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Not so far from here, deep in the Sheerie Forest you will find Brittle.

It’s a
fairly big village surrounded by huge walls. But inside you will find a lively and
boisterous bunch of villagers. They were exiled from the Big City because they
were too short and loud.

The heart of Brittle is most definitely its school. And the one pupil who
keeps everybody on their toes is young Digi. Only 12 years old, he has seen the
inside of the principal’s office more than anybody else. His favourite subjects
are Adventure and Forest survival. And for someone who hardly ever studies
he is top of almost every class. He can do anything he puts his mind and heart
to. But the one thing that drives him forward and gets him into trouble all the
time is his desire for adventure.

At home he is the oldest of 5 children. His father is a wealthy and well

respected man in the village. As for his mother, Digi is sure that she is from
another planet. She knows when he is going to get into trouble even before he
would think of doing something. And as loving as she can be, you do not want
to get onto her wrong side.

One particular Saturday morning Digi woke up and decided that today
was the day. See, no one is allowed outside the city’s walls. The forest is filled
with viscous creatures, there are no paths and it is completely dark. Many
Brittles have wondered off, never to find their way back again. But, instead of
fear, all these stories only awakened a curiosity and sense of adventure in Digi.
With his mind made up, he woke up that morning before the sun rose. Quietly
he tip-toed down to the kitchen and packed some apples, pears and grapes
into a backpack.

There was only one gate out of the city, but armed with a plan Digi set off.
He had heard from one of his friends of a tunnel that runs underneath the city
wall into the forest. Everybody had forgotten about this passage, as it was
never used. It was about thirty minutes from his house, and by the time he got
there the sun started to rise. The entrance to the tunnel was closed up by
bushes, but lucky for him he remembered to pack his survival kit which
contained a sharp knife. He cut his way through and found himself inside the
tunnel. By now his heart was beating fast. For years he had dreamt about this
day, and now finally he had the courage to do it.

As he got to the other side of the tunnel he was almost overwhelmed by

the forest. From inside the city walls you never saw these humungous trees.
With determination he started to walk into the forest, his eyes very quickly
adjusted to the darkness. The only feeling he couldn’t shake was the coldness,
it crept in underneath his clothes and skin, leaving him with an eerie feeling.

After walking for about an hour, the forest kept getting darker and darker.
Digi started to get doubts about what he was doing. He started to think about
his parents and how worried they will be when they wake up and find he is not
there. It was at that same moment that he heard a creepy growling noise
coming closer. He couldn’t see what it was, but without thinking twice he
turned around and started running in the opposite direction. The creature was
faster though, and the next moment it was on top of him. He reached for his
knife, when out of nowhere someone shot and killed the beast with an arrow.

Up to now Digi never believed the stories about the Keeper of the Forest.
Scrandle the Great Warrior saved Digi’s life today. He returned him safely
home, where his parents had already sent out a search party throughout the

Scrandle might have saved Digi’s life from the beast, but who is going to
save him from his mother.

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