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& setaom clageosrda START Tue, Sep 2612.03PM DUE ent & Skills Performance Questia Q1 Inference procedure for blue candy company claim HE vinwcpoint <> ‘candy company claims that 10 percent of te candles ae blue. A random sample of 200 ofthese cand Related Content & Skis 1 bve, Which ofthe fllowing fH would be mest appropriate for tabishing wheter the candy company ne Ee @ watas pase X + sa Related Questions on this Quiz © creampie proportion zest 2 cnn ome © wounpern X we don't take it Related Videos ay wr 1(00015) 64 Daiy Video 2 (S440) © wormpepepenerzest we Wee only one test FoC-Z 87: Daiy video 1 ‘S2zAM Son Nov Fors Oo ro more than 3 percent ofthe 1-pound packages tobe underweight. To investigate com (02 Conclude tes for underweight bacon packages < aA @, @ 6 + O ° te Be conten | 6) Bitgicatve... | Parstvasin.. | By Oooo tn f Content & Skills Pe BE YMC point < > Related Content & Skills tues millons ofp packages of bacon every week. Company specication allow for ‘produced in one week and found 40 packs nt, to srweight. Assuming all conditions for es inference ae mec the ot prove Sonn SUEAT TRAE the Sgntcace evel ofa — 0.05, 66 moran percent ofl fe packagespoduoed noe wek ae undereigi? + si Peale © a = ‘Yes, because the same estimate of 0.0 ie greater than tha company spectoaton of 0.03, Related Questions on this Quiz Question 19 ‘Yes, because the p-value of 0.032 leas than the sigs level of 0.05. Pyalur < od v Related Videos 6 5-Day Video 1 (Skil 3) ‘Yes, because the p-value of 0.068 ra ec than he stcance lvl of 0.05. 6.5: Day Vio 2 (648) Culelater 66:0 Veo 1 2s less than the significance level of0.08, Tast' —7 Z —> I> PfeP 66: Dally Video? Hee Des No, because the p-valve of 0 20-03! ya to Puahncro-e3 No, because the p-vae of 0 O< aA a0 8 a Q3 Describe power of test for patient disease @ A doctor ures anew agnosis tet to indicate whether patient ha acertin disease The doctor wi ih prescribe theimedicstion. The hypotheses can be stated a . H,: The patient has the ree © egevstay an no onde oe A AST me le ate. pea i nC a ral Content & Skills Performance 4 Significance level effect on multiple tests Alarge clinical tral was designed to determine whether a certain vitamin improves the general heath of adults, The investigators first identified 85 variables that measure various aspects ofthe general heath of adults Because each adultin the clinical tial was to serve as his or her own contol, the 85 variables were ‘measured for each adult, both before taking the vitamin and after taking the vitamin fr three months. The investigators then performed 85 matched pair tests, one for each variable. They found statistically the 0.05 level in 2 of the variables, both inthe direction of improved general heath Which of the following should the investigators conclude? ke fie avidunee @ Tetseiina nave vininnpowteretn sass vensezatne XX “There is evidence that the vitamin improves the health of adults because in clinical x tals investigators typealy underestimate the proportion ofthe popuiation that is helped by a vitamin. “Thee is insufficient evidence that the vitamin improves the heath of adults because atthe 0.6 signifcance lave, one could easily get statistical signcant v results in 2 out of 85 tests just due to chance variability because the sample sizeof 85 isnot large enough to draw a conclusion "No conclusion can be crawn because an even numberof variable isnodet ora X snatched-peire design. ® @©/0,e Questions BE vimcpoim < > Related Content & Skills + Topic 66 67 + shat = Related Videos 66: Dally Video 1 66:Daly Video? 67: Daly Video 1 (Sxil1 8) 67: Daly Video 2(Suil3.A) Haefe +> Mo cviduniay because 2 out of 85 ‘There i insuticlent evidence that the vtamin improves the health of ads Te vely tually then Cis the Bot amnel I student | ontine Java Jott oats | By Google dar | Examconse... | di Examconse... @ states cr... ‘Type Il error for diagnosing arthritis HE Xo Mcpoint < ‘A medical doctor uses a diagnostic test to determine whether a patient has arthritis. A treatment willbe Related Content & Skills prescribed only ifthe doctor thinks the patient has arthritis. The situation is similar to using a null and an + Topic ‘alternative hypothesis to decide whether to prescribe the treatment. The hypotheses might be stated as. a follows. + 3k Ho: The patient does not have arthritis, Related Questions on this Ha The patient has arthritis Which of the following represents a Type il error for the hypotheses? p Fail te Ceyect Hes then Ha i £fue Question 13, ab de (egect He ox Fail te 2 ‘Question 23 Diagnosing athritisin a patient who has arthritis ‘Question 25 Fail to Ceject Wo when Wats ERE Question 27 © Failing o diagnose arthritis in a patient who has arthritis, ad Question 32 oc Fail to Aaganse cae ho have AFH Coed eee © _ Diagnosing arthetsin a patont who does not have artis 6:7: Daly Video 1 (Skil 1.8) 6.7-Daly Video 2 (Skil 3.) oe Whe have ac tarts Faling to diagnose arthritis ina patient who does not have arthritis ° Content & Skils Performance Questions Q6 inference procedure for blood pressure proportion HE viincpoint < > ‘A national health study reported that the proportion of students with elevated blood pressure is 0.15. The Related Content & Skills Principal ofa loca highschool believes 3 the proportion of students inthe school with elevated blood Prestro you tna slag adc alta whch of long s Te ‘perpetrate te proc bt? 2 ro atthe pin He 20.5 a Ha > ols + 34 © A zt0st tra proportion ” w Related Questions on this Quiz ‘Azetest ora diference between two proportions KX \recause we bere only one test” questiont Related Videos It fale Hic fit 6.4 Daly Video 1 (Skit 1.F) ® @ Achesqur test fr homogenay of proprions [becamse we den 64 Daly Video 2 (Ski 4.6) AtiestforameanK We ate investigating eroPetion 87: Day Video ° t take tic Hi @ Amatcigastios X (petanse we be o< aA «8 @ © +0 TD) Xe online te aatetd |B Coogle ders Cram conse... | Sram conse... StatetceGr... GJ Vilscurse | one-sided ent & Skills Performance Questions ‘A.Type I! error occurs when we fal to reject the null hypothesis when itis actually als ‘Decreasing the significance level reduces the likelihood of committing a Type Il error, while increasing the power ofthe test Increases the ablltyto.correcly reject the null hypothesis when Its false. Q7 Effect of lower alpha level on Type Il and power Bev Mcpoint < > ‘A one sted hypathesis tests to be performed wih significance level of 0.05. Suppose that the nll Related Content & Skills hypotieie i alee Ia sgnitcance level of 0.01 were to be used instead of a elgnficance level of O05, wh ofthe fellowing would be re? + ee + sua ® _Notner tne probabity of Type lor northe power of the test woulchange. X = Related Questions on this Quiz 7 probably ofa Type errand the power ofthe tast would decrease. ‘uestion 12 ‘Question 21 woul nelase. X ‘question 30 ‘uestion 45 © _batnine prosaity ofa Type lt err an x (® _ Teprcbabaty ofa Type amor would decrease an the power af the ® snereans pl ‘Question 53 pS ‘question 4 @ _Repreatityofa pel ener woul re decoass, e iu ‘question 1 Related Videos (67: Daty Video 1 (Ski 8) {6.7 Daily Video 2 (Ski3.A) mA apclassroom oO peeding a indeate by the detector. The situation Which ofthe following best describes the power ofthe test? © _ Tre prooablty of not ieving atk 10 speeding O< ah 8 ® a a 1 sutstese, {09 Conclusion for test of proportion of American cars Ten years ago, only 53 percent of Americans owned Ames sn-made cars, but that gue 1 study to investigate whether the claim wastue, The gro found that $6 ite ina ¥aNBBFODED. Assuming the conditions fer nference were met thet sflient evidence 6 conclude the s.gniicance level af @# 005.1% the proportion of all car owners the Unites Staterpaho onn American-made cars has increased from what was ten ed 2a? Fail Ge tac He Fader Sa hs ing, Convincing, evilanee @ ver recaweose> 083, ertonis05620200. vse 056-055 0.03and009<005, weo2ss 053. X VY MCpoin < > Related Content & Skills 66 + sat = Related Questions on this Quiz ueston 2 Question & Question 16 ‘Question 19 Question 28 Question 34 ‘question 38 Question 48 Related Videos SECM FS Nov POEL oO < aa 8 Oo ov +o 24] © towel & onete tans |b ex ew B sutstcs or. valeurs Content & Sis Performane Questions 10 Hypotheses totes proportion of household charity HA vinmcpom < > ‘Aresearcher is conducting a study of charitable donations by surveying a simple random sample of Releted Content & Side prepecen tu paren of a overs in te yu gre scale donaton hie petyear “a (ch of the flowing ar appropriate hypotheses forthe researcher? + Ga © Wo:p=05argsp>0 He . Related Question on this Quz Ha: Pos cueetien 29 ® os Cuestion 28 cueston 35 aueston 37 © Wo:p=05 anda Related Videos - 64:Daly Video 1(Skil1.F) Oana 64:Daly Video 2 (Skil 4c) © Worosera O< aA 8 a Be cooaleaes | a cna ae © Staetescr, Content & Skils Performance Questions Q11 Compute test statistic for landline phone survey @ EE Viimcpoint <> é hat 60 percent Related Content & Skills A survey ofa random same of 245 young adits fou Srdene a nortan goad a young asia oot have adie pone nao ich of a ‘he fallowing\s te est sche forthe sppropeate res? Ho: P05 .o. Ha: Pos ao ® Related Questions on this Quiz a oboe) bes cunts aaa = © == 165: Daly video 2 (Skil 4.) Content & Skil Performance 12 Highest power for test of vending machine use BR viimepom < > ‘A unvesy wl aad fut juce vending machines tis eessroom buldngs if the student body presidents Related Content & Skills Convinced that more than 20 percant of he stcerts wil use them. Arancom sample of netudents wil be Selected and asked whether or not they would se the vending machines. large sample est for proportions a the significance evel of a= 0.05 wile performed. The rulhypathesis thatthe proportion of alletudents who would use the vending machines 20 percent willbe tested agsnet the alate that + sat incase He Powers fe» Related Questions on this Quiz + Topic ® ie n= 750, and 20 percentof ll students usethe vending “awe mall and altrasfig Patarrtrrvalaes ® stent uo ths Goeston 7 7 machines. ¥ Less 7 ace Farther fart duesten 21 © _Tesanpe nin =750,and28 pace osteo thevering X Len {An environmental scientist wants to test the null hypothesis that an antipollution device for cars isnot Related Content & Skills effective, Under which ofthe fllowing conditions would a Type | eror be committed? Tevet Hho Feject Hos whee it is actlally tre ® “The scientist concludes that the antipollution device is effective when it actually is wen, H Qe + skill ee ae mo Related Questions on this Quiz, + Topic 67 “The scientist concludes thatthe antipollution device isnot effective when it actually ° ea Question 5 esti 23 © _Trescionst concludes tha the anpaltion device i fective when it actualy. question 25 Question 27 © Tesora ath noon deve rt et whan aa question 92 Related Videos © _Aype ror camot be committed in tis situation 67 Daly video 1 (1.8) ee (6.7: Daily Video 2 (Skill 3.) tent & Skils Performance 014 Possible one-tailed test p-values START Tue, Sep2612:03PM DUE — ‘An expenmenter conducted »twotaled hypothesis test ona st of daa and obtained a pale of 44. 1f the experimenter had conducted a one-talled test onthe same set of data which of the folowing i roe The only possible pale The only possible pa Left The only possible pal is 0.88 The possible pal ‘he possible val and 0.88 value() thatthe experimenter could have obtained? two Sidied 0-44 = 2 Pvalae Fralue, ond one Sidied ond Que VY Mcpoint < > Related Content & Stile + Tope + sai Related Questions on this Quiz ‘question 17 ‘Question 18 ‘Question 44 ‘question 46 ‘question 49 Related Videos 6.5 Daiy vido 1(Skl3E) 6.5: Deity Video 2 (Sk 48) kely to have occurred by chance alone? Question 17 @ 2 researcher condicted ast ofthe hypotheses Hy je — 38 versus Hy 138 The sample mean was 35 andthe pave forthe estas (0.0627 Wat woul the pale ave been the restorer had ved Hy: < 38 a the erative hypothesis? ° ® 1-00027 a 120.0627) lo: aed Z \a weld 1 (4) (00627) Yo Cin @ vain for Ont Hated) we mth ele ANE p valve tor jd — nppodnesss by D 2(0.0627) sailed 0-067 22 (0-069 Idby= Praise fot Pvaive one letby € o z hae @ O =. Question 28 For a schoo! fundalser, 600 rafle tickets were sold by students atthe school, of which 88 were sold by one student, Audey. Of the 600 tickets sold 30 were randomly selected to receive prizes, and 7 of the 30 tickets selected were tickets sold by Audrey. To investigate how likely it was by chance ‘alone that at least 7 ofthe 30 selected tickets could have been sold by Audrey, students ina statistics class ran a simulation. One tial of the simulation is described by the folowing steps. sete cg soon tp Purse 7 RESULTS OF 1,000 TRIALS 223 S005 pevave > Ce CONV) alin eviaente O123 4567890 Number of Red Chips taal onto oe inden TTT: orcs TT wert acey os ofthe deed chee likely to have occurred by chance alone? G12-A4-Term1-2023 & * ®9O9C8OFFHHHHHHGEHHSS OOOO (Question 23 @ ‘A staal test voles the following null an alternative hypotheses. ? ZA fall yo veject Wo * ch oft flowng dees soe TT? NS ren Hy 16 We a ® Fealing to rejet the nl hypothesis when the population mean is 6 , Failing to reject the null hypothesis when the population mean is greater than 64 Rejecting the null hypothesis when the population mean is 64 Rejecting the null hypothesis when the population mean s greater than G4 ® © © @ Failing to reject the null hypothesis when the p value sles than the significance evel Question 21 ‘Suppose a hypothesis test wll be used to investigate whether the proportion of United States adults who have been a victim of a cybercrime, such as. ‘dont theft is greater than 0.25, Suppose that the hypothesis tests conducted using a significance level of 0.05 and the power ofthe tet ie > determined fora specific alternative value using the significance lve of 0.05. Ifthe significance level ofthe hypothesis testis changed to 0.01 and the power ofthe testis computed forthe same alternative value using a significance level of 0.01, which ofthe fllowing best describes the change() tothe probability ofa Type I err and the power ofthe tet? 0 194(3) tthe probably of a Type po came (a ® _Theprobabiny of Type Terror would decrease and the power of the es would stay the same, > poy areas whew w g et PL tye 32) | ‘The probabilty of a Type Terror would decrease and the power ofthe test would increase. ‘The probabilty of a Type I error would decrease and the power ofthe test would decrease. ‘The probabilty of a Type Terror would increase and the power of the test would increase, ® © © ® ‘The probabilty ofa Type Ieror would increase, and the power ofthe test would decrease. Question 26 ‘Ata manufacturing company for medical supplies, machines produce parts used in highly specialized lasers, i rma 13.1 son For the 2 ee but the test doesnot detect the camisole \Wihich ofthe following should the researchers do to avoid the more consequential error? @ ® © © Increase the significance level to increase the probably of a Type I error Increase the significance lvel to decrease the probably of aType error. Deerease the significance level oinrease the probability ofa Type I err. Decrease the significance level to decrease the probablty of a Type I eror. Decrease the significance level decrease the standard eror. (Question 21 = 7-_. = Wo: new racnne deewatt imate 1 Ha, th tntrows Tore ST ror wok Conclars dead bes wunen to altel peri No aenvese we TT erm foremnere, O O ‘Acompany that ships glass fra glass manufacturer claimed that its shipping boxes are constructed so that no more than 8 percent af the boxes. ‘rive with broken glass. The glass manufacturer believed the actual percents greater than B percent. The manufacturer selected a random sample of boxes and recorded the proportion of boxes that arived with broken glass. The manufacturer tested the hypotheses Hy: p = 0.08 versus Hy : p > 0.08 atthe significance level of = 0.01. The test yielded a prvaue of 0.001. Assuming all conditions fr inference were met, which ofthe following is the cortect conclusion? ® © ‘The prvalve is greater than a, and the null hypothesis isreected. There is convincing evidence that the proportion ofall boxes that ‘contain broken glass i greater then 0.0. x Bookmark “The pvalues greater than a, and the nul hypothesis is rejected. There isnot comwincing evidence thatthe proportion ofall boxes ‘that contain broken glass is greater than 0.08 x The p-value is greater than cand the ull hypothesis isnot rejected. There i nat convincing evidence that the proportion of al seerbetconten eng seater 08 = ‘The pvalve isles than a, and the null hypothesis i ejected. There is convincing evidence thatthe proportion ofall boxes that ‘contain broken glass i greater than 0.08. ‘The pvalveislese than a, and the null hypothesis isnot ected. There ie not convincing evidence that the proportion of all boxes a eae el Pvaive z a Pee —> fejets Ho mm hwe @ @ ool (D aonvincing eytience- OM ADS HBOSSHHSHSMH OSHS OO OY a \Which ofthe following gies the probably ofmaling a pe enor ? ® — Thesample size ® ® _Trepower —- Bookmark = VWwpeLenmar] =& @ _—_Mresignifcance level Z © Westandarderor © Wepvatve 612-A4-Termt-2023 « ®®@®G®GHOHHHHHHHGGHHS®® BCO*"O0O Question 25 Lol to @ Teiet Ho _ leiden ess hype which ncicat there i BRU Bend to een ihe mul hypohess. Wich ofthe folowing statements A about error is correct? ® _Arype error could have been made, but not a Type I error. ° a Pawe >a Paereee anne menece mene yore B Both types of eror could have been made, bu the probably of a Type Terror i greater then the probebilty of@ Type I errr. Both types of enor could have been made, bu the probably of a Type Terror isles than the probability ofa Type Il er. © © © @ The typeof eror that could have been made isnot possible to determine without knowing the statement ofthe nll hypothesis 2 In order o make statistical inferences when testing 2 population proportion p which of the folowing condition verily that fetence procedures are appropiate? a |. The data are collected using a random sample or random assignment — Il. The sample size is less than 10 percent of the population size. Qa IM. py > 10 and n(1 — py) > 10 for sample size n and hypothesized proportion py. =~ , ® toy Cumib ons: ® tony Pander U Love Contin © tony roc ® tena mtonly neyio ond W(\-t-) @ ines ®®@OOE8e8OO Question 27 ‘Machines at abotting plant are set to fil bottles to 12 ounces. The quality control officer atthe plant periodically tests the machines tobe sure that the bottles are filed to an appropriate amount. The ul hypothesis of he tests that the mean sa least 12 ounces. The aternative hypothesis is that the mean ie less than 12 ounces. resets Vo wen enen We WE Yu LIE i esult fom the west? Which ofthe following desert ® __Tretwst does nat provide convincing evidence that the means ess than 12 ounces, but the actual mean is atleast 12 ounces. ‘The test doesnot provide convincing evidence that the mean is ess than 12 ounces, but the actual mean s ess then 12 ounces “The test does not provide convincing evidence thatthe meat yesek He Clk isine) The test provides convincing evidence that nes, but the aetual mean i at east 12 ounces Ho iste i les than 12 ounces, but the actual mean is 12 ounces, “The test provides convincing evidence thatthe mean i less than 12 ounces, but the actual mean is 11 ounces, © e©/o @ @8©88S88® 6 CO*-00 Question 19 @ n 2 Areseatch organization reported that 4 percent of ats who were asked to describe ther day responded that ey were having a good day rather than a ypical day ora bad day To investigate whether the percent would be diferent for highschool students, 6 high school students were B random selected. When asked o describe the day, 245 students reported hat they were having od dy ater than atypical dy ox aed dy Do the data provide convincing statistical evidence thatthe proportion ofa high school students who wou respond that they were having = === ay is itferent form 0.41 ? x Bookmark Ho:rrom = Bex= bit OMB , ® _Nobecause he pave i less than any reasonable significance level ate Ha: pF ont 2: p-% _ —0-08$1 © _Yes,because the pralueisless than any reasonable significance level. ete) pevae by Calculer S> 0% © __ves.decause the expecte value of he numberof students who wil report having good day s 246, not 245, ano Conv: Qvidence © __Yes,because the praluets greater than any reasonable significance level Ferlankon$ Pvaiue iS — Veesmavy —jarge Fo ath do Yeseu tre ll Soriess = hihoge, Yuet is ne emea Gate oY pytiue 1 OO So ah eee KE temiin Soa IESE +2000 pg eS rere] soehge. Theres we chown teal : ieee ae ° SSS = Only One Semele “Go to school on Saturdays in the spring 2 Q Ken Dar 58/100 and 42/100 and cah ¢ Co ‘he two options Which ofthe fellowing best describes his eo in ® © © © ® No statistical test was necessary because 0.58 Is clearly larger than 0.42 cults ofthe tet were vale because lee than 10% ofthe population wae sampled Dan performed a twortalled test and should have performed a onealled test ‘Acne-sample test for @ proportion should have been performed because only one sample was used, More options should have been included, and a chi'square test should have been performed. ‘The prvalue for a one-sided Fest is 0.10. If the test had been two-sided, what would the p-value have been? ® ® © © 6 0s ( {depends on the dlrection ofthe alternative hypothesis. P-vamwe = 2X one sHea Pevame 22K o-lo pvalue= 0-20 by Fostied ‘The germination rates the rate at which plants begin to grow after the seed is planted, A seed company claims thatthe germination rate for ‘their seeds is 90 percent Concerned thatthe germination rates actually less than 90 percent, a botanist obtained a random sample of seeds, of which only 80 percent germinated. What are the correct hypotheses for a one-sample =-test for a population proportion p? p= 0.80 ® < 0.80 urs Hep sod ae @ brow Ue: 20 of Hy: p> 0.80 7-090 Hy © wepo90 Hy: p = 0.90 © en zoo0 DBOOGODMOHOHHHHHHHOH® 80 » 8D | ‘The mayor ofa large city will run for governor fhe believes that more than 30 percent ofthe voters inthe state already support him. He wil fal hhave a survey fir ask a random sample of nvoters whether or not they support him. He wil use a large sample test for proportions to test the null hypothesis thatthe proportion of all vters who support him is 30 percent or less against the alternative that the percentage is higher than 30 percent. Suppose that 35 percent of all voters in the state actually support him, In which of the following situations would the power ? fortis test be highest =— ——_—— 2 ® __Themayor uses a significance level of 0.01 and n= 250 voters. Pomel * a xt ‘The mayor uses a significance level of 0.01 and n= 500 voters, , at ® © _Temayor uss a signieance level of 01 and n= 1,000 voters © ‘The mayor uses a significance level of 0.05 and n= 500 voters. ‘The mayor uses a significance level of 0.08 and n= 1,000 voters. ©ODPMODHHGHGOHHHOG® OOOO. ‘Aone-sample zest for @ population proportion willbe conducted using a simple random sample selected without replacement from a A Population Which of the following i a check for independence? 2 2 a The sample sizes more than 1Otimes the population size,” , bub wusses The Second Pow ‘The population size is more than 10 times the sample si ®| ©|e6 © ‘The population distributions approximately normal ©CODVOOHDHOHHOGHHH KQOx= OO At large company, employees can take a course to become certified to perform certain tasks. There isan exam at the end of the course that needs tobe prsed fr cericaon. The caren pats rte stl enew progam obeng tested elp erase the pes ae The nll Pypothes fhe et that the pape Teevew ogamis 07 The ateratvets ht he taste fev en pester than v 07 Hy: P26. 2 Hq PS oF a Which ofthe folowing describes a Type I error that could esut rm the test? 8 fail & sepdhe He The "ete orton cre aie tigen ahaa | Bookmart) (1 does not provide convincing seater than 07, Ae fai the > faite tice toa, © _Tretesr does not provide convincing evidence that he passrateis greater than 07, but the actual pass rates 07 ‘The test does not provide convincing evidence thatthe pass rate is greater than 0.7, but the actual pass rate is 0.6. ‘The test provides convincing evidence thatthe pass rate is greater than 0.7, but the actual pass rate is 0.8 ® © © The test provides convincing evidence thatthe pass rate is greater than 0.7, but the actual pass rate is 06, VGPOODAOADHMHBHHYHHDY OO &" Ow After a tropical storm in a certain state, news reports indicated that 19 percent of households in the state lost power during the storm. Astate —@ engineer believes that estimate is too low. The engineer will collect data to perform a hypothesis test on the proportion of all households without power. Which of te following are the appropriate hypatheses for such atest? ® ia He iP zo-td : | Ha: Piso td 4 wae x : © mas © ipso Hy: p= 0.19 H,:p> 0.19 G12-A4-Term1-2023 (en) 2©® GGG GZGHOHHGGOH® 0 «= BO Mo study reported that percent of cas egstered in 2015 had a manual wansmission. An automotive researcher collected data on cars ‘registered in 2OZT to investigate whether the proportion of registered cars witha manual ransmission i less tan 0.14, The researcher ‘took random sample 150 cars registered in 2021 and found 18 of the carshad a manual vansmission. Vw ‘After ensuring the conditions for Inference were met, the researcher conducted an appropriate hypothesis test and calculated a value of 0.24, atthe 5 percent evel of significance, which ofthe folowing conclusions should be made? ae Teor Bookmark The nul hypothesis shouldbe rected. Theres significant evidence thatthe population proportion of registered cars with Ha Qac. jgmanuaansmisin n 2021 less than O.14 we © __ Trenullypotens shouldbe elected, Theres not slgniicant evdence that he population proportion ef regseed cars ‘witha manual vansmission in 2021 i ess than O.14. “The null hypothesis should not be rejected. There is significant evidence that the population proportion of registered cars “wi a RGMLST WaneTssion in DUTT i tle than O14. © __Tenullrypahei should not be rejected. Thee sloniicant evidence hat he popula portion of ested cars ‘vith a manval transmission in 2021 is equal 00.14. % 9.24044 © _ Telos sintered To aan rns tt eps pope open ‘cars witha manual transmission in 2021 i less than 0.14 eo ©29O©©HGHGHGGGHGHH® QO «= BO Aoorximatly 38 percent of people ving in Region W have the blod ype 0 postive random sample of 100 people rom Region x he inte sane adhe Hood ype O postive Conair a haters Totregaenheir Teper cfpeole in Region X with O positive blood is different from that of in Region W. Which ofthe following isthe appropriate null hypothesis forthe investigation? ? ® W:p=035 ° a © tsp 038% ’ © to:p=035 © Hy: p £0.38 ea@e@o ®@@@OHOMHSHHOHHGH QO" BO Consider a population with population proportion p and a sample from the population with sample proportion. Which ofthe following describes the purpose ofthe one-sample =test? a ® —Toesumatetne value of C ee, = = =—— To-estimate the value of (Raney eB n © _Toestimate a margin of enor for To;estimate the probably of cbservingavalue as exteme as fgvenp © _Toestimate the probability of observing a valve as exteme as pgiven We have P {an athletic director believes that more than 5D percent ofthe students in a certain school district exercise at least 3.5 hours per week. To investigate the belie, the director selected a random sample of 40 students inthe school district and found that 60 percent ofthe students inthe sample exercise atleast 3.5 hours per week. Let p represent the proportion of all students inthe school district who exercise at least 3.5 hours per week Wiich of the following is the most appropriate alternative hypothesis to test the director's claim? He Pros ©2G0FOOHHHGGHHGGHH® QO =" BO ‘The plant manager of a company that makes pillows claims that only 8 percent ofthe pillows made have a stitching defect. The quality contol director thought that the percent might be different from 8 percent and selected a random sample of pillows to test. The director a ‘ested the hypotheses Ha : p = 0.08 versus 0.08 at the significance level of = 0.05. The p-value of the test was 0.03, scouring al andor feance wee nc SRSFOPIS lowing ee concet OSSURO maa 2 Pe oe ntege sidan tick @ _TMeprlisles tan. ane pnt i ce Thaw cei dete ne et gin a = © _ Tepraluei es than a, and the al hypthess ic ejected. There is convincing evidence to suggest the trv propeton of stitching defects is greater than 008. © __ TPepraueis iss thn a, andthe ul hypothesis is ntrejected, Thee is conincing evidence to sugest the tue Proportion of stitching defects is not 0: x © _ Tepralueis tess han a, and the nl hypthess is noteected. Theres not comincng evidence to suggest the rue proportion of stitching defects is Mora ° e Xx GQHOSCGOHHHGHHOGHHGO OO» OO OD: Tesy abot MePslabion Ore forkiow be too high. From a random sample of polar bears the biologist found only 8 percent ofthe sample weighing over 1,000 pounds. Which of ne following isthe most appropriate method forthe biologist’ study? 2 ® —Aonesemple ster fora sample peoporion x . ‘Aone-sample z-test for a population proportion a fo \ peoraceea eas , © _Aonesemple test or a deren in population proportions © two-sample test fora ference in sample proportions © _Atwosample test ora atference in population proportions <7 Co OROMC CO MOMCMOMCOMOMEEE EER >>) Question 40 a ? conser sypotesitstin hich he sce lisa = 0.5 andthe powerfth testis 0.65. Vhatsthepobsnityofmakngs Type erat Q ® oss QC 74h Trertor) = |-Over |-0-65 ® 065 0 035 © 060 © 035 © eo @209009000O0G GHG GGO® QO «= BO Educators are testing a new program designed to help children improve their reading skils. The null hypothesis of the testis that the program @ {does not help children improve their reading skis. For the educators, the more consequential error would be thatthe program does not help children improve their reading sls but the test indicated that it does help, ? ict oowng shu eseache o d@ARYPeracensewerteror? — THE T eMTe = : ® __tnorease the significance level to increase the probability of Type Lear Bookmark |B] nrese tne scance ee meres the probably of Type Le == ‘ ®© __tnorease te significance level to decrease the probably of Type Terr. 7, © decrease the sgicance evel to etease the probably of Type Teor. [© \ esses te soe ogee payee eek L— © _ decrease the significance level to decrease the standard error. GQG9C9OCHGHOO9OHLHOGH®OHG® OOOO °. 4 In high school x, approximately 9 percent ofthe students saw a certain movie on opening night. From a random sample of 200 students from high school Y, 22 saw the miovieon opening night. Consider a hypothesis test to investigate whether te proportion of al students in high school ¥ who saw the movie on opening night is greater than that of high school X. Which of the folowing is the standard deviation used to 5 calculate the test statistic for the one-sample 2test? = S * =. ce A n © Vv \ , - eS Were) © ~ zee - ee “NV "20° © « BRE ae 38 = 7a « O> 9 (043 Science news sites VAMCpoint <> Ace syne a ice th cy ey saat sens sek cat Related Content & its lontopies in sience A univeciy researcher belies tat parents too low From a random sample of adults nthe ‘country, the researcher found igre of the sample actively seek out science news sites. Which of the * Tonle {following is the most appropriate mlsthod forthe researcher's study? l), oe +s Thee is ae) om Buchs a ® _Arwo-sempie ntesttora diterence in population ropertons Related Questions on this Quiz, =— ® _Atwo-somple =test fora difference in sample proportions umn © _Acne-sample test fra erence in popuation proportions Question 96 ae ® _Acne-sample stest fora sample proportion (or yi Answer E ° Eee ane rie e ean meen errors oereenratar ee : m 6.22 provides sufficient evidence thatthe Population proportion 6 greater . Sample propor tran'on7P" < ASOORCBYUY> (044 Sea turtles on the beach A significance testis conducted for which the atenative hypothesis tates that more than 3 percent of all adit sea tures on a certain beach ae female. random sample of adut ea turtles fom the beach found th ent the sa turtles were female. The pale forthe test f 4058, If the null hypahesi is tue, which of he folowing femanetescometinaratenct te pmibat hs Poogs tat posse samples of he ses, 40.58 prcnt wil eeu in 8 parcantat ® srtes one beach bing foal. a9 bo or mate (tal possiie samples of he same Sze, 40.58 parcen wil resut in 85 percent or more of (OD “anverteie one oacrbnrg orale o fa ost sri fe ses, 4058 pcr wl tin 5 pant ora tasers one nach bang femal Teh ica te nese fal possi sales fe sareszs,2028 pret wi esitn 8 pent or mere ot cut saturn onthe beach bang ems he fate fe oof? (a possiie samples ofthe sere size, 20.29 percent wil est in 85 percent of adult ® © 6 {6 27 ° BB vamcpoin <> Related Content & Skis + Topic + skit = Related Questions on this Quiz, ‘question 14 ‘uection 17 ‘Question 18 Question 46 ‘question 49 tures onthe beach Beng ora, re lee iy ne (mee den) Answer Correct. The pvalue represents the probability of obtaining a proportion as extreme as or more = exteme thar the sample proportion 6AM Mon 300ct = ao —————E Content & Skill Performance ‘045 Select actual mean to yield greatest power lo: jlo a Bh Guu be aforer Hho le suppose at cn ahah tetra St ppt mean Asue tat Hae Fora fed ang Sura sconce he owe he swe gets ficocu mean wnche te olny? et te ert are fullek Ah 31 Shall be the Leask whe On Aber i dow 2 Questions | YMC point <> Related Content & Skis + Topic 6 + ski a Related Questions on tis Quiz, ‘question 7 ‘Question 12 ‘question 21 ‘Question 30 ‘uestion 51 ‘uestion 53 ‘Question s4 Related Videos 67:Daly Video 1 (Su) © 9S OOKOBY O> (046 Softwood trees ast studs nat tet aout 60 percent of he vesin a forse eon ae asad as sfwood Abotaist "ochng herp upstate proportion might be rete tan 0.60 The tnt etned a endo sample of ees rom hereon and conduted atest of Hyp — OO veaunH, =p 06, The pete test es 01. Which of etallonngisaconectnenettan ole AME? fyaiga” yet, gee Cia fel @® hist mats poco ees a tresteranon ae casts ss ood 015 isthe probability of btaring a popustionpropartion grater than 0.6 Hits tre that 60 percent ofthe es in a forested rgion are clasid as sotwood, 0.015 @© sina proven of taeing asamp proportion aaa as or smal ante ane canes by he botanist. TE be oye ot gH Tits tue that 60 parce ofthe woes na forested rogon are cassie as softwood, 0075 isthe probability of ebtaing a sample proportion ss arge ao ager than the one 2 lanes by the botanist. itis note that 60 parcant of he tees na forested nara as sotwood, © _v015%sthe grobaity of baring a sample proportion a ge a8 oar tan the one cetanee by te botans. © tinea puerto nase na forested gon a asad a soto ‘018 she probably of obtaining a population proportion greater than 0. Answer C Correct. Ifthe null hypothesis is tre, the p-value represents the probability of obtaining a sample ‘proportion as extreme as or more extreme than the one used forthe hypothesis test. n the Sirdction of the alternative hypothesis. rm ° = -VIMC point <> Related Content & Skils + Topic 65. + skit Related Questions on this Quiz, Question 14 ‘question 17 ‘question 18 ‘question 44 ‘question 49 =~ ‘ andossooncolegebnor.ra ——, < ASOORCBYUY> ° 047 surgical procedure BBY aMCpoin <> He: We etledve he (Medical researchers are testing a new surgical procedure designed to minimize the side effects of surgery. The null Related Content & Stills hypothesis that the procedure i natflctne minimizing sce effects. Fr he eserchet, the more Bey consequent id be ccs ec aan oer & secrete eran RU jet He le Sets Bai logjoct hsb ge Which of the following should the researches do o ave the hore esnsequentil eon? Weis He He whey Yo fs deve Related Questions on tis Quiz, © veroene ne sigtteance velo create probbty of 2 Type ero cqunton 28 den) Increate the significance ov! o erent the probability of Type Leo wit Betton the abel 4yfe 4 et f a el ‘Question 41 ‘scrase the sgnficanoe lve a increase the probably ofa Type eo. ef ew ot ny fed evs ® © © _cvcrease ne stance ove to decrease the probably of ype Leo. ® Decroase the significance lve to decroaso the stanéard ero. i ‘error—thats, the procedure is < ASOORCBYUY> (048 Television show p-value BE VNC ‘Amarketing agency selected andom sample of teesonvewers to test the lim that the proportion of ewes Related Content & Skis Fi /) {o} Tho test yelled pant 947 tie ong tcntiestr mene wea hoe flonngacoeteom y y g » Tarlac 05 il gpa ead Tha jet Hes tes» sit ‘convincing evdenoe to suggest the tus propertion of television viewers who watch the iS we cdunucing etlrvce Ml show sos han 020, 5) Related Questions on this Quiz Ate ee of gan of 05, be nl hypo at eet. Ta conving © _rconcets supe ne roporon a slerson viewers we wach ne sow sss duesion2 fano2o dueston& Atheletes of 05, te nl hypoiaiie iactd. Tare conning © evidence to suggest thatthe wwe proportion of lesion Vewers who watch te sow Gveetion tess han 020, Question 16 © Miniritisterentaes enacts etn melt oer Question 19 dence to suggest ha the Yue properton of eleison viewers who watch the show is ‘eater than 020 ee ueston: © Miele snitace of 5, nl ye red. rs cave aan evden to conclu thatthe ul ypothesi re Answer A Corec-The value of 0.47 is very large and greater than any reasonable significance eve A {including 0.05), eo the null hypothesis e not rejected. There is not convincing evidence to : ‘Support the claim thatthe proportion of viewers who watch the show is ess than 0.20. z ee © quo TV watching I9SRORCAY YS er Pet he Clee ‘sos ase eee tte an Jo pect of adn te Une Sates wah 150 fewer hous elersen per wos To tert he etl th rnc seerted} 20 dente Ute Saleh spe ropaton et Sct wta wntch or fever re of evn Pt mel e028 andthe retin yptbene Rs pat oer, The sampuaton she pe assume uct ening tate =, (ieee Joetabhnn Yas fla G ® aid ican eemeatsesateemeet neta mene een ozs, © _Tiepepsaton proportion adie wo wae 16 arfower hor alien or ook “The popution proportion of adute who watch 15 or fewer hous of eleision pr week a tess than 0.30, “he population mean numberof hous adults spend watching television per Wook s 16. “he population mean numberof hours adults spend watching television per weok sss ® © 6 Answer 8 Correct. The computation of the value assumes that the null hypothesis is tue. Since the ‘scientist believes the proportion tobe less than 0.30, the ltemative hypothesis is H. =p < 0.30. ‘The nul hypothesis is that the population proportion is 0.30 > mm vine Related Content &Skils + Topic 65. + sk ri ° Related Questions on this Quiz, Question 14 ‘question 17 (Question 18 (uestion at ‘uestion 46 1 secleomcolmnebarser Content & Skills Pefomae ‘Questions YOIGAM Tue 7 Now Content & Skills Performance - Questions nH! < I9SPSOORCBYY> ° (950 Two tailed p Ev imecpoint <> + onsite one sample wo ies fr a population proportion. Glen that conditons for inference ae me which Related Content & Skis of he fllning isonet othe pal fora tematic of = 1867 + Topic we dest at as He he? os ® cos? we it HY Had themen = OMX ZS Finece Died Wet is dun HI a Related Questions on this Quiz, ® coms dueston cuesion 15, © v0828 “ Question 42 Roated Videos ® oon 650m ido (S96) s:ony video (648) © ove Anowerc Correct. Because the test is two-sided, the p-value should be twice the area under the standard ° normal curveto the left of 186 In his case, 210.084) ~ 00028 o ‘3580 Mon 30 Oct 5 rd eso copter < AOSRPORCEYY Content & Skills Performance (951 Type'l decrease Sample Size allele constant, which of he following woud rut in cf the probably ofa Type enor? Me deal eserse ® Torre parametriscosertotho nut. Fe wit Parone the TE — le | exter Teorpessknacoa| ~~ nf greet Y ‘The siglteance levels decreased, “he standard oor encased ® © 6/06 "ype It eror cannot be decreased, only neeased Answer 8 Correct An increase in sample size will regut in a decrease in the variability ofthe sampling pation making dferences casero deter The denreace inva of he camping istibution wil result in an increase nthe power ofthe test and decrease the probabilty of Type Terror sary > Questions BR ve point <> Related Content &Skils + Topic 67 +s a Related Questions on this Quiz, ‘Question 7 ‘uestion 12 ‘Question 21 ‘uestion 30 Question 45 (uestion 53 ‘Question 54 rs SEENON im 77D < ASOORCBYUY> ° 952 Type Error BY vicpoint <> ‘Acne sample #6 for proportion athe significance level ot 10 wil be conducted fr he following set of Related Content & Skis hypoteses. H 0.50 ae b= o Hep caso pe k PCyes 10) +a a For which of the folowing i the probabity ofa Typeleror the greatest? Pag ede ep ery: the ny Taxs si ce Related Questions on this Quiz 1 he nants @ Aewolnszectgm aarepeporinctss Sy Ce oustons ‘Denon ueston 8 veston 24 ® Aeon sin stan andatve papain 08 pc ee veston 55 © _Asanpleszeof20 anda re proportion of 035K Related Videos 67:0styVieo (S18) © Asampie size of 100 and a rue proportion oftaas Ie: Fe ey s. mote faetbon wil eopate 6:7: Dally Video 2 (Skil 3.4) © _Asample sie of 100 anda true proportion of 0.35 4 clssroncotenebowsos ° < AOSRBORCEYY Content & sis Performa Avestions 053 Type factors BR vanmcpoin <> ‘Tne following it hows tee aco hat can therinsreneo Es the probity o Type eo Related Content & Sk I The sigifeance levels increased, of I, The stander eroris reared \Which factors slone wll ease the proba) a Type I era ineease? |, Thesample size is increased. Tega ape he feotr we wee B ody denen Lf Upyfe 2 ey felted Questions on he Quiz Tony S fo is te Plt Lr Question? Med 9 Me fe A Ye Zeany = | ‘uestion 12 ® 0 ad van lad Question21 1 Ufo ae). Question 30 @ im Question 45 Question 51 ueston 54 © rmdnorty Related Videos 67 Day Video 1 (Sit 8) ® inom 67: Dai video (it9.4) 1 secassconcoegebnedorg . Content sieretom GF O SOTROAI Yd > (954 Type increase Sample Size tele constat ich of te olowing eats nan ies ne probaly of Tye ao? weveeL Jo we fy ® _Tresionfcance evel is neeased “The standard eros decrease. “The robabity of Type I eror cant be increased, oly deronsed “he tue parameters farther tom the nut hypoth Te sample seis dors y/ ’ Answer o © © ® CGorect, A decrease in sample size will sult in n incredible pipaliien 1 eclenoomcalenebarders Questions e ri VANMCpoint <> Related Content & Skils + Topic 67 + sk Related Questions on this Quiz, ‘question? ‘Question 12 ‘uestion 21 ‘uestion 30 ‘Question 45 ‘uestion 51 ‘Question 53 Related Videos 67:0aly Video 1 (Se 1.8) 67:Daly Video 2(Sul3.8) A < Content &skils Perm PP OSORGAD & (955 What is power Which of the flowing th bastintrpretaton ofthe power ofa signieance test? 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Related Content & Skis + Topic Related Questions on this Quiz, ‘questions Question 8 ‘question 24 ‘question 40 (uestion 52 YOIGAM Twe7 Now - 77D 7 conten a sis Petome BOO OTE AWG > — cvesions (956 why np BEV Mcpoint < fora onesie test fr apopstion proportion p and sare size, hy itnecesay tht np nd ~ py) re Related Content & Skis both teat 102 UC is ee Meelis + Topie oa @ Teens mt tne ah spr an emp dso te + population approximately roa aa smth Seaton “he sample size must be larg enough o support an assumption thatthe dstrbution ofthe ae eee ncaa © canpejsanprogimpity nor Pe ERT a Question 20 © _Tezenps see must eae enoigh to support an asumpon at te sampieg ’ usstenst Gexioton othe sale proprion spproxinte ora. 5 © Mesa son maton eo woah wg nanan ath batons inspontet 7 ye cond fore ‘The same sie mut be large enought support an asimptin thatthe sample © frosaronis an unbiased estar fhe popuatn proportion newer “

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