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yes, im find and you, im going to do vaccinate against the covid 19.

enh what you said that, this very nice does vaccinate, im protected and protected
the someone else

it's nonsense, that not meaning...

how it's possible ?

but no...a micro chip that appear,

I wouldn't go that far..
and the connexion at loop antenna at the chip not traverse the skin !

i not believed one alone few words, this a lot dangerous, the french state not have
never do such horror

and how are you thing that ? because i havé never listen that in radio

ah okey, you do part the peoples that believe all that they read on internet.

really this, it's nonsense,the goberment not inject a chip without have the consent
of peoples , otherwise don't have a républicain gobernement but a dictatorship.

you say there are a people which be ready to do said fakenews and for that they
take the famous people for at come.

so, im going, im go late. have a good day and im joy to have help and do change

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