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Evaluation Criteria

Element Evaluated
Excellent Good Below Standards Failure
5 points 4-3 points 2 - 1 points 0 points

Strong and specific

A solid argument Generalized or vague
argument easily No identifiable argument
identifiable argument not clear
Argument or Thesis
Some points reinforce the
Major points and research
Most points reinforce the argument, but most Lack of cohesion and failure to express a
reinforce the argument
argument throughout statements fail to reinforce uniform idea
the argument

Shows some critical

Clear presentation of Demonstrates critical
thinking, but overall
critical thinking related to thinking well, but could
Critical Thinking or shallow analysis of topic – Fails to demonstrate critical thinking,
the issues, substance, develop some points or
Analysis must delve deeper into shallow discussion of subject
points raised, and explore others in further
subject or explore subject
arguments detail
in depth

Most ideas are fully Ideas listed or briefly

Ideas are fully developed Little or no development of ideas
developed explained

Development of Ideas
Information left out leaves Missing information causes gaps that
Thought-provoking Some ideas are thoughtful
minor gaps between ideas prevent understanding
Evaluation Criteria
Element Evaluated
Excellent Good Below Standards Failure
5 points 4-3 points 2 - 1 points 0 points

Flow of thoughts is logical Thoughts are mostly

Not always logical Not logical
and easy to follow logical and easy to follow

Ideas do not appear to be

Transitions are meaningful
Organization and Good use of transitions linked – need for Transitions absent or incorrectly used
and effective
Structure transitions

Overall structure is strong Overall structure is

and contributes to Overall structure is sound disjointed and distracts Random, no organization or structure
understanding of meaning from meaning

Strong command of Good command of Limited command of

Poor command of conventions
conventions conventions conventions

Errors do not cause the

Few if any grammatical Severe and / or frequent errors cause
Minor errors cause few writing to be unclear, but
Grammar and Academic errors, and those errors do writing to be unclear and difficult to
disruptions in meaning weaken the effectiveness of
Conventions not detract from meaning read
the communication

All research is properly

cited in-line within the text Research is properly cited Research is inconsistently
Research is not cited at all
and bibliography / works most of the time cited

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