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The decades after the Civil War witnessed unprecedented economic growth accompanied by
the rise of Big Business. As with the industrialists who built these businesses, Americans
responded to this rise of business and corporations in different ways. Analyze the various
responses to the changing economy and rise of Big Business during the Gilded Age.

Use the on the website (Period 6, Impact of Big Business) to complete the chart below, noting
the various viewpoints on Big Business.
Document- Identify Viewpoint regarding Big Business (summarize Briefly quote (eww) what you think BEST
the citation of the the author’s POV) summarizes/exemplifies the author’s main
doc, not just the point (only for text documents, provide your
letter. understanding of the visual for
Labor in the Gilded Age: Below are 3 of the major labor conflicts that occurred during the
Gilded Age. Select 2- read about your event, and fill out the table below. You can also use the
Amsco and/or Pageant if you would like. Heimler’s History, Labor in the Gilded Age

Event Background: What How is the strike viewed by

Industry, People happened: the media and/or
Involved, Causes effect & impact government (back then, not

Great Railroad
Strike 1877

Pullman Strike

You will select one of the prompts below to write your 1st practice LEQ (in class, on paper).

 To what extent did the rise of Big Business contribute to conflict in America between the
years 1865-1920?

 To what extent did the rise of Big Business contribute to progress in America between
the years 1865-1920?

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