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Outline: Notes

1st - They would have a lot of their own monetary policies

Currency and bank
- In order to be a country, one must have its own currency and banking
- If quebec leaves canada, they will have to create their own currency which allows
them to have their own economic freedom
- For ex. They can make sure their monetary policies match their economic needs
- This benefits quebec to be able to move forward in their own pace

2nd - Debt benefit to canada

- Canada has a large debt (over 150 billion dollars)
- Quebec is responsible for around 25% if they separate
- If quebec separates and becomes their own nation state, they will take that chunk of
debt with them, reducing the amount that canada owes
- They also would benefit canada by paying them which will just help canada pay off
their debts

3rd - French as the sole language/culture/identity

- In separating from Canada, Canada would remain bilingual which would not harm its
tourism from francophone countries, and Quebec would become a full french nation
with no english, such as France
- Many french people are proud of the french language and refuse to accept english
- Quebec becoming its own independent country would allow the pleasure for being
french for all french speakers
- You will also save money because you won’t have to preserve both languages, you
will only need to label things in french
● You won’t have to label things in both english and french, only french
● Not just labels but legislations, legal documents, educational textbooks, etc.

A New Beginning

Did you know that Quebec has been trying to become an independent state since

1867? In 1995, Quebec hosted a referendum asking the citizens if the beautiful province

should become its own independent nation and 50.58% of its population voted against it,

resulting in Quebec remaining with Canada. Many believe that Quebec should without a

doubt be granted sovereignty from the rest of Canada, and here’s why.

To start off, one of the advantages of Quebec becoming its own nation is that it would

have their own monetary policies. This means that they would have to create their own
currency and banking system. This is a plus for Quebec because it allows them to have their

own economic freedom. For example, they can make sure their monetary policies match

their own economic needs and not have to worry about anyone else since they are their own

state. It allows them to be able to move forward at their own pace.

In addition to benefiting in a monetary way, if Quebec is granted sovereignty, they will

also be able to have their own identity. In separating from Canada, Canada would remain

bilingual which would not harm its tourism from francophone populations and Quebec would

become a full French nation with no English recognition as they like. Many of the

francophones in Quebec are proud of the French language and refuse to accept English as

a language being spoken in Quebec. Quebec becoming its own independent country would

allow this satisfaction for all French speakers. Money will also be saved because the

preservation of both languages will not have to be a worry. For example, things will not have

to be labelled in both French and English as the official language will solely be French. This

includes labels on regular products, as well as government legislations and legal documents.

Some of those who want Quebec to be a part of Canada might argue that Quebec

will not do well, economically, as its own country. However, Quebec leaving Canada will not

only benefit Quebec, but Canada as well. Canada has a large amount of debt, around over

$150 billion. Quebec is responsible for around 25% of that debt if chosen to separate. If

Quebec does gain sovereignty, they will take that chunk of debt with them, reducing the

amount for Canada. Canada will also be benefiting from this case because Quebec will not

be paying them which just aids Canada to be able to pay the debts off even faster. Now one

might say that Quebec will go into debt but that is not the case because Quebec will have an

increase in employment opportunities which just regulates money into the economy. With

that being said, Quebec can also manage their own natural resources and the exportation of

those resources which will economically benefit the new nation.

To conclude, Quebec should be entitled to its own sovereignty from the rest of

Canada. It would have its own monetary policies if Quebec were its own country. Moreover,

the citizenship given to Quebec would also allow them to have an identity of their own.
This topic has been a heated topic for many years. There could be more cons than pros of

Quebec becoming its own independent country, but the way one strategizes and manages a

country will allow for Quebec’s success. The Quebec government is strong enough, they

have the manpower and the brain to gain independence. They can use their resources to

fight through the hardships of starting out as a new country, just like how every other country

did which is why it should be granted sovereignty from the rest of Canada.

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