Survey To Understand Employee Perceptions of Workload

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Survey or focus group to understand employee perceptions of workload, working hours,

and stress levels


1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the current workload in your role?
2. Do you feel that your workload is manageable within a standard workweek?
3. Are there specific tasks or projects that you find particularly challenging or burdensome?
4. Working Hours:
5. How would you describe your typical working hours? Are they consistent or do they vary
6. Do you often find yourself working overtime or outside of regular business hours? If yes, please
specify the frequency.

Stress Levels:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your stress levels at work?

2. Are there specific factors in the work environment that contribute to your stress?
3. Do you feel adequately supported in managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life
4. How would you describe your current work-life balance?
5. Are there any obstacles or challenges preventing you from achieving a better work-life balance?
6. What initiatives or changes do you believe could improve work-life balance for employees in our

Support and Resources:

1. Do you feel supported by your team and management in managing your workload and stress?
2. Are there resources or tools that you believe would help you perform your job more effectively?
3. Have you utilized any mental health or wellness resources provided by the company?

General Satisfaction:

1. How satisfied are you with your overall job satisfaction?

2. What aspects of your job do you find most satisfying, and which areas could be improved?
II. Workload Analysis

Do workload analysis of your team members for both Week 1 and Week2 for FY2016 Q3. Please use the
sample table attached below. This is to be one by line manager or TL.

Workload Test Analysis

Estimated hour Points Given to the
Task's Assigned Task
to complet the task and total Remark
in Week 1 Status
tasks Achievement
8.00 15.00 Achieved

Total 47hrs > 45 hrs 100.00

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