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Jesus Lopez

Period 4

Should Juveniles Be Charged As Adults In Court?

There are many opinions on juveniles being convicted and tried as adults in court. But it
does not matter how old a person is to know the difference between right or wrong. Would it be
fair for a juvenile to be sentenced less time than an adult for the same crime? Would you not
want them to serve the maximum time for the crimes they commit. Holding juveniles
accountable as adults can discourage them from committing more serious crimes. Charging
juveniles as adults makes sure they face the appropriate consequences for their actions. Charging
juveniles as adults ensures equal treatment. Charging juveniles as adults leads to a harder future.
Treating juveniles as adults in the legal system ensures public safety, stops future crime
behavior, and promotes fairness and accountability by holding them accountable for their
Some people think when juveniles commit serious crimes, they have a higher chance of
committing more crimes in the future. Holding juveniles accountable as adults can discourage
them from committing more serious crimes. In the article ( it states
“juveniles who have committed serious crimes are often considered a high risk of reoffending
and many believe that trying them as adi;ts will reduce the risk.” Consequences or sanctions that
are applied swiftly, surley, and consistently and are graduated to provide appropriate and
effective responses to varying levels of offenses seriousness and offender chronicity work best in
preventing, controlling, and reducing further law violations ( Once Juveniles commit
serious crimes they become a danger to society. Young offenders must understand they are in
control of their choices. “locking children up for years will extend their incarceration well
beyond the time needed for them to be rehabilitated” ( Over time they will learn between
right or wrong. Charging them as adults gives juveniles time to rehabilitate.
Charging juveniles as adults makes sure they face appropriate consequences for their
actions. Some kids get away with committing serious crimes because they are juveniles. It's all
about fairness and holding them accountable for the seriousness of their actions. This approach
emphasizes that age should free someone from taking responsibility for their actions. “Teenagers
usually are not yet able to grasp complex abstract ideas, so actually seeing their victim and
hearing about specific harm they caused that person is a much more nebulous concept
( This will help them understand the reality of the situation. There are two important
components to the accountability for their actions ( Holding youth accountable for
delinquent behavior is a response to juvenile delinquency ( If you cause serious
harm to someone no matter the age you should face the consequences for your actions.
Charging juveniles as adults promotes fairness by treating them the same as adults who
have committed similar crimes. Charging juveniles as adults ensures equal treatment. If a
juvenile is accused of a violent crime once they may do it again ( . This may
even escalate them and make them want to commit more severe crimes. “They believe that trying
juveniles as adults is a necessary step in ensuring that violent crimes are punished and held
accountable for their actions” ( People can't get away with serious crimes
just because of their age. Juveniles who have been tried in criminal court are not required to be
separated ( This not only makes them vulnerable to adult
criminals but also gives them opportunity to learn criminal instincts from violent adult crimes.
Age shouldn't be a reason to pay the consequences to your actions.
Charging juveniles as adults can make it harder for them to fit into society and have a
harder future. Charging juveniles as adults leads to a harder future. They can be sent to adult
prisons, given harsher sentences, and have adult criminal records that prevent them from gaining
employment and student financial aid (pulitzer This will make it harder for them to
live a normal life. Incarceration can retraumatised youth and make them less likely to succeed in
life (sentencing Often, incarceration itself is a traumatic experience for young
people. A number of studies show that incarceration makes it less likely that young people will
graduate high school (sentencing The school re-enrollment rates of youth
returning home from juvenile facilities are low. In the future it will be harder to find jobs, finish
school and live a normal life.
Juveniles should be tried as adults in court for committing serious crimes. Would it be
right for a juvenile to get little to no accountability for committing serious and heinous crimes.
Adults and juveniles shouldnt get different sentences for the same crimes. Many kids get away
with crimes. Charging juveniles as adults discourages them from committing more crimes.
Charging them as adults makes sure they face the consequences of their actions. This allows
fairness to those who are charged for the same crimes. This can make it harder for them to fit
back into society. It's not fair to the people who have served serious sentences for crimes
juveniles get away with. Everyone should be treated equally on crimes no matter the age. Violent
and heinous crimes should be taken seriously therefore juveniles should be tried as adults.

“The Controversial Debate of Trying Juveniles as Adults in the Criminal Justice

System.” Law Offices of John D. Rogers, 5 Feb. 2023,
al-justice-system/. Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.

Consequences or sanctions that are applied swiftly, surely, and consistently and are
graduated to provide appropriate and effective responses to varying levels of offense
seriousness and offender chronicity work best in preventing, controlling, and reducing
further law violations.

“Research also shows that as youth mature, they are substantially less likely to
re-offend; locking children up for years will extend their incarceration well beyond the
time needed for them to be rehabilitated.”

Author: “‘Children Are Different:’ Sentencing Juveniles as Adults.” Pulitzer Center, 30

Aug. 2019,
Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.

Chapter 3: Balanced and Restorative Juvenile Corrections - Balanced and Restorative

Justice -- Jurisdictional Technical Assistance Package for Juvenile Corrections, Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.

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