In the above examples, the rotation
is due to the force externally applied and the
force of reaction produced at the pivoted point.
The force of reaction at the pivot is equal in Fig10 Turning a Kig1.11 Tightening
magnitude, but opposite in direction to the applied water tap the cap
force. The moment of the force of reaction about
the pivot is zero because its distance from the
axis of rotation is zero, So the force of reaction
at the fixed point (or pi vot) is not shown in
of external forcè and F
Fig. 1.3 to Fig. 1.8. The pair Thus two
the force of reaction is called a couple. Fis1.12 Turning a key
Jorces, not acting Fig. 1.13 Turning a

equal and opposite parallel in a lock steering wheel

uple is the pedals of
bicycle, etc., a pair of forces
xample, (couple) isapplied for rotation. change the state of rest or linear motion of the
door is body, and (ii) the algebraic sum of moments of
Moment of couple
: Fig. 1.14 illustrates the all forces about the fixed point is zero, so
e of the produced by a couple. AB is a bar
is pivoted at a which they do not change the rotational state of thee
orce of 1 point O. At the ends A and B, two
equal and opposite forces, each of body, then the body is said to be in equilibrium.
magnitude F, Thus
are applied. The
g effect, perpendicular distance between
(= d) which is called the When a(number of forcesacting on a DOu
the two forces is AB
opposite couple arm. The two forces cannot produce (no change in is_state of rest or of
xplicit produce the linear
translational motion as their resultant sum in linear or rotational
or rotational motion,
motion, the
the body
body is
15 said
sala to
in the direction is zero, but each force has the turning anybe equilibrium,
be in eguilibrium
effect on the bar in the
same direction. Thus the
Kinds of equilibrium
r wheel, two forces together form a
which rotates equilibrium
wo ends the bar about the point O. The
In Fig. 1.14, the two equilibrium js of two kinds ( static
tions as5 forces rotate the bar in anticlockwise equilibrium, and (2 dynamic equilibrium.
(1) Static equilibrium: When a body remains
in the state' of rest) under the
influence of several
forces. the body is in-static equilibrium.
Examples (i) In Fig. 1.15, if a body lying
on the table top is
pulled by a force F to its left
Fig. 1.14 Couple action and by an equal force F to its right
(along the
same line), the body does not
Moment of force F at the end A move The reason
"ench is that the applied forces are equal and opposite
F x OA (anticlockwise) along thesame line, so they balançe each other
ig. 1.10), Moment of force F at the end B (ie., there is no net 'horizontal
. 1.11), (anticlockwise)
force on the body).
Hence the body remains at rest_(i.e., in static
= F x
ig. 1.12), Total moment of couple (i.e., moment of both equilibrium).
the key,
the forces) = F x OA + F x OB
), driving
= Fx (OA + OB) = Fx AB >F

F xid (anticlockwise)
Thus Fig. 1.15 Abody is static equilibrium
AMoment of Either forcex perpendicular| (i) If a book is lying on a table, the weight
couple distance between the two forces of the book exerted on the table vertically
(or couple arm) (1.3) downwards is balanced by the equal and opposite
htening force of reaction exerted by the table on the book
1.4 EQUILIBRIUM OF BODIEs vertically upwards. Thus, the book is in static
We have read that when a force acts on a equiliorium.
body, it can produce translational motion if the i I n a beam balance when the beam is
body is free to move or can produce rotational balanced in horizontal position, the clockwise
motion if the body is fixed at a point. But in moment of force due to object on its right pan
certain circumstance it is possible to apply a balances the anticlockwise moment of force due
Turning a number of forces (two or more) such that () the to weights on its left pan and the beam has no
g wheel resultant of all forces is zero, so they do not rotational motion i.e., it is in static equilibrium.
s u m of the
moment of
each Cloc
(2) Dynamic equilibrium: When a body taking the algebraic sum,
point O
remains in the To find the algebraic
same state of motion force about that point. Antic
Jtranslational moment is taken positi
ve, while
under the influence of the several the anticlockwise
point O
n e body 1s said to be in dynamic the clockwise moment
the principle of moments, if the
equilibrium. According to
forces, acting
moments of all the
Examples : ()drop reaches the earth algebraic sum of ihe_axis of rotation
A rain is zero,
surface with a Constant velocity) The_weight of on_the body about
Thus 1 A bo
the falling drop is balanced by th sum of the the body is in equilibrium.
principle of moments, in ppl
buoyantforce _and the toree due to friction (or According to the
viscosity) of air. Thus, the net force on the drop eguilibriun
is zero, so it falls down with a constant velocity.
sum of the anticlockwise moments Mom
A n aeroplane moves at a constant_height moments .(1.4)
surm of the clockwise 2 Ahe
when upward lift on it balances its weight worksS /2N
downwards. A physical balance (or beam balance) of th
on the principle of moments. Giver
(1) A Stone tied_at the end of a string when
whirled in a circular path with a uniform speedVerification of the principle of noments If the
is in dynamic equilibrium beçause the tension. in a metre rule horizontally from a fixed
Suspend Mom
string provides the centripetal force required for Support by means of a strong thread at O as
circular motion*. shown in Fig. 1.16. Now suspend two spring
Similarly the motion of a planet around the balances A and B on the metre rule on either side
sun or the motion of a satellite around the planet of the thread. Suspend some slotted weights W 3. A me
or the motion of an electron around the nucleus and W on the spring balance. The metre rule
of an atom, are in dynamic equilibrium. In each may tilt to one side. Now adjust either the slotted
by ap
case, the force of attraction on the moving body weights on the spring balance or the position of In th
provides the centripetal force for circular motion. the spring balance on either side of thread in such The r

Conditions for equilibrium a way that the metre rule again becomes
In the
find that the horizontal.
From the above examples, we
following two conditions must be satisfied for a
body to be in equilibrium. trom

all the forces acting the

Theresultant pf on

body should bezero or

T h e agebraic sum of moments of all the

The i
forces acting on the body about the point of
rotation should bé zero i.e., the sum of the the n
anticlockwise moments about the axis of Fig. 1.16 Verification of principle of moments

rotation must be equal to the sum of the point

Let the weight suspended from the
clockwise moments about the same axis. spring (a) Given
balance A on the right side of thread be W, at
a l, while the weight suspended

When several forces act on a pivoted body, from the spring balance B on the left side of the
they tend to rotate it about an axis passing thread be W at a distance OB = 1,.
(b) The f
The resultant moment of all the
through the pivot. weight W, tend to
The turn the metre rule farthes
forces about the pivoted point is obtained by clockwise, while the weight W, tend to turn the be app
3 ff
* Refer article 1.7. metre rule anticlockwise.
Velou buc

-ach Clockwise moment of

point O W,
weight W, about the In equilibrium, when the metre rule is
horizontal, it is found that W

hile moment of
weight W, about the i.e., clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
Point O = W, x l
the This verifies the principle of moments.
A body is pivoted at a
point. A force of 10 N is
Let the force required be F newton, then
n plied at a distance of 30
from the pivot. cm
Calculate the moment of force about the
Moment of force = Fx 3 Nm ..(11)
Given, F 10 N, r = 30 cm 0:3 m =
From eqns. (i) and (ii),
Moment of force F x r = Fx3 = 150
10 x 0:3 3 Nm =

The moment of a force of 5 N about a F 50 N
2N m. Calculate point P is
ks of the force from the
the distance of
point of application 5. In Fig. 1.17, a roller of diameter 0-4 m is raised on
point P. the pavement XY by
Given, moment of force 2N m, F= 5 N the forces F, and F2
If the distance of each of magnitude
point of application of force from the
point P is r metre, then 10 N. Compare the
ed Moment of force force torques produced by
distance the two forces.
g Given, F F2 10 N
= =
Fig. 1.17
= 0-4 m
de Perpendicular distance of point of rotation X from
3. A mechanic can open a nut by the force F, is d, = 0-4 m while that of force F, is
W applying a force of
le 150 N while using a lever handle of length 40 cm.
How long handle is required if he wants to open it d=x 0-4 m =02 m

ed by applying a force of only 50 N ? Torque produced byforce F Fxd

of In the first case, F = 150 N, r = 40 cm = 0-4 m
Torque produced by force F2 F2 xd2
h The moment of force needed to open the nut 10Nx0-4m _4
s 150 Nx 0:4 60 N
10Nx0-2 m 1
= m = m ...1)
6. The wheel shown in the diagram (Fig. 1.18) has a
In the second case, F = 50 N,
fixed axle passing through O. The wheel is kept
If he uses the handle of length L m, then
stationary under the action of () a horizontal force
Moment of force = 50 Nx Lm= 50 L Nm (11)
From eqns. (i) and (ii), F at A and (i) a vertical force
F, at B.
(a) Show the direction of force F^ in the diagram.
50 L = 60
(b) Which of the force
601-2 m F Fi
or 50
or F, is greater?
14. The iron door ofa building is 3 m broad. It can be (c) Find the ratio between
opened by applying force of 100 N
a at the forces F, and F2.
the middle of the door. Calculate : (a) the torque Given: AO = 2:5 cm,
needed to open the door, (b) the least force and its BO= 15 cm and 0'0
point of application to open the door. 20 cmn. Fig. 1.18

(a) Given, F =100 N, distance of point of application of (a) The force F applied at A
produces a clockwise
force, r =x breadth of door =
x2 3 m =
15 m
moment on the wheel. B
Moment of the force needed to open the door
It can be balanced by
= Fxr = 100 N x 1:5 m = 150 N m
..i) applying the force F2 at B
(b) The force required will be least if it is applied at the in a direction such that it
farthest point from the hinges. Therefore the force should produces an anticlockwise
be applied at the free end of the door. i.e., at distance of moment. Therefore the
vertical force at B should Fig. 1.19
3 m from the hinges.
X Is to
about the
the two
The cffect of
be applied in the downward direction as shown in (b (1) rotation.
point Y
is to
Fig. 1.19. In equilibrium, F, x OA = F, x O0'. produce the about the
of the
(ii) The effect
(b) Since the perpendicular distance OA of point of clockwise
produce the
application of force F, from O is greater than the magnitude
2 N act
two ends
perpendicular distance O0' of point of application of 8. Two forces
each of
at the
the force F, 1s pivoted at
the force F, from 0, so in magnitude, upwards and which is
I m
geater than the force F
of a uniferm rod of length of the arrangement

(c) Moment of force F, about O F, x OA (clockwisec) = centre. Draw » d i a g r a m
momnent of forces
Moment of force F, about O = F, x O0 determine the
the rod. below. AB
(anticlockwise) mid-point of 1.21 given
is shown in Fig.
When the wheel is in equilibrium position, The arrangement
centre O.
at its
Anticlockwise moment which is pivoted
Clockwise moment =
is the rod
i.e., Fx OA =
F, x F 2N
F2 OA (1)
F1 00 A

Given, OA = 2:5 cm and 00' = 2:0 cm

F 2N
the values of OA and O0 in eqn. (i), Fig. 1.21
the ratio of forces OB = 05 m
I OA =

Given, AB m

point O
A about the
or F :
F, =5 : 4
Moment of force F (=2 N) at

1-0Nm (clockwise)
2 x 0.5 =

shows two F x OA =

The following diagram (Fig. 1.20)


7. point O
of B about the
forces F, and F2 each
of force F (=2 N)
parallel and opposite Moment
lines of action separated 1-0 N m (clockwise)
magnitude 5 N, with their =2 x0-5 =

= F x OB
A point X lies midway the mid-point O
by a distance of 2 m . on F2. Total moment of forces about
between and F while a point Y lies
F, (clockwise).
1-0 + 1-0 2-0 N m
Calculate the total
of the two forces moment =

(a) on a knife
Y. rule rests horizontally
about the points (i) X, and (i) 9. A uniform metre
m a s s of 10 g
by the two forces at the 60 c m mark when a
(b) State the effect produced edge of the
Y. suspended from o n e end. Draw diagram
about the points X and
arrangement. ?
m a s s be suspended
Fa 5N (a) At which end must this
rule ?
(b) What is the mass of the
X which
2m uniform metre rule AB
(a) Fig. 1.22 shows a
knife edge at O (60 cm mark).
rests horizontally on the
rule. A uniform rule has
Let M g be the mass of the
F, 5 N
Fig. 1.20
so its
mass throughout its length,
same distribution of
point X from either of the the 50
distance of will act at its middle point i.e., at cm
(a) (i) Perpendicular weight Mg
2m 1m mark.
F isx

forces F, or
Nx 1m
. Moment of force F,
about X =5 50 60 100Bcm
= 5 Nm (clockwise) A
about X =
5 Nx 1m
and moment of force F2 10g
= 5Nm (clockwise)

Hence total
moment of the two forces about X Mg
10 Nm (clockwise)
= 5+5 = Fig. 1.22
distance of point Y from the force F, is
(i) Perpendicular The weight Mg of rule produces an anti-clockwise
it is zero from the force F.
2 m, while moment about the knife edge O. In order to balance
5Nx 2
Moment of force F
about Y = m

= 10 N m (clockwise) it, 10 g mass must be suspended at the end B (i.e., at

the mark 100 cm) to produce a clockwise moment
about Y =

and moment of force F about the knife edge O.

forces about Y
moment of the two
Hence total = 10 N m (clockwise)

Xis to
(b) From the
principle of moments.
Anticlockwise moment= spring balance, the rule will turn clockwise about
Y is to
Mg x (o0 50)
Clockwise momen the
10g x
(100 pivot A duc to weight 40 kgf at the 40
M 0
(0) cmn
10 40 mark. To keep the rule in equilibrium (i.e., horizontal),
ically nmle M1 40 ot a force F (say) is needcd
g. upwards at the end B as
p ends 10. On a see-saw, two shown in
children of masses Fig. .24 which is provided by the
at its 50 kg are sitting on 30 kg and spring balance. So the reading of the
one side of
it at spring balancee
and and 25 m distances 2 m will be
at the should a man of
from its middle.
Let two children be
74 kg sit to
balance it? 100)cm-

. AB sitting on the lefi They will am.

produce anticlockwise moment due to
40c m

about the middle their weights

see-saw point of 40 kof
Total anticlockwise moment
Fig. 1.24
30 kgf x 2 50
m +
kgf x 25 m I equilibrium, as shown in Fig. 1.23,

60 kgf x m+ 125 Clockwise moment about the point A

kgf x m =

185 kgf x m
To balance it. the man should sit on the
Anticlockwise moment about the point A
as to
produce a
clockwise right arm so
moment about or
kgfx 40 cm = Fx 100
point. Let his distance fronm the middle be x them. middle
40x 40
Then 'F= kgf = 16 kgf
Clockwise moment 74 kgf xa m 74 x =
By the

kgf x nm Thus the

pinciple of moments, in
equilibrium rcading of spring balance will be 16 kgf.
Anticlockwise moment Clockwise moment (ii) When the rule
is of mass 20 kg i.e., weight 20
185= 74 x The weight
20 kgf of the rule will act at the
185 S0 cm mark, since the metre rule is
or m = 2:5 m (on the other side). uniform. As
shown in Fig. 1.25, both the
The man should sit at
weight 40 kgf and
distance 2-5 the weight of rule 20
a m from the middle kgf produce clockwise
on the other side. moments about the point O,. so a force F is needed
Fig. 1.23 below shows a uniform upwards at the end B to keep the rule horizontal.
metre rule AB
pivoted at its end A at the zero mark and supported
at the other end B 100 cm
by a spring balance when a T50 cm
weight of 40 kgf is suspended at its 40 cm mark. 40 cm
This rule stays horizontal. Find the 20 kgt
reading of the
spring balance when the rule is of G) negligible 40 kgt
mass, (ii) mass 20
kg. Fig. 1.25
SPRING BALANCE In equilibrium,
shown in Fig. 1.24.

PIVOT Total clockwise moment about the point A

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 cm
Anticlockwise moment about the
point A
40 kgt or 40 kgf x 40 cm + 20 kge x 50 cm
Fig. 1.23 = F x 100 cm

or F=
(40x40)+ (20x50))
(i) When the rule is of negligible mass. kgf = 26 kgf
In the absence of support at the end B by the Thus the reading of spring balance will b 26

.State the condition when on applying a force, the body,| Define moment of force and state its S.I. unit.
has pAulod
ron-PoO State whether the moment of force is a scalar or vector
(a) the translational motion, (b) the rotational motion. o ,
quantity ? ved sn QualulAns. Vector quantity
Ans. (a) When the body is free to move
(b) When the body is pivoted at a point. 4.State wo factors affecting the turning eftect of a force.

agulu co -Eg
uhan pivSTad
5. forces act at two different point
When does a body rotate ? State one way to change (b) the two

the direction ot body at a separation r.

rotation of the body. Give a suitable
moment of forces
example to explain your answer. Ans. (a) Resultant force
= 0.
0, morment or
Resultant force

6. Write the motion (ii)

expression for he moment,of force about a forces tend to rotate body the
given axis. f FP ma9ntd of e1 Caforces Fr. The =

between the two forces, eFabout the mid-point
7. What do you understand by theJ clockwise
d andoro nià J 1 diavram to show the direction
direction of
to show the
anticlockwise moment of force ? When is it taken 18. Draw a neat labelled diagram
rotation in it.
positive two forces acting on a body to produce
rotation takes
Also mark the point O about which the
8. State one to reduce the moment of a given force
axis of rotation.,bydocuasia J place
given Jadw oi o opOETo r u ndar the term couple ? State its
uslkancD What do you understand by
one way to obtain a of a
greater moment force daily life where
effect. Give two examples in

iAS SOinen daoupleis applied to turn a body

. Why is il easier to open a'door by applymg the force
of couple. Write its S.I. unit.
at the free end of it ? 20) Define moment

21. Prove that

1 The stone of a hand flour grinder is provided with a|
handle near its rim. Give reason. Moment of couple = Forcex couple arm.
12. It is easier to turn the steering wheel of a largge 22. What do you mean by equilibrium of a body ?

diameter than that of a small diameter. Give reason.

23. State the condition when a body is in (G) static,
13. A spanner (or wrench) has a long handle. Why ? example each of
(ii) dynamic, equilibrium. Give one

14. A jack screw is provided with a long arm. Explain why? static and dynamic equilibrium.
15. A. B and C are the three forces 24. State two conditions for a body, acted upon by several
each of magnitude 4 Ni acting in 0-8 m forces, to be in equilibrium.
the plane of paper as shown in
0 6m
25. State the principle of moments. Name one device
Fig. 1.26. The point O lies in the based on it. Phyaical balanto
same plane.
26. Describe a simple experiment to verify the principle
(i) Which force has the least Fig. 1.26
of moments, if you are supplied with a metre rule, a
moment about O? Give reason. fulcrum and two springs with slotted weights.
(ii) Which force has the greatest moment about O?|
27. Complete the following sentences
Give reason.
(iii) Name the forces producing (a) clockwise, i) The S.I. unit of moment of force is .N
************* .
sum of moments of all
(b) anticlockwise moments. i) In equilibrium, algebraic
forces about the point of rotation is .24A2....
iv) What is the resultant torque about the point O ?
Ans. (i) C, because the force Cis nearest to O (ii) In a beam balance when the beamis balanced in a

(i) A, because the force A is farthest from O. horizontal position, it is in S.lakul, equilibrium.
(ii) (a) A and B, (b) C (iv) 4.4 Nm (clockwise). (iv) The moon revolving around the earth is in .
The adjacent diagram equilibrium.
(Fig. 1.27) shows a E Ans. (i) N m (ii) zero (ii) static (iv) dynamnic
heavy roller, with its O
axle at O, which is to
raised on a
1. The moment of a force about a given axis depends
pavement XY. If Fig. 1.27 (a) only on the magnitude of force
there is frictionn (b) only on the perpendicular distance of force from
between the roller and pavement, show by the axis
an arrow on

and the direction (c) neither on the force nor on the perpendicular
the diagram the point of application
of force to be applied. distance of force from the axis
two forces each of magnitude dboth, on the force and its perpendicular distance
17. A body is acted upon by
directions. State the effect of the from the axis.
F, but in opposite Ans. (d) both, on the force and its
forces if
same point of the body.
perpendicular distance from the axis.
(a) both forces act at the

2. A body is acted
upon by two unequal forces in
opposite directions, but not in same
linc. The
length 4 m which is pivoted at its mid point O as
that effect is shown in Fig. 1.30. Determine the
magnitude of
(a) the body will have only the resultant moment of forces about the pivot O.
rotational motion Ans. 40 N
(b) the body will have only the m
translational motion 6. Fig. 1.31 shows two forces each of magnitude 10N
(c) the body will have neither the
nor the
rotational motion acting at the points A and B at a separation of 50 cm,
translational motion in opposite directions. Calculate the resultant
(dthe body will have rotational
well as as moment of the two forces about the point (i) A, (Gi) B
translational motion. and (iii) 0 situated exactly at the middle of the two0
Ans. (d) the
body will have rotational forces.
as well as
NUMERICALS translational motion F = 10 N

[Note For uniform rod, its weight acts at its


1. The moment of a force of 10 N

about a fixed point O
is 5 N m. Calculate the
distance of the point O from 50 cm
F= 10 N
the line of action of the force.
Ans. 0-5 m
2. A nut is Fig. 1.31
opened by a wrench of length 10 cm. If the
least force required is 5-0 N, find the Ans. (1) 5Nm clockwise, (i) 5 N m
moment of force
needed to turn the nut. (ii) 5 N m clockwise
Ans. 0.5 N m
7. A
3. A wheel of diameter 2 m is steering wheel of diameter 0-5 m is rotated
shown in Fig. 1.28 with axle
F:2N anticlockwise by applying two forces each of
at O. A force F 2 N is magnitude 5 N. Draw a diagram to show the
application of forces and calculate the moment of the
applied at B in the direction
forces applied. Ans. 2-5 Nm
shown in figure. Calculate
8. A uniform metre rule is
the moment of force about pivoted at its mid-point. A
i) the centre 0, and (i) the weight of 50 gf is suspended at one end of it. Where
Fig. 1.28
should a weight of 100 gf be suspended to
point A. keep the
ule horizontal ?
Ans. i) 2 Nm
(clockwise), (i) 4 N m (clockwise) Ans. At distance 25 cm from the other end.
4. The diagram
in Fig.
1.29 shows two forces
F, 5N 9. A uniform metre rule balances
horizontally on a knife
and F, = 3 N acting points A and B of a rod pivoted
edge placed at the 58 cm mark when a weight of
at a point 0, such that OA = 2 m and OB = 4 m. 20 gf is suspended from one end.
A 2m 4m B ) Draw a diagram of the arrangement.
(ii) What is the weight of the rule ?
Fa 3N Ans. (i) 105 gf
10. The diagram below (Fig. 1.32) shows a uniform bar
F 5N Fig. 1.29 supported at the middle point O. A weight of 40 gf is
placed at a distance 40 cm to the left of the point 0.
How can you balance the bar with
() the moment of force F, about O. a weight of
80 gf ?
i) the moment of force F, aboutO.
40 gf
ii) total moment of the two forces about O.
Ans. (i) 10Nm (anticlockwise), L
50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 cm
i) 12 N m (clockwise), (ii) 2 N m (clockwise).
Fig. 1.32
5. Two forces each of
N Ans.
magnitude 10 N act By placing the weight of 80 gf at a
20 cm to the right of the pointO.
vertically upwards | ...4 m i .
and downwards I. Fig. 1.33 shows a uniform metre rule placed on a
respectively at the fulcrum at its mid-point O and having a weight 40 gf
two ends A and B Fig. 1.30 10 N at the 10 cm mark and a weight of 20 gf at the 90 cm
of a uniform rod of mark. (i) Is the metre rule in equilibrium ? If not, how

horizontal by applying
it be made
40 g 20 g (ii) How can

leastforcec? a force 5 gf
010 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 Ans. (i) 500 gf cm (ii) By applying
100 cm mark.
at the 100
Fig. 1.33 the
balanced at
rule can be
half metre
will the nule turn ? (ii) How can the nule be brought in 16. A uniform from its one
mass 20 g is hung
29-0 mark when a
equilibrium by using an additional weight of 40 gf ? cm

Ans. cnd.
(i) No. The rule will turn anticlockwise diagram of the
i) By placing the additional weight of (a) Draw a
rulenain al
40 gf at the 70 cm mark.
12. When a boy weighing 20 kgf sits at one end of a 4 m C Cuuch mass of the half metre Ans.iom
the J3htodurSitar
(b) Findduw (b) 105
o 100 g is
balanced on a ed
long see-saw, it gets depressed at this end. How can it 17. A uniforhl metre rule of mass
an unknown
be brought to the horizontal position by a man cm by suspending
fulcrum at mark 40
weighing 40 kgf. mass m at the
mark 20 cm.
Ans. By sitting of man at distance I m from the centre
i) Find the value of m.
on the side opposite to the boy. is
will tilt if the mass m

ii) To which side the rule

A physical balance has its armms of length 60 cm and cm?
13. | moved to the mark 10
40 cm. What weight kept on pan of longer arm will moment now ?
(1i) What is the resultant
balance an object of weight 100 gf kept on other pan?| of
balanced by another mass
(iv) How can it be
Ans. 66-67 gf
14. The diagram in Fig. 1.34 shows a uniform metre rule
Ans. (i) m = 50 g, (i) on the side of mass m,
weighing 100 gf, pivoted at its centre O. Two weights
150 gf and 250 gf hang from the points A and B of the (ii) 500 gf x cm (anticlockwise),
(iv) by suspending the mass 50g at the mark 50 cm.
metre rule such that OA = 40 cm and OB = 20 cm.
Calculate: ( the total anticlockwise moment about O.| 18. In Fig. 1.35, a uniform bar of length I m is supported
(ii) the total clockwise moment about O, (iii) the | at its ends and loaded by a weight Wkgf at its
difference of anticlockwise and clockwise moments, In equilibrium, find the reactions R, and R, at the ends.
and (iv) the distance from O where a 100 gf weight|
should be placed to balance the metre rule. R2
40 cm- +20 cm
W kgf
150 g
Fig. 1.35
Fig. 1.34 250 g
Hint: In equilibrium R, +R = W
Ans. (i) 6000 gf cm, (i) 5000 gf cm, (ii) 1000 gf cm,
(iv) 10 cm on the right side of O. andR, x R,x
15. A uniform metre rule of weight 10 gfis pivoted at its W W
0 mark.
R, =
kgf and R, =kgf
i) What moment of force depresses the rule ?


be considered to be made up of a
large number
We have read in class IX that the gravitauonal of particles of
weight w. Wz, Wg, . As the size .

force between two masses 1S always atracuve. of the body is

quite small in comparison to the
The earth attracts every particle towards s Cenre siZe of the earth, the force of
gravity w acting on
hy the force of gravity on the partcie Wncn 1s these particles can be assumed to be parallel to
called the weight w of the particie. A Doay can each other as shown in Fig. 1.36. All these or
(3) By the concept of centre of gravity, a
WA body of weight W can be considered as a point
W2 G Ws particle of weight W at its centre of gravity
Centre of gravity of some regular objects
W3 W8
Object Position of centre of gravity
IRod Mid-point of rod (Fig. 1.37).
W 2. Circular disc Geometric (Fig. 1.37)
Fig. 1.36 Centre of
gravity 3. Solid or hollow Geometric centre of the sphere.
parallel forces acting in the
direction (i.e.,
vertically downwards towards the centre of earth) 4 Solid or hollow Mid-point on the axis of cylinder
be cylinder (Fig. 1.37)
replaced by a single
force W of
equal to the sum of all these forces i.e., W =w
magnitude5. Solid cone At a height h/4 from the base, on
axis (if h height of cone).

+W2+ + where Wis total weight of the 6. Hollow cone At

body. Now the question arises where should a height h/3 from the base, on its
the axis (if h =
height of cone).
weight W act ? The weight W is considered to act 3Circular ring Centre of ring (Fig. 1.37).
at a point G such that the
algebraic sum of 8. Triangular lamina The point of intersection of
moments due to weights or scalene
wi, Ws of each particle
. .
triangle medians (Fig. 1.37).
about the point G is zero. The 9. Parallelogram,
point G is called The point of intersection of the
the centre of gravity of the rectangular lamina,| diagonals (Fig. 1.37).
body. In other words, square or rhombus
the body can be considered as a
point particle of
weight W placed at its centre of gravity G Thus,
Fig 1.37 shows the position of centre of gravity
h eThe centre of gravity (C.G) of a body is by the point G for a circular ring, a circular disc,
the point about which a
triangular lamina, a rectangle,
the algebraic sum pf a
parallelogram, a
moments of weights of all the particles square lamina, a rod, and a cylinder.
constituting the body is zero. Ihe entire weight
of the body can be considered to act at this
point, how.soever the body is placed.
Note: (1) The position of the centre of CIRCULAR RING CIRCULAR DISC TRIANGULAR LAMINA
gravity ofa bodyof given masSS depends on its
shapei.e., on the distribution_of mass-(of
paricles)_in it. It changes if the body is
Example The centre of gravity of a
uniform wire is at the middleof its length) But
if the same wire is bent into the form of a
circle, its centre of gravity will_then be at the ROD CYLINDER
centre of the circle. Fig. 1.37 Centre of gravity of some regular objects
(2) It is not necessary that the centre
oCentre of gravity
gravity always be within the material of the body.
and the balance point
A solid body can be balanced by supporting
Example : The centre of gravity of a ring
it at its centre of gravity. For example, a uniform
or a hollow sphere lies at its centre where
metre rule has its centre of gravity at the
there is no material
of gravity of
0 cm mark. It centre
can be balanced knife Determination of a plumb
on a edge of balance

exactly below the 50

il lamina by the method
cm mark
as shown in Fig. 1.38. It is possible line
because the irregular
algebraic sum of moments of the Let A be an
weights of all particles of rule about the knife lamina in Fig. 1.40,
edge (or finger tip) is zero. which the position of

is to be
Metre rule of gravity
10 20 30 4 0 50 70 90 determined. Make three fine

holes at a, b and c, n e a r the

Knife edge Now
edge of the lamina.
Fig. 1.38 A metre rule supported on a knife edge lamina Centre of
at its mid-point
suspend the given Fig. 1.40
plumb line gravity of lamina
along with a
square thin sheet (or lamina) can
a from the hole a, using
on a retort
be balanced on the tip of a nail as shown in horizontally
pin (or a nail) clamped free to oscillate
Fig. 1.39. stand. Check that the lamina is
on the nail about the point of suspension.
to rest, draw a straight line ad
lamina has come

SQUARE LAMINA along the plumb
suspending the
Repeat the procedure by
lamina through the hole
b and then through the
lines be and cf
hole c for which we get straight
be and
NAIL It is noticed that the lines ad,
intersect each other at a c o m m o n point
Fig. 1.39 A square sheet balanced on the tip of a nail cf of the
which is the position of centre of gravity
If a body is freely suspended from a point, it
comes (i.e. balances) in such a position
to rest
that its centre of gravity lies vertically below the Note-FOr thestable equilibrium of a body,
(centre of gravity)must be as low
point of suspension. This fact can be used its vCM
possible. imust be above the base and
of near
locate the position of centre gravity an

irfegular lamina. the geometric centre of the body.)

5. At which point is the centre of gravity situated in:
I. ) Define the term 'centre of gravity of a body'. (a) a triangular lamina and
K2. Can centre of gravity of a body be situated outside (b) a circular lamina ?
material ? Give an example.
Ans. (a) At the point of intersection of its medians.
Ans. Yes. e.g. C.G. of a ring
(b) At the centre of circular lamina.
State factor on which the position of centre of gravity
3. of a body depend. Explain your
answer with an
6. Where is the centre of gravity of a uniform ring
situated ? Ans. At the centre of ring.
7.) A square card board is suspended by passing a pin
4. What is the position of centre of gravity of a : through a narrow hole at its one corner. Draw a
(a) rectangular lamina (b) cylinder?
Ans. (a) At the point of intersection of its diagonals.
diagram to show its rest position. In the diagram, mark
the point of suspension by the letter S and the centre
At the mid point on the axis of cylinder.
(b) of gravity by the letter G.

f an irregular Explain how you will determine
cxperimetally the 11. Fig. 1.42 shows three pieces of card board of uniform
w/sing a plhumb position of centre of gravity for a triangular lamina thickness cut into three different shapes. On each
(or a triangular picce of card
board) diagram draw two lines to indicate the position of
9. State whether the following statements
are true or lalse. centre of gravity G
i) The position of centre of
gravity of a body

remains unchanged even when the
The centre of
always lies
body is
gravity of a frecly suspcnded body
vertically below the point of
Ans. (i) False (ii) Truc.
A Fig. 142

10. A uniform flat circular rim MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE

is balanced
vertical nail by supporting it
on a sharp . The centre of gravity of a uniform ball is:
40 Centre of in Fig. 1.41. Mark the
at a
point A, as shown
position of centre of (a) at its geometrical centre
the rim in the diagram gravity of
y of lamina by the letter G (b) at its bottom
(c) at its topmost point
on a retort CLAMP (d) at any point on its surface.
to oscillate
Ans. (a) at its geometrical centre
sion. When 2. The centre of gravity of a hollow cone of height h is
ght line ad RIM at distance x from its vertex where the value of x is:
(a) h/3 (b) hl4
nding the Fig. 1.41 (c) 2h13 (d) 3h/4 Ans. (c) 2h/3

îrough the
be and cf
d, be and
ity of the

a body, When a particle moves with a constant speed

low as
in_a circular path, its motion is said to be the WEST EAST
nd near vCMuniform circular motion.| In such a motion, the
particle travels equaldistance along the circular path
in equal intervals of time, so the speed of particle
Fig. 1.43 Direction of velocity in uniform circular motion
is uniform, but the direction of motion of the
particle changes at each point of circular path. The of motion of the particle is different at different
continuous change in the direction of motion implies points of the circular path. At any-point the
d in thatthe velocity of the particle is non-uniform (or direction of motion is along the tangent drawn at
variable) ie., the motion is accelerated that point of the circular path.
Direction of velocity at any instant in At the point A, the direction of motion of the
medians. circular path: Fig. 1.43 shows a particle moving particle is towards north; after completing
lamina. in a circular path in a horizontal plane with quarter of circle, at the point B, the direction of
rm ring uniform speed v in the anticlockwise direction. motion of particle is towards west; after
of ring. The particle travels each quarter of circle AB, BC, completing half circle, at the point C, the
g a pin CD and DA in same interval of time_ t = T4 direction of motion of particle is towards south
Draw a where T is the time aken by the particle in one and after completing three-quarters of circle when
n, mark
round of the circular path. Thus, the speed of the particle is at the point D, its direction of
e centre
particle is constant(or uniform), but the direction motion is towards east. Thus, the velocity of

paricle n circular motion is variable or the Examples electron moves around the Man (on the
Circular_motion is accelerated even though the (1)/In an atom, an
which the
circular path for
speed of particle is
uaiform nucleus in a
obtained from
Difference between the uniform circular centripetal force is attraction/ on the
motion and uniform linear motion : In uniform electrostatic force the
electron by
linear motion, the speed and velocity are constant negatively charged
positively charged nucleus/
and acceleration is zero i.e., the uniform linear circular
around the sun in a
motion is an unaccelerated) motion, while in a (2) A planet moves force of
the gravitational
uniform circular motion the velocity)is variable path for which the sun provides
(although the speed is uniform). so it is an attraction on the planet by
accelerated motion. necessary centripetal
moves around the earth in a Fig. 1.45
1.8 CENTRIPETAL AND the_gravitational a
circular path for which
FORCE Real fceu
FCU moon by the earth
iorce of attraction on theforcce. tight due t
Centripetal force: We have read that a force is observec
f a provides the centripetal
1s needed to change the direction of motion of tied the end of a string is the merry-
((4)) When a stone at
particle (or change
to velocity
the of the particle) circular path holding its other ji) standir
tO produce acceleration. A particle moving in
atiwhirled in a at A.
.a circular path, continuously changes its direction $ e n d in the hand, the tension in the string
provides the centripetal
force. If this force The pe
of motion at each point of its path. This change will
in direction of motion can not be brought without (i.e., tension) is not present, the stone outside the
the circular path.)
turn to move in i_ moving
a force. Thus, themotion in_circular_path_is gt not line), whil
In all the above examples, the body moves in
possible only under the influence ofa force which a ércular path round at
thecentripetal force At each point with a iuniform speedunder the
1S termed as and it . is in placed jus
of circular path, th~ force directed
is towards the influence of a \centripetal force go-round
centre of the circle)as shown in Fig. 1.44. Thusynamic equilibrium : platform c
the direction of acceleration_also changes at each Centrifugal force Aforce assumed by _an the ball re
observer moving with the body to act on the body
point of the circular path, but its magnitude respectivel
remains same)i.e., the acceleration is variable (or in directionaway from the centre of circular pata in front of
non-uniform). Hence for a body moving in a is cålled the_cERiriugal jorce, Thus centrifugal same moti
circular force is needed which acts force is in a direction opposite to the direction of
as the
path, a
centripetal force. centripetal force. Its magnitude is the same as that
Or the centripetal force. But the. centrifugal force mplonadn Explam
Thus, centripetal force is the force acting_on moves in
a body moving in a circular path, in a direction isnot the force of reactionof the centripetal force
the strin
towards the centre of circular path. becauge action and reaction do not act on the for the cin
same body It is not the eal force, but it is a
ictitious force assumed by an observer moving The pe
in Circular path alongwith the body.To understand He consid

this force, consider the following experiment. theballir
Experiment : Fig. 1.45 shows a ball tied at
one end of a string, the other end of cent
which is tied
at the centre of, a
D O merry-go-round. Initially when (ii) the
the platform of
Fig. 1.44 Direction of force in uniform cirecular
ball is seen
is stationary, the
stationary and the string is loose. AS
means centre seeking. the platform starts
* The word centripetal rotating, the string becomes
Man (on the The above two forces are equal and
theretore the net force on the ball is zero. Hence
it always remains stationary in front of him.
Dun uOIs. a person on the rotating platform can explain his
observation only by considering the centrifugal
D A force.

/310 Case: If the string breaks when the ball is

in position P as shown in Fig. 1.46, the force of
tension T instring ceases to act. Now the person
at M standing on the ground will observe that
the ball is moving in a straight line along the
Fig. 1.45 A ball tied at the end of a string moving in path PT (tangent drawn at the point P on the
a circular path on a
merry-go-round circular path), while the person at A standing on
tight due to tension T in it. The motion of ball the merry-go-round will observe the ball at
1S observed by two persons standing outside positions P, P", P", ... when he will be at
the merry-go-round on the ground at M, and Positions A',A", A", ... respectively i.e., he will
standing on the platform of merry-go-round observe that the ball always remains in front of
at A. um moving radially away from him as iLa
The person standing on the ground at (M) Centrifugal force acts on the ball away from
outside the merry-go-round observes that the ball he centre Thus the person in rotating frame
has to assume the presence of
1movingin a circular path (shown by dottedmerry-g0-round)
line), while the person standing on the merry-go- the centrifugal force.

round at A observes that the ball is stationary Man (on the ground)

placed just in front of him at P. As the meTy M

go-round rotates the position of person on the seen

platform changes from A to A', A", A", ... and broken

the ball reaches at the position P', P", P", the


i s

respectively, as if it rest always just o f

in front of him. The different observations of the Actual **..
same motion by the two persons at M and A are

a t

explained as follows. P"

For the person at M, the ball Merry-go-round

mplinaln Explanation:
moves in a circular path because the tension T in Fig. 1.46 Centrifugal force
the string provides the centripetal force needed
for the circular motion. Conclusion: The centrifugal force is not a
real force, it is a fictitious forde. The only force
The person at A observes the ball stationary.
here is the force of tension in the string
He considers the following wo forces to act_onnoved
acting towards the centre (i.e.,the centripetal
to understand his observation.
the ballin ørder force). [A force which really does not exist, but
G eTension T of the string towards the is considered to describe (or understand) a certain
centre of merry-go-round, and
motion, is called a fictitious force (or virtual
ii) the centrifugal force away from the centre. force). ) n to 1

APlain the
meaning of uniform cireular motion. Give the end of a thread
is whirled

one | 13. A piece of stone tied at the

example of such motion. ith
in a horizontal circle with uniform speed
uniform with help
tne nep

2. Draw a neat the following questions

labelled diagram for a of hand. Answer
a circular path with a constant particle noving in
of stone uniform or variable ?
speed. In (a) Is the velocity
show the direction of your diagram the acceleration of stone uniform or variable?
velocity at any instant. (b) Is
of stone at
3. Is it direction of acceleration
possible to have an accelerated motion witha (c) What is the
constant speed ? Name such type of motion. any instant ?
the centripetal force
Ans. Yes, uniform circular motion (d) What force does provide
Give motion ?
example of motion in which speed remains required for circular
which acts on
uniform, but the velocity
changes. (e) Name the forcc and
its direction

Ans. Circular motion the hand.

5. towards the centre of the

A uniform circular motion is an accelerated motion. Ans. (a) variable (b) variable (c)
Explain it. State whether the acceleration is uniform circular path (d) tension in the string (e) the reaction
the centre of the circular path.
or variable ? Name the force of tension away from
responsible to cause this and
acceleration. What is the direction of force at any 14. State two differences between the centripetal
instant ? Draw diagram in centrifugal force.
support of your answer.
6. true or false
Differentiate between a uniform linear motion and a 15. State whether the following statements are
uniform circular motion. them.
by writing T/F against
7. Name the force (a) The earth moves around the sun with a uniform
required for circular motion. State its
direction. Ans. Centripetal force velocity.
(b) The motion of moon around the earth in circular
What is a centripetal force ?
path is an accelerated motion.
Explain the motion of a planet around the sun in a (c) A uniform linear motion is unaccelerated, while
circular path. a uniform circular motion is an accelerated

(a) How does a centripetal force differ from a motion.

centrifugal force with refrence to the direction in (d) In a uniform circular motion, the speed
which they act ? continuously changes because the direction of
(b) Is centrifugal force the force of reaction of the motion changes.
centripetal force ? (e) A boy experiences a centrifugal force on his
hand when he rotates a piece of stone tied at
(c) Compare the magnitudes of centripetal and
centrifugal force. one end of a string, holding the other end in the
Ans. (a) They act in opposite directions (b) No (c) 1:1 hand. Ans. (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) F (e) F

11. Is centrifugal force a real force ? Ans. No MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE

12. A small pebble tied at one end of a string is placed 1. Which of the following quantity remains constant in
n e a r the periphery of a circular disc,
at the centre of
a uniform circular motion
the other end of the string is tied to a peg. The
(a) velocity (b) speed
disc is rotating about an axis passing through its

observation when you are (c) acceleration (d) both velocity and speed.
(a) What will be your
outside the disc ? Explain. Ans. (b) speed
2. The centrifugal force is
observation when you are
(b) What will be your
at the centre of the disc ? Explain. (a) a real force
in a circular path because (b) the force of reaction of centripetal force
(a) The pebble
the required (c) a fictitous force
the tension in the string provides
The pebble is stationary just in (d) directed towards the centre of circular path
centripetal force. (b) force on the pebble
front because the
balances the tension in the string. Ans. (c) a fictitous force


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