Unit Three American English Course

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A.- Oraciones interrogativas, afirmativas y negativas con el verbo to be

1.- En oraciones interrogativas la forma del verbo TO BE siempre precede al sujeto y el
complemento lo sigue y la estructura para afirmar y para negar es la siguiente:

Nota: se utilizara la forma IS NOT = ISN`T y ARE NOT = AREN`T para negar en una oración.

2.- En la conversación, el nombre que se usa en la pregunta por lo general se cambia a un

pronombre en la respuesta.



IS Dr Scott Busy ?

Yes, he is busy

No, he isn`t busy

Are you a doctor ?

Yes, I am a doctor

NO, I am not a doctor

Are Johan, Mary and Philip relatives?

Yes, They are relatives

No, They aren`t relatives


1.- Is john intelligent ?

Yes , he is intelligent

No, he isn´t intelligent

2.- Is Betty happy ?

Yes, She is happy No, she isn´t happy

3.- Are you a student ?

Yes, I am a student. No, I am not a student

4 .- Is Mr Clark friendly ?

Yes, he is friendly. No, he isn´t friendly

5 .- Are you and Dr scott busy ?

Yes, we are busy No, we aren´t busy

6.- Is Miss Johnson pretty ?

Yes, She is pretty No, she isn´t pretty

7.- Are The Trumps attractive persons ?

Yes, they are attractive persons. No, they aren`t attractive persons

8.- Is The lawyer good looking ?

Yes, He is good looking No, he isn´t good looking

9.-Is The secretary efficient ?

Yes, She is efficient No, she isn´t efficient

10 .- Are the pencils, the blackboard and the desk in the classroom ?

Yes, they are in the classroom. No, they aren`t in the classroom.
EXERCISE I A Cambie el sujeto y el adjetivo en cada caso y al responder de manera
afirmativa y negativa utilice los pronombres personales respectivos

Is John intelligent? ( Betty…happy)

Is Betty happy ?

Yes, She is happy No, She isn´t happy

1.- Mr. Clark…friendly

2.- Dr Scott…busy

3..-Miss Johnson…pretty

4.- Mrs. Brown…attractive

5.- The Wilsons ….. teachers

6.- You ……. A Policeman

EXERCISE II A : Cambie a pregunta las siguientes oraciones y sustituya el sujeto por el

pronombre correspondiente. Utilice el adjetivo del paréntesis y responda de manera afirmativa
y negativa .Close your book. Responder oralmente

Example :

Miss Johnson is pretty

( intelligent )

Is She intelligent?

Yes, she is intelligent No, she isn´t intelligent

1.-The Secretary is busy. ( attractive)

2.- Dr Scott is friendly. ( happy)

3.- The dialog is easy ( interesting)

4- John is intelligent. ( good looking)

5.- Mrs. Brown is attractive. ( intelligent)

6.-The lesson is long. ( easy)

7.- The lawyer is happy. ( efficient)

8.- Betty is friendly. ( pretty)

9.- Mr. Clark is efficient. ( intelligent )

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